
##  Author: Benjamin Hofner, benjamin.hofner@fau.de

### for package testing:
# pkgEnv <- getNamespace("papeR")
# attach(pkgEnv)

# LaTeX Tables with Descriptves for Continuous Variables
latex.table.cont <- function(data, variables = names(data),
                             labels = NULL, group = NULL,
                             colnames = NULL, digits = 2,
                             table = c("tabular", "longtable"), align = NULL,
                             caption = NULL, label = NULL, floating = FALSE,
                             center = TRUE, sep = !is.null(group),
                             sanitize = TRUE,
                             count = TRUE, mean_sd = TRUE, quantiles = TRUE,
                             incl_outliers = TRUE, drop = TRUE,
                             show.NAs = any(is.na(data[, variables]))) {

    table <- match.arg(table)
    if (is.null(labels)) {
        labels <- variables
    } else {
        if (is.logical(labels) && labels) {
            labels <- labels(data, which = variables)
        } else {
            if (length(variables) != length(labels))
                stop(sQuote("variables"), " and ", sQuote("labels"),
                     " must have the same length")

    if (!is.null(group)) {
        if(!is.factor(data[, group]))
            stop(sQuote("group"), " must be a factor variable")
        if (group %in% variables) {
            idx <- variables != group
            variables <- variables[idx]
            labels <- labels[idx]
        group_var <- data[, group]
    ## get numerical variables
    num <- mySapply(data[, variables], is.numeric)
    ## drop missings
    if (drop) {
        compl.missing <- mySapply(data[, variables], function(x) all(is.na(x)))
        num <- num & !compl.missing

    ## if not any is TRUE (i.e. all are FALSE):
    if (!any(count, mean_sd, quantiles))
        stop("Nothing to compute. All quantities are set to FALSE.")
    ## if all variables are factors:
    if (all(!num))
        stop("None of the variables is numeric or all variables are missing. Nothing to compute.")
    ## if factors are dropped:
    if (any(!num))
        warning("Factors are dropped from the summary")

    ## subset variables to non-factors only
    variables <- variables[num]
    labels <- labels[num]

    ## setup results object
    sums <- data.frame(variable = labels, group = NA, blank = "",
                       N=NA, Missing = NA, blank_1 = "",
                       Mean=NA, SD=NA, blank_2 = "",
                       Min=NA, Q1=NA, Median=NA, Q3=NA, Max=NA, var = variables,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(group)) {
        sums <- sums[rep(1:nrow(sums), each = nlevels(group_var)), ]
        sums$group <- levels(group_var)
    } else {
        ## drop group variable
        sums$group <- NULL
        sums$blank <- NULL

    myData <- data
    ## compute statistics
    for (i in 1:nrow(sums)){
        if (!is.null(group)) {
            myData <- data[group_var == sums$group[i], ]
        sums$N[i] <- sum(!is.na(myData[, sums$var[i]]))
        sums$Missing[i] <- sum(is.na(myData[, sums$var[i]]))
        sums$Mean[i] <- round(mean(myData[, sums$var[i]], na.rm=TRUE),
                              digits = digits)
        sums$SD[i] <- round(sd(myData[, sums$var[i]],
                               na.rm=TRUE), digits = digits)
        if (incl_outliers) {
            Q <- round(fivenum(myData[, sums$var[i]]), digits = digits)
        } else {
            Q <- round(c(boxplot(myData[, sums$var[i]], plot = FALSE)$stats),
                       digits = digits)
        sums$Min[i] <- Q[1]
        sums$Q1[i]  <- Q[2]
        sums$Median[i] <- Q[3]
        sums$Q3[i] <- Q[4]
        sums$Max[i] <- Q[5]

    ## remove superfluous variables
    sums$var <- NULL
    if (!show.NAs) {
        sums$Missing <- NULL
    if (!is.null(group)) {
        names(sums)[names(sums) == "group"] <- labels(data, group)

    add_options(sums, table = table, align = align, caption = caption,
                label = label, floating = floating, center = center, sep = sep,
                sanitize = sanitize,
                count = count, mean_sd = mean_sd, quantiles = quantiles,
                colnames = colnames, class = "table.cont")

