
Defines functions gridToDev grobToDev.recordedGrob primToDev.gTree grobToDev.gTree primToDev.points adjustSymbolSize primToDev.circle primToDev.text primToDev.rect primToDev.rastergrob primToDev.pathgrob primToDev.xspline trim primToDev.polygon primToDev.segments primToDev.polyline primToDev.lines primToDev.line.to primToDev.move.to primToDev.clip arrowAddName primToDev.grob primToDev devGrob.clip devGrob.vpPath devGrob.viewport getCoordsInfo getID devGrob.circle devGrob.text devGrob.rect devGrob.rastergrob devGrob.pathgrob devGrob.polygon devGrob.points devGrob.lines moveToGen devGrob.default devGrob grobToDev.grob grobToDev.default grobToDev unwindVP enforceVP startGroup changedGPar justTovjust justTohjust leftbottom dToInches dimToInches locToInches expandArrow expandGpar gparToDevPars prefixName baseGrobName subGrobName cd ch cw cy cx vpError

Documented in grobToDev primToDev

vpError <- function() {
  stop("vp should only be path")

# Functions to take a grid grob and call appropriate
# functions from dev.R to produce output on a device

# Each function has to convert locations and dimensions
# into device coordinates THEN call the dev.R function

# Convert a unit object to a value in "device" units
# The calls to convert*() are just to get 'valueOnly'
# from "inches" units.
cx <- function(x, dev) {
  inchToDevX(convertX(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE), dev)

cy <- function(x, dev) {
  inchToDevY(convertY(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE), dev)

cw <- function(x, dev) {
  inchToDevX(convertWidth(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE), dev)

ch <- function(x, dev) {
  inchToDevY(convertHeight(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE), dev)

# Convert a "distance" (e.g., a circle radius)
cd <- function(x, dev) {
  pmin(inchToDevX(convertWidth(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE), dev),
       inchToDevY(convertHeight(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE), dev))

# Create a full name for a sub-grob based on the name of a parent grob
subGrobName <- function(baseGrobName, subGrobName,
                        separator = getSVGoption("id.sep")) {
    paste(baseGrobName, subGrobName, sep=separator)

# Return the base grob name given the full name of a sub-grob
baseGrobName <- function(subGrobName, 
                         separator = getSVGoption("id.sep")) {
  splitName <- unlist(strsplit(subGrobName, separator, fixed = TRUE))
  grobName <- paste(splitName[-length(splitName)], collapse = separator)

  # Returning the base name

prefixName <- function(name) {
  paste0(get("prefix", envir = .gridSVGEnv), name)

# Convert a gpar object to an device-neutral graphical parameter list
gparToDevPars <- function(gp) {
    # Split up col into col plus colAlpha
    if (!is.null(gp$col)) {
        if (is.numeric(gp$col)) {
            zeroCol <- gp$col == 0
            gp$col[zeroCol] <- "transparent"
        rgba <- col2rgb(gp$col, alpha=TRUE)
        gp$colAlpha <- rgba[4,]
    # Ditto fill
    if (!is.null(gp$fill)) {
        if (is.numeric(gp$fill)) {
            zeroFill <- gp$fill == 0
            gp$fill[zeroFill] <- "transparent"
        rgba <- col2rgb(gp$fill, alpha=TRUE)
        gp$fillAlpha <- rgba[4,]

# Repeats all elements in a gpar() so that it is fully defined for n values
expandGpar <- function(gp, n) {
    if (is.null(gp))
    # If there are actually gpar elements defined, repeat them
    if (length(gp) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(gp)) {
            gp[[i]] <- rep(gp[[i]], length.out = n)

    # Returning the gp

# Repeats all elements in an arrow() so that it is fully defined for n values
expandArrow <- function(arrow, n) {
    # If there is actually an arrow, repeat its components
    if (! is.null(arrow)) {
        for (i in 1:length(arrow)) {
            arrow[[i]] <- rep(arrow[[i]], length.out = n)

    # Returning the arrow

# Converting locations and widths
locToInches <- function(x, y, dev) {
  # Convert x and y to inches
  x <- convertX(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
  y <- convertY(y, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
  # Transform to inches on device
  n <- max(length(x), length(y))
  loc <- cbind(rep(x, length=n),
               rep(y, length=n),
               rep(1, length=n)) %*% current.transform()
  x <- unit(loc[,1]/loc[,3], "inches")
  y <- unit(loc[,2]/loc[,3], "inches")
  list(x=x, y=y)

dimToInches <- function(w, h, dev) {
  # FIXME:  Doesn't handle rotated viewports!!
  w <- convertWidth(w, "inches")
  h <- convertHeight(h, "inches")
  list(w=w, h=h)

dToInches <- function(d, dev) {
  w <- convertWidth(d, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
  h <- convertHeight(d, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
  d <- unit(pmin(w, h), "inches")

# Generate (left, bottom) from (x, y), (width, height), and justification
leftbottom <- function(x, y, width, height,
                       just, hjust, vjust, dev) {
    hjust <- resolveHJust(just, hjust)
    vjust <- resolveVJust(just, vjust)
    left <- unit(convertX(x, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE) -
                 convertWidth(hjust*width, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE),
    bottom <- unit(convertY(y, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE) -
                   convertHeight(vjust*height, "inches", valueOnly=TRUE),
    locToInches(left, bottom, dev)

