Man pages for yasomi
Yet Another Self Organising Map Implementation

as.dist.kernelsomCompute all the distances between prototypes in a fitted...
as.dist.relationalsomCompute all the distances between prototypes in a fitted...
as.dist.somnumCompute all the distances between prototypes in a fitted...
as.kernelmatrixTurn a standard matrix into a Kernel matrix
batchkmeansGeneric K-means Clustering
batchkmeans.defaultK-means Clustering for vector data
batchkmeans.kenelmatrixKernel K-means Clustering
batchsomGeneric Self-Organising Map fitting function
batchsom.defaultFit a Self-Organising Map to vector data
batchsom.distFit a Self-Organising Map to dissimilarity data
batchsom.kernelmatrixFit a Kernel Self-Organising Map to some data
colorCodeData coloring via a Self-Organising Map
componentPlaneComponent Planes
distance.gridBuild a surface that represents prototype distances in a...
error.kaskilagusKaski and Lagus' error measure for Self-Organising Maps
error.kaskilagus.kernelsomKaski and Lagus' error measure for Kernel Self-Organising...
error.kaskilagus.relationalsomKaski and Lagus' error measure for Relational Self-Organising...
error.kaskilagus.somnumKaski and Lagus' error measure for Self-Organising Maps on...
error.quantisationQuantisation error for a Self-Organising Map
error.quantisation.kernelsomQuantisation error for a Kernel Self-Organising Map
error.quantisation.relationalsomQuantisation error for a Relational Self-Organising Map
error.quantisation.somnumQuantisation error for a Self-Organising Map fitted on vector...
grid2linesSelf-Organising Map grid
hitMapClustering Hit Map
identify.somgridIdentify a grid cell in a grid display
mapToUnitMap additional data to a Self-Organising Map
plot.somPlot cell contents of a Self-Organising Map
plot.somgridPlot a Self-Organising Map prior structure
plot.sompdistPlot distances between prototypes of a fitted Self-Organising...
plot.somtunePlot SOM parameter tuning results
predict.kernelsomMap new data to a fitted Kernel Self-Organising Map
predict.relationalsomMap new data to a fitted Relational Self-Organising Map
predict.somnumMap new data to a fitted Self-Organising Map for vector data
print.somDescribe a fitted Self-Organising Map
prototype.distancesCompute distances between neighbouring prototypes in a fitted...
somgridCreate a prior structure for a self-organising map
sominit.pcaInitialise the prototypes of a SOM with PCA
sominit.pca.defaultInitialise the prototypes of a SOM with PCA
sominit.pca.distInitialise the prototypes of a dissimilarity SOM with...
sominit.pca.kernelmatrixInitialise the prototypes of a kernel SOM with kernel PCA
sominit.randomInitialise the prototypes of a SOM via some random sample
som.tuneParameter tuning for Self-Organising Maps
som.tunecontrolControl parameters for the som.tune function
yasomi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:59 p.m.