
Defines functions .transform.param.value.array .validate.param.array array.param .transform.param.value.compound .validate.param.compound compound.param .validate.param.combobox combobox.param .validate.param.bool bool.param .validate.param.slider slider.param .validate.param.select select.param .validate.param.file .validate.dependent.params file.param .validate.param .validate.display.callback .validate.show.if .transform.param.value simple.param

Documented in array.param bool.param combobox.param compound.param file.param select.param simple.param slider.param

##' Build a simple AnalysisPageParam
##' Build a simple AnalysisPageParam. These include mainly parameters that can be rendered simply as HTML <input> tags.
##' @title simple.param
##' @param name Name of form element
##' @param label Label for form element (typically rendered to the left of the element)
##' @param description Description for form element (typically rendered as roll-over text)
##' @param value The default, starting value, for the form (default: "")
##' @param type Type of form element. This can be "text", "textarea", "checkbox", "password" or "file"
##' @param advanced Integer. 0 means the option is not advanced, and increasing levels indicate the option
##' is for more advanced users. Advanced > 0 should be hidden under default mode.
##' @param show.if A list of two elements: \code{$name}, giving the name of some other param in the set
##' and \code{$values}, a character vector of values. The parameter under construction should only be shown if
##' the named parameter takes on any of the values in the \code{$values} vector. Default (NULL) is to always
##' show the parameter under construction.
##' @param display.callback NULL, to follow \code{show.if} logic in deciding when/if
##' to display the element, or a list with the two elements \code{$uri} and \code{$dependent},
##' which follow the same format as the corresponding arguments to \code{combobox.param} and provide
##' a templated uri and a mapping from template variables to form parameters. The service should
##' return JSON true if the widget is to be shown and false if not. It is allowed to
##' have both a \code{display.callback} and a \code{show.if}---both conditions must be
##' met in order to display the element.
##' @param size A word giving the size of the element. The interpretation of this size is up to the front-end.
##' Must from a defined set of words, which you can see by calling \code{known.param.sizes()} (currently
##' no way to change this). Default: medium
##' @param required Logical. Is this a required param? Default: TRUE. If set, then the front-end will
##' the front-end user is required to set this parameter before submitting the request. The meaning of
##' "set this parameter" is not entirely clear.
##' @param persistent Character or NULL. If non-NULL then it is passed to the front-end. It names a
##' variable in persistent storage that should be used to initialize the value of the parameter.
##' The front end will provide some mechanism to change the persistent value, but until the user does
##' so the param will be initialized from the value in the persistent space.
##' @param persistent.dependencies A character vector or NULL (default) specifying the names
##' of other parameters on
##' which this one "depends". It is an error to include the parameter itself (\code{name}).
##' It is an error to provide this when \code{persistent} is NULL.
##' When \code{persistent} is non-NULL, providing \code{persistent.dependencies} makes this parameter
##' not just "persistent" but "conditionally persistent", which
##' is to say that the persistent value for this parameter is actually a hash lookup based on the
##' the other parameters specified in this vector. A typical example would be a pheno fields parameter
##' which is dependent on the study parameter. The names are taken from the Page namespace, which
##' means that a parameter's \code{$name} is used when this differs from its \code{$persistent}
##' slot.
##' @param transformer A function with signature \code{function(value, self)} or \code{function(value)} which accepts
##' as first argument the JSON-decoded value of the parameter returned from the front end and then performs
##' some sort of transformation. The return value of the function will be ultimately
##' passed to AnalysisPage handler. For example, for a field which is a simple text widget
##' but which is supposed to be numeric you might use \code{transformer = as.numeric}. But you could
##' also implement more complicated logic here. The reason to put the logic here instead of in the handler
##' is that it makes it easier to re-use the widget in multiple handlers. If you have a complex (nested) parameter
##' then the nested elements' transformations, if any, are applied first, then the parental transformation is applied.
##' Or, NULL (default) to not
##' do any transformation beyond the JSON decoding.
##' @return An AnalysisPageParam. This is just a list with class name slapped on.
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   x <- simple.param("xmin", label="X-min", description="Minimum x value", type="text")
##'   # Please see the "Persistent Parameters" and "Conditionally Persistent Parameters"
##'   # sections of the Interactive Apps vignette for demonstrations of these functionalities
##' @export
simple.param <- function(name,
                         label = name,
                         description = label,
                         value = "",
                         type = "text",
                         advanced = 0,
                         show.if = NULL,
                         display.callback = NULL,
                         size = "medium",
                         required = TRUE,
                         persistent = NULL,
                         persistent.dependencies = NULL,
                         transformer = NULL)  {

