#'@include ASEset-class.R
#' regionSummary
#' Gives a summary of AI-consistency for a transcript
#' From a given set of e.g. transcripts exon ranges the function will return
#' a summary for the sum of all exons. Phase information, reference and alternative
#' allele is required.
#' A limitation comes to the strand-specificness. At the moment it is not possible
#' to call over more than one strand type using the strands in region. This will be
#' improved before going to release.
#' to calculate the direction and binomial p-values of AI the mapbias stored in the
#' ASEset is used. see '?mapBias'.
#' @name regionSummary
#' @rdname regionSummary
#' @aliases regionSummary,numeric-method
#' @docType methods
#' @param x ASEset object
#' @param region to summmarize over, the object can be a GRanges, GRangesList
#' @param strand can be "+", "-" or "*"
#' @param return.class "array" or "list".
#' @param ... arguments to forward to internal functions
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin, Lasse Folkersen
#' @keywords summary
#' @examples
#' data(ASEset)
#' a <- ASEset
#' # Add phase
#' set.seed(1)
#' p1 <- matrix(sample(c(1,0),replace=TRUE, size=nrow(a)*ncol(a)),nrow=nrow(a), ncol(a))
#' p2 <- matrix(sample(c(1,0),replace=TRUE, size=nrow(a)*ncol(a)),nrow=nrow(a), ncol(a))
#' p <- matrix(paste(p1,sample(c("|","|","/"), size=nrow(a)*ncol(a), replace=TRUE), p2, sep=""),
#' nrow=nrow(a), ncol(a))
#' phase(a) <- p
#' #add alternative allele information
#' mcols(a)[["alt"]] <- inferAltAllele(a)
#' # in this example each and all snps in the ASEset defines the region
#' region <- granges(a)
#' t <- regionSummary(a, region)
#' # in this example two overlapping subsets of snps in the ASEset defines the region
#' region <- split(granges(a)[c(1,2,2,3)],c(1,1,2,2))
#' t <- regionSummary(a, region)
#' @rdname regionSummary
#' @export
setGeneric("regionSummary", function(x, ... ){
#' @rdname regionSummary
#' @export
setMethod("regionSummary", signature("ASEset"),
function(x, region, strand="*",
return.class="RegionSummary", ...
#checks are needed for
#1 phase
#2 alt ALT
#3 ref REF
if(is(region, "GRanges") | is(region, "GRangesList")){
reg <- .unlistGRangesListAndIndex(region)
}else if(is.list(region)){cat("list version not implemented")}
#make overlap and subset for ASEset
x <- .selectRegionAndTransferIndexToASEset(x, reg)
#make regional granges for she summaries
gr <- .makeRegionGRangesFromASEsetWithRegionIndex(x)
#fraction with maternal phase used as numerator
fr <- t(fraction(x, strand=strand, top.fraction.criteria="phase"))
#which snp and sample pairs are heterozygotes
fr.het.filt <- hetFilt(x)
#filter so all homozygotes become NAs
fr[!t(fr.het.filt)] <- NA
#maternal phase map bias
mb <- t(.maternalPhaseMapBias(mb=mapBias(x, return.class="array"), ma=maternalAllele(x), va=x@variants))
#calculate delta
fr.d <- .deltaFromFractionMatrixAndMapBias(fr, mb)
#pick our important variables
idx <- mcols(x)[["regionIndex"]][[1]]
#Summarize the statistics
hets <- .regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex(t(fr.het.filt), idx, sum)
homs <- .regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex(t(!fr.het.filt), idx, sum) <- .regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex(fr.d, idx, mean) <- .regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex(fr.d, idx, mean) <- .regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex(fr, idx, mean) <- .regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex(fr, idx, mean)
ai.dir <- .aiRegionDirectionFromMaternalPhaseMapBiasAndIndex(fr, mb, idx)
#For Meta infor, split ASEset and put into a DataFrame with same nrows as return object
assays(x, withDimnames=FALSE)[["matfreq"]] <- t(fr)
xdf <- .makeMetaASEsetDataFrameForRegionSummary(x, idx)
#make array
ar <- aperm(array(c(hets, homs,,,,, ai.dir),
dim=c(ncol(x),length(unique(idx)), 8),), c(2,1,3))
dimnames(ar) <- list(1:length(unique(idx)), colnames(x),
#create RegionSummary object
sset <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = SimpleList(rs1=ar),
colData = colData(x),
rowRanges = gr)
rownames(sset) <- names(gr)
#add ASEset meta objects
mcols(sset)[["ASEsetMeta"]] <- xdf
#Return object
new("RegionSummary", sset,
meta = list(),
sumnames = dimnames(ar)[[3]]
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### helpers for regionSummary
