
Defines functions LDDist

Documented in LDDist

#' LD versus distance Plot
#' Visualization of pairwise Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) estimates generated by
#' function \code{pairwiseLD} versus marker distance. A single plot is
#' generated for every chromosome.
#' @param LDdf object of class \code{LDdf} which is the output of function
#' \code{pairwiseLD} and argument \code{type="data.frame"}
#' @param chr \code{numeric} scalar or vector. Return value is a plot for each
#' chromosome in \code{chr}. To plot the complete LD within Chromosomes in a
#' single plot use \code{"all"}. Note: This includes no values for between
#' chromosom LD! The default is \code{NULL}. This givs a single plot for each
#' chromosome. Note: Remember to add one empty line for each chromosome in
#' batch-scripts , if you use more than one chromosome!
#' @param type Character string to specify the type of plot. Use \code{"p"} for
#' a scatterplot, \code{"bars"} for stacked bars or \code{"nls"} for
#' scatterplot together with nonlinear regression curve according to Hill and
#' Weir (1988).
#' @param breaks \code{list} containing breaks for stacked bars (optional, only
#' for \code{type="bars"}). Components are \code{dist} with breaks for distance
#' on x-axis and \code{r2} for breaks on for r2 on y-axis. By default, 5 equal
#' spaced categories for dist and r2 are used.
#' @param n \code{numeric}. Number of observations used to estimate LD. Only
#' required for \code{type="nls"}.
#' @param file \code{character}. path to a file where plot is saved to
#' (optional).
#' @param fileFormat \code{character}. At the moment two file formats are
#' supported: pdf and png. Default is \code{"pdf"}.
#' @param onefile \code{logical}. If \code{fileFormat = "pdf"} you can decide,
#' if you like to have all graphics in one file or in multiple files.
#' @param colL The color for the line if \code{type="nls"} is used. In other
#' cases without a meaning.
#' @param colD The color for the dots in the plot of \code{type="nls"} and
#' \code{type="p"}
#' @param \dots Further arguments for \code{plot}
#' @author Valentin Wimmer, Hans-Juergen Auinger and Theresa Albrecht
#' @seealso \code{\link{pairwiseLD}}, \code{\link{LDMap}}
#' @references For nonlinear regression curve: Hill WG, Weir BS (1988)
#' Variances and covariances of squared linkage disequilibria in finite
#' populations. Theor Popul Biol 33:54-78.
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(synbreedData)
#' # maize data example
#' data(maize)
#' maizeC <- codeGeno(maize)
#' # LD for chr 1
#' maizeLD <- pairwiseLD(maizeC, chr = 1, type = "data.frame")
#' # scatterplot
#' LDDist(maizeLD, type = "p", pch = 19, colD = hsv(alpha = 0.1, v = 0))
#' # stacked bars  with default categories
#' LDDist(maizeLD, type = "bars")
#' # stacked bars  with user-defined categories
#' LDDist(maizeLD, type = "bars", breaks = list(
#'   dist = c(0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 180),
#'   r2 = c(1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.1, 0)
#' ))
#' }
#' @export LDDist
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off grey pdf png
#' @importFrom stats coef dist nls
#' @importFrom graphics barplot box curve legend plot
LDDist <- function(LDdf, chr = NULL, type = "p", breaks = NULL, n = NULL, file = NULL, fileFormat = "pdf", onefile = TRUE,
                   colL = 2, colD = 1, ...) {
  if (class(LDdf) != "LDdf") stop("'LDdf' must be of class 'LDdf'")
  if (type == "nls" & is.null(n)) stop("number of obeservations must be specified using argument 'n'")
  if (is.null(chr)) {
    lg <- (1:length(LDdf))[!as.logical(lapply(LDdf, is.null))]
  } else {
    lg <- chr

  if (lg[1] == "all") {
    LDdfall <- list()
    LDdfall$all <- LDdf[[1]]
    if (length(LDdf) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(LDdf)) {
        LDdfall$all <- rbind(LDdfall$all, LDdf[[i]])
    LDdf <- LDdfall
  # function for fit according to Hill and Weir (1988)
  smooth.fit <- function(overallDist, overallr2, n, colL) {
    # nls estimate
    nonlinearoverall <- nls(overallr2 ~ ((10 + p * overallDist)) / ((2 + p * overallDist) * (11 + p * overallDist)) *
      (1 + ((3 + p * overallDist) * (12 + 12 * p * overallDist + p^2 * overallDist^2)) / (n * (2 + p * overallDist) * (11 + p * overallDist))),
    start = list(p = 1)

