
Defines functions twCreateModMeta twSetModMetaAuxGroups twModElementNames initStateModMeta twStateMatODERes

Documented in initStateModMeta twCreateModMeta twModElementNames twSetModMetaAuxGroups twStateMatODERes

twCreateModMeta <- function(
	### Creating meta-information about rows (stateVars), isotopes (columns), and additonal outputs. 
	rowNames, 		##<< character vector: names of the state variables 
	csts, 	  		##<< list of character vectors: for each element, the isotopes are listed. 
        ##<< Each first entry should be the reference with isotopic ratio of one (e.g. c12 or n15)
	iRUnits=1, 	  	##<< numeric vector of units for different isotopes, 
        ##<< ensuring equal magnitudes to avoid numerical errors (see details)\cr
	auxGroups=list() ##<< mapping namegroup (character) -> columnNames (character vector): column names of auxiliary outputs 
	if( !is.vector(rowNames) ) 	stop("rowNames must be a vector of character strings of at least length one.")
	if( !(is.character(rowNames)) ) stop("rowNames must be a vector of character strings of at least length one.")
	if( !(is.list(csts)) ) stop("csts must be a list of vectors of character strings of at least length one.")
	#if( !(is.character(csts[[1]][1])) ) stop("csts must be a list of vectors of character strings of at least length one.")
	res <- within( list(),{
			rowNames <- as.character(rowNames)	#strip names attribute	
			csts <- csts
			colNames <- as.character(unlist(csts))
			nRow <- length(rowNames)
			nCol <- length(colNames)
			elementNames <- twModElementNames(rowNames,colNames)
			matrixTemplate <- matrix( 0.0, nrow=nRow, ncol=nCol, dimnames=list(pools=rowNames, compartments=colNames) )
	names(res$matrixTemplate) <- res$elementNames
    ## Based on the given basic arguments, derived information is stored within the meta-information data structure.
    ## So that this derived information does not need to be recalculated at different places. 
	##details<< \describe{\item{iRUnits}{ 
	## By default all units are 1.
	## If names are not given, is is assumed that order corresponds to colNames
	## If names are given, default 1 for c12 and n15 are added.
	## }}
	if( 0<length(iRUnits) ) iRUnits=1
	if( length(iRUnits)==1 ) 
		iRUnits <- structure( rep(iRUnits,res$nCol), names=res$colNames )
		if( is.null(names(iRUnits))){ 
			if( length(iRUnits != res$nCol) ) stop("iRUnits must be provided for each isotope component")
			names(iRUnits) <- res$colNames	#assume that order is correct
			if( !("c12" %in% names(iRUnits)) ) iRUnits <- c(iRUnits,c12=1)	#add default entry for c12
			if( !("n15" %in% names(iRUnits)) ) iRUnits <- c(iRUnits,n15=1)	#add default entry for n15
			iRUnits <- iRUnits[res$colNames]	#permute to correct order 
			if( length(iRUnits != res$nCol) ) stop("iRUnits must be provided for each isotope component")
	res$iRUnits <- iRUnits	
	res <- twSetModMetaAuxGroups(res, auxGroups)
	### a list with components \describe{
	### \item{rowNames}{character vector: names of the state variables }
	### \item{csts}{ list of character vectors: correponding to isotopes }
	### \item{colNames}{character vector: names of the isotopes}
	### \item{elementNames}{character vector: names of the elements row_column }
	### \item{iRUnits}{numeric array (nCol), unit of isotopic column, take care in sums}	
	### \item{auxGroups}{namegroup (character) -> columnNames (character vector): column names of auxiliary outputs }
	### \item{auxOutputNames}{character vector: names of all auxiliary outputs}	
	### \item{auxOutputTemplate}{numeric vector, with names corresponding to auxOutputNames }	
	### \item{nRow}{number of rows}	
	### \item{nCol}{number of columns}	
	### \item{matrixTemplate}{numeric matrix: template for state variable matrix with corresponding row and column names}	
	### \item{nAux}{number of auxiliary outputs}	
	### }

twSetModMetaAuxGroups <- function(
	### Setting auxiliare output items in modMeta.
	modMeta                 ##<< the data-structure (result of \code{\link{twCreateModMeta}}) to modify
    , auxGroupsNew          ##<< mapping namegroup (character) -> columnNames (character vector): column names of auxiliary outputs
    , auxGroupsSolve=list() ##<< same format as auxGroups, but pertaining to outputs calculated after integrating the model 
	res <- within(modMeta,{
			auxGroups <- auxGroupsNew			#grouping names of auxiliary outputs for assigning vectors
			auxOutputNames <- as.character(unlist(auxGroups))
			if( 0 == length(auxOutputNames) ) auxOutputNames <- character()
			auxOutputTemplate <- structure( rep(0.0,length(auxOutputNames)), names=auxOutputNames)
			nAux <- length(auxOutputNames)
			auxGroupsExt <- c( auxGroups, auxGroupsSolve )
			auxGroupsExtNames <-  as.character(unlist(auxGroupsExt))
	### modified modMeta, adjusted for auxGroups, auxOutputnames, auxOutputTemplate, and nAux.
    ### In addition the following elements are added:
    ### \itemize{
    ###    \item auxGroupsExt: auxGroups + auxGroupsSolve
    ###    \item auxGroupsExtNames: flat character vector of auxiliary output names
    ### } 

