
## This version is for the R Extension
## Edit 10:02 03/10/2013		1: altered call to use PACKAGE dll Gdm01
## Edit 10:26 08/10/2013                1: added wordsize function to determine if 32bit or 64bit OS. 
## Edit 08:00 22/11/2013                1: fixed complaints from R-Forge checking
## Edit 14:00 30/09/2014		1: refer to package and dll as gdm instead of Gdm01

"gdm.fitfromtable" <- 
function (data, geo=FALSE, splines=NULL, quantiles=NULL) 
	options(warn.FPU = FALSE)
##	sanity check on the data table
	if ( ncol(data) < 6 )
	    stop("Not enough columns in data")
	if ( nrow(data) < 1 )
	    stop("Not enough rows in data")

##	check that the response data is [0..1]
	rtmp <- data[,1]
	if (length(rtmp[rtmp<0]) > 0)
 	    stop("Response data has negative values")
	if (length(rtmp[rtmp>1]) > 0)
	    stop("Response data has values greater than 1")

##	current data format is response,weights,X0,Y0,X1,Y1 before any predictor data (thus 6 leading columns)
	if ( geo ) 
	    nPreds <- ( ncol(data) - LEADING_COLUMNS ) / 2 + 1		
	    nPreds <- ( ncol(data) - LEADING_COLUMNS ) / 2

	if ( nPreds < 1 )
	    stop("Data has NO predictors")

## 	setup the predictor name list
	if ( geo ) 
	    if ( nPreds > 1 )
		predlist <- c("Geographic", names(data)[(LEADING_COLUMNS+1):(LEADING_COLUMNS+nPreds-1)])
		predlist <- c("Geographic")
  	    predlist <- names(data)[(LEADING_COLUMNS+1):(LEADING_COLUMNS+nPreds)]

##	deal with the splines and quantiles
	if (is.null(quantiles))
	    ## generate quantiles internally from the data
	    if ( is.null(splines) ) 
		nSplines <- 3
		quantvec <- rep(0, nPreds * nSplines)
		splinvec <- rep(nSplines, nPreds)

		if ( geo ) 
      		    ## get quantiles for the geographic distance
            	    v <- sqrt((data[,3]-data[,5])^2 + (data[,4]-data[,6])^2)
		    quantvec[1] <- min(v)
      		    quantvec[2] <- median(v)
            	    quantvec[3] <- max(v)

		    if ( nPreds > 1 ) 
		        ## get quantiles for the environmental predictors
			for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nPreds-1, by = 1)) 
            		    v <- c(data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS], data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS+nPreds-1])                 
      	            	    index = i * nSplines
		            quantvec[index+1] <- min(v)
		      	    quantvec[index+2] <- median(v)
      	      	      	    quantvec[index+3] <- max(v)
		    ## get quantiles for the environmental predictors after skipping geographic preds
	      	    for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nPreds, by = 1)) 
			v <- c(data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS], data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS+nPreds])                   
            	      	index = (i-1) * nSplines
	            	quantvec[index+1] <- min(v)
	      	        quantvec[index+2] <- median(v)
            	      	quantvec[index+3] <- max(v)
		##	otherwise check that the supplied splines vector has enough data and minumum spline values of 3
		if ( length(splines) != nPreds ) 
		    stop(paste("splines argument has", length(splines), "items but needs", nPreds, "items."))

  		## count the total number of user defined splines to dimension the quantiles vector
		quantvec <- rep(0, sum(splines))
		splinvec <- splines

		if ( geo ) 
		    if ( splines[1] < 3 )
			stop("Must greater than or equal to 3 splines per predictor")

                    ## get quantiles for the geographic distance
      	      	    v <- sqrt((data[,3]-data[,5])^2 + (data[,4]-data[,6])^2)
		    quantvec[1] <- min(v)		## 0% quantile
      	      	    quantvec[splines[1]] <- max(v)	## 100% quantile

		    quant_increment <- 1.0 / (splines[1]-1)
		    this_increment <- 1
		    for (i in seq(from = 2, to = (splines[1]-1), by = 1)) 
		        ## mid % quantiles
			quantvec[i] <- quantile(v,quant_increment*this_increment)
			this_increment <- this_increment + 1

		    if ( nPreds > 1 ) 
			## get quantiles for the environmental predictors
			current_quant_index <- splines[1]
			for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nPreds-1, by = 1)) 
      	      		    num_splines <- splines[i+1]
			    if ( num_splines < 3 )
			        stop("Must greater than or equal to 3 splines per predictor")

			    v <- c(data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS], data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS+nPreds-1])                 
			    quantvec[current_quant_index+1] <- min(v)	            ## 0% quantile
	      		    quantvec[current_quant_index+num_splines] <- max(v)	    ## 100% quantile

			    quant_increment <- 1.0 / (num_splines-1)
			    this_increment <- 1
			    for (i in seq(from = 2, to = (num_splines-1), by = 1)) 
				## mid % quantiles
				quantvec[current_quant_index+i] <- quantile(v,quant_increment*this_increment)
				this_increment <- this_increment + 1
			    current_quant_index <- current_quant_index + num_splines