  checkStringArg <- function(arg)  {
    argname <- deparse(substitute(arg))
                     paste0("simple.param() '", argname, "' argument: "))
  if(!is.null(persistent.dependencies))  {
      stop("persistent.dependencies was provided but not persistent")
    if(name %in% persistent.dependencies)
      stop("The parameter itself ('", name, "') was included in the persistent dependencies.")

  if(!is.null(transformer))  {
    is.function(transformer) || stop("transformer is not NULL or a function: ",
                                     paste(collapse = " ", is(transformer)))
    ## The reason the next line is not just
    ##   names(formals(transformer))
    ## is that if transformer is a primitive function (such as as.numeric)
    ## then formals(transformer) just returns NULL. args(transformer)
    ## makes a sort of dummy object which is itself a non-primitive function
    argNames <- names(formals(args(transformer)))
    length(argNames) %in% 1:2 || stop("transformer must have 1 or 2 arguments, but it has 0 or more than 2: ",
                                      paste(collapse = " ", argNames))

  param <- list(name=name,
                advanced = advanced,

  ## This has no effect if transformer is NULL
  param$transformer <- transformer
  ## Note: The logic of the transformation is implemented by the .transform.param() function which is
  ## called by execute.handler.
  if(!is.null(persistent))  {
    param$persistent <- persistent
      param$persistent_dependencies<- persistent.dependencies
  if(!is.null(display.callback))  param$display.callback <- display.callback
  class(param) <- "AnalysisPageParam"

## ap is an AnalysisPageParam or NULL, and value is the value to transform.
.transform.param.value <- function(value, ap)  {
  is.null(ap) && return(value)
  ## this allows a type to define a default transformer. The main reason
  ## for this is to be able to transform the children first, but to make
  ## it possible for different types to define "children" differently. In
  ## particular array and compound types need to do this.
  ## Note that this gets called even if `ap` itself does not have a transformer.
  transform.type.function.name <- paste0(".transform.param.value.", ap$type)
  if(exists(transform.type.function.name, mode="function"))  {
    transformer.type <- get(transform.type.function.name, mode="function")
    value <- transformer.type(value, ap)

  transformer <- ap$transformer
  is.null(transformer) && return(value)

  ## See note in simple.param about the syntax on the next line
  if(length(formals(args(transformer))) == 1)  {
    value <- transformer(value)
  }  else  {
    ## otherwise it takes 2 args, the second one being this AnalysisPage object
    value <- transformer(value, ap)


## validate the show.if value---either NULL or a length 2 list, as described in the doc for simple.param
.validate.show.if <- function(show.if)  {
  is.null(show.if) && return()
  is.list(show.if) || stop("show.if is non-NULL and not a list")
            c("name", "values"))  || stop("names(show.if) is not $name, $values: ", paste(collapse=" ", names(show.if)))

## validate the show.if value---either NULL or a length 2 or 3 list, as described in the doc for simple.param
.validate.display.callback <- function(display.callback)  {
  is.null(display.callback) && return()
  is.list(display.callback) || stop("display.callback is non-NULL and not a list")
  invalid.names <- setdiff(names(display.callback), c("dependent", "uri", "delay.ms"))
  length(invalid.names) == 0 || stop("Invalid name(s) in display.callback: ", paste(collapse=" ", invalid.names))
  missing.names <- setdiff(c("dependent", "uri"), names(display.callback))
  length(missing.names) == 0 || stop("Missing required name(s) from display.callback: ", paste(collapse = " ", missing.names))

  ## check that all of the templated parameters are represented in the $dependent
  ## mapping
  .validate.dependent.params(uri = display.callback$uri,
                             dependent = display.callback$dependent)

