
Defines functions oneStepAhead

Documented in oneStepAhead

### Compute one-step-ahead predictions at a series of time points
### Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Michaela Paul, 2012-2018,2021 Sebastian Meyer
### This file is part of the R package "surveillance",
### free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/.

oneStepAhead <- function(result, # hhh4-object (i.e. a hhh4 model fit)
                         tp,     # scalar: one-step-ahead predictions for time
                                 # points (tp+1):nrow(stsObj), or tp=c(from, to)
                         type = c("rolling", "first", "final"),
                         which.start = c("current", "final"), #if type="rolling"
                         keep.estimates = FALSE,
                         verbose = type != "final", # verbose-1 is used
                                         # for sequentially refitted hhh4 models
                         cores = 1) # if which.start="final", the predictions
                                    # can be computed in parallel
    stopifnot(inherits(result, "hhh4"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "rolling" && !is.list(which.start)) {
        ## new in surveillance 1.10-0: if 'which.start' is a list, it is
        ## directly used as the 'start' argument for hhh4() in all time steps
        which.start <- match.arg(which.start)
        if (cores > 1 && which.start == "current")
            stop("no parallelization for 'type=\"rolling\"' ",
                 "if 'which.start=\"current\"'")

    ## get model terms
    model <- result[["terms"]]
    if (is.null(model))
        model <- result$terms <- terms(result)
    nTime <- model$nTime   # = nrow(result$stsObj)
    nUnits <- model$nUnits # = ncol(result$stsObj)
    dimPsi <- model$nOverdisp
    withPsi <- dimPsi > 0L
    psiIdx <- model$nFE + model$nd + seq_len(dimPsi)

    ## check that tp is within the time period of the data
    stopifnot(length(tp) %in% 1:2, tp >= 0)
    tpRange <- c(model$subset[1L], nTime-1L) # supported range
    if (any(tp > tpRange[2L]) || (type != "final" && any(tp < tpRange[1L]))) {
        stop("the time range defined by 'tp' must be a subset of ",
             tpRange[1L], ":", tpRange[2L])
    if (length(tp) == 1) {
        tp <- c(tp, max(model$subset)-1L)  # historical default
        if (tp[1L] > tp[2L])  # probably unintended
            stop("'tp' larger than the default upper limit (", tp[2L], ")")
    tps <- tp[1L]:tp[2L]  # this function actually works if tp[1] > tp[2]
    ntps <- length(tps)
    observed <- model$response[tps+1,,drop=FALSE]
    rownames(observed) <- tps+1

    ## adjust verbosity for model refitting
    verbose <- as.integer(verbose)
    result$control$verbose <- max(0, verbose - (ntps>1))
    if (type != "rolling" && verbose > 1L) verbose <- 1L
    do_pb <- verbose == 1L && interactive()

    ## initial fit
    fit <- if (type == "first") {
        if (verbose)
            cat("\nRefitting model at first time point t =", tps[1L], "...\n")
        update.hhh4(result, subset.upper = tps[1L], use.estimates = TRUE,
                    keep.terms = TRUE) # need "model" -> $terms
    } else result
    if (!fit$convergence) stop("initial fit did not converge")

    ## result templates (named and filled with NA's)
    pred <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=ntps, ncol=nUnits,
                   dimnames=list(tps+1, colnames(observed)))
    if (withPsi)
        psi <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=ntps, ncol=dimPsi,
                      dimnames=list(tps, names(model$initialTheta)[psiIdx]))
    if (keep.estimates) {
        coefficients <- matrix(NA_real_,
                               nrow=ntps, ncol=length(model$initialTheta),
                               dimnames=list(tps, names(model$initialTheta)))
        Sigma.orig <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=ntps, ncol=model$nSigma,
                             dimnames=list(tps, names(result$Sigma.orig)))
        logliks <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=ntps, ncol=2L,
                          dimnames=list(tps, c("loglikelihood", "margll")))

    ## extract predictions and stuff for specific tp from fit
    getPreds <- function (fit, tp) {
        coefs <- unname(fit$coefficients)
        c(list(pred = as.vector(
               meanHHH(coefs, fit$terms, subset=tp+1L, total.only=TRUE))),
          if (withPsi) list(psi = coefs[psiIdx]),
          if (keep.estimates) list(
              logliks=c(fit$loglikelihood, fit$margll))

    ## compute the predictions and save
    ## pred, psi, coefficients, Sigma.orig, and logliks
    if (cores > 1L) {

        ## return value template (unnamed NA vectors)
        resTemplate <- lapply(getPreds(fit, tps[1L]), "is.na<-", TRUE)

        ## run parallel
        res <- parallel::mclapply(tps, function (tp) {
            if (verbose)
                cat("One-step-ahead prediction @ t =", tp, "...\n")
            if (type == "rolling") { # update fit
                fit <- update.hhh4(result, subset.upper=tp, use.estimates=TRUE,
                                   start=if (is.list(which.start)) which.start,
                                   verbose=FALSE, # chaotic in parallel
                                   keep.terms=TRUE) # need "model" -> $terms
                if (!fit$convergence) {
                    cat("WARNING: No convergence @ t =", tp, "!\n")
            getPreds(fit, tp)
        }, mc.preschedule=TRUE, mc.cores=cores)