		    ## get quantiles for the environmental predictors
		    current_quant_index <- 0
		    for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nPreds, by = 1)) 
      	      	        num_splines <- splines[i]
			if ( num_splines < 3 )
			    stop("Must greater than or equal to 3 splines per predictor")

                        v <- c(data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS], data[,i+LEADING_COLUMNS+nPreds])          
			quantvec[current_quant_index+1] <- min(v)	        ## 0% quantile
	      		quantvec[current_quant_index+num_splines] <- max(v)	## 100% quantile

			quant_increment <- 1.0 / (num_splines-1)
			this_increment <- 1
			for (i in seq(from = 2, to = (num_splines-1), by = 1)) 
			    ## mid % quantiles
			    quantvec[current_quant_index+i] <- quantile(v,quant_increment*this_increment)
			    this_increment <- this_increment + 1
			current_quant_index <- current_quant_index + num_splines

	    ## user defined quantiles supplied as an argument
	    if ( is.null(splines) ) 
	        ## check that there are nPreds * 3 quantiles in the user defined vector
		if ( length(quantiles) != (nPreds * 3) ) 
		    stop(paste("There should be", (nPreds * 3), "items in the quantiles argument, not", length(quantiles), "items."))

		## now check that each of the three quantiles for each predictor are in ascending order
		for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nPreds, by = 1)) 
                    index = i * 3
		    if ((quantiles[index-1] < quantiles[index-2] ) || 
                        (quantiles[index] < quantiles[index-2]) || 
                        (quantiles[index] < quantiles[index-1])) 
			stop(paste("Wrong quantiles for predictor:", predlist[i]))

                nSplines <- 3
		quantvec <- quantiles
		splinvec <- rep(nSplines, nPreds)
		## check that there are sum(splines) quantiles in the user defined vector
		if ( length(quantiles) != sum(splines) ) 
		    stop(paste("There should be", sum(splines), "items in the quantiles argument, not", length(quantiles), "items."))
		## now check that each of the quantiles for each predictor are in ascending order
		index = 0
		for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nPreds, by = 1)) 
		    for (j in seq(from = 2, to = splines[i], by = 1)) 
                        if (quantiles[index+j] < quantiles[index+j-1]) 
			    stop(paste("Wrong quantiles for predictor:", predlist[i]))
		    index <- index + splines[i]

		quantvec <- quantiles
		splinvec <- splines

      	p1 <- 0
	p2 <- 0
    	p3 <- 0
    	p4 <- 0
    	p5 <- rep(0,times=length(quantvec))
      	p6 <- rep(0,times=nrow(data))
      	p7 <- rep(0,times=nrow(data))
      	p8 <- rep(0,times=nrow(data))
##  Call the dll function
	z <- .C( "GDM_FitFromTable",
                 gdmdev = as.double(p1),
                 nulldev = as.double(p2),
                 expdev = as.double(p3),
                 intercept = as.double(p4),         
                 coeffs = as.double(p5),
                 response = as.double(p6),
                 preddata = as.double(p7),
                 ecodist = as.double(p8), 
                 PACKAGE = "gdm"

##	call <- match.call()
        m <- match.call(expand.dots = F)
    	return(structure(list(dataname = m[[2]],
                       geo = geo,
                       sample = nrow(data),
                       gdmdeviance = z$gdmdev,
                       nulldeviance = z$nulldev,
                       explained = z$expdev,
                       intercept = z$intercept,
                       predictors = predlist,
                       coefficients = z$coeffs,
                       quantiles = quantvec,
                       splines = splinvec,
                       creationdate = date(),
                       observed = z$response,
                       predicted = z$preddata,
                       ecological = z$ecodist)))         

"gdm.plotfromtable" <- 
function (model, plot.layout = c(2,2), plot.color = rgb(0.0,0.0,1.0), plot.linewidth=2.0) 
      	options(warn.FPU = FALSE)
      	PSAMPLE <- 200
      	preddata <- rep(0,times=PSAMPLE)
	## establish what plot layout to use
	thisplot <- 0
	one_page_per_plot <- FALSE
	if ((plot.layout[1]==1) && (plot.layout[2]==1)) 
		one_page_per_plot <- TRUE

      	## apply the link function and plot.....
      	plot( model$ecological, 
              xlab="Predicted Ecological Distance", 
              ylab="Observed Compositional Dissimilarity", type="n" )

        points( model$ecological, model$observed, pch=20, cex=0.25, col=plot.color )

        overlayX <- seq( from=min(model$ecological), to=max(model$ecological), length=PSAMPLE )
        overlayY <- 1 - exp( - overlayX )
        lines( overlayX, overlayY, lwd=plot.linewidth ) 
	thisplot <- thisplot + 1

        ## use the raw data and plot.....
	if (one_page_per_plot)
        plot( model$predicted, 
              xlab="Predicted Compositional Dissimilarity", 
              ylab="Observed Compositional Dissimilarity", type="n" )

        points( model$predicted, model$observed, pch=20, cex=0.25, col=plot.color )

        overlayX <- overlayY <- seq( from=min(model$predicted), to=max(model$predicted), length=PSAMPLE )
        lines( overlayX, overlayY, lwd=plot.linewidth ) 
	thisplot <- thisplot + 1