# Generate hjust/vjust from just
justTohjust <- function(just) {
  if (length(just) > 1)
    just <- just[1]

  if (is.numeric(just)) {
    # Rounding to nearest of 0, 0.5, 1
    roundedJust <- round(2 * just) / 2
    # and clamped to 0 to 1
    if (roundedJust < 0)
        roundedJust <- 0
    if (roundedJust > 1)
        roundedJust <- 1
           "0" = "left",
           "0.5" = "centre",
           "1" = "right")
  } else {
    if (is.na(match(just[1], c("left", "right"))))

justTovjust <- function(just) {
  if (length(just) > 1)
    just <- just[2]

  if (is.numeric(just)) {
    # Rounding to nearest of 0, 0.5, 1
    roundedJust <- round(2 * just) / 2
    # and clamped to 0 to 1
    if (roundedJust < 0)
        roundedJust <- 0
    if (roundedJust > 1)
        roundedJust <- 1
           "0" = "bottom",
           "0.5" = "centre",
           "1" = "top")
  } else {
    if (is.na(match(just[1], c("top", "bottom"))))

changedGPar <- function(startGP, endGP) {
    diffGP <- mapply(function(x, y) !isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)),
                     endGP, startGP)
    do.call("gpar", unclass(endGP)[diffGP])

# Enforce a 'vp' setting
# This could be a viewport (or vpTree or vpList or vpStack) OR a vpPath
# The general idea is to push or down the 'vp' slot
# THEN check how far down we have come
# IF we have come more than one level down then start a group for
# the appropriate number of parent viewports as well as the current viewport
# AND then do the corresponding number of end groups afterwards
startGroup <- function(vp, depth, dev) {
    if (depth > 1) {
        path <- upViewport(depth - 1, recording=FALSE)
        paths <- explode(path)
        for (i in paths) {
            parent <- current.viewport()
            parent$classes <- class(parent)
            devStartGroup(devGrob(parent, dev), gparToDevPars(parent$gp), dev)
            downViewport(i, recording=FALSE)
    vp$classes <- class(vp)
    devStartGroup(devGrob(vp, dev), gparToDevPars(vp$gp), dev)
enforceVP <- function(vp, dev) {
    depth <- 0
    if (!is.null(vp)) {
        if (!inherits(vp, "vpPath")) {
            pushViewport(vp, recording=FALSE)
            depth <- depth(vp)
        } else {
            depth <- downViewport(vp, recording=FALSE)
        startGroup(current.viewport(), depth, dev)
unwindVP <- function(vp, depth, dev) {
    if (depth > 0) {
        for (i in 1:depth)
            devEndGroup("", TRUE, dev)
        upViewport(depth, recording=FALSE)

# Grob to SVG
# This mimics grid.draw()
# Push/down any viewports and then call primToDev() to produce SVG
grobToDev <- function(x, dev) {
  UseMethod("grobToDev", x)

grobToDev.default <- function(x, dev) {
  stop("We shouldn't be here!")

grobToDev.grob <- function(x, dev) {
  depth <- enforceVP(x$vp, dev)
  x$classes <- class(x)
  primToDev(x, dev)
  unwindVP(x$vp, depth, dev)

# grob to device grob
# This just converts a grid grob into a generic (bland) device grob
# (which is just a list of values)
devGrob <- function(x, dev) {

devGrob.default <- function(x, dev) {
  list(name=x$name, classes=x$classes)

moveToGen <- function() {
    curx <- NA
    cury <- NA

    moveto <- function(x, dev) {
        loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
        curx <<- cx(loc$x, dev)
        cury <<- cy(loc$y, dev)

    lineto <- function(x, dev) {
        loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
        lineArrow <- x$arrow
        if (! is.null(lineArrow)) {
            ends <- switch(as.character(lineArrow$ends),
                           "1" = "first",
                           "2" = "last",
                           "3" = "both")
            result <- list(x=c(curx, cx(loc$x, dev)),
                           y=c(cury, cy(loc$y, dev)),
                           arrow=list(ends = ends),
        } else {
            result <- list(x=c(curx, cx(loc$x, dev)),
                           y=c(cury, cy(loc$y, dev)),
        curx <<- cx(loc$x, dev)
        cury <<- cy(loc$y, dev)

    list(moveto=moveto, lineto=lineto)

moveToFuns <- moveToGen()

devGrob.move.to <- moveToFuns$moveto
devGrob.line.to <- moveToFuns$lineto

devGrob.lines <- function(x, dev) {
  loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
  # Need to add in attributes to know where arrows
  # go if we have any
  lineArrow <- x$arrow
  if (! is.null(lineArrow)) {
      ends <- switch(as.character(lineArrow$ends),
                     "1" = "first",
                     "2" = "last",
                     "3" = "both")
      list(x=cx(loc$x, dev),
           y=cy(loc$y, dev),
           arrow=list(ends = ends),
  } else {
      list(x=cx(loc$x, dev),
           y=cy(loc$y, dev),

devGrob.points <- function(x, dev) {
    loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
    list(name = x$name,
         x = cx(loc$x, dev),
         y = cy(loc$y, dev),
         size = cd(dToInches(x$size), dev),
         angle = current.rotation(),
         classes = x$classes,
         pch = x$pch)

