
Defines functions kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate .kinRespStatN .tmp.f

Documented in kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate

kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate <- function(
	### Constrain unlimited growth phase of a single respiration time series.
	rder	##<< data.frame with columns replicate, time, and resp
	, weights = NULL		##<< Weighting of the observations for non-equal precision
	# (see details of \code{\link{fitKinrespExperiment}}).
	, orderTime = TRUE		##<< if rder is already ordered by time, then you can
	# set orderTime to FALSE to improve efficiency
	, residType = "pearson"	##<< type of residuals, see argument type of
	# \code{\link{residuals.lme}}
	## \code{\link{kinrespGrowthphaseExperiment}}
	## ,\code{\link{plotKinrespDiagnostics.kinresp}}
	## ,\code{\link{twKinresp}}

	if (length(unique(rder$replicate)) != 1)
		stop("kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate: found other than 1 unique "
		     , "replicate identifier in argument rder.")

	# precondition: data is ordered by time
	if (orderTime)
		rder <- rder[order(rder$time),]
	#--------------- discard all points after inflection point ----------
	## It discardsa all data after the inflection point
	# got problems with noisy data: include all points up to resp maximum
	#tmp.slope <- diff(c(0,rder$resp))/diff(c(0,rder$time))
	#determine the position of the maximum slope (only from 4th to max point
	#p.infl <- which.max(tmp.slope)
	rder.e <- rder[1:which.max(rder$resp),]
	# formerly also discard also points before the minimum
	#rder.e <- rder.e[which.min(rder.e$resp):nrow(rder.e),]
	# but only discard it analysis of autocorrelation but fit all points in
	# the beginning else the A parameter will be underestimated or become negative
	#p.min <- which.min(rder.e$resp)
	#---- fit an exponential curve to subset of less and less points ---
	## If the curve deviates from the exponential model, residuals will
	## be correlated.
	tmp.n <- floor((nrow(rder.e)/2))
	#tmp.n <- 12
	tmp.fits <- list()	#store the model fits
	#p values of the bgtest excluding the points before the minimum
	tmp.bgp <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	#p values of the bgtest excluding the minimum and the last point
	tmp.bgp1 <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	tmp.bgpfull <- rep(0,tmp.n) #p values of the bgtest
	#p values of the durbin watson dptest, excluding points before minimum
	tmp.dwp <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	#p values of the durbin watson dptest for positive autocorrelation,
	#excluding points bef. min and last point
	tmp.dwp1p <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	#p values of the durbin watson test, all points included
	tmp.dwpfull <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	#p values of the durbin watson dptest for negative autocorrelation,
	# excluding points bef. min and last point
	tmp.dwp1n <- rep(1,tmp.n)
	tmp.r2 <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	tmp.r2w <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	tmp.Q <- rep(0,tmp.n)
	i <- 1
	for (i in 1:tmp.n ) {
		rdsi = rder.e[1:(nrow(rder.e) + 1 - i),]
		tmp.fit <- try( fitKinrespBetaReplicate(
		  rdsi$time,rdsi$resp, weights = weights), silent = TRUE )
		if (!inherits(tmp.fit, "try-error")) {
			tmp.sd <- try(
			tmp.resid = resid(tmp.fit, type = residType)
			#plot( tmp.sd ~ attr(resid(tmp.fit),"std") )
			#plot( tmp.weights ~ rdsi$time)
			#plot( resid(tmp.fit) ~ rdsi$time )
			#plot( resid(tmp.fit, type = "pearson") ~ rdsi$time )
			if (inherits(tmp.sd, "try-error")) tmp.sd <- 1
			tmp.fits[[i]] <- tmp.fit
			tmp.bo <- (which.min(rdsi$resp)):(nrow(rdsi))
			tmp.bo1 <- (which.min(rdsi$resp)):(nrow(rdsi) - 1)
			tmp.bgpfull[i] <- bgtest(tmp.resid~rdsi$time)$p.value	# in library lmtest
			tmp.bgp[i] <- bgtest(tmp.resid[tmp.bo]~rdsi$time[tmp.bo])$p.value
			tmp.bgp1[i] <- bgtest(tmp.resid[tmp.bo1]~rdsi$time[tmp.bo1])$p.value
			tmp.dwpfull[i] <- dwtest(
			  tmp.resid~rdsi$time, alternative = "greater")$p.value
			tmp.dwp[i] <- dwtest(
			  tmp.resid[tmp.bo]~rdsi$time[tmp.bo], alternative = "greater")$p.value
			tmp.dwp1p[i] <- dwtest(
			  tmp.resid[tmp.bo1]~rdsi$time[tmp.bo1], alternative = "greater")$p.value
			tmp.dwp1n[i] <- dwtest(
			  tmp.resid[tmp.bo1]~rdsi$time[tmp.bo1], alternative = "less")$p.value
			tmp.r2[i] <- 1 - sum(tmp.fit$residuals^2) /
			  sum( (rdsi$resp - mean(rdsi$resp))^2 )
			tmp.r2w[i] <- 1 - sum(tmp.fit$residuals^2/tmp.sd^2) /
			  sum( (rdsi$resp - mean(rdsi$resp))^2/tmp.sd^2 )
			tmp.Q[i] <- pchisq(
			  sum(tmp.fit$residuals^2 / tmp.sd^2 )
			  , df = (tmp.fit$dim$N - tmp.fit$dim$p) )
			tmp.fits[[i]] <- NULL
			#all the test statistics are already initialized with autocorrelation
			#p = 0 - non food fit
			#dwp1n with 1 to non-significant negative autocorrelation
			#r was initialized with 0: non-good fit
	tmp.fits[[tmp.n + 1]] <- "ensure that previous lines are kept"

