
Defines functions IFSM ifsm.w.maps ifsm.setQF ifsm.cf ifs.setup.FT ifs.FT ifs.df.FT ifs.pf.FT ifsp.cf ifsp.setQF ifs.flex ifs

Documented in ifs ifs.df.FT ifs.flex ifs.FT IFSM ifsm.cf ifsm.setQF ifsm.w.maps ifsp.cf ifs.pf.FT ifsp.setQF ifs.setup.FT

### file ifs/R/ifs.R
### copyright (C) 2001-5 S. M. Iacus

# The IFS distribution function estimator
# x : where to estimate the distribution function
# y : observation vector
# k : number of iteration, default = 5
# q : proportion of quantiles to use in the
#     definition of the functional
# f : the starting point in the space of
#     of continuous distribution
#     functions on [0,1]. If not specified
#     the uniform distribution is used.
# n : number of points of F to calculate
# This functions calls ifs() or ifs.flex() where it 
# is really defined the IFS estimator

IFS <- function (y, k = 5, q = 0.5, f = NULL, n = 512, maps = c("quantile", "wl1", "wl2")) 
    if ((q <= 0) && (q >= 1)) {
        q = 0.5
        warning("proportion q set to 0.5")
    parms <- ifsp.w.maps(y, maps)
    nm <- parms$n

    s <- parms$s[1:nm]
    a <- parms$a[1:nm]
    p <- rep(1/length(a), length(a))

    if (maps[1] != "quantile") {
     QF <- ifsp.setQF(parms$m, parms$s, parms$a, nm)
     p <- ifsp.cf(QF$Q, QF$b)

    if (is.function(f)) {
        g <- function(x) ifs.flex(x, p, s, a, k, f)
    else {
        g <- function(x) ifs(x, p, s, a, k)
    xx <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
    yy <- apply(matrix(xx), 1, g)
    return(list(x = xx, y = yy))

# The IFS estimator engine
# x  : where to estimate the distribution function
# p  : the coefficients vector
# s  : the vector of coefficients s_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# a  : the vector of coefficients a_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# k  : number of iterations, default = 5

ifs <- function(x, p, s, a, k = 5)
   val <- .Call("ifs_df",x,p,s,a,as.integer(k), PACKAGE="ifs")

# The IFS estimator engine (flexible version)
# x  : where to estimate the distribution function
# p  : the coefficients vector
# s  : the vector of coefficients s_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# a  : the vector of coefficients a_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# k  : number of iterations, default = 5
# f  : the starting function

ifs.flex <- function(x, p, s, a, k = 5, f = NULL)
   val <- .Call("ifs_df_flex",x,p,s,a,as.integer(k),f,new.env(), PACKAGE="ifs")

# Used to build the quadratic form in terms of the moments
#  and the coefficients of the affine maps.
# m  : the vector fo the moments
# s  : the vector of coefficients s_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# a  : the vector of coefficients a_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# n  : number of coefficients to be used in the IFS

ifsp.setQF <- function(m, s, a, n = 10)

 if( length(m) - 1 < n)
  stop("`n' too big")

 if( length(s) != length(a) )
  stop("`s' and `a' must have the same length")
 if( length(s) != (length(m)-1) )
  stop("`m', `s' and `a' not of conformable length")

 return( .Call("ifs_setQF",m,s,a,as.integer(n), PACKAGE="ifs") )


# Calculates the coefficients of the IFS given the quadratic form

ifsp.cf <- function(Q, b){

    ln <- dim(Q)[1]
    w <- rep(0,ln)

    fr <- function(x) {
        w[1] <- 1 - sum(x)
        w[2:ln] <- x[1:(ln-1)]        
        return(t(w) %*% Q %*% w + b %*% w)
    sol <- optim(rep(1/(2 * ln), ln-1), fr, gr = NULL, 
        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(0, ln-1), upper = rep(1,ln-1))

    p <- c(1-sum(sol$par),sol$par)


# y : the vector of observations
# returns the coefficients a and s of w = s*x+a and the moments' vector m

ifsp.w.maps <-function (y,maps=c("quantile","wl1","wl2"),qtl) 
   s <- NULL
   a <- NULL 

   if( maps[1] == "quantile" ) {
     qt <- as.numeric(c(0, quantile(y, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/(0.5 * 
        length(y)))), 1))
     qt <- qtl
    np <- length(qt) - 1
    for (i in 1:np) 
     s <- c(s, qt[i + 1] - qt[i])
    a <- qt[1:np]
    if( maps[1] == "wl1") {
     M <- 4
     np <- sum(2^(1:M))
     for(i in 1:M)
      for(j in 1:(2^i)){
        s <- c(s,1/(2^i))
        a <- c(a,(j-1)/(2^i))
    if( maps[1] == "wl2") {
     M <- 8
     np <- M*(M-1)/2
     for(i in 2:M)
      for(j in 2:i){
        s <- c(s,1/i)
        a <- c(a,(j-1)/i)
  m <- 1
  for (i in 1:np) 
   m <- c(m, mean(y^i))

  return(list(m = m, s = s, a = a, n = np))

# Fourier distribution function estimation
ifs.pf.FT <- function(x,b,nterms){
 val <- x/(2*pi)
 if(missing(nterms) | (nterms > length(b)) ) 
  nterms <- length(b)

 for(k in 1:nterms){
  val <- val + (Re(b[k])*sin(k*x)/k + Im(b[k])*(cos(k*x)-1)/k)/pi

