Defines functions smessage CLIfile CLIArgumentParser

Documented in CLIArgumentParser

# Command Line Interface utils
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: May 9, 2013

smessage <- function(..., indent = 0L, item = NULL, appendLF = FALSE){
    if( is.null(item) ){ # choose item from indent
        .item <- c('*', '*', '-', '-', '>', '>') 
        item <- .item[indent+1]
    indent <- if( indent ) paste0(rep(' ', indent), collapse='') else ''
    if( nzchar(item) ) item <- paste0(item, ' ')
    message(indent, item, ..., appendLF = appendLF)

CLIfile <- function(full = FALSE){
    pattern <- "--file=(.*)"
    if( !length(f <- grep(pattern, commandArgs(), value = TRUE)) ) ''
        pf <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", f)
        if( full ) pf
        else basename(pf)

#' Enhanced Command Line Argument Parser
#' Extends the capabilities of package \pkg{argparse}, e.g., in defining sub commands.
#' @param prog program name
#' @param description program description
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link[argparse]{ArgumentParser}}.
#' @param epilog epilog messages to display at the end of the man pages
#' @param show.defaults logical that indicates if default arugment values should 
#' be displayed. 
#' @export
CLIArgumentParser <- function(prog = CLIfile(), description = '', ..., epilog = '', show.defaults = TRUE){
    # load argparse
    suppressMessages( library(argparse, quietly = TRUE) )
    .flag_newlines <- function(x){
        gsub("\n", "", x)
    .special <- '__@@##@@__'
    epilog <- paste0(.special, epilog)
    p <- ArgumentParser(prog = prog, description = .flag_newlines(description), ..., epilog = .flag_newlines(epilog))
    # change argument formatter if required
    if( show.defaults ){
        i <- grep("argparse\\.ArgumentParser", p$python_code)
        inst <- p$python_code[i]
        p$python_code[i] <- paste0(substr(inst, 1, nchar(inst)-1), ', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)')
    p <- proto(p)
    # add add_command function
    p$command_loc <- .special
    p$prog <- prog
    p$exec <- if( nchar(exec_path <- CLIfile(full = TRUE)) ) normalizePath(CLIfile(full = TRUE)) else '' 
    p$command <- list()
    p$command_idefault <- 0L
    p$command_default <- function(.){
        if( .$command_idefault ) names(.$command)[.$command_idefault]
        else ''
    # add a (sub-)command
    p$add_command <- function(., command, help='', ..., default = FALSE){
        # add command argument if necessary
        if( !length(.$command) ){
            .$.super$add_argument('command', help = paste0(.$prog, ' command to run'))
        # store command
        .$command[command] <- help	
        # store command as default
        if( default ) .$command_idefault <- length(.$command)
    p$add_argument <- function(., ..., help = ''){
        .flag_newlines <- function(x){
            gsub("\n", "", x)
        help <- .flag_newlines(help)
        .$.super$add_argument(..., help = help)
    # overload print_usage
    p$print_usage <- function(.){
        if( length(.$command) ){
            cat("\n  Use --help for listing all available commands\n")
    # overload print_help to add command descriptions
    p$print_help <- function(.){
        # get formatted help
        h <- paste(capture.output(.$.super$print_help()), collapse="\n")
#		# fix new lines if necessary
#		nl <- strsplit(h, "##NL##")[[1]]
#		if( length(nl) > 1L ){
#			indent <- nchar(gsub("^([ ]+).*", "\\1", tail(strsplit(nl[1], "\n")[[1L]], 1L)))
#			i <- 2:length(nl)
#			print(sprintf(paste0("%", indent, 's'), ''))
#			nl[i] <- paste0(sprintf(paste0("%", indent, 's'), ''), nl[i])
#			h <- paste0(nl, collapse="\n")
#		}
        cmds <- ''
        if( length(.$command) ){
            # format command help
            lm <- max(nchar(names(.$command)))
            fmt <- paste0("  %-", lm, "s")
            cmds <- strwrap(.$command, indent = 4, exdent = 2 + lm + 4, width = 80, simplify = FALSE)
            cmds <- sapply(cmds, paste, collapse = "\n")
            cmds <- paste0(sprintf(fmt, names(.$command)), cmds)
            cmds <- paste0('Commands:\n', paste(cmds, collapse = "\n"))
        h <- gsub(.$command_loc, cmds, h, fixed = TRUE)
        cat(h, sep="\n")
    # add function call_string
    p$call_string <- function(., args = commandArgs(TRUE)){
        paste(.$prog, paste0(args, collapse = ' '))
    e <- parent.frame()
    p$locenvir <- parent.env(e)
    # commmand parer
    p$parse_cmd <- function(., ...){
#        print(ls(.$locenvir))
        pkgmaker::parseCMD(., ..., envir = .$locenvir)