## check that the arg is an AnalysisPageParam and has the required elements. If .validate.param.{{$type}} is a function then call it
## for type-specific checking. parent.parnmaes is passed through. This allows checking for
## availability of dependent parameters from the parent, such as for show.if, display.callback and comboboxes.
.validate.param <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  is(param, "AnalysisPageParam") || stop("param is not an AnalysisPageParam: ", paste(collapse=" ", is(param)))
  missing.elements <- setdiff(c("name","label","description","value","type","advanced","show.if","size"), names(param))
  length(missing.elements) == 0 || stop("Missing required entries in AnalysisPageParam: ", paste(collapse=" ", missing.elements))


  validate.type.function.name <- paste(sep="", ".validate.param.", param$type)
  if(exists(validate.type.function.name, mode="function"))  {
    validator <- get(validate.type.function.name, mode="function")
    validator(param, parent.parnames = parent.parnames)

##' Build a file upload AnalysisPageParam
##' Build a file upload \code{AnalysisPageParam}. This is rendered as a file upload element, to be uploaded along with the submission.
##' (Currently there is no server-side mechanism for storing uploaded files, so asynchronous upload is not possible.)
##' The description field should describe what type of file is expected.
##' On the server side
##' your handler will get a list with "name", "tmp_name"
##' elements giving the filename, and path to a local file (usually in /tmp)
##' @title file.param
##' @param ... Pass through to \code{\link{simple.param}}, including at least "name" but not including "type".
##' @param template.uri URI, possibly with :-prefixed parameter names. For example "/get?x=:x;y=:y" has parameters "x" and "y". (See \code{dependent.params} next).
##' (Note: this follows the way of doing it in combobox.param). This is optional. If provided, then the front-end can use this callback to allow the user to
##' download a template. This is a template in two senses: the URI itself may be a template whose parameter values should be filled in, and the return value
##' of the request is an excel file which is a template for the user to fill in.
##' @param dependent.params A character vector whose names are parameters from the uri, and whose values are the names of other form elements. Error to provide
##' this without providing template.uri
##' @return An \code{AnalysisPageParam}
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   cov.param <- file.param("cov", label="Covariate Data", description="A two-column Excel file, first column being the sample ID (SAMID) and second being covariate data (with the name of the variable in the header)")
##' @export
file.param <- function(..., template.uri=NULL, dependent.params=NULL)  {
  param <- simple.param(..., type="file")
  if(is.null(template.uri) && !is.null(dependent.params))
    stop("You supplied dependent.params without supplying template.uri")
  param$template.uri <- template.uri
  param$dependent <- dependent.params

## This function takes the uri, figures out which parameters are templated there
## (by matching /:(\w+)\b/), and checks that each appears in `dependent`, which
## gives the mapping from templated parameter names to form elements.
.validate.dependent.params <- function(uri, dependent, n.param=NULL)  {
  param.pos <- gregexpr(":\\w+\\b", uri)[[1]]
  uri.params <- if(param.pos[1] == -1)  {
  }  else  {
    match.length <- attr(param.pos, "match.length")
    substring(uri, param.pos+1, param.pos + match.length-1)
  ## The as.character() casts NULL to character, which is important if there
  ## are no params
  reqd.pars <- as.character(c(names(dependent), n.param))
  ## Note that it is possible that uri.params will contain things
  ## not in reqd.pars. That is fine---they will not be template-substituted.
  ## This can happen (a lot) if the URI contains JSON-encoded values.
  missing.pars <- setdiff(reqd.pars, uri.params)
  length(missing.pars) == 0 || stop("Dependent parameters [",
          paste(collapse = " ", missing.pars), "] not templated in URI: ",

.validate.param.file <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {

##' Build a select AnalysisPageParam
##' Build a select AnalysisPageParam. This is probably rendered either as a dropdown or radio group. It is a selection from a fixed
##' list of possible values. The list is known before page load time
##' @title select.param
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{simple.param}}. This includes at least "name", optionally "label" and "description" 
##'t not "type".
##' @param value Default value. If not specified then the first entry in choices is taken to be the default.
##' @param choices A character vector giving the choices to display. If named, then the values are used for display and names are used
##' for the actual form values. If unnamed, then the values are used for both display and names.
##' @param allow.multiple If TRUE then render as checkbox group and allow multiple selections. (The function
##' will be provided a vector of all selected values.) If \code{allow.multiple} is TRUE then \code{style} must be "dropdown".
##' Default: FALSE
##' @param style Either "dropdown" (default), to render as dropdown list, or "radio", to render as radio group.
##' If \code{allow.multiple} is TRUE then \code{style} must be "dropdown".
##' @return An AnalysisPageParam
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   color <- select.param("color", label="Color", description="Color of your house", choices=c("red","green","mauve","tope"))
##' @export
select.param <- function(..., value, choices,
                         allow.multiple = FALSE,
                         style = "dropdown")  {
  if(is.null(names(choices)))  names(choices) <- choices
  if(missing(value))  {
    if(length(choices) > 0)  {
      value <- names(choices)[1]
    }  else  {
      value <- ""