# fr is the value for when maternal phase is the numerator in the freq. ekv.
# output: dim3 first element is up and second element is down
.aiRegionDirectionFromMaternalPhaseMapBiasAndIndex<- function(fr, mb, idx){
fr.up.filt <- fr > mb
fr.down.filt <- fr < mb
mode(fr.up.filt) <- "integer"
mode(fr.down.filt) <- "integer"
t(rowsum(t(fr.up.filt),idx, na.rm=TRUE)),
t(rowsum(t(fr.down.filt),idx, na.rm=TRUE))
), dim=c(nrow(fr), length(unique(idx)), 2))
.maternalPhaseMapBias<- function(mb, ma, va){
#for loop (for now)
vmat <- matrix(va, byrow=TRUE, ncol=length(va), nrow=ncol(mb))
mbias.values <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(mb), nrow=nrow(mb))
for (i in 1:nrow(mb)){
it.mbias <- mb[i,,]
it.mallele <- ma[i,]
mat.mallele <- matrix(it.mallele, ncol=length(va), nrow=nrow(vmat))
tf <- mat.mallele == vmat
mbias.values[i,] <- it.mbias[tf]
#input: ar has dim(samples, SNPs)
.regionStatisticsFromMatrixAndIndex<- function(mat, idx, fun){
t(tapply(t(mat), list(idx[row(t(mat))], col(t(mat))), fun, na.rm=TRUE))
.deltaFromFractionMatrixAndMapBias<- function(ar, mb){
abs(ar - mb)
# input, ASEset and unlisted region, (region is a GRanges object, with index information)
# output an indexed and sorted(lowest idx to highest) ASEset overlapping the region
.selectRegionAndTransferIndexToASEset <- function(a, reg){
hits <- findOverlaps(a, reg)
a <- a[queryHits(hits)]
mcols(a)[["ASEsetIndex"]] <- queryHits(hits)
mcols(a)[["regionIndex"]] <- mcols(reg[subjectHits(hits)])[["regionIndex"]]
mcols(a)[["regionIndexName"]] <- mcols(reg[subjectHits(hits)])[["regionIndexName"]]
a <- a[sort(mcols(a)[["regionIndex"]][[1]], index.return=TRUE)$ix]
#sorted and indexed ASEset
.unlistGRangesListAndIndex <- function(grl){
idx <- togroup(PartitioningByWidth(elementNROWS(grl)))
idn <- names(grl)[idx]
idn <- "nameless"
# Don't unlist if 'grl' is not a GRangesList object (e.g.
# a GRanges object).
if (is(grl , "GRangesList")){
gr <- unlist(grl)
gr <- grl
mcols(gr)[["regionIndex"]] <- DataFrame(lvl1=idx)
mcols(gr)[["regionIndexName"]] <- DataFrame(lvl1=idn)
#return granges for each bin (index has to be sorted)
.makeRegionGRangesFromASEsetWithRegionIndex <- function(x){
idx <- mcols(x)[["regionIndex"]][[1]]
idn <- mcols(x)[["regionIndexName"]][[1]]
spl <- split(granges(x), idx)
il <- IntegerList(lapply(spl,function(x){mcols(x)[["ASEsetIndex"]]}))
names(il) <- NULL
gr <- unlist(reduce(spl, min.gapwidth=100000000))
mcols(gr) <- NULL
mcols(gr)[["ASEsetIndex"]] <- il
mcols(gr)[["regionIndex"]] <- DataFrame(lvl1=as.integer(unique(idx)))
mcols(gr)[["regionIndexName"]] <- DataFrame(lvl1=as.character(unique(idn)))
#make list of the ASEset components relative to region
.makeMetaASEsetDataFrameForRegionSummary <- function(as, idx){
DataFrame(ASEsetList=split(as, idx))
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