
Defines functions create_indicator as.data.frame.custom_spews_single as.data.frame.custom_spews_list print.custom_spews_single print.custom_spews_list summary.custom_spews_single summary.custom_spews_list plot.custom_spews_list plot.custom_spews_single

Documented in create_indicator plot.custom_spews_list

#' @title Custom Spatial Early-Warning signals
#' @description Computation, significance assessment and display of trends 
#'   of a custom, user-defined indicator.
#' @param fun A function that takes a real-valued matrix as input and returns 
#'   a single, numerical value. 
#' @return 
#' \code{create_indicator} returns a function that can be used in the same way 
#'   than the other \code{*_spews} functions (e.g. \code{generic_spews})
#' @details 
#' Spatial Early-warning signals (EWS) are metrics that are based on the 
#'   spatial structure of a system and measure the degradation of an ecological 
#'   system. The package \code{spatialwarnings} provides 
#'   generic indicators (\code{\link{generic_spews}}), spectrum-based 
#'   indicators (\code{\link{spectral_spews}}) and indicators based on patch 
#'   size distributions (\code{\link{patchdistr_spews}}). 
#' \code{create_indicator} can extend the package to any indicator function. 
#'   It takes a function `fun` and returns another function that can be used 
#'   as an indicator function similar to the \code{*_spews} functions. The 
#'   results of this function can be assessed for significance using the 
#'   generic function \code{indictest} and trends can be displayed using 
#'   \code{plot}, \code{summary}, etc. (see Examples). 
#' \code{fun} should be a function that takes as input a matrix and possibly
#'   more arguments, and return a single numeric value. Note that the matrix 
#'   is converted internally to numeric values, as a side effect of using 
#'   c++ code when assessing significance. When working with logical matrices 
#'   (e.g. when computing patch size distributions), the matrix has to be 
#'   explicitely converted to logical within function `fun`. 
#' @examples
#' # Use the maximum patch size as indicator of degradation
#' maxpatchsize <- function(mat) { 
#'   # Note that we explicitely convert mat here to logical as it can be 
#'   # transformed into numeric internally. 
#'   max(patchsizes(mat > 0))
#' }
#' # Create the indicator function
#' maxpatch_spews <- create_indicator(maxpatchsize)
#' # Then work with this function as if it were a function from the *_spews 
#' # family. 
#' mp_indic <- maxpatch_spews(forestgap)
#' summary(mp_indic)
#' \dontrun{ 
#' # Assess significance and display trends
#' options(mc.cores = 2)
#' mp_test <- indictest(mp_indic, nperm = 49)
#' plot(mp_test)
#' }
#' # Try spatial coefficient of variation as a spatial EWS. This function can 
#' # have arguments. 
#' spatial_cv <- function(mat, subsize) { 
#'   matc <- coarse_grain(mat, subsize)
#'   return( sd(matc) / mean(matc) )
#' }
#' # Create indicator function
#' cv_spews <- create_indicator(spatial_cv)
#' # Compute and display trends
#' cv_indic <- cv_spews(serengeti, subsize = 3)
#' plot(cv_indic, along = serengeti.rain)
#' \dontrun{ 
#' indictest(cv_indic, nperm = 99)
#' }
create_indicator <- function(fun) { 
  fun.name <- as.character(substitute(fun))
  # Subfunction that works only on a matrix
  get_one_result <- function(mat, ...) { 
    result <- list(value     = fun(mat, ...), 
                   orig_data = mat, 
                   fun.args  = as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))[['...']], 
                   fun.name  = fun.name, 
                   indicf = fun)
    class(result) <- c('custom_spews_single', 'custom_spews', 'list')
  # Actual function produced
  function(mat, ...) { 
    if ( is.list(mat) ) { 
      result <- lapply(mat, get_one_result, ...)
      names(result) <- names(mat)
      class(result) <- c('custom_spews_list', 'custom_spews', 'list')
    } else { 
      result <- get_one_result(mat, ...)

# as.df methods
# ---------------
as.data.frame.custom_spews_single <- function(x, ...) { 
  as.data.frame.custom_spews_list( list(x) )
as.data.frame.custom_spews_list <- function(x, ...) { 
  output <- Map(function(n, o) data.frame(replicate = n, value = o[['value']], 
                                          fun.name = o[['fun.name']]), 
               seq_along(x), x)
  output <- do.call(rbind, output)

# Print methods
# ---------------
print.custom_spews_single <- function(x, ...) { 
  print.custom_spews_list(list(x), ...)
print.custom_spews_list <- function(x, ...) { 
  summary.custom_spews_list(x, ...)

# Summary methods
# ---------------
summary.custom_spews_single <- function(object, ...) { 
  summary.custom_spews_list( list(object) )
summary.custom_spews_list <- function(object, ...) { 
  # Get function name. Note that we only take the first element as there is no
  # way these names could be different for each elements of object. 
  fun.name <- object[[1]][['fun.name']]
  cat('Custom Spatial Early-Warnings:', fun.name, '\n') 
  # Format output table
  output <- as.data.frame(object)[ ,c('replicate', 'value')]
  names(output) <- c('Mat. #', fun.name)
  print.data.frame(output, row.names = FALSE, digits = DIGITS)
  cat('Use as.data.frame() to retrieve values in a convenient form\n')


# Plot methods 
# ------------
#' @rdname create_indicator
#' @param x A \code{custom_spews} object (as provided by the 
#'   custom indicator function created by \code{create_indicator}). 
#' @param along A vector providing values over which the indicator trend 
#'   will be plotted. If \code{NULL} then the values are plotted sequentially 
#'   in their original order. 
#' @param ... Ignored
plot.custom_spews_list <- function(x, along = NULL, ...) { 
  plot.custom_spews_test_list(x, along = along, display_null = FALSE)

#' @export
plot.custom_spews_single <- function(x, ...) { 
  stop('I cannot plot a trend with only one value !')  

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spatialwarnings documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:16 p.m.