pointProcessModel: Construction and estimation of a generalized linear point...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/PointProcessModel.R


The function pointProcessModel constructs objects of class PointProcessModel or MultivariatePointProcess. These models are generalized linear point processes with the intensity function given in terms of a linear predictor process, that is, in terms of a linear combination of linear filters. The linear filters are specified through a symbolic description of the linear predictor process. The function ppmFit fits the model to the data.


pointProcessModel(formula, data, family, support = 1, N = 200, Delta,
  lambda, coefficients, modelMatrix = TRUE, fit = modelMatrix, 
  varMethod = 'Fisher', basisEnv, selfStart = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'PointProcessModel'
ppmFit(model, control = list(), optim = 'optim', selfStart = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'MultivariatePointProcess'
ppmFit(model, control = list(), ...)



an object of class formula. A symbolic description of the model to be fitted. See ‘Details’.


an object of class MarkedPointProcess containing the point process data as well as any continuous process data.


an object of class Family. Specification of the general model family containing the specification of the phi function, which links the linear predictor process to the predictable intensity process.


a numeric vector. Specifies the support of the filter functions as the interval from support[1] to support[2]. If support is of length 1 the support is the interval from 0 to support[1]. The default value is 1.


a numeric. The number of basis function evaluations used in the support. Default value 200.


a numeric. Basis functions are evaluated at Delta-grid values in the support. If missing, Delta is set to the length of the support divided by N. If specified, overrides the use of N.


an optional vector of penalization weights in a quadratic penalization of the parameter vector. If missing, no penalization is added to the negative log-likelihood when estimates are computed.


an optional specification of the initial parameters used for the numerical optimization.


a logical. Specifies if the model matrix is to be computed. Default is TRUE.


a logical. Specifies if the model is to be fitted. Default value is that the model is only fitted if the model matrix is computed. If the formula does not have a response variable the model is not fitted - disregarding the value of fit.


a character. Specifies the method used for estimation of the variance matrix of the parameter estimators. Currently the default value, 'Fisher', and 'none' are implemented, with 'Fisher' meaning that the inverse of the observed Fisher information is used and 'none' meaning that the variance matrix is not estimated.


an optional environment holding precomputed basis function evaluations.


a point process model as an object of class PointProcessModel.


a list of control parameters for the numerical optimization algorithm, e.g. optim.


a character specifying the actual optimization method. The default is 'optim'. Other possibilities are 'poisson', 'glmnet', 'iwls' and 'ls'. See details below for a description.


a logical specifying if the fitting procedure should compute a preliminary estimate before the actual optimization. If it is FALSE, the current model parameters are used as starting values. Default value is TRUE.


additional parameters that are passed on to ppmFit or the optimization algorithm, e.g. optim.


pointProcessModel is the main function for estimation of a generalized linear point process model. The function sets up the model specified in terms of a formula, and, if required, computes the model matrix and fits the model to the data.

When calling pointProcessModel the three arguments formula, data and family must be specified. In addition, a specification of the argument support and optionally N or Delta should be considered.

The formula specifies together with the family the conditional intensity for a point process in terms of the history of the point process itself as well as additional processes and variables. The formula alone specifies a linear predictor process, which consists of a linear combination of stochastic processes determined by the terms in the formula. The parameters to be estimated in the model are the coefficients in this linear combination. The stochastic processes are computed and stored in the model matrix. The family specifies a phi function that transforms the linear predictor process into the conditional intensity.

The possibilities for specifying the linear predictor process in terms of the formula are quite extensive. For instance, any variable corresponding to continuous process observations, unit specific variables, the unit identification variable or the position/time variable can enter in the formula specification by name just as if we did an ordinary regression on these variables. The variables enter directly, as specified by the formula, into the intensity through the inverse link function of the linear predictor process. Interactions can be specified, e.g. if there is a column named V and the unit identification variable is id, the inclusion of id*V in the formula specification will result in unit specific parameters for the effect of V on the intensity. Standard rules for formula specification applies, e.g. id*V expands to id + V + id:V, and id:V by itself results in a different parametrization. In addition, variables can be transformed using either a single function or basis expansions. A model formula specification of the intensity that only relies on the variables listed above results in a (conditional) inhomogeneous Poisson process model.

Other possible terms in the formula specification are terms involving the mark variables, that is, the point process data. The response (the left hand side of the formula) must always be one of the mark variables. If the response is not specified, the model is set up, and the model matrix is computed - if requested - but the model is not fitted.

How a point process, as given by a term in the formula involving a mark variable, enters in the model is partly determined by the family. For the Hawkes-family, point processes enter in the model through linear filters specified by filter functions. That is, if points for the mark variable M are observed at s_1, ..., s_n, and f(M) is a term in the formula, the corresponding linear filter

sum_{i: t-s_i in support} f(t-s_i)

then enters as a term in the linear predictor process. Expansions of a filter function in terms of basis functions is possible, using e.g. bSpline to generate an expansion in terms of B-splines. See also Family for details on the family and phi function specification. The term M results in a linear filter function on the support, whereas the term const(M) results in a constant function on the support. Thus an affine filter function can be obtained by including I(const(M) + M) in the formula.

