
# with contributions by Adam Kramer and Michael Friendly (originally by J. Fox)
# last modified 1 June 2009 by J. Fox

path.diagram <- function (model, ...)

path.diagram.sem <- function (model, file, min.rank = NULL, max.rank = NULL,
	same.rank = NULL, variables = model$var.names, parameters = rownames(model$ram),
	ignore.double = TRUE, edge.labels = c("names", "values",
		"both"), size = c(8, 8), node.font = c("Helvetica", 14),
	edge.font = c("Helvetica", 10), rank.direction = c("LR",
		"TB"), digits = 2, standardize = FALSE, output.type=c("graphics", "dot"),
	graphics.fmt="pdf", dot.options=NULL, ...)
	output.type <- match.arg(output.type)
	if (!missing(file)) {
		dot.file <- paste(file, ".dot", sep="")
		handle <- file(dot.file, "w")
		if (output.type == "graphics") graph.file <- paste(file, ".", graphics.fmt, sep="")
	else handle <- stdout()
	edge.labels <- match.arg(edge.labels)
	rank.direction <- match.arg(rank.direction)
	cat(file = handle, paste("digraph \"", deparse(substitute(model)),
			"\" {\n", sep = ""))
	cat(file = handle, paste("  rankdir=", rank.direction, ";\n",
			sep = ""))
	cat(file = handle, paste("  size=\"", size[1], ",", size[2],
			"\";\n", sep = ""))
	cat(file = handle, paste("  node [fontname=\"", node.font[1],
			"\" fontsize=", node.font[2], " shape=box];\n", sep = ""))
	cat(file = handle, paste("  edge [fontname=\"", edge.font[1],
			"\" fontsize=", edge.font[2], "];\n", sep = ""))
	cat(file = handle, "  center=1;\n")
	if (!is.null(min.rank)) {
		min.rank <- paste("\"", min.rank, "\"", sep = "")
		min.rank <- gsub(",", "\" \"", gsub(" ", "", min.rank))
		cat(file = handle, paste("  {rank=min ", min.rank, "}\n",
				sep = ""))
	if (!is.null(max.rank)) {
		max.rank <- paste("\"", max.rank, "\"", sep = "")
		max.rank <- gsub(",", "\" \"", gsub(" ", "", max.rank))
		cat(file = handle, paste("  {rank=max ", max.rank, "}\n",
				sep = ""))
	if (!is.null(same.rank)) {
		for (s in 1:length(same.rank)) {
			same <- paste("\"", same.rank[s], "\"", sep = "")
			same <- gsub(",", "\" \"", gsub(" ", "", same))
			cat(file = handle, paste("  {rank=same ", same, "}\n",
					sep = ""))
	latent <- variables[-(1:model$n)]
	for (lat in latent) {
		cat(file = handle, paste("  \"", lat, "\" [shape=ellipse]\n",
				sep = ""))
	ram <- model$ram
	if (standardize)
		ram[, 5] <- std.coef(model)[, 2]
	else ram[names(model$coeff), 5] <- model$coeff
	rownames(ram)[model$fixed] <- ram[model$fixed, 5]
	values <- round(ram[, 5], digits)
	heads <- ram[, 1]
	to <- ram[, 2]
	from <- ram[, 3]
	labels <- if (edge.labels == "names")
		else if (edge.labels == "values")
		else paste(parameters, values, sep = "=")
	direction <- ifelse((heads == 2), " dir=both", "")
	for (par in 1:nrow(ram)) {
		if ((!ignore.double) || (heads[par] == 1))
			cat(file = handle, paste("  \"", variables[from[par]],
					"\" -> \"", variables[to[par]], "\" [label=\"",
					labels[par], "\"", direction[par], "];\n", sep = ""))
	cat(file = handle, "}\n")
	if (output.type == "graphics" && !missing(file)){
		cmd <- paste("dot -T", graphics.fmt, " -o ", graph.file, " ", dot.options, " ", dot.file, sep="")
		cat("Running ", cmd, "\n")
		result <- try(system(cmd))

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sem1 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:38 p.m.