devGrob.polygon <- function(x, dev) {
  loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
  list(x=cx(loc$x, dev),
       y=cy(loc$y, dev),

devGrob.pathgrob <- function(x, dev) {
    # The complication is converting the 'x', 'y', and 'id's
    # into lists
    if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
        loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)

        list(x=cx(loc$x, dev),
             y=cy(loc$y, dev),
    } else {
        if (is.null(x$id)) {
            n <- length(x$id.lengths)
            id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
        } else {
            n <- length(unique(x$id))
            id <- x$id
        listX <- split(x$x, id)
        listY <- split(x$y, id)
        listLoc <- mapply(locToInches, listX, listY, MoreArgs=list(dev),
               function(loc, dev) { cx(loc$x, dev) }, dev),
               function(loc, dev) { cy(loc$y, dev) }, dev),

devGrob.rastergrob <- function(x, dev) {
  lb <- leftbottom(x$x, x$y, x$width, x$height, x$just, x$hjust, x$vjust, dev)
  dim <- dimToInches(x$width, x$height, dev)

  list(x=cx(lb$x, dev),
       y=cy(lb$y, dev),
       width=cw(dim$w, dev),
       height=ch(dim$h, dev),

devGrob.rect <- function(x, dev) {
    lb <- leftbottom(x$x, x$y, x$width, x$height, x$just, x$hjust, x$vjust, dev)
    dim <- dimToInches(x$width, x$height, dev)
    list(x=cx(lb$x, dev),
         y=cy(lb$y, dev),
         width=cw(dim$w, dev),
         height=ch(dim$h, dev),

devGrob.text <- function(x, dev) {
  loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
  gp <- get.gpar()
  charHeight <- grobHeight(textGrob("M", gp = x$gp))
  # The R graphics engine does some crazy-ass calculations to
  # determine line height.  This does WAAAAY back so we just
  # have to swallow and follow along.
  # textLineHeight <-  ch(charHeight * gp$lineheight, dev)
  xcex <- if (is.null(x$gp$cex)) 1 else x$gp$cex
  textLineHeight <- ch(unit(gp$lineheight * gp$cex * xcex *
                            graphics::par("cin")[2], "inches"), dev)
  charHeight <- ch(charHeight, dev)
  # height of current font
  # This corresponds to lineheight in SVG terms,
  # which is defined to be font size
  # see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/propidx.html
  #   comment in row for 'baseline-shift' in the 'percentages' column
  # This is needed for positioning plotmath expressions
  # to anything close to the right place
  fontHeight <- ch(unit(gp$fontsize * gp$cex * xcex/ 72, "inches"), dev)

  # Width of the text/expression
  # MUST set x$vp to NULL before doing the following calculations
  # because x$vp has already been asserted and the calculation may
  # involve trying to assert it again!
  # (which would mean hidden error because viewport pushed twice OR
  #  visible error because try to "down" to viewport that does not exist)
  x$vp <- NULL
  width <- cw(grobWidth(x), dev)
  height <- ch(grobHeight(x), dev)
  ascent <- ch(grobAscent(x), dev)
  descent <- ch(grobDescent(x), dev)
  # Checking whether to use just or [h/v]just
  # Will convert numerics to strings in justTo_just function
  just <- rep(x$just, length.out = 2)
  just <- c(justTohjust(just[1]),
  if (! is.null(x$hjust))
    just[1] <- justTohjust(x$hjust)
  if (! is.null(x$vjust))
    just[2] <-justTovjust(x$vjust)
  hjust <- just[1]
  vjust <- just[2]

  list(x=cx(loc$x, dev),
       y=cy(loc$y, dev),
         "plain", "bold", "italic", "bold.italic"),

devGrob.circle <- function(x, dev) {
    loc <- locToInches(x$x, x$y, dev)
    list(x=cx(loc$x, dev),
         y=cy(loc$y, dev),
         r=cd(dToInches(x$r), dev),

# Because viewports and grobs can be used many times, and each
# time we use one we start a group, we need a *unique* id for that
# group, otherwise things like clipping paths don't work correctly
# 'append' determines whether we add our ID to the usageTable. Useful
# not to in cases like animated grobs
getID <- function(name, type, append = TRUE) {
  # If this is a grob or ref, only modify if we're trying to ensure
  # uniqueness. We *really* need to do this for viewports though, so
  # viewports are a special case.
  if (type != "vp" && ! get("uniqueNames", envir = .gridSVGEnv))

  # Finding out how many times a VP or grob has been used so far
  ut <- get("usageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
  suffix <- ut[ut$name == name, "suffix"]

  suffix <-
    if (length(suffix) == 0)
      max(suffix) + 1

  # Test if there are any existing names that might clash.
  # For example rect.1 has rect.1.1 children, test whether
  # these child names might clash.
  candidateName <- paste(name, suffix, sep = getSVGoption("id.sep"))
  while (length(ut[ut$name == candidateName, "suffix"])) {
    # Just increment the suffix number by 1 each time, should (eventually)
    # give us a unique number
    suffix <- suffix + 1
    candidateName <- paste(name, suffix, sep = getSVGoption("id.sep"))

  if (append) {
    sel <- prefixName(escapeSelector(candidateName))
    xp <- prefixName(escapeXPath(candidateName))
                 data.frame(name = name,
                            suffix = suffix,
                            type = type,
                            selector = sel,
                            xpath = xp,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)),
           envir = .gridSVGEnv)

