
Defines functions .onLoad newVec newVec.default simval vsaprod vsapower appinv dot equiv cosine vnorm mag scalar scalar.simval scalar.default add vsascale elts elts.vsa print.simval print.vsa conformable conformable.vsa addnorm

Documented in add addnorm appinv conformable cosine dot elts equiv mag newVec print.vsa scalar simval vnorm vsapower vsaprod vsascale

# setOldClass("vsa")
# setOldClass("new.vsa")
# setOldClass("simval")
# setOldClass("vsamem")

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {

# The 'vsa' function uses a dummy object as the first argument --
# just the class of the object is important.  This is not intended
# to be called directly -- it gets called from randVec().

newVec <- function(what=c("rand", "I", "1", "0", "NA"),
                   cnorm=getOption("vsacnorm", TRUE),
                   opnorm=getOption("vsaopnorm", FALSE),

# Create a dummy object with class == options('vsatype')[[1]]
# in order to dispatch the appropriate 'newVec' method

newVec.default <- function(what=c("rand", "I", "1", "0", "NA"),
                           cnorm=getOption("vsacnorm", TRUE),
                           opnorm=getOption("vsaopnorm", FALSE),
                           vsatype=getOption("vsatype")) {
    if (is.null(vsatype))
        stop("no vsatype specified -- must set options(vsatype=...)")
    if (length(vsatype)!=1)
        stop("must set options('vsatype') to the name of a subclass of 'vsa'")
    if (is.null(len))
        stop("no len specified -- must set options(vsalen=...)")
    what <- match.arg(what)
    newVec(structure(what, class=vsatype), len, elts, cnorm, opnorm)

# Simval
simval <- function(x) {
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x)!=1)
        stop("x must be a scalar")
    structure(as.vector(x), class="simval")

# Ops.vsa calls vsa vector generics for all operations:
#   vsa * vsa: vsaprod
#   vsa * scalar: vsascale
#   vsa / scalar: vsascale with 1/scalar
#   vsa + vsa: add ('superimpose' the generic can take any number of arguments)
#   vsa - vsa: add with vsascale with -1
#   vsa ^ scalar: vsapower
#   !vsa: appinv

Ops.vsa <-
function (e1, e2 = NULL)
    unary <- nargs() == 1
    lclass <- nchar(.Method[1]) > 0
    rclass <- !unary && (nchar(.Method[2]) > 0)
    if (inherits(e1, "simval") || inherits(e2, "simval"))
        stop("'", .Generic, "' cannot operate on a vsa vector and a simval -- does the expression have ()'s around the arguments of '*'? (if the expression is correct, use scalar(simval) in the expression)")
    if (!is.element(.Generic, c("+", "-", "*", "/", "!", "^", "==", "!=")))
        stop("operator '", .Generic, "' is not implemented for vsa vectors")
    if (rclass && lclass) {
        oclass <- class(e1)
        if (oclass[1] != class(e2)[1])
            stop("operator '", .Generic, "' applied to two arguments with different vsa vector classes")
        olength <- length(e1)
        if (olength != length(e2))
            stop("operator '", .Generic, "' applied to two arguments with different vsa vector lengths")
    } else if (rclass) {
        oclass <- class(e2)
    } else if (lclass) {
        oclass <- class(e1)
    } else {
        stop("odd -- neither arugment has a class?")
    if (.Generic=="*") {
        if (lclass && rclass)
            return(vsaprod(e1, e2))
        else if (lclass)
            return(vsascale(e1, e2))
        else if (rclass)
            return(vsascale(e2, e1))
            stop("odd -- neither arugment has a vsa vector class?")
    } else if (.Generic=="^") {
        if (!lclass || rclass)
            stop("'^' when used with vsa vector objects must have the vsa vector on the left and the scalar on the right")
        return(vsapower(e1, e2))
    } else if (.Generic=="!") {
    } else if (.Generic=="/") {
        if (rclass)
            return(vsaprod(e1, appinv(e2)))
            return(vsascale(e1, 1/e2))
    } else if (.Generic=="+" || .Generic=="-") {
        if (lclass && rclass) {
            if (.Generic=="-")
                e2 <- vsascale(e2, -1)
            return(add(e1, e2))
        } else {
            stop("'", .Generic, "' requires both arguments to be vsa's")
    } else if (.Generic=="==" || .Generic=="!=") {
        if (lclass && rclass) {
            res <- elts(e1) == elts(e2)
            if (.Generic=="==")
        } else {
            stop("'", .Generic, "' requires both arguments to be vsa's")
    stop("should not reach here")

vsaprod <- function(e1, e2, method=c("fft", "outer")) UseMethod("vsaprod")

vsapower <- function(e1, e2) UseMethod("vsapower")

appinv <- function(e1) UseMethod("appinv")

dot <- function(e1, e2) UseMethod("dot")

"%.%" <- dot

equiv <- function(e1, e2, tol=1e-6) UseMethod("equiv")

"%==%" <- function(e1, e2) equiv(e1, e2)