        ## determine the max of all the predictor data
        preds <- length(model$predictors)
        predmax <- 0
        splineindex <- 1
        for ( i in 1:preds ) 
            ## only if the sum of the coefficients associated with this predictor is > 0.....
            numsplines <- model$splines[i]
            if ( sum(model$coefficients[splineindex:(splineindex+numsplines-1)]) > 0 ) 
	        ## get predictor plot Y-data                            
                z <- .C( "GetPredictorPlotData", 
                         pdata = as.double(preddata),
                         PACKAGE = "gdm"
		v <- max(z$pdata)
                if (v > predmax ) predmax <- v
            splineindex <- splineindex + numsplines

        ## plot the predictors with non-zero sum of coefficients
        splineindex <- 1
	for ( i in 1:preds ) 
            ## only if the sum of the coefficients associated with this predictor is > 0.....
            numsplines <- model$splines[i]
            if ( sum(model$coefficients[splineindex:(splineindex+numsplines-1)]) > 0 ) 
		if (one_page_per_plot)
                    thisplot <- thisplot + 1
		    if (thisplot > (plot.layout[1] * plot.layout[2])) 
			thisplot <- 1
		## get predictor plot Y-data    
                 z <- .C( "GetPredictorPlotData", 
                           pdata = as.double(preddata),
                           PACKAGE = "gdm"

                  plot( seq(from=model$quantiles[[(i*3)-2]],to=model$quantiles[[(i*3)]], length=PSAMPLE),
                        ylab=paste("f(", model$predictors[i], ")", sep="" ), 
            	  	ylim=c(0,predmax), type="l" )
	      	splineindex <- splineindex + numsplines

"gdm.predictfromtable" <- 
function (model, data) 
    options(warn.FPU = FALSE)

#  Call the dll function
    predicted <- rep(0,times=nrow(data))
    z <- .C( "GDM_PredictFromTable",
             preddata = as.double(predicted),
             PACKAGE = "gdm"

"gdm.transformfromtable" <- 
function (model, data) 
    options(warn.FPU = FALSE)

#  Call the dll function
    transformed <- matrix(0,nrow(data),ncol(data))
    z <- .C( "GDM_TransformFromTable",
             trandata = as.double(transformed),
             PACKAGE = "gdm"
    ## Convert transformed from a vector into a data frame before returning...
    nRows <- nrow(data)
    nCols <- ncol(data)
    ## z$trandata is the transformed data vector created in GDM_TransformFromTable
    myVec <- z$trandata
    pos <- 1
    for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nCols, by = 1)) 
        tmp <- myVec[seq(from=pos, to=pos+nRows-1)]
        transformed[,i] <- tmp
        pos <- pos + nRows

"gdm.summaryfromtable" <- 
function (model) 
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( "GDM Modelling Summary", quote=F );
        print( paste( "Creation Date: ", model$creationdate ), quote=F );
        print( "", quote=F )    
##        call <- match.call()
        m <- match.call(expand.dots = F)
        print( paste( "Name: ", m[[2]] ), quote=F )
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( paste( "Data: ", model$dataname ), quote=F )
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( paste( "Samples: ", model$sample ), quote=F )
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( paste( "Use Geographical Distance: ", model$geo ), quote=F )
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( paste( "NULL Deviance: ", model$nulldeviance ), quote=F )
        print( paste( "GDM Deviance: ", model$gdmdeviance ), quote=F )  
        print( paste( "Deviance Explained: ", model$explained ), quote=F )
        print( "", quote=F )    
        print( paste( "Intercept: ", model$intercept ), quote=F )
        print( "", quote=F )    
        thiscoeff <- 1
        thisquant <- 1
        for ( i in 1:length(model$predictors) ) {
        print( paste( "Predictor ",i,": ",model$predictors[[i]], sep="" ), quote=F )            
        print( paste( "Splines: ",model$splines[[i]], sep="" ), quote=F )
        numsplines <- model$splines[[i]]
        for ( j in 1:numsplines ) {
                if ( j == 1 ) print( paste( "Min Quantile: ",model$quantiles[[thisquant]], sep="" ), quote=F )          
                else if ( j == numsplines ) print( paste( "Max Quantile: ",model$quantiles[[thisquant]], sep="" ), quote=F )
                else print( paste( round(100/(numsplines-1),digits=2),"% Quantile: ",model$quantiles[[thisquant]], sep="" ), quote=F )
                thisquant <- thisquant + 1
        for ( j in 1:numsplines ) {
            print( paste( "Coefficient[",j,"]: ",model$coefficients[[thiscoeff]], sep="" ), quote=F )
            thiscoeff <- thiscoeff + 1
        print( "", quote=F )                

##"gdm.getwordsize" <- 
##    p1 <- 0
##    z <- .C( "GetWordSize", wsize = as.integer(p1), PACKAGE = "gdm" )
##    return(z$wsize)

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gdm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:03 p.m.