
Defines functions print.pointer `deref<-` deref is.pointer as.pointer pointer `%_%` .onLoad upload_to_S3 flog URL_parts .printf .sortTableByChromosomalLocation constructSeqInfo

Documented in constructSeqInfo flog upload_to_S3

### =========================================================================
### Utility functions
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

constructSeqInfo <- function(species, genome)
  recognized.human <- species=="Homo sapiens" & genome %in% c("hg18", "hg19")
  recognized.mouse <- species=="Mus musculus" & genome %in% c("mm10")
  recognized <- recognized.human | recognized.mouse
       # chroms 1-22, X, Y, M are assumed to be the first 25 rows of the
       # data.frame
        tbl.chromInfo =
            GenomicFeatures:::.makeUCSCChrominfo (genome,
                                                  circ_seqs="chrM") [1:25,]
        tbl.chromInfo =
            GenomicFeatures:::.makeUCSCChrominfo (genome,
                                                  circ_seqs="chrM") [1:22,]


.sortTableByChromosomalLocation <- function(tbl)
  stopifnot (all (c ('seqname', 'start') %in% colnames (tbl)))
  factor.chromNames <- factor (tbl$seqname,
                               levels=paste("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y", "M"),
  tbl$seqname <- factor.chromNames
  tbl <- tbl [order (tbl$seqname, tbl$start), ]
  invisible (tbl)


.printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))

## from ?grep, by Luke Tierney
URL_parts <- function(x)
    m <- regexec("^(([^:]+)://)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)", x)
    parts <- do.call(rbind,
       lapply(regmatches(x, m), `[`, c(3L, 4L, 6L, 7L)))
    colnames(parts) <- c("protocol","host","port","path")

## log messages to console AND to a file
flog <- function(level, ...)
    loggerFunction <- switch(level,
    dots <- list(...)
    do.call(loggerFunction, dots)
    dots$name <- "file"
    do.call(loggerFunction, dots)

## Uploading to S3 usually happens in AnnotationHubServer, but 
## when running the track*Recipe recipes, it happens in
## AnnotationHubData. There is an RAmazonS3 R package but 
## it does not work well for uploading files. Therefore this
## function expects the AWS CLI to be installed. 
## See: https://aws.amazon.com/cli/
## It should be configured with a user who can write to 
## the appropriate bucket. 
upload_to_S3 <- 
    function(file, remotename, bucket, profile, acl="public-read")
    remotename <- sub("^\\/", "", remotename)
    #aws --profile ahs_content_uploader s3 cp --acl public-read test s3://annotationhub/loquat/vato/manichean/test
    profileStr <- " "
    if (!missing(profile))
        profileStr <- paste("--profile ", profile)

    cmd <- "aws"
    if (length(file) != length(remotename))
        stop("Length of file does not match length of remotename!")

    for (i in 1:length(file)) {
        thisFile <- file[i]
        thisRemoteName <- remotename[i]
        quotes = getOption("useFancyQuotes")
        args <- sprintf("%s s3 cp --region us-east-1 --acl %s %s s3://%s/%s",
            profileStr, acl, dQuote(thisFile), bucket, dQuote(thisRemoteName))
        res <- system2(cmd, args)
        if (res != 0)
            stop(sprintf("Failed to upload %s to S3! Result was %s.", file, res))


.onLoad <-
    function(libname, pkgname)
   logDir <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"),
        sprintf(".%s", pkgname))
    if (!file.exists(logDir))
        .printf("Creating log directory %s", logDir)
    l <- library
        sprintf("%s.log", pkgname))), name="file")

`%_%` <- function(a, b) paste0(a, b)

# Create "pointer" variables for large data sets.
ptr <- pointer <- function(..., pos=-1, envir=as.environment(pos),
    namedList=TRUE, expandCharacter=FALSE)
    variableList <- tail(as.list(match.call()), -1)

    if (length(variableList) == 0)
        stop("Must supply reference object.")

    exclusions <- intersect(names(variableList), setdiff(names(formals()),
    for (exclusion in exclusions)
        variableList[[exclusion]] = NULL

    if (length(variableList) == 0)
        stop("Must supply reference object.")

    if (expandCharacter) {
        temp = character()
        for (variable in variableList) {
            if (typeof(variable) == "character")
                temp <- c(temp, variable)
            else if (typeof(variable) == "symbol") {
                evaluatedVariable <- eval(variable)
                if (typeof(evaluatedVariable) == "character")
                    temp <- c(temp, evaluatedVariable)
                else if (is.environment(evaluatedVariable)) {
                    for (name in ls(evaluatedVariable))
                        temp <- c(temp, variable %_% "$" %_% name)
                    temp <- c(temp, as.character(variable))
        pointerNames <- temp
        pointerNames <- as.character(variableList)

    returnList <- list()
    for (pointerName in pointerNames) {
        e <- envir
        pName <- pointerName

        reEnv <- "^(.+?)\\$(.+?)$"
        envMatch <- regexec(reEnv, pointerName)
        envMatches <- NULL
        if (envMatch[[1]][1] != -1) {
            envMatches <- regmatches(pointerName, envMatch)[[1]][2:3]
            e <- get(envMatches[1])
            pName <- envMatches[2]

        p <- list()
        p$object <- e
        p$name <- as.character(pName)
        class(p) <- "pointer"

        index <- length(returnList) + 1
        if (namedList) index <- p$name

        returnList[[index]] <- p

    if (length(returnList) == 1)
        return (returnList[[1]])

    return (returnList)

as.pointer <- function(x)

is.pointer <- function(x)
    return (inherits(x, "pointer"))

.. <- deref <- function(x)
    if (is.environment(x)) return (x)
    else return (get(x$name, envir=x$object))
`..<-` <- `deref<-` <- function(x, value)
    if (is.pointer(x)) assign(x$name, value, envir=x$object)
    return (x)

print.pointer <- function(x, ...)
    environment.name <- capture.output(print(x$object))
    cat("Pointer to variable '", x$name, "' in ", environment.name, ":\n\n", sep="")
    str(..(x), ...)

## usage:
# x <- list(frog="frog", fish="~frog")
# z <- pointer(x)
# ..(z)
# ..(z)$fish <- "trout"
# ..(z)
# x

Try the AnnotationHubData package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AnnotationHubData documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:05 p.m.