    # estimated value for p
    p <- coef(nonlinearoverall)
    x <- NA
    fitcurve <- function(x, p, n) {
      ((10 + p * x)) / ((2 + p * x) * (11 + p * x)) *
        (1 + ((3 + p * x) * (12 + 12 * p + p^2 * x^2)) / (n * (2 + p * x) * (11 + p * x)))
    # fit curve to data
    curve(fitcurve(x, p = p, n = n), from = min(overallDist), to = max(overallDist), add = TRUE, col = colL, lwd = 2, ...)

  # use LD from input arguement
  ret <- LDdf

  if (!is.null(file) & onefile & fileFormat == "pdf") {
    if (substr(file, nchar(file) - nchar(fileFormat) + 1, nchar(file)) != fileFormat | nchar(file) < 5) {
      file <- paste(file, ".", fileFormat, sep = "")
    pdf(file, onefile = onefile)

  # compute distances within each linkage group
  for (i in lg) {
    if (!is.null(file) & (fileFormat != "pdf" | fileFormat == "pdf" & !onefile)) {
      if (substr(file, nchar(file) - nchar(fileFormat) + 1, nchar(file)) != fileFormat | nchar(file) < 5) {
        if (length(lg) < 2) {
          fileName <- paste(file, ".", fileFormat, sep = "")
        } else {
          fileName <- paste(file, "_chr", i, ".", fileFormat, sep = "")
      } else {
        if (length(lg) > 1) {
          fileName <- paste(substr(file, 1, nchar(file) - nchar(fileFormat) - 1), "_chr", i, ".", fileFormat, sep = "")
        } else {
          fileName <- file
      if (fileFormat == "pdf") {
      } else if (fileFormat == "png") {
      } else {
        stop("not supported file format choosen!")

    # create plots
    # scatterplot
    if (type == "p") plot(r2 ~ dist, data = ret[[i]], main = names(ret[i]), col = colD, ...)

    # scatterplot with nls curve
    if (type == "nls") {
      plot(r2 ~ dist, data = ret[[i]], main = names(ret[i]), col = colD, ...)
      smooth.fit(ret[[i]][, 4], ret[[i]][, 3], n = n, colL = colL)

    # stacked histogramm
    if (type == "bars") {
      # use default breaks
      if (is.null(breaks)) {
        breaks.dist <- seq(from = min(ret[[i]]$dist), to = max(ret[[i]]$dist), length = 6)
        breaks.r2 <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = -0.2)
      # use user- specified breaks
      else {
        breaks.dist <- breaks$dist
        breaks.r2 <- breaks$r2
      cut.dist <- cut(ret[[i]]$dist, breaks = breaks.dist, include.lowest = TRUE)
      cut.r2 <- cut(ret[[i]]$r2, breaks = breaks.r2, include.lowest = TRUE)

      # create matrix with relative frequencies
      tab.abs <- table(cut.r2, cut.dist)
      colSum <- matrix(rep(colSums(tab.abs), nrow(tab.abs)), nrow = nrow(tab.abs), byrow = TRUE)

      # baplot out of frequency matrix
      barplot((tab.abs / colSum)[nrow(tab.abs):1, ], col = grey(1:nrow(tab.abs) / nrow(tab.abs))[1:nrow(tab.abs)], space = c(.2), main = names(ret)[[i]], xlim = c(0, ncol(tab.abs) + 2.8), ylab = "Fraction of SNP pairs", ...)
      legend(ncol(tab.abs) + 1.2, 0.95, fill = grey(1:nrow(tab.abs) / nrow(tab.abs))[nrow(tab.abs):1], legend = levels(cut.r2), title = "LD (r2)", cex = 1)
    if (!is.null(file) & (fileFormat != "pdf" | fileFormat == "pdf" & !onefile)) {
    } else if (is.null(file) & length(lg) > 1) readline()
  # close graphic device
  if (!is.null(file) & onefile & fileFormat == "pdf") dev.off()

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synbreed documentation built on March 12, 2021, 3:01 a.m.