  stopifnot(length(choices) == 0 || value %in% names(choices))
  param <- simple.param(..., value = value, type="select")
  param$choices <- choices
  style %in% c("dropdown", "radio") || stop("style must be 'dropdown' or 'radio', you gave '", style, "'")
  param$style <- style
  param$allow_multiple <- allow.multiple


.validate.param.select <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  is.character(param$choices) || stop("param$choices is not character: ", paste(collapse=" ", is(param$choices)))
  param$style %in% c("dropdown", "radio") || stop("style must be 'dropdown' or 'radio', you gave '", param$style, "'")
  is.logical(param$allow_multiple) || stop("allow_multiple must be a logical: ", paste(collape= " ", is(param$allow_multiple)))
  length(param$allow_multiple == 1) || stop("length(allow_multiple) is not 1: ", length(param$allow_multiple))
  if(param$allow_multiple && param$style != "dropdown")
    stop("style must be 'dropdown' with allow_multiple=TRUE")

##' Build a slider AnalysisPageParam
##' Build a slider AnalysisPageParam. This is a numeric variable. It has a minimum value, a maximum value, and a step size
##' @title slider.param
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{simple.param}}. This includes at least "name", optionally "label" and "description" 
##' but not "type".
##' @param min Minimum value (number)
##' @param max Maximum value (number)
##' @param step Size of one step (must be <= max-max)
##' @param value Default value. If not specified then the minimum is taken to be the default
##' @return An AnalysisPageParam
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   slider <- slider.param("children", label="No. Children", description="Number of Children", min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5)
##' @export
slider.param <- function(..., min, max, step, value = min)  {
  min < max || stop("min (", min, ") must be >= max (", max, ")")
  step <= (max- min) || stop("step (", step, ") is greater than max-min (", max-min, ")")
  step > 0 || stop("step (", step, ") is not > 0")

  param <- simple.param(..., value = value, type="slider")
  param$min <- min
  param$max <- max
  param$step <- step


.validate.param.slider <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  is.numeric(param$min) || stop("param$min is not numeric: ", paste(collapse=" ", is(param$min)))
  is.numeric(param$max) || stop("param$max is not numeric: ", paste(collapse=" ", is(param$max)))
  is.numeric(param$step) || stop("param$step is not numeric: ", paste(collapse=" ", is(param$step)))

  for(pname in c("min", "max", "step"))
    length(param[[pname]]) == 1 || stop("param$", pname, " should have length one, but it has length ", length(param[[pname]]))


##' Build a boolean AnalysisPageParam
##' Build a boolean AnalysisPageParam. This is probably rendered as a checkbox. The value returned to
##' the server should be either JSON "true" (corresponding to checked) or JSON "false".
##' If you do not provide a value (or if you provide value="", which is what happens in the parent
##' constructor \code{simple.param} when you don't provide a value) then the default will be FALSE.
##' @title bool.param
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{simple.param}}. This includes at least "name", and optionally
##' "label", "description" and "value" (which should be either \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}),
##' but not "type".
##' @return An AnalysisPageParam
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   show.ids <- bool.param("show_ids", label="Show IDs", description="Show sample IDs on the plot", value=TRUE)
##' @export
bool.param <- function(...)  {
  param <- simple.param(..., type="bool")

  if(param$value == "")  param$value <- FALSE

.validate.param.bool <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  is.logical(param$value) || stop("default value ", paste(collapse=":", param$value), " is not logical: ",
                                  paste(collapse=" ", is(param$value)))
  length(param$value) == 1 || stop("default value has length ", length(param$value), " != 1")