	tmp.stat <-	cbind(
	  n = (nrow(rder.e) + 1 - (1:tmp.n)), r2 = tmp.r2, r2w = tmp.r2w, Q = tmp.Q
	  , dwtest1n.p = tmp.dwp1n
	  , bgtest1.p = tmp.bgp1, bgtest.p = tmp.bgp, bgtestfull.p = tmp.bgpfull
	  #, dwtest1.p = tmp.dwp1p
	  , dwtest1 = tmp.dwp1p, dwtest.p = tmp.dwp, dwtestfull.p = tmp.dwpfull

	tmp.sl <- 0.05	#significance level
	iseq <- (1:nrow(tmp.stat))
	# determine the i (number of omitted points) for different criteria
	tmp.is <- c(
	  r2 = which.max(tmp.stat[,"r2"])
	  , r2w = which.max(tmp.stat[,"r2w"])
	  , Q = which.max(tmp.stat[,"Q"])
	  , dwtest1n.p = {
	    tmp <- which( (tmp.stat[,"dwtest1n.p"][iseq] < tmp.sl)  )
	    ifelse(length(tmp) > 0,min(tmp),Inf) }	#first negative autocorrelation
	  , apply(tmp.stat[,-(1:5)],2,function(x){
	      # get the first switch from significant correlation to nonsignificant
	      # iSeq is the number of points omitted in increasing order
	      tmp <- which( (x[iseq] >= tmp.sl) & (c(0,x)[iseq] < tmp.sl))
	      ifelse(length(tmp) > 0,min(tmp),Inf)
	# get the corresponding number of included records
	# suppressWarnings needed for Inf in tmp.is, i.e. when no negative
	# correlation was found.
	tmp.ns <- suppressWarnings( structure(
	  tmp.stat[tmp.is,"n"], names = names(tmp.is) ))

	## The longest time series is selected
	## for which there is no correlation or a negative correlation
	## determined by Breusch-Godfrey Test (bgtest) and Durbin-Watson-Test (dwtest)
	i <- min( tmp.is["bgtest1.p"], tmp.is["dwtest1n.p"] )	#cortest
	if (!is.finite(i) ) {
		#stop("XXX Warning expPhase: could not determine exponential growth phase: "
		#, "no autocorrelation free fit found.")
		#will give NA in tmp.stat[i,]

