Defines functions MME

Documented in MME

#' Mixed Model Equations
#' Set up Mixed Model Equations for given design matrices, i.e. variance
#' components for random effects must be known.
#' The linear mixed model is given by \deqn{\bf y = \bf X \bf b + \bf Z \bf u +
#' \bf e }{y = Xb + Zu +e} with \eqn{\bf u \sim N(0,\bf G)}{u = N(0,G)} and
#' \eqn{\bf e \sim N(0,\bf R)}{e = N(0,R)}. Solutions for fixed effects \eqn{b}
#' and random effects \eqn{u} are obtained by solving the corresponding mixed
#' model equations (Henderson, 1984) \deqn{\left(\begin{array}{cc} \bf X'\bf
#' R^{-1}\bf X & \bf X'\bf R^{-1}\bf Z \\ \bf Z'\bf R^{-1}\bf X & \bf Z'\bf
#' R^{-1}\bf Z + \bf G^{-1} \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} \bf \hat
#' b \\ \bf \hat u \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c}\bf X'\bf R^{-1}
#' \bf y \\ \bf Z'\bf R^{-1}\bf y
#' \end{array}\right)}{(X'RIX,X'RIZ,Z'RIX,ZRIZ+GI)(bhat,uhat)=(X'RIy,Z'RIy)}
#' Matrix on left hand side of mixed model equation is denoted by LHS and
#' matrix on the right hand side of MME is denoted as RHS. Generalized Inverse
#' of LHS equals prediction error variance matrix. Square root of diagonal
#' values multiplied with \eqn{\sigma^2_e}{sigma2e} equals standard error of
#' prediction. Note that variance components for fixed and random effects are
#' not estimated by this function but have to be specified by the user, i.e.
#' \eqn{G^{-1}}{GI} must be multiplied with shrinkage factor
#' \eqn{\frac{\sigma^2_e}{\sigma^2_g}}{sigma2e/sigma2g}.
#' @param X Design matrix for fixed effects
#' @param Z Design matrix for random effects
#' @param GI Inverse of (estimated) variance-covariance matrix of random
#' (genetic) effects multplied by the ratio of residual to genetic variance
#' @param RI Inverse of (estimated) variance-covariance matrix of residuals
#' (without multiplying with a constant, i.e. \eqn{\sigma^2_e}{sigma2e})
#' @param y Vector of phenotypic records
#' @return A list with the following arguments \item{b}{Estimations for fixed
#' effects vector} \item{u}{Predictions for random effects vector}
#' \item{LHS}{left hand side of MME} \item{RHS}{right hand side of MME}
#' \item{C}{Generalized inverse of LHS. This is the prediction error variance
#' matrix} \item{SEP}{Standard error of prediction for fixed and random
#' effects} \item{SST}{Sum of Squares Total} \item{SSR}{Sum of Squares due to
#' Regression} \item{residuals}{Vector of residuals}
#' @author Valentin Wimmer
#' @seealso \code{\link[regress]{regress}}, \code{\link{crossVal}}
#' @references Henderson, C. R. 1984. Applications of Linear Models in Animal
#' Breeding. Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(synbreedData)
#' data(maize)
#' # realized kinship matrix
#' maizeC <- codeGeno(maize)
#' U <- kin(maizeC, ret = "realized") / 2
#' # solution with gpMod
#' m <- gpMod(maizeC, kin = U, model = "BLUP")
#' # solution with MME
#' diag(U) <- diag(U) + 0.000001 # to avoid singularities
#' # determine shrinkage parameter
#' lambda <- m$fit$sigma[2] / m$fit$sigma[1]
#' # multiply G with shrinkage parameter
#' GI <- solve(U) * lambda
#' y <- maizeC$pheno[, 1, ]
#' n <- length(y)
#' X <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
#' mme <- MME(y = y, Z = diag(n), GI = GI, X = X, RI = diag(n))
#' # comparison
#' head(m$fit$predicted[, 1] - m$fit$beta)
#' head(mme$u)
#' }
#' @export MME
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
MME <- function(X, Z, GI, RI, y) {
  SST <- t(y) %*% RI %*% y
  XX <- t(X) %*% RI %*% X
  XZ <- t(X) %*% RI %*% Z
  ZZ <- t(Z) %*% RI %*% Z
  Xy <- t(X) %*% RI %*% y
  Zy <- t(Z) %*% RI %*% y
  R1 <- cbind(XX, XZ)
  R2 <- cbind(t(XZ), (ZZ + GI))
  LHS <- rbind(R1, R2)
  RHS <- rbind(Xy, Zy)
  C <- ginv(LHS)
  bhat <- C %*% RHS
  SSR <- t(bhat) %*% RHS
  SSE <- SST - SSR
  N <- nrow(X)
  rX <- sum(diag(X %*% ginv(X)))
  sigma2e <- SSE / (N - rX)
  SEP <- sqrt(diag(C) * sigma2e)
  b <- bhat[1:ncol(X)]
  u <- bhat[-c(1:ncol(X))]
  return(list(b = b, u = u, LHS = LHS, RHS = RHS, C = C, SEP = SEP, SST = SST, SSR = SSR, residuals = y - X %*% b - Z %*% u))

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synbreed documentation built on March 12, 2021, 3:01 a.m.