twModElementNames <- function(
	### Construct element names for given rows and columns
	rowNames, ##<< A character vector of row names.
	colNames  ##<< A character vector of column names.
	as.vector(sapply( colNames, function(colName){ paste(rowNames, colName, sep="_" )}))
	### Character vector for each index (by row) rowName, colName
attr(twModElementNames,"ex") <- function(){
	mmd <- modMetaICBMDemo()

initStateModMeta <- function(
	### Creating initial state variables for Basic carbon nitrogen cycling model.
	### numeric vector: 12C mass for each pool \cr
	### If names are given these must comprise code{modMeta$rowNames}.
	### numeric vector: carbon to nitrogen ratio for each pool \cr
	### If vector has length one, the same ratio is assumed for all pools.
	### If names are given, these must comprise code{modMeta$rowNames}
	### numeric matrix (nPools, nIsotopes): atomic ratios \cr
	### For others be aware of the adjusted units to avoid bigger numerical errors.
	### If it is a vector (nIsotopes), the same atomic ratio is assumed for all pools   
	### If colnames/names are given they comprise code{modMeta$colNames}
	### Default 1 is added for columns c12 and n15 (first columen in modMeta$csts$cis or $nis repectively if not given with iR.
	,modMeta	##<< model meta information, see \code{\link{modMetaICBMDemo}}
	# check arguments
	#rowNamesSOM <- modMeta$rowNames[ modMeta$rowNames != "R"]
	rowNamesSOM <- modMeta$rowNames
	if( !is.null(names(xc12))) xc12 <- xc12[rowNamesSOM]	#permute items of xc12	
	if( (modMeta$nRow) != length(na.omit(xc12)) ) stop("xc12 must contain a value for each state variable.")
	if( !is.matrix(iR) )	#repeat for each row
		iR <- matrix( iR, byrow=TRUE, nrow=modMeta$nRow, ncol=length(iR), dimnames=list(rowNamesSOM,names(iR)))
	if( !is.null(rownames(iR))) iR <- iR[rowNamesSOM,,drop=FALSE]	#permute rows 
	if( (modMeta$nRow) != nrow(iR) ) stop("iR must contain a row for each state variable.")
    n15 <- modMeta$csts$nis[1]
    if( is.null(colnames(iR)) ) colnames(iR) <- modMeta$colNames else{
		c12 <- modMeta$csts$cis[1]
		if( !(c12 %in% colnames(iR)) ) iR <- {tmp <- cbind(iR,1.0); colnames(tmp) <- c(colnames(iR),c12); tmp }	#add default entry for c12
		if( length(n15) && !(n15 %in% colnames(iR)) ) iR <- {tmp <- cbind(iR,1.0); colnames(tmp) <- c(colnames(iR),n15); tmp }	#add default entry for n15
	iRcis <- iR[,modMeta$csts$cis,drop=FALSE]				#extract carbon and permute 
	if( length(na.omit(modMeta$csts$cis)) != ncol(iRcis) ) stop("iR must contain a value for each carbon isotope.")
    if( length(n15) ){
    	iRnis <- iR[,modMeta$csts$nis,drop=FALSE]
    	if( length(na.omit(modMeta$csts$nis)) != ncol(iRnis) ) stop("iR must contain a value for each nitrogen isotope.")
	if( length(na.omit(cn)) == 1)		#repeat for each row
		cn <- rep(cn,length(rowNamesSOM))
	if( !is.null(names(cn)) ) cn <- cn[rowNamesSOM]	#permute names
	if( !length(na.omit(cn)) == (modMeta$nRow)) stop("cn must contain a value for each state variable.")
	#initialize the state variables
	x <- modMeta$matrixTemplate
	x[ rowNamesSOM ,modMeta$csts$cis] <- xc12*iRcis
    if( length(n15) ){
    	xn15[xc12!=0 & cn!=0] <- (xc12/cn)[xc12!=0 & cn!=0]
    	x[ rowNamesSOM, modMeta$csts$nis] <- xn15*iRnis
	### Numeric matrix (nPool, nIsotopes) of state variable mass.
attr( initStateModMeta, "ex") <- function(){
    mm <- modMetaICBMDemo()

twStateMatODERes <- function(
	### converting a state in vector format to matrix (for deSolve output corresponding to modMeta)
	out			##<< result of ode to model of matrix statevariables
	,iSteps		##<< integer vector index of outputs
	,modMeta	##<< description of the model
	res <- abind::abind( lapply( iSteps, function(iStep){
		matrix( out[iStep,2:(modMeta$nCol*modMeta$nRow+1)], nrow=modMeta$nRow )
	}), rev.along=0 )
	dimnames(res) <- c( modMeta[c("rowNames","colNames")], list(outStep=NULL) )
	### array (nRow,nCol,length(iSteps)) of stacked state variable matrices for each step 

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twModMeta documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:24 p.m.