# Fourier density function estimation
ifs.df.FT <- function(x,b,nterms){
 val <- 1/(2*pi)
 if(missing(nterms) | (nterms > length(b)) ) 
 nterms <- length(b)

 for(k in 1:nterms){
  val <- val + (Re(b[k])*cos(k*x) -Im(b[k])*sin(k*x))/pi

# x : where to calculate the FT
ifs.FT <- function(x, p, s, a, k = 2){
 .Call("ifs_ft",x,p,s,a,as.integer(k), PACKAGE="ifs")

# m : number of Fourier coefficients to estimate
# k : number of iterations
# p, s, a as in ifs
# cutoff = sqrt(2/(n+1)) where n is the sample size

ifs.setup.FT <- function(m, p, s, a, k = 2, cutoff){

 b <- NULL
 for(i in 1:m)
  b <- c(b, .Call("ifs_ft",i,p,s,a,as.integer(k), PACKAGE="ifs"))

  nterms <- length(b)
  nterms <-0
  nfail <- 0
  for( k in 1:(length(b)) ) {
   if( abs(b[k]) > cutoff ) {
    nterms <- k;  nfail <- 0 }
   else  nfail <- nfail + 1
  if(nfail > 2)
 return(list(b = b, nterms = nterms))


IFS.pf.FT <- function (y, k = 2, n = 512, maps=c("quantile","wl1","wl2")) 
    parms <- ifsp.w.maps(y, maps)

    a <- parms$a
    s <- parms$s
    p <- rep(1/length(a),length(a))
    nobs <- length(y)
    cutoff <- sqrt(2/(nobs+1))

    coeff <- ifs.setup.FT(20,p,s,a,k,cutoff) 

    b <- coeff$b
    nterms <- coeff$nterms

    xx <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
    yy <- ifs.pf.FT(xx,b,nterms)
     return(list(x = xx, y = yy, b=b, nterms=nterms))

IFS.df.FT <- function (y, k = 2, n = 512, maps=c("quantile","wl1","wl2")) 
    parms <- ifsp.w.maps(y, maps)

    a <- parms$a
    s <- parms$s
    p <- rep(1/length(a),length(a))
    nobs <- length(y)
    cutoff <- sqrt(2/(nobs+1))

    coeff <- ifs.setup.FT(20,p,s,a,k,cutoff) 

    b <- coeff$b
    nterms <- coeff$nterms

    xx <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
    yy <- ifs.df.FT(xx,b,nterms)
    return(list(x = xx, y = yy, b=b, nterms=nterms))


# Calculates the coefficients of the IFS-M given the quadratic 
# form t(x) %*% Q %*% x + t(x) %*% b + d  under the constraint
# depending on `d'
# Q the matrix 
# b the vector 
# l2 the L2 norm of the function to approximate
# d the L1 norm of the function to approximate

ifsm.cf <- function(Q, b, d, l2, s, mu=1e-4){

    ln <- dim(Q)[1]
	guess <- rep(0,ln)

    fr <- function(x) { 
		tmp <- t(x) %*% Q %*% x + b %*% x +l2
		ifelse(tmp>=0, tmp, runif(1)*1e+50)
    gr <- function(x) 2*t(x) %*% Q + b
    ui <- matrix(-c(s*d, s),1,ln)
	ci <- matrix(-d,1,1)
    sol <- constrOptim(guess, f=fr, grad=gr,ui = ui, ci=ci, mu=mu)
    p <- sol$par
    return( list(psi=p, delta=fr(p)) )

# Used to build the quadratic form to be passed to ifsm.cf
# in terms of the coefficients of the affine maps.
# u  : the values of the function `u(x)' on a fixed equispaced grid
# s  : the vector of coefficients s_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i
# a  : the vector of coefficients a_i in w_i = s_i * x + a_i

ifsm.setQF <- function(u, s, a)

 if( length(s) != length(a) )
  stop("`s' and `a' must have the same length")
 return( .Call("ifsm_setQF", u, s, a, PACKAGE = "ifs") )


# M is such that sum(2^(1:M)) maps are created
ifsm.w.maps <- function(M=8)
	s <- NULL
	a <- NULL
	for(k in 1:M){
		nw <- 2^k
		s <- c(s,rep(1/(2^k),nw))
		a <- c(a,(1:nw - 1)/nw)
	return(list(a=a, s=s))

# the IFSM evaluated at point `x'
# cf = (alpha, beta)
# a, s: coefficients of the w.maps
# k: itertaions of the IFSM operator

IFSM <- function(x, cf, a, s, k = 2) {
	if(length(a) != length(s))
		stop("`s' and `a' must have the same length")
	if(length(cf) != 2*length(a))
		stop("`cf' and `a', `s' have non conformable length")

    T <- function(x, cf, a, s, k = k) {
		if(k <= 0) 
		w <- (x - a)/s
		ln <- length(cf)
		alpha <- cf[1:(ln/2)]
		beta <- cf[(ln/2+1):ln]
		a2 <- sum(  (w>=0 & w <=1)*(T(w,cf,a,s,k=k-1) * alpha + beta))
    T(x, cf, a, s, k=k)

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