
#### "pedigree" class methods

#' Constructor for pedigree objects
#' A simple constructor for a pedigree object.  The main point for the
#' constructor is to use coercions to make the calls easier.
#' @param sire integer vector or factor representation of the sires
#' @param dam integer vector or factor representation of the dams
#' @param label character vector of labels
#' @return an pedigree object of class \linkS4class{pedigree}

#' @note \code{sire}, \code{dam} and \code{label} must all have the
#' same length and all labels in \code{sire} and \code{dam} must occur
#' in \code{label}
#' @export
pedigree <- function(sire, dam, label) {
    n <- length(sire)
    labelex <- c(label, NA, 0)
    stopifnot(n == length(dam),
              n == length(label),
              all(sire %in% labelex),
              all(dam %in% labelex))
    sire <- as.integer(factor(sire, levels = label))
    dam <- as.integer(factor(dam, levels = label))
    sire[sire < 1 | sire > n] <- NA
    dam[dam < 1 | dam > n] <- NA
    new("pedigree", sire = sire, dam = dam,
        label = as.character(label))

#' Coerce a pedigree to a sparse triangular matrix
#' Create a sparse, unit lower triangular matrix from a pedigree.  The
#' matrix the L factor in the LDL' Cholesky factorization of the
#' inverse of the relationship matrix.
#' @export
setAs("pedigree", "sparseMatrix", # representation as T^{-1}
      function(from) {
	  sire <- from@sire
	  n <- length(sire)
	  animal <- seq_along(sire)
	  j <- c(sire, from@dam)
	  ind <- !is.na(j)
	  as(new("dtTMatrix", i = rep.int(animal, 2)[ind] - 1L,
		 j = j[ind] - 1L, x = rep.int(-0.5, sum(ind)),
		 Dim = c(n,n), Dimnames = list(from@label, NULL),
		 uplo = "L", diag = "U"), "dtCMatrix")

## these data frames are now storage efficient but print less nicely
setAs("pedigree", "data.frame",
      data.frame(sire = from@sire, dam = from@dam,
		 row.names = from@label))

#' Convert a pedigree to a data frame
#' Express a pedigree as a data frame with \code{sire} and
#' \code{dam} stored as factors.  If the pedigree is an object of
#' class \linkS4class{pedinbred} then the inbreeding coefficients are
#' appended as the variable \code{F}
#' @param x a pedigree object of class \linkS4class{pedigree}
#' @return a data frame
ped2DF <- function(x) {
    stopifnot(is(x, "pedigree"))
    lab <- x@label
    lev <- seq_along(lab)
    ans <- data.frame(sire = factor(x@sire, levels = lev, labels = lab),
                      dam  = factor(x@dam,  levels = lev, labels = lab),
                      row.names = lab)
    if (is(x, "pedinbred")) ans <- cbind(ans, F = x@F)

setMethod("show", signature(object = "pedigree"),
	  function(object) print(ped2DF(object)))

setMethod("head", "pedigree", function(x, ...)
	  do.call("head", list(x = ped2DF(x), ...)))

setMethod("tail", "pedigree", function(x, ...)
	  do.call("tail", list(x = ped2DF(x), ...)))

setMethod("chol", "pedigree",
          function(x, pivot, LINPACK) {
              ttrans <- solve(t(as(x, "dtCMatrix")))
              .Call(pedigree_chol, x,
                    as(.Call("Csparse_diagU2N", t(ttrans), PACKAGE = "Matrix"),

#' Inbreeding coefficients from a pedigree
#' Create the inbreeding coefficients according to the algorithm given
#' in "Comparison of four direct algorithms for computing inbreeding
#' coefficients" by Mehdi Sargolzaei and Hiroaki Iwaisaki, Animal
#' Science Journal (2005) 76, 401--406.
#' @param ped an object that inherits from class \linkS4class{pedigree}
#' @return the inbreeding coefficients as a numeric vector
#' @export
inbreeding <- function(ped) {
    stopifnot(is(ped, "pedigree"))
    .Call(pedigreeTools:::pedigree_inbreeding, ped)

#' Diagonal of D in the A = TDT' factorization.
#' Determine the diagonal factor in the decomposition of the
#' relationship matrix A as TDT' where T is unit lower triangular.
#' @param ped an object that inherits from class \linkS4class{pedigree}
#' @return a numeric vector
#' @export
Dmat <- function(ped)
    F <- inbreeding(ped)
    sire <- ped@sire
    dam <- ped@dam
    Fsire <- ifelse(is.na(sire), -1, F[sire])
    Fdam <-  ifelse(is.na(dam), -1, F[dam])
    ans <- 1 - 0.25 * (2 + Fsire + Fdam)
    names(ans) <- ped@label

#' Relationship factor from a pedigree
#' Determine the right Cholesky factor of the relationship matrix for
#' the pedigree \code{ped}, possibly restricted to the specific labels
#' that occur in \code{labs}. 
#' @param ped a pedigree that includes the individuals who occur in svec
#' @param labs a character vector or a factor giving the labels to
#'    which to restrict the relationship matrix. If \code{labs} is a
#'    factor then the levels of the factor are used as the labels.
#'    Default is the complete set of labels in the pedigree.
#' @return an object that inherits from \linkS4class{CHMfactor}
#' @export
relfactor <- function(ped, labs)
    stopifnot(is(ped, "pedigree"))
    if (missing(labs))                  # square case
        return(Diagonal(x = sqrt(Dmat(ped))) %*% 
               solve(t(as(ped, "sparseMatrix"))))
    labs <- factor(labs) # drop unused levels from a factor
    stopifnot(all(labs %in% ped@label))
    rect <- Diagonal(x = sqrt(Dmat(ped))) %*% 
        solve(t(as(ped, "sparseMatrix")), # rectangular factor
              Matrix:::fac2sparse(factor(labs, levels = ped@label),
                                  drop = FALSE))

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pedigreeTools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:22 p.m.