

## summary for 'mcsSubset' objects
## Args:
##   object  - (mcsSubset)
##   penalty - (numeric)
##   ...     - ignored
## Rval: (summary.mcsSubset)
summary.mcsSubset <- function (object, penalty = 2, ...) {
  paste <- function (..., sep = "") base::paste(..., sep = sep)

  x.names <- variable.names(object, .full = TRUE)

  if (object$penalty == 0) {
      ## aic
      aic <- AIC(object, size = 1:object$nvar, best = 1:object$nbest,
                 k = penalty)
      aic <- matrix(aic$AIC, nrow = object$nbest)
      ## penalty
      object$penalty <- penalty
      ## order
      pi <- order(aic)
      pi <- array(c((pi - 1) %%  object$nbest + 1,
                    (pi - 1) %/% object$nbest + 1),
                  dim = c(length(aic), 2))
      nok <- is.na(aic[pi])
      pi <- pi[!nok, , drop = FALSE]
      ## nbest
      object$nbest <- nrow(pi)

      .cnames <- paste(1:object$nbest, ".")
      ## tolerance
      object$tolerance <- array(object$tolerance[pi[, 2]], dim = object$nbest,
                                dimnames = list(.cnames))
      ## rss
      object$rss <- array(object$rss[pi], dim = object$nbest,
                          dimnames = list(.cnames))
      ## aic
      object$aic <- array(aic[pi], dim = object$nbest,
                          dimnames = list(.cnames))
      ## which table
      sel <- cbind(rep(1:object$nvar, nrow(pi)),
                   rep(pi[, 1], each = object$nvar),
                   rep(pi[, 2], each = object$nvar))
      object$which <- array(object$which[sel], dim = c(object$nvar, object$nbest),
                            dimnames = list(x.names, .cnames))
      ## size
      object$size <- array(apply(object$which, 2, sum), dim = object$nbest,
                           dimnames = list(.cnames))
  } else if (object$penalty != penalty) {
      ## aic
      aic <- AIC(object, best = 1:object$nbest, k = penalty)
      if (!is.atomic(aic)) aic <- aic$AIC
      ## penalty
      object$penalty <- penalty
      ## order
      pi <- order(aic)
      nok <- is.na(aic[pi])
      pi <- pi[!nok]
      ## nbest
      object$nbest <- length(pi)

      .cnames <- paste(1:object$nbest, ".")
      ## tolerance
      object$tolerance <- array(object$tolerance[pi], dim = object$nbest,
                                dimnames = list(.cnames))
      ## rss
      object$rss <- array(object$rss[pi], dim = object$nbest,
                          dimnames = list(.cnames))
      ## aic
      object$aic <- array(aic[pi], dim = object$nbest,
                          dimnames = list(.cnames))
      ## which table
      object$which <- array(object$which[, pi], dim = c(object$nvar, object$nbest),
                            dimnames = list(x.names, .cnames))
      ## size
      object$size <- array(apply(object$which, 2, sum), dim = object$nbest,
                           dimnames = list(.cnames))

  ## class
  class(object) <- c("summary.mcsSubset", "mcsSubset")

  ## done

## print 'mcsSubset' summary
## Args:
##   x      - (summary.mcsSubset)
##   digits - (integer)
##   ...    - ignored
## Rval: (summary.mcsSubset) invisible
print.summary.mcsSubset <- function (x, digits = NULL, ...)
    catln <- function (..., sep = "") base::cat(..., "\n", sep = sep)
    paste <- function (..., sep = "") base::paste(..., sep = sep)

    ## digits
    if (is.null(digits)) {
        digits <- max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
    ## call
    catln(deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)))
    ## variable table
    catln("Selected variables (best first):")
    which.x <- ifelse(x$which, "x", "")
    rownames(which.x)[x$include] <- paste("+", rownames(which.x)[x$include])
    rownames(which.x)[x$exclude] <- paste("-", rownames(which.x)[x$exclude])
    print(which.x, quote = FALSE)
    ## fit
    catln("Model fit:")
    fit <- format(rbind(x$aic, x$rss), digits = digits)
    fit <- rbind(fit, format(x$size))
    rownames(fit) <- c("AIC", "RSS", "(size)")
    print(fit, quote = FALSE)
    catln("AIC: k = ", format(x$penalty, digits = digits))

    ## done

## plot 'mcsSubset' summary
## Args:
##   x      - (mcsSubset)
##   type   - (character) plot type
##   main   - (character) main title
##   xlab   - (character) x label
##   ylab   - (character) y label
##   col    - (integer[]|character[]) color
##   lty    - (integer) line type
##   legend - (logical) legend?
##   ...    - forwarded
## Rval: (summary.mcsSubset) invisible
## All arguments are passed to 'plot.default'.
plot.summary.mcsSubset <- function (x, type = "b", main = NULL, xlab = NULL,
                                    ylab = "", col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1,
                                    legend = TRUE, ...)
    digits <- max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)

    ## type
    type <- rep(type, length.out = 2)
    ## main title
    if (is.null(main)) {
        main <- paste("AIC and residual sum of squares")
    ## sub title
    sub <- paste("AIC (k = ", format(x$penalty, digits = digits),
                 ")", sep = "")
    ## x label
    if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- "Best"
    ## color
    col <- rep(col, length.out = 2)
    ## line type
    lty <- rep(lty, length.out = 2)
    ## best
    best <- 1:x$nbest
    ## plot rss
    plot(best, x$rss, type = type[1], main = main, sub = sub,
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], ...)
    ## plot aic
    new.old <- getOption("new")
    par(new = TRUE)
    plot(best, x$aic, type = type[2], xlab = "", ylab = "",
         col = col[2], lty = lty[2], axes = FALSE, ...)
    par(new = new.old)
    ## legend
    if (legend) {
        legend("top", c("RSS", "AIC"), lty = lty, col = col, bty = "n")
    ## axes

    ## done

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mcsSubset documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:50 p.m.