  # Returning the new ID
  paste(name, suffix, sep = getSVGoption("id.sep"))

getCoordsInfo <- function(vp, tm, dev) {
  # Need to maintain x, y, xscale, yscale, transform
  # Units of particular interest, npc, native, inches
  # Keep inches as our baseline
  transloc <- c(0, 0, 1) %*% tm
  loc <- (transloc / transloc[3])[-3]

  coords <- list(x = round(cx(unit(loc[1], "inches"), dev), 2),
                 y = round(cy(unit(loc[2], "inches"), dev), 2),
                 width = round(cw(unit(1, "npc"), dev), 2),
                 height = round(ch(unit(1, "npc"), dev), 2),
                 angle = current.rotation(),
                 xscale = vp$xscale,
                 yscale = vp$yscale,
                 inch = round(cw(unit(1, "inches"), dev), 2))

devGrob.viewport <- function(x, dev) {
  vp <- x
  # Modify the path so that we can use a different separator
  if (get("use.vpPaths", envir = .gridSVGEnv)) {
    vpname <- as.character(current.vpPath())
    splitPath <- explode(vpname)
    vpname <- paste(splitPath, collapse = getSVGoption("vpPath.sep"))
  } else {
    vpname <- vp$name
  coords <- getCoordsInfo(vp, current.transform(), dev)

  if (is.null(vp$clip)) {
      clip <- FALSE
      list(name=getID(vpname, "vp"), clip=clip,
           coords=coords, classes=x$classes)
  } else if (is.na(vp$clip)) {
      # Clipping has been turned OFF
      # FIXME:  CANNOT do this in SVG (enlarge the clip path)
      clip <- FALSE
      list(name=getID(vpname, "vp"), clip=clip,
           coords=coords, classes=x$classes)
  } else if (! vp$clip) {
      clip <- FALSE
      list(name=getID(vpname, "vp"), clip=clip,
           coords=coords, classes=x$classes)
  } else {
      clip <- TRUE
           name=getID(vpname, "vp"),

devGrob.vpPath <- function(x, dev) {
  vp <- current.viewport()
  tm <- current.transform()
  if (is.null(vp$clip)) {
      clip <- FALSE
      list(name=getID(vp$name, "vp"), clip=clip, classes=x$classes)
  } else if (is.na(vp$clip)) {
      # Clipping has been turned OFF
      # FIXME:  CANNOT do this in SVG (enlarge the clip path)
      clip <- FALSE
      list(name=getID(vp$name, "vp"), clip=clip, classes=x$classes)
  } else if (! vp$clip) {
      clip <- FALSE
      list(name=getID(vp$name, "vp"), clip=clip, classes=x$classes)
  } else {
      clip <- TRUE

      transloc <- c(0, 0, 1) %*% tm
      loc <- (transloc / transloc[3])[-3]
      list(vpx=cx(unit(loc[1], "inches"), dev),
           vpy=cy(unit(loc[2], "inches"), dev),
           vpw=cw(unit(1, "npc"), dev),
           vph=ch(unit(1, "npc"), dev),
           name=getID(vp$name, "vp"),

devGrob.clip <- function(x, dev) {
  # Should be similar to a rect in description, because this is a clipping rect
  lb <- leftbottom(x$x, x$y, x$width, x$height, x$just, x$hjust, x$vjust, dev)
  dim <- dimToInches(x$width, x$height, dev)
  list(x=cx(lb$x, dev),
       y=cy(lb$y, dev),
       width=cw(dim$w, dev),
       height=ch(dim$h, dev),
       name=getID(x$name, "grob"))

# Prim to Dev
# This generates SVG from the grob to reproduce the grob in SVG code
# General form:
#   startGroup
#   for i=1:n
#     dev&(devGrob(i))
#   endGroup
primToDev <- function(x, dev) {

primToDev.grob <- function(x, dev) {

arrowAddName <- function(arrow, name) {
  list(angle = arrow$angle,
       length = arrow$length,
       ends = arrow$ends,
       type = arrow$type,
       name = name)

primToDev.clip <- function(x, dev) {
    devStartClip(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

primToDev.move.to <- function(x, dev) {
    devGrob(x, dev)

primToDev.line.to <- function(x, dev) {
  # NOTE:  MUST NOT evaluate devGrob() more than once
  #        because it has side-effects (within its closure)
  dgrob <- devGrob(x, dev)

  dgrob$name <- getID(dgrob$name, "grob")
  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping the grob
  devStartGroup(dgrob, NULL, dev)

  # This is a bit of a special case where we know there is only one
  # actual graphical object that is being created, so we are simply
  # going to modify it's name in place.
  dgrob$name <- subGrobName(x$name, 1)

  if (! is.null(x$arrow))
    devArrow(arrowAddName(x$arrow, x$name), gparToDevPars(x$gp), dev)
  devLines(dgrob, gparToDevPars(x$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.lines <- function(x, dev) {
  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping the grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  # This is a bit of a special case where we know there is only one
  # actual graphical object that is being created, so we are simply
  # going to modify it's name in place.
  oldname <- x$name
  x$name <- subGrobName(x$name, 1)

  if (! is.null(x$arrow))
    devArrow(arrowAddName(x$arrow, x$name), gparToDevPars(x$gp), dev)
  devLines(devGrob(x, dev), gparToDevPars(x$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  x$name <- oldname
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.polyline <- function(x, dev) {
  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # If we only have one line
  if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
      x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