	# tmp.f <- function(){
	#   if (!is.finite(i) )
	#     #try any other fit by tests
	#     i <- min( tmp.is[c("bgtest.p","bgtestfull.p","dwtest1p.p")] )
	#   #check for the situation where bgest1.p underestimated mu
	#   if (!is.na(tmp.ns["bgtest.p"]) && !is.na(tmp.ns["bgtest1.p"]) )
	#     #usually bgtest1 is less strict so includes more n
	#     if (tmp.ns["bgtest.p"] > tmp.ns["bgtest1.p"])
	#       if (coef(tmp.fits[[tmp.is["bgtest1.p"] ]])[["beta2"]] < coef(
	#         tmp.fits[[tmp.is["bgtest.p"] ]])[["beta2"]] )
	#         #see case 29.3 the tests on autocorrelation will not work
	#         i <- tmp.is["r2"]
	# }

	# cortest to output of criteria
	tmp.ns	<- suppressWarnings(c( cortest = as.numeric(tmp.stat[i,"n"]), tmp.ns))

	tmp.ncons <- structure(.kinRespStatN(tmp.ns), names = NULL)	#calc r2wsupp1c
	tmp.ns	<- c( n = tmp.ncons, tmp.ns)		# append r2wsupp1c to output (named n)

	if (is.finite(tmp.ncons) ) {
		#rdsi <- rder.e[1:(nrow(rder.e)+1-i),]
		#tmp.fit <- tmp.fits[[i]]
		rdsi <- rder.e[1:tmp.ncons,]
		tmp.fit <- tmp.fits[[ nrow(rder.e) + 1 - tmp.ncons ]]
	} else {
		#stop("expPhase: could not determine exponential growth phase: "
		#, "no autocorrelation free fit found.")
		rdsi <- rder.e[FALSE,] # just return empty dataset
		tmp.fit <- NULL

	ret <- list(
	  dataset = rdsi, dataGrowth = rder.e, stat = tmp.stat
	  , fit = tmp.fit, fits = tmp.fits, n = tmp.ns)
	class(ret) <- "kinresp"

	### list of class kinresp with components \describe{
	###  \item{dataset}{ the subset with exponential growth phase }
	###  \item{dataGrowth}{ the data of the entire growth phase, i.e. until
	###  maximum respiration rate }
	###  \item{fit}{ the gnls fitting object }
	###  \item{n}{ the number of points suggested by different criteria.
	###  Entry 1 (named "n") gives the best combined estimate.  }
	###  \item{stat}{ the complete statistics r2 and p-values of various
	###  residual tests }
	###  \item{fits}{ results of all the fits. Used e.g. for plotting diagnostics }
	### }

attr(kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate,"ex") <- function(){
	# we pick and plot the respiration time series of Fig 1 in Wutzler et al. 2010
	# data(respWutzler10)
	rder <- subset(
	  respWutzler10, suite == "Face" & experiment == 3 & replicate == 2 )
	plot( resp ~ time, data = rder )

	res2 <- kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate(rder, weights = varPower(fixed = 0.5))
	res2$n["n"]		#display the number of records
	#display the fitting line
	lines( fitted(res2$fit) ~ getUnlimitedGrowthData(res2)$time )

	# plot diagnostics
	plotKinrespDiagnostics(res2)	#use arrow keys to go back in plot history

.kinRespStatN <- function(
	### Combined criterion (r2wsupp1c)
	tmp.ns		##<< estimated n of basic criteria and cortest
	# kinRespStatN
	# here cortest has precedence of r2
	tmp.diffc <- abs(tmp.ns["cortest"] - tmp.ns["r2w"])
	tmp.diffr <- abs(tmp.ns["r2"] - tmp.ns["r2w"])
	# supported by another measure
	if (
	  (!is.na(tmp.diffc) & (tmp.diffc <= 2)) |
	  (!is.na(tmp.diffr) & (tmp.diffr <= 2))  )
	  #if cortest is near and smaller correct downwards
	  if (
	    !is.na(tmp.diffc) &
	    (tmp.diffc <= 2) & (tmp.ns["cortest"] < tmp.ns["r2w"])
	    tmp.ns["r2w"] - 1		else	tmp.ns["r2w"]
	} else NA
	### adds column n to tmp.ns

.tmp.f <- function(rd, experiment){
	i_exp <- 11
	rde <- subset(rd, experiment == i_exp)
	i_rep <- 3
	rder <- subset(rde, replicate == i_rep)
	plot(rder$resp ~ rder$time)
	plotFileBasename = "output/tmp"

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twKinresp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.