
Defines functions ea_spline

Documented in ea_spline ea_spline

# Purpose        : Fits a mass-preserving (pycnophylactic) spline to soil profile data;
# Maintainer     : Brendan Malone (brendan.malone@sydney.edu.au); 
# Contributions  : Tomislav Hengl (tom.hengl@wur.nl); Tom Bishop (t.bishop@usyd.edu.au); David Rossiter (david.rossiter@wur.nl)
# Status         : working
# Note           : Mass-preserving spline explained in detail in [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7061(99)00003-8];

# Spline fitting for horizon data (Matlab Code converted to R by Brendan Malone)
ea_spline<- function(obj, var.name, lam = 0.1, d = t(c(0,5,15,30,60,100,200)), vlow = 0, vhigh = 1000,show.progress=TRUE){
  if (is(obj,"SoilProfileCollection") == TRUE){
    depthcols = obj@depthcols
    idcol = obj@idcol
    obj@horizons = obj@horizons[,c(idcol, depthcols, var.name)]
    d.dat<- as.data.frame(obj@horizons)}
  if (is(obj,"data.frame") == TRUE){
    d.dat<- as.data.frame(obj[,c(1:3,which(colnames(obj)==var.name))])}
  if (is(obj,"data.frame") == FALSE & is(obj,"SoilProfileCollection") == FALSE){
    stop("ERROR:: Data must be either class data.frame or SoilProfileCollection")}
  mxd<- max(d)
  s2<- (0.05*mean(d.dat[,4]))^2  # overall variance of soil attribute
  nl<- length(lam)  # Length of the lam matrix
  # matrix of the continous splines for each data point
  m_fyfit<- matrix(NA,ncol=length(c(1:mxd)),nrow=length(sp_dat))
  # Matrix in which the averaged values of the spline are fitted. The depths are specified in the (d) object
  yave<- matrix(NA,ncol=length(d),nrow=length(sp_dat))
  # Matrix in which the sum of square errors of each lamda iteration for the working profile are stored
  sse<- matrix(NA,ncol=length(lam),nrow=1)
  # Matrix in which the sum of square errors for eac h lambda iteration for each profile are stored
  sset<- matrix(NA,ncol=length(lam),nrow=length(sp_dat))
  #Profile ids
  mat_id<- d.dat[0,]
  #combined data frame for observations and spline predictions
  dave<- d.dat[1,]
  dave$predicted<- 0
  dave$FID<- 0
  dave<- dave[0,]
  ## Fit splines profile by profile:            
  message("Fitting mass preserving splines per profile...")
  if (show.progress) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(sp_dat), style=3)
  cnt<- 1
  for(st in 1:length(sp_dat)) {
    subs<-sp_dat[[st]]  # subset the profile required
    mat_id[st,1]<- subs[1,1]
    # manipulate the profile data to the required form
    ir<- c(1:nrow(subs))
    u<- as.numeric(subs[ir,2])
    u<-as.matrix(t(u))   # upper 
    v<- as.numeric(subs[ir,3])
    v<-as.matrix(t(v))   # lower
    y<- as.numeric(subs[ir,4])
    y<-as.matrix(t(y))   # concentration 
    n<- length(y);       # number of observations in the profile
    ### routine for handling profiles with one observation
    if (n == 1)
    {dave[cnt:(cnt-1+nrow(subs)),1:4]<- subs
     dave[cnt:(cnt-1+nrow(subs)),5]<- y
     dave[cnt:(cnt-1+nrow(subs)),6]<- st
     xfit<- as.matrix(t(c(1:mxd))) # spline will be interpolated onto these depths (1cm res)
     nj<- max(v)
     if (nj > mxd)
     {nj<- mxd}
     yfit<- xfit
     yfit[,1:nj]<- y   # values extrapolated onto yfit
     if (nj < mxd)
     m_fyfit[st,]<- yfit
     # Averages of the spline at specified depths
     nd<- length(d)-1  # number of depth intervals
     dl<-d+1     #  increase d by 1
     for (cj in 1:nd) { 
       xd1<- dl[cj]
       xd2<- dl[cj+1]-1
       if (nj>=xd1 & nj<=xd2)
       {xd2<- nj-1
        yave[st,cj]<- mean(yfit[,xd1:xd2])}
       {yave[st,cj]<- mean(yfit[,xd1:xd2])}   # average of the spline at the specified depth intervals
       yave[st,cj+1]<- max(v)} #maximum soil depth
     cnt<- cnt+nrow(subs)
    # End of single observation profile routine
    ## Start of routine for fitting spline to profiles with multiple observations         
    else  {    
      dave[cnt:(cnt-1+nrow(subs)),1:4]<- subs
      dave[cnt:(cnt-1+nrow(subs)),6]<- st
      np1 <- n+1  # number of interval boundaries
      nm1 <- n-1
      delta <- v-u  # depths of each layer
      del <- c(u[2:n],u[n])-v   # del is (u1-v0,u2-v1, ...)