  # Multiple lines exist
  if (is.null(x$id)) {
      n <- length(x$id.lengths)
      id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
  } else {
      n <- length(unique(x$id))
      id <- x$id

  # Each line has an id, grab corresponding positions
  listX <- split(x$x, id)
  listY <- split(x$y, id)
  n <- length(listX)

  # Gp needs to be defined for each sub-grob, as does arrow
  gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)
  arrows <- expandArrow(x$arrow, n)

  # Grouping each sub-grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  # Now we want to create a new lineGrob for each line
  # Naming each line with the polyline name suffixed by its id
  for (i in 1:n) {
      lg <- linesGrob(x = listX[[i]],
                      y = listY[[i]],
                      gp = gp[i],
                      arrow = arrows[i],
                      default.units = x$default.units,
                      name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
      if (! is.null(lg$arrow))
          devArrow(arrowAddName(lg$arrow, lg$name), gparToDevPars(lg$gp), dev)
      devLines(devGrob(lg, dev), gparToDevPars(lg$gp), dev) 

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

# Any more efficient way of doing this?
# FIXME:  will lose any extra attributes of segments grob
primToDev.segments <- function(x, dev) {
  nx0 <- length(x$x0)
  nx1 <- length(x$x1)
  ny0 <- length(x$y0)
  ny1 <- length(x$y1)
  n <- max(nx0, nx1, ny0, ny1)

  # Gp needs to be defined for each sub-grob, as does arrow
  gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)
  arrows <- expandArrow(x$arrow, n)

  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping each sub-grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  for (i in 1:n) {
    lg <- linesGrob(unit.c(x$x0[(i-1) %% nx0 + 1],
                           x$x1[(i-1) %% nx1 + 1]),
                    unit.c(x$y0[(i-1) %% ny0 + 1],
                           x$y1[(i-1) %% ny1 + 1]),
                    arrow = arrows[i],
                    default.units = x$default.units,
                    gp = gp[i],
                    name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
    if (! is.null(lg$arrow))
      devArrow(arrowAddName(lg$arrow, lg$name), gparToDevPars(lg$gp), dev)
    devLines(devGrob(lg, dev), gparToDevPars(lg$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.polygon <- function(x, dev) {
  # If we have only one polygon
  if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
      x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

  # If we have multiple polygons
  if (is.null(x$id)) {
      n <- length(x$id.lengths)
      id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
  } else {
      n <- length(unique(x$id))
      id <- x$id

  # Each polygon has an id, grab corresponding positions
  listX <- split(x$x, id)
  listY <- split(x$y, id)
  # May have id.length == 0 so use # of groups
  n <- length(listX)

  # Gp needs to be defined for each sub-grob
  gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)

  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping each sub-grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  # Now we want to create a new polygonGrob for each polygon
  # Naming each polygon with the polygon name suffixed by its id
  for (i in 1:n) {
      pg <- polygonGrob(x = listX[[i]],
                        y = listY[[i]],
                        gp = gp[i],
                        default.units = x$default.units,
                        name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
      devPolygon(devGrob(pg, dev), gparToDevPars(pg$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

trim <- function(points) {
    n <- length(points$x)
    if (n > 2) {
        remove <- 1
        while (remove < n &&
               points$x[1] == points$x[1 + remove] &&
               points$y[1] == points$y[1 + remove]) {
            remove <- remove + 1
        if (remove > 1) {
            points$x <- points$x[-(1:(remove - 1))]
            points$y <- points$y[-(1:(remove - 1))]            

primToDev.xspline <- function(x, dev) {
  # Setting up function that turns an xspline into a series of points
  # which is then used to define a line or path
  splineToGrob <- function(spline) {
    splinePoints <- xsplinePoints(spline)
    if (spline$open) {
        linesGrob(x = splinePoints$x,
                  y = splinePoints$y,
                  gp = spline$gp,
                  arrow = spline$arrow,
                  default.units = spline$default.units,
                  name = spline$name)
    } else {
        pathGrob(x = splinePoints$x,
                 y = splinePoints$y,
                 gp = spline$gp,
                 default.units = spline$default.units,
                 name = spline$name)

  # 'grid' does not allow NAs in (x, y) for Xsplines
  if (any(is.na(x$x)) || any(is.na(x$y)))
      stop("non-finite control point in Xspline")
  # If we have only one spline
  if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.lengths)) {
      x$id <- rep(1L, length(x$x))

  # If we're dealing with more than one spline
  if (is.null(x$id)) {
      n <- length(x$id.lengths)
      id <- rep(1L:n, x$id.lengths)
  } else {
      n <- length(unique(x$id))
      id <- x$id

  # Each xspline has an id, grab corresponding positions
  listX <- split(x$x, id)
  listY <- split(x$y, id)
  n <- length(listX)

  # If x$shape is not defined for each point, repeat it for all points
  pointShapes <- rep(x$shape, length.out = length(x$x))
  listShape <- split(pointShapes, id)