##' Build a combobox AnalysisPageParam
##' Build a combobox AnalysisPageParam. This is a widget with both text and drop-down. However, the values in the drop-down
##' depend on an AJAX query whose URI is built from current form element values, possibly including the current widget (namely
##' the text typed so far). The drop-down values should be updated
##' whenever one of the depenedent elements changes.
##' @title combobox.param
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{simple.param}}. This includes at least "name", optionally "label", "description" and "value", but not "type".
##' @param uri URI, possibly with :-prefixed parameter names. For example "/get?x=:x;y=:y" has parameters "x" and "y". (See \code{dependent.params} next)
##' @param dependent.params A character vector whose names are parameters from the uri, and whose values are the names of other form elements.
##' @param prompt A prompt to display in disabled style before user starts typing (for self-dependent comboboxes only). Default is "Enter search term".
##' @param n.param The name of a parameter that controls the maximum number of search hits, if the URL has such a parameter. Default is NULL, which
##' means it does not have a parameter. If it does have such a parameter, then 0 means to return all hits, and otherwise a positive integer will
##' limit the number of hits returned.
##' @param allow.multiple If TRUE then render search hits as checkbox group and allow multiple selections. (The function
##' will be provided a vector of all selected values.) If the search term changes then the old values
##' are still accumulated. If other dependent parameter changes then they are reset.
##' Default: FALSE
##' @param response.type A string. "simple" means that the response will be a simple array
##' of strings. The "id-long_name-reason" type is a special type for search hits, where an array of hashes is returned, each
##' hash having "id", "long_name" and "reason" components.
##' @param delay.ms Delay, in milliseconds, that the front-end should wait after keystrokes or paste before submitting queries. Default, 0, means no delay.
##' @inheritParams simple.param
##' @param extra.persistent.dependencies Character vector specifying names of other parameters on which this one is conditionally persistent. See arg
##' \code{persistent.dependencies} in \code{\link{simple.param}}. Whatever is provided in \code{extra.persistent.dependencies}
##' is taken \emph{in addition to} with \code{unname(dependent.params)}. This is because
##' if a combobox is persistent then it must be so conditional on its dependent parameters.
##' It is an error to specify this for a non-persistent parameter.
##' @return An AnalysisPageParam
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   ## Note the :query parameter is dependent on the same gene element. This makes it a type-ahead query.
##'   gene <- combobox.param(name="gene", uri="/find_gene_id/:genome/:query/", dependent.params=c(genome="genome", query="gene"), response.type="id-long_name-reason")
##' @export
combobox.param <- function(name, ..., uri, dependent.params, prompt = "Enter search term", n.param=NULL,
                           allow.multiple = FALSE,
                           persistent = NULL,
                           extra.persistent.dependencies = NULL,
                           delay.ms = 0)  {
  ## A dynamic list of options. The list is not known before page load time. It has to be found out by an AJAX request.
  ## This is made after substituting :-prefixed parameters in the uri according to the current values of other fields,
  ## specified in dependent.params.
  ## These dynamic lists are either populated as a dropdown---with the list updated by AJAX call whenever the value of
  ## one of the dependent parameters changes---or during typeahead, with the current value provided as one of the parameters.
  ## Its actually the same thing---the second is a special case of the first, where the same element is one of the dependnet values.

  if(!is.null(persistent))  {
    auto.detected.persistent.dependencies <- setdiff(unname(dependent.params), name)
    persistent.dependencies <- unique(c(auto.detected.persistent.dependencies,
  }  else  {
    persistent.dependencies <- NULL
  param <- simple.param(name = name,
                        ..., type="combobox",
                        persistent = persistent,
                        persistent.dependencies = persistent.dependencies)
  param$uri <- uri
  param$dependent <- dependent.params
  param$response.type <- response.type
  param$prompt <- prompt
  param$allow_multiple <- allow.multiple
  param$delay.ms <- delay.ms
  ## the following weird construction forces incorporate the $n.param element into the list even when it is NULL.
  ## If you do
  ##   listvar$elem <- NULL
  ## it has no effect if $elem is not already in the list, and it actually delete the element if it is already in the
  ## list
  ## And there is further weirdness in that the c(., list())  construction will strip the param of its class!
  save.class <- class(param)
  param <- c(param, list(n.param= n.param))
  class(param) <- save.class

