
Defines functions print.ita ita

Documented in ita print.ita

## Item tree analysis
ita <- function(R, L = NULL, makeK = FALSE,
                search = c("local", "global")) {
  ## Helpers
  isTransitive <- function(x) {
    P <- bb <= x
    all(P[P %*% P > 0])

  getKfromP <- function(x) rbind(0L, sets::binary_closure(t(x)))

  getdmin <- function(x) mean(apply(x, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE))

  getdisc <- function(R, K, total = TRUE) {
    d.RK <- apply(K, 1, function(k) colSums(xor(t(R), k)))
    disc <- sapply(list(fit = d.RK, complexity = t(d.RK)), getdmin)
    if(total) sum(disc) else disc

  getoptimalL <- function(bb, R, transitiveL, search = search) {
    LL <- rev(transitiveL)
    if(length(LL) < 2)
    P <- bb <= LL[1]          # start from largest threshold
    dsum1 <- getdisc(R, getKfromP(P))
    for(i in 2:length(LL)) {  # reduce threshold value
      P <- bb <= LL[i]
      dsum <- getdisc(R, getKfromP(P))
      if(search == "local" && dsum1 < dsum) {
        return(LL[i - 1])     # local: stop when dsum starts getting worse
      if(dsum1 > dsum) {      # global: full search for optimal dsum
        dsum1 <- dsum
        optL <- LL[i]

  nitems <- ncol(R)
  cn <- colnames(R)
  cn <- if(!is.null(cn)) cn else letters[seq_len(nitems)]

  ## Count all pairwise counterexamples to p < q
  i <- expand.grid(x = seq_len(nitems), y = seq_len(nitems))
  bb <- matrix(colSums((1 - R[, i$x]) * R[, i$y]),
               ncol = nitems, dimnames = list("<" = cn, ">" = cn))
  tL <- Filter(isTransitive, sort(unique(as.vector(bb))))

  ## Select optimal threshold value
  searchL <- NULL
  search <- match.arg(search)
  if(is.null(L)) {
    L <- getoptimalL(bb, R, transitiveL = tL, search = search)
    searchL <- search

  ## Define relation according to threshold
  if(!isTransitive(L)) stop("relation not transitive for threshold L")
  P <- bb <= L

  ## Make K by closing its base (requires transitivity)
  K <- disc <- NULL
  if(makeK) {
    K <- getKfromP(P)
    rownames(K) <- as.pattern(K)
    disc <- getdisc(R, K, total = FALSE)
    disc <- c(disc, total = sum(disc))
  retval <- list(K = K, discrepancy = disc, transitiveL = tL,
                 searchL = searchL, L = L, P = bb, I = P)
  class(retval) <- "ita"

print.ita <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
  cat("\nItem tree analysis (ITA)\n")
  cat("\nViolations of precedence relation:\n")
  cat("\nSelected threshold (L):", x$L)
  cat("\nTransitive thresholds:\n")
  if(!is.null(x$K)) {
    cat("\nNumber of knowledge states:", nrow(x$K))
    print(x$discrepancy, digits = digits)

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