
Defines functions rotate3d.default scale3d.default translate3d.default asEuclidean asHomogeneous rotationMatrix translationMatrix scaleMatrix identityMatrix

Documented in asEuclidean asHomogeneous identityMatrix rotationMatrix scaleMatrix translationMatrix

# Functions for creating 4x4 graphics matrices

identityMatrix <- function() diag(nrow=4)

scaleMatrix <- function(x,y,z) diag(c(x,y,z,1))

translationMatrix <- function(x,y,z) {
    result <- diag(4)
    result[4,1:3] <- c(x,y,z)

rotationMatrix <- function(angle,x,y,z,matrix) {
    if (missing(matrix)) {
    	if (angle == 0) return(identityMatrix())
        u <- c(x,y,z)/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
        cosa <- cos(angle)
        sina <- sin(angle)
        matrix <- (1-cosa)*outer(u,u)
        matrix <- matrix + diag(3)*cosa
        matrix[1,2] <- matrix[1,2] - sina*u[3]
        matrix[1,3] <- matrix[1,3] + sina*u[2]
        matrix[2,1] <- matrix[2,1] + sina*u[3]
        matrix[2,3] <- matrix[2,3] - sina*u[1]
        matrix[3,1] <- matrix[3,1] - sina*u[2]
        matrix[3,2] <- matrix[3,2] + sina*u[1]
    if (identical(all.equal(dim(matrix), c(3,3)), TRUE)) 
        matrix <- cbind(rbind(matrix,c(0,0,0)),c(0,0,0,1))

# Coordinate conversions

asHomogeneous <- function(x) {
    if (is.matrix(x) && dim(x)[2] == 3) return(cbind(x,1))
    else if (length(x) == 3) return(c(x,1))
    else stop("'x' is not row vector(s)")

asEuclidean <- function(x) {
    if (is.matrix(x) && dim(x)[2] == 4) return(x[, 1:3, drop = FALSE]/x[, 4])
    else if (length(x) == 4) return(c(x[1]/x[4],x[2]/x[4],x[3]/x[4]))
    else stop("'x' is not row vectors(s)")

# Default implementations of transformations

translate3d.default <- function(obj,x,y,z,...) {
    if (is.matrix(obj)) n <- dim(obj)[1]
    else n <- 1
    if (length(obj) == 3 || (is.matrix(obj) && dim(obj)[2] == 3))
    	return(obj + cbind(rep(x,n), rep(y,n), rep(z,n)))
    else if (length(obj) == 4 || (is.matrix(obj) && dim(obj)[2] == 4))
	return(obj %*% translationMatrix(x,y,z))
    else stop("Unsupported object for translation")
scale3d.default <- function(obj,x,y,z,...) {
    if (is.matrix(obj)) n <- dim(obj)[1]
    else n <- 1
    if (length(obj) == 3 || (is.matrix(obj) && dim(obj)[2] == 3))
    	return(obj * cbind(rep(x,n), rep(y,n), rep(z,n)))
    else if (length(obj) == 4 || (is.matrix(obj) && dim(obj)[2] == 4))
    	return(obj %*% scaleMatrix(x,y,z))
    else stop("Unsupported object for scaling")

rotate3d.default <- function(obj,angle,x,y,z,matrix,...) {
    if (length(obj) == 3 || (is.matrix(obj) && dim(obj)[2] == 3))
    	return(asEuclidean(asHomogeneous(obj) %*% rotationMatrix(angle,x,y,z,matrix)))
    else if (length(obj) == 4 || (is.matrix(obj) && dim(obj)[2] == 4))
    	return(obj %*% rotationMatrix(angle,x,y,z,matrix))
    else stop("Unsupported object for rotation")

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rgl documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 3:01 a.m.