# combine argument parsers
.combineParser <- function(p1, p2){
    if( length(i <- grep("^parser\\.add_argument", p2$python_code)) ){
        p1$.that$python_code <- c(p1$python_code, p2$python_code[i])

.hasArgument <- function(ARGS){
    function(x) length(ARGS[[x]]) && nzchar(ARGS[[x]])

logMessage <- function(..., appendLF = TRUE, extfile = NULL){
    # output to external file as well
    if( !is.null(extfile) ){
        cat(..., if( appendLF ) "\n", sep ='', file = extfile, append = TRUE)
    message(..., appendLF = appendLF)

#' \code{parseCMD} parse command line arguments for sub-commands, 
#' and dispatch to the associated function.
#' @param parser parser object as returned by \code{CLIArgumentParser}.
#' @param ARGS command line argument to parse, as a named list or a character string.
#' @param debug logical that indicate if debugging information should be printed.
#' @param envir environment that contains where the sub-command functions are looked for. 
#' @export
#' @rdname CLIArgumentParser
parseCMD <- function(parser, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), debug = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()){
    if( isString(ARGS) == 1L ){ # used in dev/debugging
        ARGS <- strsplit(ARGS, ' ')[[1]]
    # fix quotes to avoid python JSON parsing error
    ARGS <- gsub("'", "\"", ARGS)
    library(pkgmaker, quietly = TRUE)
    # define command line arguments
    prog <- parser$prog
    # check validity of command
    # shows usage/help in trivial calls
    if( !length(ARGS) ){
        return( invisible(parser) )
    }else if( !grepl("^-", ARGS[1L]) ){ # first argument is the command
        command <- ARGS[1L]
        if( !command %in% names(parser$command) ){
            stop("unknown ", prog," command '", command, "'\n"
                    , "  Available commands: ", paste0(names(parser$command), collapse = ', ') 
            #, paste(capture.output(parser$print_usage()), collapse = "\n")
    }else if( any(ARGS %in% c('-h', '--help')) ){
        return( invisible(parser) )
        # default command if any
        if( nzchar(parser$command_default()) )
            ARGS <- c(parser$command_default(), ARGS)
            stop("Missing command:\n  "
                    , paste(capture.output(parser$print_usage()), collapse = "\n")
                    , "\n  Available command(s): ", str_out(names(parser$command), Inf, quote=FALSE)
                    , call. = FALSE)
    # get command-specific parser
    command <- ARGS[1L]
    cmd_funame <- paste0('CLI_', command)
    if( !exists(cmd_funame, envir, inherits = TRUE) ){
#    if( is.null(cmd_fun <- getFunction(cmd_funame, mustFind = FALSE)) ){
        stop("Could not execute ", prog , " command ", command, ": did not find CLI entry point '", cmd_funame, "'")
    cmd_fun <- get(cmd_funame, envir, inherits = TRUE)
    cmd_parser <- cmd_fun(ARGS=NULL)
    ARGS <- ARGS[-1L]
    if( !length(ARGS) ){
        # show command line
    }else if( any(ARGS %in% c('-h', '--help')) ){
        return( invisible(cmd_parser) )
        # parse command arguments
        args <- cmd_parser$parse_args(ARGS)
        # log call and parsed arguments		
        if( debug ){
            message('Call: ', parser$call_string(ARGS))
            message('Parsed arguments:')
        # call command handler
        cmd_fun(ARGS = args)

#' Package Specific Command Line Interface
#' @param package package name
#' @param altfile alternative file that defines the main CLI entry point. 
#' That is a function named \code{CLI}, which takes the list of parsed command line 
#' arguments as its first argument.
#' @param local logical that indicates if the main CLI function should be 
#' defined and evaluated in a local environment, or in the user's Global 
#' environment.
#' @param ARGS list of parsed arguments passed to the main CLI function.
#' @param ... extra arugments passed to the package's CLI function. 
#' @export
packageCLI <- function(package, altfile = NULL, local = TRUE, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), ...){
    master_cli <- if( !is.null(package) ) system.file('scripts', 'CLI.R', package = package)
    else if( is.null(altfile) ){
        stop('Could not load CLI definition: argument `package` or `altfile` is required')
    if( !length(master_cli) || !nzchar(master_cli) ){
        master_cli <- altfile
    # load CLI
    source(master_cli, keep.source = TRUE, chdir = TRUE, local = local)
    if( !exists('CLI', inherits = FALSE) ){
        stop("Could not start command line interface for package '", package, "': main entry point function CLI() not found.")
    CLI <- get('CLI', inherits = !local)
    # run CLI
    CLI(ARGS, ...)

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pkgmaker documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:42 p.m.