
Defines functions .Na2False .verboseCoerceToCharacter .expandMatrixToArray .subsetArrayToMatrix .arrayFromAlleleVector .array2MatrixList .IRangesFromIntegerList .matrixFromLmListCommonParam .mergeDirAndFilename

#'@include AllelicImbalance-package.R

### =========================================================================
### General helper functions not exported
### =========================================================================

#supposed to merge paths and file irrespective OS and presence of trailing slash
.mergeDirAndFilename <- function(dir, files){
	#check for presence of / in filename in that case remove
	files <- sub("/","",files)
	paste(normalizePath(dir),"/",files, sep="")

.matrixFromLmListCommonParam <- function(lst){
	mat <- t(sapply(lst, function(x){
		s <- summary(x)$coefficients	   
	colnames(mat) <- c("est1","est2","stderr1","stderr2","tvalue1","tvalue2","pvalue1","pvalue2")

#transform an index vector into a IRanges object
.IRangesFromIntegerList <- function(idx){
	IRanges(c(1,idx@partitioning@end[-length(idx@partitioning@end)]+1), idx@partitioning@end)

#first dimension of array will make up the length of the list
.array2MatrixList <- function(ar){
	lapply(setNames(1:dim(ar)[1], dimnames(ar)[[1]]), function(i, ar){
	}, ar=ar)

#important helper to pick put the frequence of the reference allele
.arrayFromAlleleVector <- function(var, sel, nc){
	selmat <- array(sel, dim=c(length(sel), length(var)))
	varmat <- array(var, dim=c(length(var), length(sel)))
	tf <- t(selmat) == varmat

	#expand to array
	aperm(array(tf,dim=c(nrow(tf),ncol(tf),nc)),c(2,3,1) )


#this is eg. the follow up on arrayFromAlleleVector to extract frequency from that spcific variant
#It accepts all dimensions, as long as dim(fr)==dim(ar)
.subsetArrayToMatrix <- function(fr, ar){

#this is eg. the follow up on arrayFromAlleleVector to extract frequency from that spcific variant
#It accepts dim 1 or 2, and is the one
.expandMatrixToArray <- function(mat, len){
	array(mat, dim=c(nrow(mat),ncol(mat), len))

#when we need to make sure the input is character
#returns target as character and issues a warning if the input wasnt
.verboseCoerceToCharacter <- function(x){
		warning("arg was not of type character, and will therefore be coerced to character")
	}else x

#convert NA to FALSE
.Na2False <- function(x){
	if(class(x[1])[1]=="numeric" | class(x[1])[1]=="integer") 
		stop("not possible to replace a numeric or integer with FALSE and get the expected result")
	x[is.na(x)] <- FALSE

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AllelicImbalance documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:52 p.m.