
Defines functions makePriceFrame makeReturnFrame

Documented in makePriceFrame makeReturnFrame

#' Merge Adjusted prices (or returns of adjusted prices) of several symbols
#' Given the names of symbols, merge together Adjusted columns of their xts
#' objects
#' \code{PF} and \code{RF} are aliases. \code{makePriceFrame} merges the \code{prefer}
#' columns of several symbols if \code{prefer} is given.  Otherwise, it will use
#'  the adjusted column is if it exists, or close, mid, or price if it does not. 
#' (See \code{\link{estAd}}).
#' If \code{notional} is \code{TRUE} and any \code{Symbols} are the names of 
#' \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{instrument}}s, prices will be multiplied by
#' their multipliers unless they have a \code{"notional"} \code{attr} that has
#' a value of \code{TRUE} (which indicates that they have already been 
#' notionalized.  If the object has already been notionalized, and 
#' \code{notional} is \code{TRUE}, it will be used as is.  However, if
#' it has already been notionalized (i.e. \code{isTRUE(attr(obj, 'notional'))})
#' and the \code{notional} argument is \code{FALSE}, price will be divided by
#' their multipliers to "denotionalize" them.
#' \code{makeReturnFrame} first calls \code{makePriceFrame}, then calculates 
#' returns on those price series
#' The \code{from} and \code{to} arguments are intended to be used to indicate
#' the starting and ending date, whereas the \code{subset} argument is intended
#' to be used to subset intraday data by time of day.
#' Since this function merges together the same \code{prefer} column from each Symbol,
#' the column names can be simplified.  The \code{colnames} will simply be set
#' to be the same as \code{Symbols}.  A "prefer" \code{attr} will be added to the 
#' returned object so that you can see (using \code{str}, or \code{attr(x, "prefer")}) 
#' what column was used to build the PriceFrame.
#' @aliases makePriceFrame makeReturnFrame PF RF
#' @param Symbols character vector of names of xts objects
#' @param from include no data before this date/timestamp
#' @param to include data through this date/timestamp
#' @param prefer column to use. If NULL, the first of the following columns
#' that is found will be used: \sQuote{Adjusted}, \sQuote{Close}, \sQuote{Mid}
#' @param notional Should notional values be returned? Default is \code{FALSE}
#'   see Details
#' @param na.omit Should \code{NA} values be removed? Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param subset xts style subsetting argument. (e.g. "T08:30/T15:00" or 
#' "last 10 days") Default is \code{NULL}
#' @param env environment in which to look for xts objects
#' @param silent silence warnings? (Currently, the only warning message is
#' \dQuote{Instrument not found, using contract multiplier of 1})
#' @param \dots arguments to be passed to \code{ROC}.  These can be \sQuote{n},
#' \sQuote{type}, \sQuote{na.pad},
#' @return xts object with same number of columns as length of \code{Symbols}, 
#' 1 for each symbol's [adjusted] prices (returns). The object will have a
#' "prefer" \code{attr} indicating which column was used to build it.
#' @note \code{makeReturnFrame} can be useful before calling functions like
#' charts.PerformanceSummary from the PortfolioAnalytics package.
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso \code{\link{estAd}}, \code{\link[quantmod]{getPrice}}, 
#' \code{\link[base]{attr}}, \code{\link{gsa}}, \code{\link{alignSymbols}}, merge, cbind
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getSymbols(c('SPY','DIA','QQQ'))
#' pf <- makePriceFrame(c('SPY','DIA','QQQ'))
#' head(pf)
#' rf <- makeReturnFrame(c('SPY','DIA','QQQ'))
#' head(rf)
#' ## See what column was used to make pf
#' attr(pf, "prefer") 
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname PF
makePriceFrame <-
function(Symbols, from=NULL, to=NULL, prefer=NULL, notional=FALSE, na.omit=TRUE, subset=NULL, env=.GlobalEnv, silent) {
    Symbols <- do.call(c, strsplit(Symbols, ";")) 
    if (any(sapply(Symbols, exists, env) == FALSE))
       stop(paste("No data in", deparse(substitute(env)), "for", Symbols[!sapply(Symbols, exists, .GlobalEnv)], '\n'))
    if (missing(silent)) {
        silent <- if( "package:FinancialInstrument" %in% search() ) { FALSE } else TRUE

    pframe <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(Symbols)) {
        tmp.dat <- try(estAd(get(Symbols[i],pos=env),prefer=prefer),TRUE)
        tmpinstr <- try(getInstrument(Symbols[i], silent=TRUE))
        if (!inherits(tmp.dat,'try-error') && length(tmp.dat) > 0) {
            # The following subset code is only a slight modification of code in
            # quantmod::chartSeries
            if (!is.null(subset) && is.character(subset)) {
                if (strsplit(subset, " ")[[1]][1] %in% c("first", "last")) {
                    subsetvec <- strsplit(subset, " ")[[1]]
                    subset.n <- if (length(subsetvec) < 3) {
                        if (length(subsetvec) == 1) { 
                        } else as.numeric(subsetvec[2])
                    } else {
                        paste(subsetvec[2:3], collapse=" ")
                    sub.index <- index(do.call(subsetvec[1], 
                                               list(tmp.dat, subset.n)))
                    subset <- paste(first(sub.index), last(sub.index), sep="/")
                tmp.dat <- tmp.dat[subset]
            if (!is.instrument(tmpinstr)) {
                if (!isTRUE(silent) && !isTRUE(notional)) {
                    warning(paste("Instrument", Symbols[i], 
                                  "not found, using contract multiplier of 1"))
                mult <- 1
		    } else if (isTRUE(attr(tmp.dat, 'notional'))) {
                mult <- if (isTRUE(notional)) { 1 } else { #notional arg is FALSE. Need to denotionalized previously notionalized prices
                    1 / as.numeric(tmpinstr$multiplier)
            } else mult <- if (isTRUE(notional)) { tmpinstr$multiplier } else 1
            pframe <- cbind(pframe, tmp.dat * mult, all=TRUE)
    if (na.omit) pframe <- na.omit(pframe)
    if (is.null(from)) from <- first(index(pframe))
    if (is.null(to)) to <- last(index(pframe))
    pframe <- pframe[paste(from,to,sep="/")]
    attr(pframe, "prefer") <- sub("\\.", "", sub(Symbols[[1]], "", colnames(pframe)[[1]]))
    if (!is.null(subset)) attr(pframe, "subset") <- subset
    colnames(pframe) <- Symbols

#' @export
#' @rdname PF
PF <- makePriceFrame

#' @export
#' @rdname PF
makeReturnFrame <- function(Symbols, ..., from=NULL, to=NULL, prefer=NULL, notional=FALSE, na.omit=TRUE, subset=NULL, env=.GlobalEnv, silent) {
    if (missing(silent)) {
        silent <- if( "package:FinancialInstrument" %in% search() ) { FALSE } else TRUE
    frame <- makePriceFrame(Symbols,from,to,prefer,notional,na.omit,subset,env,silent)
    out <- ROC(frame, ...)
    dargs <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(dargs$n)) attr(out, "ROC.n") <- dargs$n 
    if (!is.null(dargs$type)) { 
        attr(out, "ROC.type") <- dargs$type 
    } else attr(out, "ROC.type") <- "continuous"

#' @export
#' @rdname PF
RF <- makeReturnFrame

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qmao documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.