Man pages for qfa
Tools for Quantitative Fitness Analysis (QFA) of Arrayed Microbial Cultures Growing on Solid Agar Surfaces

colonyzer.readReads raw cell density timecourse data from Colonyzer output...
correlationReportCorrelation Report
datafitFitting generalised logistic model to growth data by least...
dtlCulture Doubling Time for Generalised Logistic Function (as a...
fitnessReportFitness Report
getDeadLocationsFind dead cultures in SGA plates (1536 format), and report...
GlogistGeneralised Logistic growth curve model
growthcurveWrapper function for generating QFA generalised logistic...
iRVisDemoInteractive fitness plots from Addinal et al. 2011 PLoS...
loapproxfunModel free growth curve approximation
logistLogistic growth curve model
makeBoundsQFAGenerate generalised logistic parameter bounds for QFA
makeFitnessGenerate QFA fitnesses
mdpMaximum Doubling Potential (MDP) for Generalised Logistic...
mdrMaximum Doubling Rate (MDR) for Generalised Logistic Function
mdrmdpFitness value for Generalised Logistic Function
normalisePlatesNormalising culture fitness by plate
numericalfitnessNumerical fitness estimates from timecourse data
numerical_rGenerates numerical fitnesses from experimental growth curve...
pgisCalculate strength and significance of genetic interaction.
plateBoxplotsPlate Boxplots
qfa.epiFinds genetic interaction strengths and p-values
qfa.epiplotMakes an epistasis plot from the full results of qfa.epi
qfa.fitGrowth curve modelling
qfa-InternalInternal qfa Functions
qfa.plotPlots fitted model and data for all the colonies in results...
report.epiNormalising culture fitness by plate
rod.readReading of ROD raw timecourse data. Deprecated.
rod.writeWrites a synthetic ROD-like output file to hard-drive....
showDemoShow Demo
visToolMaking the visualisation tool
qfa documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 3:01 a.m.