
#setMethod("show", "ParamFamParameter", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("name:\t", object@name, "\n")
#        cat("main:\t", object@main, "\n")
#        if(!is.null(object@nuisance))
#            cat("nuisance:\t", object@nuisance, "\n")
#        if(!identical(all.equal(object@trafo, diag(length(object)), 
#                            tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5), TRUE)){
#            cat("trafo:\n")
#            print(object@trafo)
#        }
#    })
#setMethod("show", "Symmetry", 
#    function(object){ 
#        cat("type of symmetry:\t", object@type, "\n") 
#        if(!is.null(object@SymmCenter))
#            cat("center of symmetry:\n") 
#            print(object@SymmCenter)
#    })
#setMethod("show", "ParamFamily", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("### name:\t", object@name, "\n")
#        cat("\n### distribution:\t")
#        print(object@distribution)
#        cat("\n### param:\t")
#        show(object@param)
#        if(length(object@props) != 0){
#            cat("\n### props:\n")
#            show(object@props)
#        }
#    })
#setMethod("show", "Neighborhood", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("type:\t", object@type, "\n")
#        cat("radius:\t", object@radius, "\n")
#    })
#setMethod("show", "FixRobModel", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("###### center:\t")
#        show(object@center)
#        cat("\n###### neighborhood:\t")
#        show(object@neighbor)
#    })
#setMethod("show", "InfRobModel", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("###### center:\t")
#        show(object@center)
#        cat("\n###### neighborhood:\t")
#        show(object@neighbor)
#    })
#setMethod("show", "RiskType", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("risk type:\t", object@type, "\n")
#    })
#setMethod("show", "asUnOvShoot", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("risk type:\t", object@type, "\n")
#        cat("width:\t", object@width, "\n")
#    })
#setMethod("show", "asHampel", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("risk type:\t", object@type, "\n")
#        cat("bound:\t", object@bound, "\n")
#    })
#setMethod("show", "fiUnOvShoot", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("risk type:\t", object@type, "\n")
#        cat("width:\t", object@width, "\n")
#    })
#setMethod("show", "fiHampel", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("risk type:\t", object@type, "\n")
#        cat("bound:\t", object@bound, "\n")
#    })
#setMethod("show", "InfluenceCurve",
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("### name:\t", object@name, "\n")
#        cat("\n### 'Curve':\t")
#        show(object@Curve)
##        cat("\n### Risks:\n")
##        print(object@Risks)
#        cat("\n### Infos:\n")
#        print(object@Infos)
#    })
#setMethod("show", "IC",
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("### name:\t", object@name, "\n")
#        L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
#        cat("### L2-differentiable parametric family:\t", L2Fam@name, "\n")
#        cat("\n### 'Curve':\t")
#        show(object@Curve)
##        cat("\n### Risks:\n")
##        print(object@Risks)
#        cat("\n### Infos:\n")
#        print(object@Infos)
#    })
#setMethod("show", "ContIC", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("### name:\t", object@name, "\n")
#        L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
#        cat("\n### L2-differentiable parametric family:\t", L2Fam@name, "\n")
#        cat("### param:\t")
#        show(L2Fam@param)
#        cat("\n### neighborhood radius:\t", object@neighborRadius, "\n")
##        cat("\n### 'Curve':\t")
##        show(object@Curve)
#        cat("\n### clip:\t")
#        show(object@clip)                
#        cat("### cent:\t")
#        show(object@cent)                
#        cat("### stand:\n")
#        show(object@stand)   
#        if(!is.null(object@lowerCase)){
#            cat("### lowerCase:\t")
#            show(object@lowerCase)   
#        }
##        cat("\n### Risks:\n")
##        show(object@Risks)
#        cat("\n### Infos:\n")
#        show(object@Infos)
#    })
#setMethod("show", "TotalVarIC", 
#    function(object){
#        cat(paste("An object of class", dQuote(class(object)), "\n"))
#        cat("### name:\t", object@name, "\n")
#        L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
#        cat("\n### L2-differentiable parametric family:\t", L2Fam@name, "\n")
#        cat("### param:\t")
#        show(L2Fam@param)
#        cat("\n### neighborhood radius:\t", object@neighborRadius, "\n")
##        cat("\n### 'Curve':\t")
##        show(object@Curve)
#        cat("\n### clipLo:\t")
#        show(object@clipLo)                
#        cat("### clipUp:\t")
#        show(object@clipUp)                
#        cat("### stand:\n")
#        show(object@stand)   
##        cat("\n### Risks:\n")
##        show(object@Risks)
#        cat("\n### Infos:\n")
#        show(object@Infos)
#    })

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robKalman documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.