# LaTeX Tables with Descriptves for Factor Variables
latex.table.fac <- function(data, variables = names(data),
                            labels = NULL, group = NULL,
                            colnames = NULL, digits = 2,
                            table = c("tabular", "longtable"),
                            align = NULL,
                            caption = NULL, label = NULL, floating = FALSE,
                            center = TRUE,
                            sep = TRUE, sanitize = TRUE,
                            drop = TRUE,
                            show.NAs = any(is.na(data[, variables])),
                            na.lab = "<Missing>") {

    if (!is.null(group)) {
        if(!is.factor(data[, group]))
            stop(sQuote("group"), " must be a factor variable")
        if (group %in% variables) {
            idx <- variables != group
            variables <- variables[idx]
            labels <- labels[idx]
        group_var <- data[, group]

        cl <- match.call()
        cl[["group"]] <- NULL
        print_single_tabs <- function(level, data, grp_var) {
            dat <- data[grp_var == level, ]
            cl[["data"]] <- dat
            cl[["caption"]] <- paste(caption, " (", group , ": ", level, ")",
                                     sep ="")
            if (!is.null(label))
                cl[["label"]] <- paste(label, level, sep = "_")
        res <- lapply(levels(group_var), print_single_tabs,
                      data = data, grp_var = group_var)
        class(res) <- "table.list"

    table <- match.arg(table)
    if (is.null(labels)) {
        labels <- variables
    } else {
        if (is.logical(labels) && labels) {
            labels <- labels(data, which = variables)
        } else {
            if (length(variables) != length(labels))
                stop(sQuote("variables"), " and ", sQuote("labels"),
                     " must have the same length")

    ## get factors
    fac <- mySapply(data[, variables], is.factor)
    ## drop missings
    if (drop) {
        compl.missing <- mySapply(data[, variables], function(x) all(is.na(x)))
        fac <- fac & !compl.missing

    ## if all variables are not factors:
    if (all(!fac))
        stop("None of the variables is a factor or all variables are missing. Nothing to compute.")
    ## if non-factors are dropped:
    if (any(!fac))
        warning("Non-factors are dropped from the summary")

    ## subset variables to non-factors only
    variables <- variables[fac]
    labels <- labels[fac]

    if (show.NAs) {
        ## convert NAs to factor levels
        NAtoLvl <- function(x){
            if (any(is.na(x))) {
                lvls <- levels(x)
                x <- as.character(x)
                x[is.na(x)] <- na.lab
                return(factor(x, levels = c(lvls, na.lab)))
        if (length(variables) > 1) {
            data[, variables] <- as.data.frame(lapply(data[, variables], NAtoLvl))
        } else {
            data[, variables] <- NAtoLvl(data[, variables])

    ## repeate variables to match no. of levels:
    n.levels <- mySapply(data[, variables], function(x) length(levels(x)))

    var2 <- unlist(lapply(1:length(variables),
                          function(i) rep(variables[i], each = n.levels[i])))
    var_labels <- unlist(lapply(1:length(variables),
                                function(i) rep(labels[i], each = n.levels[i])))

    ## get all levels
    lvls <- unlist(lapply(variables, function(x) levels(data[, x])))
    colnames(lvls) <- NULL

    ## setup results object
    stats <- data.frame(variable = var_labels, Level = lvls, blank = "",
                        N = NA, blank_2 = "",
                        Fraction = NA, CumSum = NA, blank_3 = "",
                        Fraction_2 = NA, CumSum_2 = NA,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (!show.NAs) {
            stats$Fraction_2 <- NULL
            stats$CumSum_2 <- NULL
            stats$blank_2 <- NULL
            stats$blank_3 <- NULL
    rownames(stats) <- NULL

    ## compute statistics
    for (i in 1:length(var2)) {
        notna <- sum(!is.na(data[, var2[i]]))
        stats$N[i] <- sum(data[, var2[i]] == lvls[i], na.rm = TRUE)
        stats$Fraction[i] <- round(stats$N[i]/notna, digits = digits)
        stats$CumSum[i] <- sum(stats$Fraction[1:i][var2[1:i] == var2[i]])
        if (show.NAs && lvls[i] != na.lab) {
            notna_2 <- sum(data[, var2[i]] != na.lab)
            stats$Fraction_2[i] <- round(stats$N[i]/notna_2, digits = digits)
            stats$CumSum_2[i] <- sum(stats$Fraction_2[1:i][var2[1:i] == var2[i]])
    add_options(stats, table = table, align = align, caption = caption,
                label = label, floating = floating, center = center,
                sep = sep, sanitize = sanitize, colnames = colnames,
                class = "table.fac")

