error.kaskilagus: Kaski and Lagus' error measure for Self-Organising Maps

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References See Also


Compute an error measure of a fitted Self-Organising Maps defined by S. Kaski and K. Lagus. This measure takes into account both the quantisation error and a type of continuity (i.e., close observations in the original space should be mapped to close units in the grid). error.quantisation is the generic function for this calculation.


error.kaskilagus(som, newdata, ...)



an object of class derived "som"


optional observations (see details)


additional arguments to be passed to methods


If newdata is not given, the function returns the error made by the fitted som on the data used to fit it. Those data must have been saved in the som object (this is the default behavior of batchsom).

When newdata is specified, the function returns the error made by the fitted som on the corresponding data. The representation of the new data depends on the actual SOM.


Fabrice Rossi


Kaski, S. and Lagus, K. (1996) Comparing self-organizing maps, in: C. von der Malsburg, W. von Seelen, J. Vorbrüggen, B. Sendhoff (eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'96, Bochum, Germany), vol. 1112 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 809–814.

See Also

error.quantisation, som.tunecontrol,error.kaskilagus.somnum for numerical SOM and error.kaskilagus.relationalsom for relational SOM

yasomi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:59 p.m.