
Defines functions predict.tsglm

Documented in predict.tsglm

predict.tsglm <- function(object, n.ahead=1, newobs=NULL, newxreg=NULL, level=0.95, global=FALSE, type=c("quantiles", "shortest", "onesided"), method=c("conddistr", "bootstrap"), B=1000, estim=c("ignore", "bootstrap", "normapprox", "given"), B_estim=B, coefs_given=NULL, ...){
  newxreg <- if(is.null(newxreg)) matrix(0, nrow=n.ahead, ncol=ncol(object$xreg)) else as.matrix(newxreg)  #if no covariates are provided, these are set to zero
  n <- object$n_obs
  link <- object$link
  model <- object$model
  p <- length(model$past_obs)
  P <- seq(along=numeric(p)) #sequence 1:p if p>0 and NULL otherwise
  q <- length(model$past_mean)
  Q <- seq(along=numeric(q)) #sequence 1:p if p>0 and NULL otherwise
  r <- ncol(object$xreg)
  R <- seq(along=numeric(r)) 
  xreg <- rbind(object$xreg, newxreg)
  if(nrow(xreg) < n+n.ahead) xreg <- rbind(xreg, matrix(xreg[nrow(xreg), ], nrow=n+n.ahead-nrow(xreg), ncol=r, byrow=TRUE)) #if not enough future values of the covariates are given, then the values of the last available time point are used, which is usually NOT sensible!
  new <- rep(NA, n.ahead)
  new[seq(along=newobs)] <- newobs
  ts <- c(object$ts, new)
  if(is.ts(object$ts)) ts <- ts(ts, start=start(object$ts), frequency=frequency(object$ts))
  nu <- c(rep(NA, n-object$n_eff), object$linear.predictors, rep(NA, n.ahead))
  if(is.ts(object$ts)) nu <- ts(nu, start=start(object$ts), frequency=frequency(object$ts))
  for(t in n+(1:n.ahead)){
    nu[t] <- sum(coef(object)*c(1, trafo(ts[t-model$past_obs], link=link), nu[t-model$past_mean]-if(r>0){sum((as.numeric(model$external)*coef(object)[1+p+q+R])*t(xreg[t-model$past_mean,]))}else{0}, xreg[t,])) 
    if(is.na(ts[t])) ts[t] <- g_inv(nu[t], link=link) #unobserved future observations are replaced by their prediction (by the conditional mean)
    pred <- window(g_inv(nu, link=link), start=tsp(object$ts)[2]+1/frequency(object$ts)) #use time series class if input time series has this class
    pred <- g_inv(nu, link=link)[n+(1:n.ahead)]
  result <- list(pred=pred)