## Helper for latex.table.cont
print.table.cont <- function(x,
                             colnames = get_options(x, "colnames"),
                             table = get_options(x, "table"),
                             align = get_options(x, "align"),
                             caption = get_options(x, "caption"),
                             label = get_options(x, "label"),
                             floating = get_options(x, "floating"),
                             center = get_options(x, "center"),
                             sep = get_options(x, "sep"),
                             sanitize = get_options(x, "sanitize"),
                             count = get_options(x, "count"),
                             mean_sd = get_options(x, "mean_sd"),
                             quantiles = get_options(x, "quantiles"),
                             ...) {

    tab <- x
    ## drop duplicted variable names
    tmp <- tab$variable
    tmp[duplicated(tmp)] <- ""
    tab$variable <- tmp

    ## if not all are TRUE subset results object
    if (!all(count, mean_sd, quantiles)) {

        ## if not any is TRUE (i.e. all are FALSE):
        if (!any(count, mean_sd, quantiles)) {
            stop("Nothing to compute. All quantities are set to FALSE.")
        if (count == FALSE) {
            tab$N <- NULL
            tab$Missing <- NULL
        if (mean_sd == FALSE) {
            tab$Mean <- NULL
            tab$SD <- NULL
        if (quantiles == FALSE) {
            tab$Min <- NULL
            tab$Q1 <- NULL
            tab$Median <- NULL
            tab$Q3 <- NULL
            tab$Max <- NULL
        if (count == FALSE || (mean_sd == FALSE && quantiles == FALSE)) {
            tab$blank_1 <- NULL
        if (mean_sd == FALSE || quantiles == FALSE) {
            tab$blank_2 <- NULL

    if (any(names(tab) == "blank")) {
        start <- which(names(tab) == "blank") + 1
    } else {
        start <- 2
    if (any(grepl("blank_", names(tab)))) {
        idx <- grep("blank_", names(tab))
        if (length(idx) == 1) {
            rules <- paste("  \\cmidrule{", start, "-", idx - 1, "}  ",
                           "\\cmidrule{", idx + 1, "-", length(names(tab)), "}\n",
                           sep = "")
        } else {
            rules <- paste("  \\cmidrule{", start, "-", idx[1] - 1, "}  ",
                           "\\cmidrule{", idx[1] + 1, "-", idx[2] - 1, "} ",
                           "\\cmidrule{", idx[2] + 1, "-", length(names(tab)), "}\n",
                           sep = "")
    } else {
        rules <- paste("  \\cmidrule{", start, "-", length(names(tab)), "}\n",
                       sep = "")
    if (is.null(align))
        align <- paste("l",
                       paste(rep("r", length(names(tab)) - 1), collapse = ""),
                       sep = "")

    ## Define column names
    if (!is.null(colnames)) {
        colNames <- names(tab)
        ## blank doesn't need to be specified in colnames
        if (sum(nms <- !grepl("blank", colNames)) != length(colnames))
            stop(sQuote("colnames"), " has wrong length")
        colNames[nms] <- colnames
    } else {
        colNames <- names(tab)
        colNames[1] <- " "
    colNames[grep("blank", colNames)] <- " "

    ## start printing
    print_table(tab = tab, table = table, floating = floating,
                caption = caption, label = label, center = center, sep = sep,
                sanitize = sanitize, align = align, colNames = colNames,
                rules = rules, header = NULL)

## Helper for latex.table.fac
print.table.fac <- function(x,
                            colnames = get_options(x, "colnames"),
                            table = get_options(x, "table"),
                            align = get_options(x, "align"),
                            caption = get_options(x, "caption"),
                            label = get_options(x, "label"),
                            floating = get_options(x, "floating"),
                            center = get_options(x, "center"),
                            sep = get_options(x, "sep"),
                            sanitize = get_options(x, "sanitize"),
                            ...) {

    tab <- x
    ## drop duplicted variable names
    tmp <- tab$variable
    tmp[duplicated(tmp)] <- ""
    tab$variable <- tmp

    idx <- grep("blank", names(tab))
    if (length(idx) == 1) {
        rules <- paste("  \\cmidrule{2-2} \\cmidrule{4-", ncol(tab), "}\n", sep = "")
    } else {
        rules <- paste("  \\cmidrule{2-2}",
                       "\\cmidrule{", idx[1] + 1, "-", idx[2] - 1, "} ",
                       "\\cmidrule{", idx[2] + 1, "-", idx[3] - 1, "} ",
                       "\\cmidrule{", idx[3] + 1, "-", length(names(tab)), "}\n",
                       sep = "")
    if (is.null(align))
        align <- paste("ll",
                       paste(rep("r", length(names(tab)) - 2), collapse = ""),
                       sep = "")