  # Like x$shape, if the following attributes not defined for each grob id, repeat it
  splineOpen <- rep(x$open, length.out = n)
  splineEnds <- rep(x$repEnds, length.out = n)

  # Gp needs to be defined for each sub-grob, as does arrow
  gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)
  arrows <- expandArrow(x$arrow, n)

  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping each sub-grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  # Now we want to create a new xsplineGrob for each xspline
  # Naming each xspline with the xspline name suffixed by its id
  for (i in 1:n) {
      xsg <- xsplineGrob(x = listX[[i]],
                         y = listY[[i]],
                         open = x$open, # Could use splineOpen[i] but grid.xspline applies this for the entire group of grobs
                         shape = listShape[[i]],
                         default.units = x$default.units,
                         repEnds = splineEnds[i],
                         arrow = arrows[i],
                         gp = gp[i],
                         name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
      sg <- splineToGrob(xsg)
      if (inherits(sg, "pathgrob")) {
          devPath(devGrob(sg, dev), gparToDevPars(sg$gp), dev)
      } else {
          dg <- devGrob(sg, dev)
          if (! is.null(sg$arrow)) {
              devArrow(arrowAddName(sg$arrow, sg$name),
                       gparToDevPars(sg$gp), dev)
              # The arrow orientation is determined "auto"matically by
              # the SVG renderer, so we need to avoid identical values
              # at start or end of points (this has been done in
              # xsplinePoints(), but we need to do it again here because
              # we will be rounding to 2 dp for SVG output!)
              dgTrimFront <- trim(list(x=round(dg$x, 2), y=round(dg$y, 2)))
              dgTrimBack <- trim(list(x=rev(dgTrimFront$x),
              dg$x <- rev(dgTrimBack$x)
              dg$y <- rev(dgTrimBack$y)
          devLines(dg, gparToDevPars(sg$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.pathgrob <- function(x, dev) {
    x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

    ## Grouping the grob
    devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

    hasMultiple <- !(is.null(x$pathId) && is.null(x$pathId.lengths))

    oldname <- x$name
    if (hasMultiple) {
        if (is.null(x$pathId)) {
            n <- length(x$pathId.lengths)
            pathId <- rep(1L:n, x$pathId.lengths)
        } else {
            n <- length(unique(x$pathId))
            pathId <- x$pathId
        if (is.null(x$id) && is.null(x$id.length)) {
            id <- rep(1, length(x$x))
        } else if (is.null(x$id)) {
            id <- rep(1L:length(x$id.lengths), x$id.lengths)
        } else {
            id <- x$id
        gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)
        listX <- split(x$x, pathId)
        listY <- split(x$y, pathId)
        listID <- split(id, pathId)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            pg <- pathGrob(x  = listX[[i]],
                           y  = listY[[i]],
                           id = listID[[i]],
                           rule = x$rule,
                           gp = gp[i],
                           default.units = x$default.units,
                           name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
            devPath(devGrob(pg, dev), gparToDevPars(pg$gp), dev)
    } else {
        ## This is a bit of a special case where we know there is only one
        ## actual graphical object that is being created, so we are simply
        ## going to modify it's name in place.
        x$name <- subGrobName(x$name, 1)
        gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, 1)
        devPath(devGrob(x, dev), gparToDevPars(gp), dev)
    ## Ending the group
    x$name <- oldname
    devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.rastergrob <- function(x, dev) {
  # Finding out how many rasters we're dealing with
  n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$width), length(x$height))
  # Repeating components as necessary
  xs <- rep(x$x, length.out = n)
  ys <- rep(x$y, length.out = n)

  # Finding the dimensions of the image, c(height, width)
  rasterDims <- dim(x$raster)
  rasterHeight <- rasterDims[1]
  rasterWidth <- rasterDims[2]

  # If we haven't been given any information about the h or w,
  # blow the image up to the full size but respect the aspect ratio
  x <- resolveRasterSize(x)
  # Use widthDetails() here (rather than grobWidth())
  # because drawing context already enforced
  widths <- rep(x$width, length.out = n)
  heights <- rep(x$height, length.out = n) 
  # Generating the filename of the raster
  fileloc <- tempfile(x$name, fileext = "png")

  # Because of issues regarding interpolation, it's best just to
  # store the raster with as large a dimension as possible.
  # OTOH, never want to REDUCE the size of the raw raster (?)
  rasterDims <- c(max(abs(rasterHeight), ch(max(heights), dev)),
                  max(abs(rasterWidth), cw(max(widths), dev)))

  olddev <- dev.cur()
  png(filename = fileloc, width = round(abs(rasterDims[2])),
      height = round(abs(rasterDims[1])), bg = "transparent")
      # Need to ensure that the raster is oriented correctly in the (more rare)
      # case of an xscale or yscale being big -> small
      # To do this, position natively in a new (temporary) viewport
      xscale <- if (rasterDims[2] < 0) 1:0
                else 0:1
      yscale <- if (rasterDims[1] < 0) 1:0
                else 0:1
      pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale),
                   recording = FALSE)
      # The raster stays the same and is only repeated for each appearance.
      # Given that we know the dimensions of the PNG, we can safely say that
      # the raster occupies the entireity of both the x and y dimensions.
      grid.raster(x$raster, width = 1, height = 1, interpolate = x$interpolate,
                  default.units = "native")
      popViewport(recording = FALSE)