      ## create the (n-1)x(n-1) matrix r; first create r with 1's on the diagonal and upper diagonal, and 0's elsewhere
      r <- matrix(0,ncol=nm1,nrow=nm1)
      for(dig in 1:nm1){
      for(udig in 1:nm1-1){
      ## then create a diagonal matrix d2 of differences to premultiply the current r
      d2 <- matrix(0, ncol=nm1, nrow=nm1)
      diag(d2) <- delta[2:n]  # delta = depth of each layer
      ## then premultiply and add the transpose; this gives half of r
      r <- d2 %*% r
      r <- r + t(r)
      ## then create a new diagonal matrix for differences to add to the diagonal
      d1 <- matrix(0, ncol=nm1, nrow=nm1)
      diag(d1) <- delta[1:nm1]  # delta = depth of each layer
      d3 <- matrix(0, ncol=nm1, nrow=nm1)
      diag(d3) <- del[1:nm1]  # del =  differences
      r <- r+2*d1 + 6*d3
      ## create the (n-1)xn matrix q
      q <- matrix(0,ncol=n,nrow=n)
      for (dig in 1:n){
        q[dig,dig]<- -1 
      for (udig in 1:n-1){
      q <- q[1:nm1,1:n]
      dim.mat <- matrix(q[],ncol=length(1:n),nrow=length(1:nm1))
      ## inverse of r
      rinv <- try(solve(r), TRUE)
      ## Note: in same cases this will fail due to singular matrix problems, hence you need to check if the object is meaningfull:
        ## identity matrix i
        ind <- diag(n)
        ## create the matrix coefficent z
        pr.mat <- matrix(0,ncol=length(1:nm1),nrow=length(1:n))
        pr.mat[] <- 6*n*lam
        fdub <- pr.mat*t(dim.mat)%*%rinv
        z <- fdub%*%dim.mat+ind
        ## solve for the fitted layer means
        sbar <- solve(z,t(y))
        dave[cnt:(cnt-1+nrow(subs)),5]<- sbar
        cnt<- cnt+nrow(subs)
        ## calculate the fitted value at the knots
        b <- 6*rinv%*%dim.mat%*% sbar
        b0 <- rbind(0,b) # add a row to top = 0
        b1 <- rbind(b,0) # add a row to bottom = 0
        gamma <- (b1-b0) / t(2*delta)
        alfa <- sbar-b0 * t(delta) / 2-gamma * t(delta)^2/3
        ## fit the spline 
        xfit<- as.matrix(t(c(1:mxd))) ## spline will be interpolated onto these depths (1cm res)
        nj<- max(v)
        if (nj > mxd)
        {nj<- mxd}
        yfit<- xfit
        for (k in 1:nj){
          if (xd< u[1])
          {p<- alfa[1]} else
          {for (its in 1:n) {
            if(its < n)
            {tf2=as.numeric(xd>v[its] & xd<u[its+1])} else {tf2<-0}
            if (xd>=u[its] & xd<=v[its])
            {p=alfa[its]+b0[its]*(xd-u[its])+gamma[its]*(xd-u[its])^2} else if (tf2)
          yfit[k]=p }
        if (nj < mxd)
        yfit[which(yfit > vhigh)] <- vhigh
        yfit[which(yfit < vlow)]  <-vlow
        m_fyfit[st,]<- yfit
        ## Averages of the spline at specified depths
        nd<- length(d)-1  # number of depth intervals
        dl<-d+1     #  increase d by 1
        for (cj in 1:nd) { 
          xd1<- dl[cj]
          xd2<- dl[cj+1]-1
          if (nj>=xd1 & nj<=xd2)
          {xd2<- nj-1
           yave[st,cj]<- mean(yfit[,xd1:xd2])}
          {yave[st,cj]<- mean(yfit[,xd1:xd2])}   # average of the spline at the specified depth intervals
          yave[st,cj+1]<- max(v)} #maximum soil depth 
        ## calculate Wahba's estimate of the residual variance sigma^2
        ssq <- sum((t(y)-sbar)^2)
        g <- solve(z)
        ei <- eigen(g)
        ei <- ei$values
        df <- n-sum(ei)
        sig2w <- ssq/df
        ## calculate the Carter and Eagleson estimate of residual variance
        dfc <- n-2*sum(ei)+sum(ei^2)
        sig2c <- ssq/dfc
        ## calculate the estimate of the true mean squared error
        tmse <- ssq/n-2*s2*df/n+s2
        sset[st] <- tmse
    if (show.progress) { setTxtProgressBar(pb, st)  }
  if (show.progress) { 
  ## asthetics for output 
  ## yave
  yave<- as.data.frame(yave)
  jmat<- matrix(NA,ncol=1,nrow=length(d))
  for (i in 1:length(d)-1) {
    a1<-paste(a1,"cm",sep=" ")
    jmat[i]<- a1}
  jmat[length(d)]<- "soil depth"
  for (jj in 1:length(jmat)){
    names(yave)[jj]<- jmat[jj] 
  yave<- cbind(mat_id[,1],yave)
  names(yave)[1]<- "id"
  retval <- list(harmonised=yave, obs.preds=dave,var.1cm=t(m_fyfit),tmse=sset)

# end of script;

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