# can't use function cos() because it is not generic
cosine <- function(e1, e2, mag1=NULL, mag2=NULL) UseMethod("cosine")

"%cos%" <- function(e1, e2) cosine(e1, e2)

vnorm <- function(e1) UseMethod("vnorm")

mag <- function(e1, actual=NULL) UseMethod("mag")

scalar <- function(e1) UseMethod("scalar")

scalar.simval <- function(e1) as.vector(e1)

scalar.default <- function(e1) {
    if (!is.numeric(e1) || length(e1)!=1)
        stop("e1 must be a numeric vector of length 1")

add <- function(e1, ...) UseMethod("add")

vsascale <- function(e1, e2) UseMethod("vsascale")

elts <- function(e1) UseMethod("elts")

elts.vsa <- function(e1) as.vector(e1)

print.simval <- function(x, ...) {
    if (is.null(names(x)) && length(x)==1) {
        cat("simval: ", format(x), "\n", sep="")
    } else {

print.vsa <- function(x, ..., values=FALSE) {
    cat(class(x)[1], "[", length(x), "] mag=",
        format(mag(x)), " cos(.,I)=", format(cosine(newVec(vsatype=class(x)[1], what="I", len=length(x)), x)),
        if (values) ":", "\n", sep="")
    if (values)

conformable <- function(x=NULL, list, stop.on.error=TRUE) UseMethod("conformable")

conformable.vsa <- function(x=NULL, list, stop.on.error=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x) && !is(x, "vsa"))
        stop("x is not a vsa object")
    if (length(list)==0)
    if (any(!sapply(list, is, "vsa")))
        stop("some object in 'list' are not vsa objects")
    topClass <- function(x) class(x)[1]
    classes <- unique(sapply(list, topClass))
    lengths <- unique(sapply(list, length))
    if (!is.null(x)) {
        classes <- unique(c(classes, topClass(x)))
        lengths <- unique(c(lengths, length(x)))
    if (length(classes)>1)
        if (stop.on.error)
            stop("not all objects have the same class (", paste(classes, collapse=", "), ")")
    if (length(lengths)>1)
        if (stop.on.error)
            stop("not all objects have the same length (", paste(lengths, collapse=", "), ")")

# Ops.simval do standard arithmetic on numbers, but check that we're not trying to do something odd to a simval (which can happen if the user doesn't understand the operator precedence & misspecifies and expression -- this helps to catch such situations)

#   simval * simval: not allowed (?)
#   simval * scalar:
#   simval / scalar:
#   simval + simval:
#   simval - simval:
#   simval ^ scalar: power
#   !simval: not allowed (common operator precedence error: !a %.% b is parsed as !(a %.% b), which returns logical, which is almost certainly not what was intended)

Ops.simval <-
function (e1, e2 = NULL)
    unary <- nargs() == 1
    lclass <- nchar(.Method[1]) > 0
    rclass <- !unary && (nchar(.Method[2]) > 0)
    if (lclass || rclass)
            stop("'", .Generic, "' cannot operate on a vsa vector and a simval -- does the expression have ()'s around the arguments of '*'? (if the expression is correct, use scalar(simval) in the expression)")
    if (!is.element(.Generic, c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "==", "!=")))
        stop("operator '", .Generic, "' is not implemented for simval's (add parenthesis to force intended operator parsing if your expression is otherwise correct)")
    if (rclass && lclass) {
        oclass <- class(e1)
        if (oclass[1] != class(e2)[1])
            stop("operator '", .Generic, "' applied to two arguments with different simval classes")
    } else if (rclass) {
        oclass <- class(e2)
    } else if (lclass) {
        oclass <- class(e1)
    } else {
        stop("odd -- neither arugment has a class?")
    if (!rclass && !is.numeric(e2))
        stop("can only combine simval's with numbers")
    if (!lclass && !is.numeric(e1))
        stop("can only combine simval's with numbers")
    if (.Generic=="*") {
        if (rclass && lclass)
            stop("'*' must have a simval as one argument and a number as the other")
        return(simval(unclass(e1) * unclass(e2)))
    } else if (.Generic=="^") {
        if (!inherits(e1, "simval") || inherits(e2, "simval"))
            stop("'^' when used with simval's must have the simval on the left and the scalar on the right")
        return(simval(unclass(e1) ^ e2))
    } else if (.Generic=="/") {
        if (rclass)
            stop("cannot have a simval object on the rhs of '/'")
    } else if (.Generic=="+" || .Generic=="-") {
        if (inherits(e1, "simval") && inherits(e2, "simval")) {
            if (.Generic=="-")
                return(simval(unclass(e1) - unclass(e2)))
                return(simval(unclass(e1) + unclass(e2)))
        } else {
            stop("'", .Generic, "' requires both arguments to be simval's")
    } else if (.Generic=="==" || .Generic=="!=") {
        if (rclass)
            e2 <- unclass(e2)
        if (lclass)
            e1 <- unclass(e1)
        res <- (e1 == e2)
        if (.Generic=="==")
    stop("should not reach here")

addnorm <- function(...) vnorm(add(...))

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vsa documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:53 p.m.