  # base64 encoding the PNG so we can insert the image as a data URI
  base64Raster <- base64enc(fileloc)

  # Expand the gp such that it fully defines all sub-grobs
  gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)

  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping each sub-grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  for (i in 1:n) {
      rg <- rasterGrob(x$raster,
                       x = xs[i],
                       y = ys[i],
                       width = widths[i],
                       height = heights[i],
                       just = x$just,
                       hjust = x$hjust,
                       vjust = x$vjust,
                       default.units = x$default.units,
                       gp = gp[i], # Will be ignored, keeping anyway
                       name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
      rg$datauri <- base64Raster
      devRaster(devGrob(rg, dev), gparToDevPars(rg$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.rect <- function(x, dev) {
    ## Finding out how many rects we're dealing with
    n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$width), length(x$height))
    ## Repeating components as necessary
    xs <- rep(x$x, length.out = n)
    ys <- rep(x$y, length.out = n)
    widths <- rep(x$width, length.out = n)
    heights <- rep(x$height, length.out = n)

    ## Expand the gp such that it fully defines all sub-grobs
    gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)
    x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

    ## Grouping each sub-grob
    devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

    rg <- rectGrob(x = xs,
                   y = ys,
                   width = widths,
                   height = heights,
                   just = x$just,
                   hjust = x$hjust,
                   vjust = x$vjust,
                   default.units = x$default.units,
                   gp = gp,
                   name = subGrobName(x$name, 1:n))
    devRect(devGrob(rg, dev), gparToDevPars(rg$gp), dev)
    ## Ending the group
    devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.text <- function(x, dev) {
  # Finding out how many pieces of text we're dealing with
  n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$label))
  # Repeating components as necessary
  textX <- rep(x$x, length.out = n)
  textY <- rep(x$y, length.out = n)
  textRot <- rep(x$rot, length.out = n)

  # If any given label is a vector of length 0, we don't want NA to appear
  if (length(x$label) == 0) {
    textLabel <- " "
    textLabel <- rep(textLabel, length.out = n)
  } else {
    # Checking that no element of label vector is empty
    if (!is.language(x$label)) {
        textLabel <- sapply(x$label, function(t) {
            if (is.na(t) || nchar(t) == 0 || length(t) == 0)
                " "
    textLabel <- rep(x$label, length.out = n)

  # Force fill to be col for text
  if (is.null(x$gp))
      x$gp <- gpar(fill = get.gpar()$col)
      x$gp$fill <- if (! is.null(x$gp$col)) x$gp$col
                   else get.gpar()$col
  # Expand the gp such that it fully defines all sub-grobs
  gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)

  x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

  # Grouping each sub-grob
  devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

  for (i in 1:n) {
      tg <- textGrob(x = textX[i],
                     y = textY[i],
                     label = textLabel[i],
                     rot = textRot[i],
                     just = x$just,
                     hjust = x$hjust,
                     vjust = x$vjust,
                     default.units = x$default.units,
                     gp = gp[i],
                     name = subGrobName(x$name, i))
      devText(devGrob(tg, dev), gparToDevPars(tg$gp), dev)

  # Ending the group
  devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

primToDev.circle <- function(x, dev) {
    ## Finding out how many circles we're dealing with
    n <- max(length(x$x), length(x$y), length(x$r))
    ## Repeating components as necessary
    xs <- rep(x$x, length.out = n)
    ys <- rep(x$y, length.out = n)
    rs <- rep(x$r, length.out = n)

    ## Expand the gp such that it fully defines all sub-grobs
    gp <- expandGpar(x$gp, n)

    x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

    ## Grouping each sub-grob
    devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

    cg <- circleGrob(x = xs,
                     y = ys,
                     r = rs,
                     default.units = x$default.units,
                     gp = gp,
                     name = subGrobName(x$name, 1:n))
    devCircle(devGrob(cg, dev), gparToDevPars(cg$gp), dev)

    ## Ending the group
    devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

adjustSymbolSize <- function(pointSize, pgp) {
    # Points are affected by cex and fontsize but only if they are
    # char or lines, etc
    # Solution: push a viewport with new gps from the grob and can
    # therefore can convert unit safely to inches because grid's unit
    # conversion routines can handle when the *viewport* has the cex or
    # fontsize information but not when the *grob* has it.
    # Also, not recording on the DL because this viewport wasn't part
    # of the original vp tree.
    if (!is.null(pgp$cex) || !is.null(pgp$fontsize)) {
        xscale <- current.viewport()$xscale
        yscale <- current.viewport()$yscale
        if (!is.null(pgp$cex) & !is.null(pgp$fontsize)) {
            pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale,
                                  gp = gpar(cex = pgp$cex,
                                            fontsize = pgp$fontsize)),
                         recording = FALSE)
        } else if (!is.null(pgp$cex)) {
            pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale,
                                  gp = gpar(cex = pgp$cex)),
                         recording = FALSE)
        } else {
            ## if (!is.null(pgp$fontsize))
            pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale,
                                  gp = gpar(fontsize = pgp$fontsize)),
                         recording = FALSE)
        pointSize <- convertWidth(pointSize, "inches") # Use width, matches grid
        popViewport(recording = FALSE)

primToDev.points <- function(x, dev) {
    # Finding out how many grobs we're going to be dealing with
    # length of x and y already checked in grid.points
    n <- length(x$x)

    pgp <- x$gp

    ## Force a stroke-width, col, and fill
    if (is.null(pgp$lwd)) {
        pgp$lwd <- get.gpar()$lwd
    if (is.null(pgp$col)) {
        pgp$col <- get.gpar()$col
    if (is.null(pgp$fill)) {
        pgp$fill <- get.gpar()$fill