.validate.param.combobox <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  is.null(param$delay.ms) || (is.numeric(param$delay.ms) && param$delay.ms >= 0) || stop("delay.ms must be a non-negative number: ", param$delay.ms)
  is.logical(param$allow_multiple) || stop("allow_multiple must be a logical: ", paste(collape= " ", is(param$allow_multiple)))
  length(param$allow_multiple == 1) || stop("length(allow_multiple) is not 1: ", length(param$allow_multiple))

##' Create a Compound AnalysisPageParam
##' A compound AnalysisPageParam is a single parameter that has multiple parts.
##' The parts are represented by an AnalysisPageParamSet, so could be arbitrarily
##' nested. The front end is responsible for wrapping up all of the values
##' in a JSON hash and passing in a single value.
##' This can be thought of as a way of building a hash out of other parameter types.
##' @title compound.param
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{simple.param}}. This includes at least "name", optionally "label" and "description".
##' but not "type" (which is set to "compound") or "value" (which is set to empty string, but ignored anyway, since each of the
##' contained parameters will have its own value).
##' @param children AnalysisPageParamSet An AnalysisPageParamSet representing all of the nested parameters
##' @return AnalysisPageParam of type "compound"
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @examples
##'   plist <- list(simple.param(name="study"), simple.param(name="comp"), simple.param("feature.type", value="gene"))
##'   comp <- compound.param(name="comp", label="Comparison", children=param.set(plist))
##' @export
compound.param <- function(..., children)  {
  param <- simple.param(..., type="compound", value="")
  param$children <- children

.validate.param.compound <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  .validate.paramset(param$children, parent.parnames = parent.parnames)

.transform.param.value.compound <- function(value, ap)  {
  ## I think next line should be unreachable, but if it is reached then something
  ## is definitely wrong and the code below will not be doing what it is supposed to.
  ## Note that some values might be missing---that's OK. We
  ## only have to transform the ones that are present.
  stopifnot(names(value) %in% names(ap$children))
  valueNames <- names(value)
  value <- lapply(setNames(valueNames, valueNames),
                  function(valueName)  {
                    subValue <- value[[valueName]]
                    subParam <- ap$children[[valueName]]
                    .transform.param.value(subValue, subParam)

##' Create an Array AnalysisPageParam
##' An array AnalysisPageParam is a way of having a single parameter with
##' multiple repetitions of some other (fixed) parameter type. The
##' starting length, as well as minimum and maximum allowable lengths,
##' are provided. If min != max then the front end should render some
##' widget to add/remove elements.
##' By combining with \code{compound.param} a fairly complex data
##' structure can now be specified.
##' @title array.param
##' @param ... Passed through to \code{\link{simple.param}}. This includes at least "name", optionally "label" and "description".
##' but not "type" (which is set to "array") or "value" (which is set to empty string, but ignored anyway, since the
##' prototype parameter will have its own value).
##' @param prototype A single AnalysisPageParam that is the prototype for each of the elements in the array. Note
##' that while only one param is allowed, it could potentially be either a compound or another array parameter.
##' @param start The starting length of the array that should be rendered
##' @param min The minimum allowed length of the array. Buttons to remove elements should be de-activated below this level (default 0).
##' @param max The maximum allowed length of the array. Buttons to add elements should be de-activated above this level (default Inf).
##' @return AnalysisPageParam of type "array"
##' @examples
##'   one.gene <- simple.param(name="gene", label="Gene Symbol")
##'   gene.set <- array.param(name="geneset", prototype=one.gene)
##' @author Brad Friedman
##' @export
array.param <- function(..., prototype, start=1, min=0, max=Inf)  {
  stopifnot(min <= start)
  stopifnot(start <= max)
  param <- simple.param(..., type="array", value="")
  param$prototype <- prototype
  param$start <- start
  param$min <- min
  param$max <- max

.validate.param.array <- function(param, parent.parnames = character())  {
  .validate.param(param$prototype, parent.parnames = parent.parnames)

.transform.param.value.array <- function(value, ap)  {
  value <- lapply(value, .transform.param.value, ap$prototype)

Try the AnalysisPageServer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AnalysisPageServer documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:32 p.m.