  #Prediction intervals:
  if(level>0){ #do not compute prediction intervals for level==0
    warning_messages <- character()
    level_local <- if(global){1-(1-level)/n.ahead}else{level} #Bonferroni adjustment of the coverage rate of each individual prediction interval such that a global coverage rate is achieved
    method <- match.arg(method, several.ok=TRUE)
    conddistr_possible <- n.ahead==1 || (length(newobs)>=n.ahead-1 && !any(is.na(newobs[1:(n.ahead-1)]))) #method="conddistr" is only possible if all predictions are 1-step ahead predictions such that the true previous observations are available (this is the case if only one observation is to be predicted or when the first n.ahead-1 observations are given in argument 'newobs')
    if(all(c("conddistr", "bootstrap") %in% method)) method <- if(conddistr_possible){"conddistr"}else{"bootstrap"} #automatic choice of the method, prefer method="conddistr" if possible
    type <- match.arg(type) 
    if(type=="quantiles") a <- (1-level_local)/2
    if(type=="onesided") a <- 1-level_local
      largestdensityinterval <- function(probs, level){ #find shortest interval with given probability, probs are assumed to be the probabilities corresponding to the values seq(along=probs)-1 
        values <- seq(along=probs)-1
        ord <- order(probs, decreasing=TRUE)
        result <- range(values[ord][1:which(cumsum(probs[ord])>=level)[1]])
    estim <- match.arg(estim)
    if(estim %in% c("bootstrap", "normapprox") && method!="bootstrap") stop("Accounting for the estimation uncertainty is only available if argument 'method'\nis set to\"bootstrap\".")
      if(!conddistr_possible) stop("Computation of prediction intervals with argument 'method' set to \"conddistr\"\ndoes only work for 1-step-ahead predictions. If argument 'n.ahead' is larger\nthan 1, future observations have to be provided in argument 'newobs'.") 
      if(type %in% c("quantiles", "onesided")){  
        qdistr_mod <- function(p, meanvalue, distr=c("poisson", "nbinom"), distrcoefs, upper=FALSE){ #allows for alternative definition of the quantile
          result <- qdistr(p=p, meanvalue=meanvalue, distr=distr, distrcoefs=distrcoefs)
          if(upper) result <- result + (pdistr(q=result, meanvalue=meanvalue, distr=distr, distrcoefs=distrcoefs)==p) #alternative definition of the quantile
        lower <- if(type=="onesided"){integer(n.ahead)}else{qdistr_mod(a, meanvalue=pred, distr=object$distr, distrcoefs=object$distrcoefs)}
        upper <- qdistr_mod(1-a, meanvalue=pred, distr=object$distr, distrcoefs=object$distrcoefs, upper=TRUE)
        predint <- cbind(lower=lower, upper=upper)
        cutoff <- qdistr(p=1-(1-level_local)/10, meanvalue=max(pred), distr=object$distr, distrcoefs=object$distrcoefs) #very large quantile which is almost certainly larger than the upper bound of the shortest prediction interval
        predint <- t(sapply(pred, function(predval) largestdensityinterval(probs=ddistr(x=0:cutoff, meanvalue=predval, distr=object$distr, distrcoefs=object$distrcoefs), level=level_local)))
      predmed <- qdistr(p=0.5, meanvalue=pred, distr=object$distr, distrcoefs=object$distrcoefs)
      B <- NULL
      futureobs <- NULL
      if(!is.null(newobs)) stop("Computation of prediction intervals with argument 'method' set to \"bootstrap\"\ncan currently not take into account the future observations given in argument\n'newobs'. Either set argument 'method' to \"conddistr\" or do not compute\nprediction intervals at all by setting argument 'level' to zero.")
      if(estim %in% c("normapprox", "bootstrap")) stopifnot(length(B_estim)==1, B_estim%%1==0, B_estim>=1)
        coefs_complete <- simcoefs(object, method="normapprox", B=B_estim)
        coefs <- coefs_complete$coefs[, -(1+p+q+r+1)] #remove column 'sigmasq'
        n_invalid <- coefs_complete$n_invalid
        if(n_invalid > 0){
          bootstrap_message <- paste("In", n_invalid, "cases the bootstrap samples of the regression parameter generated\nfrom the normal approximation was not valid and the respective sample has been\ngenerated again. Note that this might affect the validity of the final result.")
          warning_messages <- c(warning_messages, bootstrap_message)
        coefs_complete <- simcoefs(object, method="bootstrap", B=B_estim, ...)
        coefs <- coefs_complete$coefs[, -(1+p+q+r+1)] #remove column 'sigmasq'
        n_invalid <- sum(coefs_complete$coefs[, 1+p+q+r+1]==1e-9)
        if(n_invalid > 0){
          bootstrap_message <- paste("In", n_invalid, "cases of the parametric bootstrap to account for estimation uncertainty\nthe dispersion parameter could not be estimated and a Poisson distribution is\nused instead. Note that this might affect the validity of the final result.")
          warning_messages <- c(warning_messages, bootstrap_message)
        if(is.null(coefs_given) || nrow(coefs_given)<1) stop("Argument 'coefs_given' needs to be a matrix with the parameters in the rows.")
        coefs <- coefs_given
        B_estim <- nrow(coefs)
        coefs <- t(replicate(B, c(coef(object), object$distrcoefs)))
        B_estim <- 0        
      n_coefs <- nrow(coefs)
      use_coefs <- sample(n_coefs, size=B, replace=(n_coefs<B))
      coefs <- coefs[use_coefs, ]
      simfunc <- function(coefs, fit, xreg, n.ahead){
        fit$coefficients <- coefs[seq(along=fit$coefficients)]
        fit$distrcoefs <- coefs[length(fit$coefficients)+seq(along=fit$distrcoefs)]
        result <- tsglm.sim(n=n.ahead, xreg=xreg[-(1:fit$n_obs), , drop=FALSE], fit=fit, n_start=0)$ts
      futureobs <- matrix(apply(coefs, 1, simfunc, fit=object, xreg=xreg, n.ahead=n.ahead), nrow=n.ahead, ncol=nrow(coefs))          
      if(type %in% c("quantiles", "onesided")){
        quantiles <- t(apply(futureobs, 1, quantile, probs=c(a, 1-a), type=1))
        lower <- if(type=="onesided"){integer(n.ahead)}else{quantiles[, 1]} 
        upper <- quantiles[, 2]
        predint <- cbind(lower=lower, upper=upper)
      if(type=="shortest") predint <- t(apply(futureobs, 1, function(x) largestdensityinterval(tabulate(x+1)/length(x), level=level_local)))
      predmed <- apply(futureobs, 1, median)
    colnames(predint) <- c("lower", "upper")
    if(is.ts(object$ts)){ #use time series class if input time series has this class
        predint <- ts(predint, start=tsp(object$ts)[2]+1/frequency(object$ts), frequency=frequency(object$ts))
        predmed <- ts(predmed, start=tsp(object$ts)[2]+1/frequency(object$ts), frequency=frequency(object$ts))
    result <- c(result, list(interval=predint, level=level, global=global, type=type, method=method, B=B, estim=estim, B_estim=B_estim, warning_messages=warning_messages, median=predmed, futureobs=futureobs))

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tscount documentation built on May 11, 2023, 3:04 p.m.