    ## Expand the gp such that it fully defines all sub-grobs
    pgp <- expandGpar(pgp, n)

    x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")

    ## Grouping each sub-grob
    devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev) 

    ## For testing validity, convert to numerics
    if (is.numeric(x$pch)) {
        chinds <- numeric()
    } else {
        chinds <- which(!is.na(x$pch) &
                        !(as.character(x$pch) %in%
                          as.character(c(0:25, 32:127))))
    pchtest <- x$pch
    if (length(chinds) > 0) {
        newpch <- integer(length(pchtest))
        newpch[chinds] <- as.numeric(sapply(pchtest[chinds],
                                            function(x) charToRaw(x)))
        newpch[!chinds] <- as.numeric(pchtest[!chinds])
        pchtest <- newpch
    if (any(!is.na(pchtest) &
            !pchtest %in% c(0:25, 32:127)))
        stop("Unsupported pch value")

    ## These can differ for points
    pchs <- rep(pchtest, length.out = n)
    sizes <- rep(x$size, length.out = n)

    ## Check whether the point symbol has been used yet
    pchUsageTable <- get("pchUsageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    ## Update usages
    pchUsageTable[pchs + 1, "used"] <- TRUE
    assign("pchUsageTable", pchUsageTable, envir = .gridSVGEnv)

    if (!is.unit(sizes) && is.numeric(sizes)) {
        ## Just a number -- convert to a unit
        pointSize <- unit(sizes, x$default.units)
    } else {
        ## All other units
        pointSize <- sizes

    if (any(pchs) %in% 32:127) {
        asciipch <- sapply(pchs, function(x) rawToChar(as.raw(x)))
    } else {
        asciipch <- pchs

    pgp$fill[pchs < 15] <- "transparent"

    ## 46 == "."
    ## Don't do anything for a "." because we need a
    ## stroke for it to be visible
    noStroke <- !is.na(pchs) & (pchs %in% 15:20 | (pchs >= 32 & pchs != 46))
    if (any(noStroke)) {
        pgp$fill[noStroke] <- pgp$col[noStroke]
        pgp$col[noStroke & pchs %in% 15:18] <- "transparent"

    ## Size is now relative to text so use text grob
    ## pointSize[pchs >= 32] <- grobWidth(textGrob(asciipch[pchs >= 32]))

    ## Enforce gp$cex or gp$fontsize
    pointSize <- adjustSymbolSize(pointSize, pgp)

    pg <- pointsGrob(x$x, x$y,
                     pch = asciipch,
                     size = pointSize,
                     default.units = x$default.units,
                     name = subGrobName(x$name, 1:n))
    devUseSymbol(devGrob(pg, dev), gparToDevPars(pgp), dev)

    # Ending the group
    devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

grobToDev.gTree <- function(x, dev) {
    depth <- enforceVP(x$vp, dev)
    if (!is.null(x$childrenvp)) {
        pushViewport(x$childrenvp, recording=FALSE)
        upViewport(depth(x$childrenvp), recording=FALSE)
    primToDev(x, dev)
    unwindVP(x$vp, depth, dev)
    # Ignore wrapping gTree as it was not on the original DL
    if (x$name != "gridSVG")

primToDev.gTree <- function(x, dev) {
    if (x$name != "gridSVG") {
        x$name <- getID(x$name, "grob")
        x$classes <- class(x)
        children <- x$children[x$childrenOrder]
    } else {
        children <- x$children
    devStartGroup(devGrob(x, dev), gparToDevPars(x$gp), dev)
    lapply(children, function(child) {
        # 'gridSVG' is a special case because it is just a wrapping gTree.
        # It is not useful for us to track the entire gPath as a result,
        # only the path *after* 'gridSVG'
        if (get("use.gPaths", envir = .gridSVGEnv) && x$name != "gridSVG")
            child$name <- paste(x$name, child$name, sep = getSVGoption("gPath.sep"))
        child$classes <- class(child)
        grobToDev(child, dev)
    devEndGroup(x$name, FALSE, dev)

# Viewports (and vpPaths and downs and ups)
# on the display list get recorded as wrapped grobs
grobToDev.recordedGrob <- function(x, dev) {
    x <- x$list
    if (!is.null(x$vp)) { # recorded pushViewport
        enforceVP(x$vp, dev)
    } else if (!is.null(x$path)) { # recorded downViewport
        enforceVP(x$path, dev)
    } else if (!is.null(x$n)) { # recorded up or pop
        unwindVP(NULL, x$n, dev)

# grid to SVG
# Given a gTree created by grid.grab()
gridToDev <- function(gTree, dev) {
  grobToDev(gTree, dev)

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gridSVG documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:09 p.m.