        ## gather results
        .extractFromList <- function (what)
            t(vapply(res, "[[", resTemplate[[what]], what, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
        pred[] <- .extractFromList("pred")
        if (withPsi)
            psi[] <- .extractFromList("psi")
        if (keep.estimates) {
            coefficients[] <- .extractFromList("coefficients")
            Sigma.orig[] <- .extractFromList("Sigma.orig")
            logliks[] <- .extractFromList("logliks")

    } else { ## sequential one-step ahead predictions

        if (do_pb) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=ntps, initial=0, style=3)
        for(i in seq_along(tps)) {
            if (do_pb) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) else if (verbose) {
                cat("One-step-ahead prediction @ t =", tps[i], "...\n")

            if (type == "rolling") { # update fit
                fit.old <- fit # backup
                start <- if (is.list(which.start)) {
                } else if (which.start == "current") hhh4coef2start(fit)
                ## else NULL
                fit <- update.hhh4(result, subset.upper=tps[i],
                                   start=start, # takes precedence
                                   keep.terms=TRUE) # need "model" -> $terms
                if (!fit$convergence) {
                    if (do_pb) cat("\n")
                    cat("WARNING: No convergence @ t =", tps[i], "!\n")
                    ## FIXME: do a grid search ?
                    fit <- fit.old

            res <- getPreds(fit, tps[i])

            ## gather results
            pred[i,] <- res$pred
            if (withPsi)
                psi[i,] <- res$psi
            if (keep.estimates) {
                coefficients[i,] <- res$coefficients
                Sigma.orig[i,] <- res$Sigma.orig
                logliks[i,] <- res$logliks
        if (do_pb) close(pb)


    ## with shared overdispersion parameters we need to expand psi to ncol(pred)
    if (dimPsi > 1L && dimPsi != nUnits) {
        psi <- psi[,model$indexPsi,drop=FALSE]

    ## done
    res <- c(list(pred = pred, observed = observed,
           psi = if (withPsi) psi else NULL,
           allConverged = all(!is.na(pred))),
      if (keep.estimates) list(coefficients = coefficients,
                               Sigma.orig = Sigma.orig,
                               logliks = logliks)
    class(res) <- "oneStepAhead"

## extract estimated overdispersion in dnbinom() parametrization, as full matrix
psi2size.oneStepAhead <- function (object)
    if (is.null(object$psi)) # Poisson model

    size <- exp(object$psi) # a matrix with 1 or nUnit columns

    ## ensure that we always have a full 'size' matrix with nUnit columns
    dimpred <- dim(object$pred)
    if (ncol(size) != dimpred[2L]) { # => ncol(size)=1, unit-independent psi
        size <- rep.int(size, dimpred[2L])
        dim(size) <- dimpred

    dimnames(size) <- list(rownames(object$psi), colnames(object$pred))

## quantiles of the one-step-ahead forecasts
quantile.oneStepAhead <- function (x, probs = c(2.5, 10, 50, 90, 97.5)/100, ...)
    stopifnot(is.vector(probs, mode = "numeric"), probs >= 0, probs <= 1,
              (np <- length(probs)) > 0)
    names(probs) <- paste(format(100*probs, trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE, digits=3), "%")

    size <- psi2size.oneStepAhead(x)
    qs <- if (is.null(size)) {
        vapply(X = probs, FUN = qpois, FUN.VALUE = x$pred,
               lambda = x$pred)
    } else {
        vapply(X = probs, FUN = qnbinom, FUN.VALUE = x$pred,
               mu = x$pred, size = size)
    ## one tp, one unit -> qs is a vector of length np
    ## otherwise, 'qs' has dimensions ntps x nUnit x np
    ## if nUnit==1, we return an ntps x np matrix, otherwise an array
    if (is.vector(qs)) {
        qs <- t(qs)
        rownames(qs) <- rownames(x$pred)
    } else if (dim(qs)[2L] == 1L) {
        matrix(qs, dim(qs)[1L], dim(qs)[3L], dimnames = dimnames(qs)[c(1L,3L)])
    } else qs

## confidence intervals for one-step-ahead predictions
confint.oneStepAhead <- function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
    quantile.oneStepAhead(object, (1+c(-1,1)*level)/2, ...)

## simple plot of one-step-ahead forecasts
plot.oneStepAhead <- function (x, unit = 1, probs = 1:99/100,
                               start = NULL, means.args = NULL, ...)
    stopifnot(length(unit) == 1, length(probs) > 1)

    ## select unit
    obs <- x$observed[,unit]
    ms <- x$pred[,unit]
    qs <- quantile.oneStepAhead(x, probs = probs)
    if (!is.matrix(qs))  # multi-unit predictions
        qs <- matrix(qs[,unit,], dim(qs)[1L], dim(qs)[3L],
                     dimnames = dimnames(qs)[c(1L,3L)])

    ## produce fanplot
    if (is.null(start))
        start <- as.integer(rownames(qs)[1L])
    fanplot(quantiles = qs, probs = probs, means = ms,
            observed = obs, start = start, means.args = means.args, ...)

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