#' @name asWide
#' @title Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.
#' @include ten.R
#' @include nc.R
#' @include print.R
#' @param x An object of class \code{ten} or \code{pred}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (not implemented).
#' @return
#' A new \code{data.table} is returned,
#' with the data in 'wide' or 'long' format.
#' \cr
#' There is one row for each time point.
#' \cr
#' For a \code{ten} object generated from a \code{numeric} or \code{Surv} object,
#' this has columns:
#' \item{t}{\bold{t}ime.}
#' \item{e}{number of \bold{e}vents.}
#' \item{n}{\bold{n}umber at risk.}
#' If derived from a \code{survfit}, \code{coxph} or \code{formula} object,
#' there are additional columns for \code{e} and \code{n}
#' for \emph{each} covariate group.
#' @note
#' Most methods for \code{ten} objects are designed for the 'long' form.
#' @rdname asWide
#' @export
asWide <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("asWide")
#' @rdname asWide
#' @method asWide ten
#' @aliases asWide.ten
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
#' require("survival")
#' t1 <- ten(c1 <- coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z3*z10, data=bmt))
#' asWide(t1)
asWide.ten <- function(x, ...){
data.table::setkey(x, t)
t1 <- data.table::data.table("t" = x[, sort(unique(t))])
if (attr(x, "abbNames")) {
na1 <- attr(x, "longNames")[, id]
abbFn <- identity
} else {
na1 <- attr(x, "longNames")[, longName]
abbFn <- as.integer
cg1 <-, "ncg"))
res1 <- lapply(cg1, FUN=function(cg1){
r1 <- data.table::setkey(x[abbFn(cg)==cg1, ncg, by=t], t)
r1 <- r1[t1, roll=-Inf]
data.table::set(r1, i=which($ncg)), j="ncg", value=0)
r1[, ncg]
res1 <-
## names for 'n' and 'e' columns
nne1 <- outer(c("n_", "e_"), na1, paste, sep="")
data.table::setnames(res1, nne1[1, ])
res2 <- lapply(cg1, FUN=function(cg1){
r1 <- data.table::setkey(x[abbFn(cg)==cg1, e, by=t], t)
r1 <- r1[t1]
data.table::set(r1, i=which($e)), j="e", value=0)
r1[, e]
res1[, (nne1[2, ]) := res2]
## make no. at risk (total) per time period
res1[, "n" := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = grep("n_", names(res1))]
## total events per time period
res1[, "e" := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = grep("e_", names(res1))]
## now add time
res1[, "t" := t1]
c("t", "n", "e", as.vector(nne1)))
data.table::setattr(res1, "class", c("ten", class(res1)))
abbNames=attr(x, "abbNames"),
longNames=attr(x, "longNames"),
ncg=attr(x, "ncg"),
call=attr(x, "call"),
mm=attr(x, "mm"))
#' @rdname asWide
#' @export
asLong <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("asLong")
#' @rdname asWide
#' @method asLong ten
#' @aliases asLong.ten
#' @export
#' @examples
#' asLong(asWide(t1))
#' stopifnot(asLong(asWide(t1)) == ten(ten(t1)))
asLong.ten <- function(x, ...){
stopifnot(inherits(x, "ten"))
## add no. censored
## n at risk + no. events
n_ <- grep("n_", names(x))
e_ <- grep("e_", names(x))
## names of covariate groups
n1 <- sub("n_", "", grep("n_", names(x), value=TRUE))
l1 <- vector(mode="list", length=length(n1))
for (i in seq_along(n1)){
e_n <- grep(paste0("e_", n1[i]), names(x))
c_n <- grep(paste0("c_", n1[i]), names(x))
## which times have at least one event
## or one censored observation
l1[[i]] <- as.logical(rowSums(x[, .SD, .SDcols=c(e_n, c_n)]))
### new structure here
res1 <- data.table::data.table(
t=unlist(lapply(l1, function(i) x[i, t])),
n=unlist(lapply(l1, function(i) x[i, n])),
function(i) x[, .SD, .SDcols=e_[i]][l1[[i]], ])),
cg=as.integer(unlist(mapply(rep, n1, sapply(l1, sum)))),
function(i) x[, .SD, .SDcols=n_[i]][l1[[i]], ])))
data.table::setkey(res1, t)
data.table::setattr(res1, "class", c("ten", class(res1)))
"abbNames"=attr(x, "abbNames"),
"longNames"=attr(x, "longNames"),
"ncg"=attr(x, "ncg"),
"call"=attr(x, "call"),
"mm"=attr(x, "mm"))
## for R CMD check
.SD <- cg <- cg_ <- P <- eMP <- NULL
abbNames <- longName <- id <- NULL
n <- e <- ncg <- NULL
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