batchsom: Generic Self-Organising Map fitting function

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also


Generic function for fitting a Self-Organising Map to some data, using a batch algorithm.


batchsom(data, somgrid, init=c("pca","random"), prototypes, weights,
         mode = c("continuous","stepwise"), min.radius, max.radius,
         steps, decrease = c("power", "linear"), max.iter,
         kernel = c("gaussian", "linear"), normalised,
         assignment = c("single", "heskes"), cut = 1e-07,
         verbose = FALSE, keepdata = TRUE, ...)



the data to which the SOM will be fitted. Acceptable data type depend on the available methods, see details


an object of class "somgrid" that specifies the prior structure of the Self-Organising Map: see somgrid


the initialisation method (defaults to "pca", see details)


Initial values for the prototypes (the exact representation of the prototypes depends on the data type). If missing, initial prototypes are chosen via the method specified by the init parameter (see details)


optional weights for the data points


annealing mode:

"continuous" (default)

this is the standard annealing strategy for SOM: the influence of neighbours changes at each epoch of the algorithm, from max.radius to min.radius in exactly step steps.


in this strategy, the algorithm performs several epochs (a maximum of max.iter) for each of the step radii (from max.radius to min.radius). The algorithm changes the neighbours influence only when the classification remains stable from one epoch to another. The max.iter parameter provides a safeguard against cycling behaviours.


the minimum neighbourhood influence radius. If missing, the value depends on the one of kernel but ensures in practice a local learning only (see details)


the maximal neighbourhood influence radius. If missing two third of the prior structure diameter plus one


the number of radii to use during annealing


the radii generating formula ("power" or "linear"), i.e., the way the steps radii are generated from the extremal values given by min.radius and max.radius


maximal number of epochs for one radius in the "stepwise" annealing mode (defaults to 75)


the kernel used to transform distances in the prior structure into influence coefficients


switch for normalising the neighbouring interactions. Has no influence with the "single" assignment method


the assignment method used to compute the best matching unit (BMU) of an observation during training:

"single" (default)

this is the standard BMU calculation approach in which the best unit for an observation is the one of the closest prototype of this observation


Tom Heskes' variant for the BMU in which a weighted fit of all the prototypes to an observation is used to compute the best unit. The rationale is that the BMU's prototype and its neighbouring units' prototypes must be close to the observation.


minimal value below wich neighbouring interactions are not take into account


switch for tracing the fitting process


if TRUE, the original data are returned as part of the result object


additional arguments to be passed to methods


In yasomi, the batchsom generic function is implemented by three methods which provide Self-Organising Map fitting for three distinct data representation:

If the initial value of prototypes is not provided, it is obtained by a call to an initialisation method specified via the init parameter (of character type). All batchsom methods accept the "random" value for init (see sominit.random for the corresponding generic random initialisation method) as well as the "pca" value which covers ordered initialisation methods inspired by principal component analysis in the standard vector case (see sominit.pca for the corresponding generic method).


An object of class "som", a list with components including


as in the arguments to batchsom


a representation of the prototypes that depends on the actual method


a vector of integer indicating to which unit each observation has been assigned


a vector containing the evolution of the quantisation error during the fitting process


a list containing all the parameters used to fit the SOM


the original data if the function is called with keepdata = TRUE


the weights of the data points if the function is called with keepdata = TRUE and if the weights is given

The list will generally contain additional components specific to each implementation. The returned object will also generally have another class more specific than "som".


Fabrice Rossi

See Also

See sominit.pca and sominit.random for some control on the initial configuration of the prototypes, som.tune for the optimisation of some magic parameters (such as the radii), umatrix and distance.grid for visual analysis of the distances between the prototypes.

yasomi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:59 p.m.