
Defines functions Text3d Text3d.default

Documented in Text3d Text3d.default

## p3d:Text3d.R
## 2011-12-22

Text3d <-
function( obj, ..., col = "blue") {
    # Note that this is the 'same' as Lines3d
    Text3d allows arguments to be vectors or matrices whose corresponding
    axes as specified with names of the form 'x', 'xy', 'yxz', etc.
    The text argument is called 'texts'. Other key arguments are adj and
# Text3d.default <-
# function(...,col='blue'){
# # disp( list(...,col=col))
#  do.call("rgl.texts", args3d(...,col=col))
# }

Text3d.default <-
  a <- list(...,col=col)
  if( !any(grepl("^text$",names(a)))) names(a)[names(a)==''] <- 'text'
  do.call("rgl.texts", do.call(args3d,a))

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p3d documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:25 p.m.