As described above, there is a fundamental difference in the ways that a point process and a continuous process enter in the model specification. A continuous process enters as is whereas a point process enters through a linear filter. This is considered to be natural in most cases - the point history needs to be aggregated through a linear filter before it enters in the specification of the conditional intensity, whereas it is the instantaneous value of the continuous process that determines the conditional intensity. However, it may be desirable to apply a linear filter to a continuous process as well. This is possible by including terms involving a continuous process variable name concatenated with a ".d". That is, if V is a continuous process variable and f(V.d) is a term in the formula, the corresponding linear filter

int_{support} f(s) V((t-s)-)ds

then enters as a term in the linear predictor process. As for point processes, the filter function can be expanded using any set of basis functions. Currently, the implementation only supports causal filters. Note that the specified filter functions are normalized to integrate, numerically, to 1 and that the process is padded with its initial value to the left.

The left hand side of the formula can be a point process variable or a sum of point process variables, in which case a univariate point process model is fitted. It can also be a vector of point process variables in which case a multivariate point process model is fitted.

ppmFit is called for the estimation of the model. If the model is set up with fit = FALSE initially, the model parameters can subsequently be estimated by calling ppmFit. It is usually not called directly by the user. Depending on the optim argument it calls the appropriate internal function for the actual optimization. The current default does numerical minimization of the (time-discretized) minus-log-likelihood function using optim - in general using the BFGS-algorithm. However, if the identity phi function is used (choose link = "identity" in the family specification) the L-BFGS-B-algorithm is used instead, with the default lower bound sqrt(Machine$double.eps) on the intercept parameter and 0 on other parameters. The alternatives are described below.

Control parameters for the numerical optimization may be passed to the optim function, or the other optimization functions, via the control argument for ppmFit. The maximal number of iterations for the algorithm is set to 1000 when used in ppmFit in contrast to the default for optim, which is 100. See optim for details. A control argument in a call of pointProcessModel is automatically passed on to the call of ppmFit.

The optim method can always be specified via a named method argument, which is passed to optim. The L-BFGS-B algorithm allows for box-constraints on the parameters. This may be required, e.g. if phi is the identity, as mentioned above. The lower and upper bounds are specified in the call by setting the additional arguments lower and upper that are passed to the optim function. See optim for details. Note that for estimates computed using box-constraints with one or more parameter value(s) on the boundary of the parameter space, the estimated standard errors based on the inverse Fisher information are unreliable. This holds true for the default method with the identity phi function as well.

Alternatives to optim = 'optim', all experimental, include optim = 'poisson' based on glm.fit for the Poisson family. The implementation is based on the same time-discretized approximation to the minus-log-likelihood as with the optim function and gives comparable results. For large sparse model matrices the optim function is usually faster because function and gradient evaluations exploit sparse matrix operations. With optim = 'poisson' the model matrix is coerced to a dense matrix. With optim = 'iwls' an R implementation exploiting sparse matrix operations of the iterative weighted least squares algorithm is used as with optim = 'poisson'. The result should be comparable to that of the two methods described above. With optim = 'ls' a least squares criterion is used, which only works with phi the identity. In this case the resulting quadratic optimization problem is faster to solve than minimizing the minus-log-likelihood. Technically, for the resulting model to be a well specified point process, the solution has to fulfill a positivity contraint, which is not enforced. Finally, with optim = 'glmnet' the parameters are penalized with an l1-norm and the solution is computed using the glmnet function. This is implemented with phi the identity, in which case a least squares criterion is used, and with phi the exponential (that is, with a log-link function), in which case the minus-log-likelihood is used.


An object of class PointProcessModel or MultivariatePointProcess containing the estimated parameters.

Use summary to get a standard summary output from the fitted model.

Use termPlot on the resulting model to plot the estimated filter function(s).


The current implementation supports linear filters of continuous processes through the .d notation in the formula. However, the data structure allows for non-equidistant sampling, and the filter computations are done using numerical integration and not FFT. Consequently, the computation of the model matrix for large data sets can be prohibitively slow.


Niels Richard Hansen Niels.R.Hansen@math.ku.dk.

Maintainer: Niels.R.Hansen@math.ku.dk


Hansen, N. R. Penalized maximum likelihood estimation for generalized linear point processes. arXiv:1003.0848v1. http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.0848

See Also

PointProcessModel, update, optim, bSpline, termPlot, registerParBackend, glm.fit.


toyPPM <- pointProcessModel(BETA ~ const(ALPHA),
                            data = toyData,
                            family = Hawkes(),
                            support = 2)
## Not run: ## Plot of the filter function
## End(Not run)

toyPPM <- pointProcessModel(BETA ~ cut(ALPHA, c(0,1,2),
                                       include.lowest = TRUE),
                            data = toyData,
                            family = Hawkes(),
                            support = 2)
## Not run: ## Plot of the filter function
## End(Not run)

## Removing the baseline intensity.
toyPPM <- update(toyPPM, .~. -1)

## Different baselines for each unit. This 'update' adds a term
## not originally in the model, thus the model matrix will be
## recomputed. 
toyPPM <- update(toyPPM, .~. + id)

ppstat documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.