    ## Define column names
    if (!is.null(colnames)) {
        colNames <- names(tab)
        ## blank doesn't need to be specified in colnames
        if (sum(nms <- !grepl("blank", colNames)) != length(colnames))
            stop(sQuote("colnames"), " has wrong length")
        colNames[nms] <- colnames
    } else {
        colNames <- names(tab)
        colNames[colNames == "Fraction"] <- "\\%"
        colNames[colNames == "CumSum"] <- "$\\sum$ \\%"
        colNames[colNames == "Fraction_2"] <- "\\%"
        colNames[colNames == "CumSum_2"] <- "$\\sum$ \\%"
        colNames[1] <- " "
        if (ncol(tab) == 10) {
            header <- paste(paste(rep("&", 5), collapse =" "),
                            "\\multicolumn{2}{c}{(incl. Missings)}  & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{(w/o Missings)} \\\\")
    colNames[grep("blank", colNames)] <- " "

    if (!exists("header"))
        header <- NULL
    ## start printing
    print_table(tab = tab, table = table, floating = floating,
                caption = caption, label = label, center = center,
                align = align, colNames = colNames, rules = rules,
                sep = sep, sanitize = sanitize, header = header)

print_table <- function(tab, table, floating, caption, label,
                        center, align, colNames, rules, sep, sanitize, header) {
    cat("%% Output requires \\usepackage{booktabs}.\n")
    if (table == "longtable")
        cat("%% Output requires \\usepackage{longtable}.\n")
    if (floating) {
        if (table == "longtable") {
            warning(sQuote("floating = TRUE"), " cannot be used with ",
        } else {
            if (!is.null(caption))
                cat("  \\caption{", caption, "}\n\n")
            if (!is.null(label))
                cat("  \\label{", label, "}\n\n")
            if (center)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(caption)) {
            if (table == "longtable") {
                if (center)
                cat("\\begin{", table,"}{", align, "} \n", sep ="")
                cat("  \\caption{", caption, "}\n")
                if (!is.null(label))
                    cat("  \\label{", label, "}\n")
            } else {
                cat("%% Output requires \\usepackage{capt-of}.\n")
                ## use end minipage to group caption and table
                if (center)
                cat("  \\captionof{table}{", caption, "}\n")
                if (!is.null(label))
                    cat("  \\label{", label, "}\n")
                #if (center)
                #    cat("  \\vspace*{-1em}\n")
                cat("\\begin{", table,"}{", align, "} \n", sep ="")
        } else {
            if (center)
            cat("\\begin{", table,"}{", align, "} \n", sep ="")
    cat("  \\toprule \n")

    if (!is.null(header))
        cat(header, " \n")

    cat(paste(colNames, collapse = " & "), "\\\\ \n")
    if (table == "longtable")
        cat("  \\endhead  \n")

    ## Convert to character strings
    tab <- apply(tab, 2, function(x)
                 ifelse(sapply(x, is.numeric), sprintf("%4.2f", x), x))
    ## if tab accidentially drops to a vector
    if (is.null(dim(tab)))
        tab <- matrix(tab, nrow = 1)

    # tab[,1] <- gsub("(_)", "\\\\_", tab[,1])
    if (is.function(is.function(sanitize))) {
        toLatex <- sanitize
        sanitize <- TRUE
    if (is.logical(sanitize) && sanitize == TRUE)
        tab <- apply(tab, 2, toLatex)
    ## if tab accidentially drops to a vector
    if (is.null(dim(tab)))
        tab <- matrix(tab, nrow = 1)

    ## if separators should be added after each factor variable:
    if (sep) {
        tab[tab[,1] != "", 1][-1] <- paste(rules, tab[tab[,1] != "", 1][-1])

    ## Replace NA with " "
    tab[is.na(tab)] <- ""
    out <- apply(tab, 1, function(x)
                 cat(paste(x, collapse = " & "), " \\\\ \n"))
    cat("  \\bottomrule \n")

    cat("\\end{", table, "} \n\n", sep ="")
    if (center)
    if (floating && table != "longtable")
    ## if captionof is used end minipage
    if (!floating && table != "longtable" && !is.null(caption))

print.table.list <- function(x, ...) {
    lapply(x, print)

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papeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:55 p.m.