
Defines functions as.rateMatrix

Documented in as.rateMatrix

as.rateMatrix <-
function(phy, x, data) {
	if (is.numeric(x)) { x <- colnames(data)[x] } else { x <- x }

	# Remove species with NA for the discrete trait from the phylogeny and dataframe
	idxphy <- which(is.na(data[,x]) == TRUE)
	if(length(idxphy)>0) { 
		dropnms <- rownames(data)[idxphy]
		phy <- drop.tip(phy, tip=dropnms) 
		mch.miss <- match(rownames(data), dropnms)
		keep.idx.miss <- is.na(mch.miss)

		data <- data[keep.idx.miss,]	
		cat("Dropped species from data and tree due to missing data: ", dropnms, "\n")

		# Check that names in taxa and tree match using geiger name.check function
		nmch <- name.check(phy, data)
		if(nmch[1]!="OK") {cat("Dropping species due to mismatch between tree and data:", "\n")
			phy <- drop.tip(phy, nmch[[1]])
			mch <- match(rownames(data), nmch[[2]])
			keep.idx <- is.na(mch)
			data <- data[keep.idx, ]
			cat("Dropped tips from tree: ", nmch[[1]], "\n")
			cat("Dropped rows from data: ", nmch[[2]], "\n")
		# Check for node labels
		if( is.null(phy$node.label) ) {
			cat("Tree has no node labels. Reconstructing using discrete equal rates model with ace.", "\n")
			cat("You are strongly advised to consider whether this model is suitable for your data.", "\n")

			xanc <- data[,x]
			names(xanc) <- rownames(data)
			anc <- ace(xanc, phy, type="discrete", CI=TRUE) 
			foo.anc <- function(x ) { which(x==max(x))}
			ml_anc <- apply(anc$lik.anc, 1, foo.anc)
			ml_anc <- colnames(anc$lik.anc)[ml_anc]
			phy$node.label <- ml_anc
		# alphabetise tip labels with index return
		speciesPhylo <- sort(phy$tip.label, index.return=TRUE)
		# make data frame of discrete trait with species as rownames
		discreteTrait <- data.frame(data[,x], row.names=rownames(data))
		# alphabetise species names for trait data with index return
		speciesData <- sort(rownames(discreteTrait), index.return = TRUE) 
		if(sum(speciesPhylo$x != speciesData$x) > 0){stop("Taxon names in phylogeny do not match those in data frame")}	# check names

		# data frame of tip states in species alphabetical order
		speState <- data.frame(tip.index = speciesPhylo$ix, data.index = speciesData$ix, row.names=rownames(discreteTrait)[speciesData$ix], tipState=discreteTrait[speciesData$ix, ]) 

		# combines vector of internal nodes with numeric vector of ancestral states taken from node labels excluding root
		ancState <- data.frame(node = c((length(phy$tip.label)+2):max(phy$edge)), ancState = as.numeric(phy$node.label[c(2:length(phy$node.label))]))

		# Put together node and tip indices and ancestral states then reorder
		state<- data.frame(edge.index = c(ancState$node, speState$tip.index), state = c(ancState$ancState, speState$tipState))
		state <- state[sort(state$edge.index, index.return = TRUE)$ix, ]
		# Put tree edge in node order and then put it all together and order according to the tree edge index
        phyEdge <- sort(phy$edge[,2], index.return = TRUE)
        phyEdgeState <- data.frame(state, phyEdge = phyEdge$x, phyEdgeix = phyEdge$ix)
        phyEdgeState <- phyEdgeState[order(phyEdgeState$phyEdgeix),]
		# get numeric vector of branch states (use as factor first that factor levels are scored from 1-i in either numerical of alphabetical order depending on input
		ancestor <- as.numeric(as.factor(phyEdgeState$state)) 
		# how many factor levels?
		nlevels <- sort(unique(ancestor))
		# set up list to contain vcv matrices for each state
		rateMatrix <- vector(mode="list", length = length(nlevels))
		# create state vcv matrices 
		for(i in nlevels) {
				x.anc <- ifelse(ancestor == i, 1, 0)
				state.edge <- x.anc * phy$edge.length
				state.phy <- list(edge=phy$edge, edge.length=state.edge, Nnode=phy$Nnode, tip.label=phy$tip.label)
				class(state.phy) <- "phylo"
			state.matrix <- VCV.array(state.phy)
			class(state.matrix) <- "matrix"
			rateMatrix[[i]] <- state.matrix
	class(rateMatrix) <- "rateMatrix"

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motmot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:48 p.m.