
spreml <-
function (formula, data, index = NULL, w, w2=w, lag = FALSE,
          errors = c("semsrre", "semsr", "srre", "semre",
                     "re", "sr", "sem","ols", "sem2srre",
                     "sem2re", "semgre"),
          pvar = FALSE, hess = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
          initval = c("zeros", "estimate"),
          x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15, ...)

    trace <- as.numeric(!quiet)
    #if (!is.null(index)) { # done below
    #    data <- plm.data(data, index)
    #index <- data[, 1]
    #tindex <- data[, 2]
    cl <- match.call()
    if (!is.matrix(w)) {
        if ("listw" %in% class(w)) {
             w <- listw2mat(w)
        else {
            stop("w has to be either a 'matrix' or a 'listw' object")
    #if (dim(data)[[1]] != length(index))
    #    stop("Non conformable arguments")
#    X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
#    y <- model.response(model.frame(formula, data = data))

    ## data management through plm functions
    pmod <- plm(formula, data, index=index, model="pooling")
    X <- model.matrix(pmod)
    y <- pmodel.response(pmod)
    #names(index) <- row.names(data)
    #ind <- index[which(names(index) %in% row.names(X))]
    #tind <- tindex[which(names(index) %in% row.names(X))]

    ind <- attr(pmod$model, "index")[, 1]
    tind <- attr(pmod$model, "index")[, 2]
    oo <- order(tind, ind)
    X <- X[oo, , drop=FALSE]
    y <- y[oo]
    ind <- ind[oo]
    tind <- tind[oo]
    n <- length(unique(ind))
    k <- dim(X)[[2]]
    t <- max(tapply(X[, 1], ind, length))
    nT <- length(ind)

    ## check compatibility of weights matrix
    if (dim(w)[[1]] != n) stop("Non conformable spatial weights")

    ## check if balanced
    balanced <- pdim(pmod)$balanced
    if (!balanced)
        stop("Estimation method unavailable for unbalanced panels")

    ## manage initial values
    sv.length <- switch(match.arg(errors), semsrre = 3, semsr = 2,
          srre = 2, semre = 2, re = 1, sr = 1, sem = 1, ols = 0,
          sem2srre = 3, sem2re = 2, semgre = 3)
    errors. <- match.arg(errors)
    if (is.numeric(initval)) {
        if (length(initval) != sv.length) {
            stop("Incorrect number of initial values supplied for error vcov parms")
        coef0 <- initval
    else {
        switch(match.arg(initval), zeros = {
            coef0 <- rep(0, sv.length)
        }, estimate = {
            if(errors. == "semgre") {

                ## if errors are GSRE the pre-estimation is not implemented
                ## as there would be little gains
                coef0 <- rep(0, sv.length)
                warning("Pre-estimation of error components is not implemented for 'semgre': starting values were set to zero.")

            } else {

                ## determine individual error parms to be pre-estimated and do
                ## estimation of single.parameter models
                if (nchar(errors.) < 4) {
                    stop("Pre-estimation of unique vcov parm is meaningless: \n please select (default) option 'zeros' or supply a scalar")
                coef0 <- NULL
                if (grepl("re", errors.)) {
                    REmodel <- REmod(X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT,
                                     w, coef0 = 0, hess = FALSE, trace = trace,
                                     x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15, ...)
                    coef0 <- c(coef0, REmodel$errcomp)
                if (grepl("sr", errors.)) {
                    ARmodel <- ssrmod(X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT,
                                      w, coef0 = 0, hess = FALSE, trace = trace,
                                      x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15, ...)
                    coef0 <- c(coef0, ARmodel$errcomp)
                if (grepl("sem", errors.)) {
                    SEMmodel <- semmod(X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t,
                                       nT, w, coef0 = 0, hess = FALSE, trace = trace,
                                       x.tol = 1.5e-18, rel.tol = 1e-15, ...)
                    coef0 <- c(coef0, SEMmodel$errcomp)

    ## switch actual estimator function
    if (lag) {
        est.fun <- switch(match.arg(errors), semsrre = {
        }, sem2srre = {
        }, semsr = {
        }, srre = {
        }, semre = {
        }, re = {
        }, sr = {
        }, sem = {
        }, ols = {
        }, sem2re = {
        }, semgre = {
	  coef0 <- c(coef0, 0)
    } else {
        est.fun <- switch(match.arg(errors), semsrre = {
        }, sem2srre = {
        }, semsr = {
        }, srre = {
        }, semre = {
        }, re = {
        }, sr = {
        }, sem = {
        }, ols = {
        }, sem2re = {
        }, semgre = {
        arcoef <- NULL

    ## estimate and get results
    RES <- est.fun(X, y, ind, tind, n, k, t, nT, w = w, w2 = w2,
                   coef0 = coef0, hess = hess, trace = trace,
                   x.tol = x.tol, rel.tol = rel.tol, ...)
    y.hat <- as.vector(X %*% RES$betas)
    res <- y - y.hat
    nam.rows <- dimnames(X)[[1]]
    names(y.hat) <- nam.rows
    names(res) <- nam.rows
    model.data <- data.frame(cbind(y, X[, -1])) # fix case with no intercept
                                                # using has.intercept
    dimnames(model.data)[[1]] <- nam.rows
    ## name model 'type'
    type <- "random effects ML" # this for consistency
    ## make more elaborate description for printing
    type.des <- "ML panel with "
    type.sar <- if(lag) "spatial lag" else ""
    type.re <- if(grepl("re", errors.)) {
        if(grepl("2", errors.)) {
            ", spatial RE (KKP)"
            } else {
                ", random effects"
                }} else ""
    type.sr <- if(grepl("sr", errors.)) ", AR(1) serial correlation" else ""
    type.sem <- if(grepl("sem", errors.)) ", spatial error correlation" else ""
    if(grepl("ols", errors.)) {
        cong <- if(type.sar=="") "" else " and " 
        type.des <- paste(type.des, type.sar, cong, "iid errors", sep="")
    } else {
        type.des <- paste(type.des, type.sar, paste(type.re, type.sr, type.sem, sep=""), sep="")
    sigma2v <- RES$sigma2
    sigma2mu <- if(is.null(RES$errcomp["phi"])) {0} else {
    sigma2.1 <- sigma2mu + sigma2v
    sigma2 <- list(one = sigma2.1, idios = sigma2v, id = sigma2mu)
    spmod <- list(coefficients = RES$betas, arcoef = RES$arcoef,
        errcomp = RES$errcomp, vcov = RES$covB, vcov.arcoef = RES$covAR,
        vcov.errcomp = RES$covPRL, residuals = res, fitted.values = y.hat,
        sigma2 = sigma2, model = model.data, type = type, type.des=type.des,
        call = cl, errors = errors, logLik = RES$ll)
    class(spmod) <- "splm"

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