
Defines functions cleanupAE getSDRFcolumn preparePhenoDataFor2channel getDataColsForAE1 getDataFormat getPhenoDataPerAD skipADFheader readExperimentData readFeatures readAEdata readPhenoData isOneChannel

# TODO: Add comment
# Author: iemam

		scanarray=c('Array Column','Array Row','Spot Column','Spot Row','X','Y'),
		quantarray=c('Array Column', 'Array Row', 'Column', 'Row'),
		imagene=c('Meta Column', 'Meta Row', 'Column', 'Row', 'Field', 'Gene ID'),
		ImaGene7=c("Block","Column","Row","Ch1 XCoord","Ch1 YCoord", "Ch2 XCoord", "Ch2 YCoord"),

#add illumina

isOneChannel = function(sdrf,path){
	ph = try(read.AnnotatedDataFrame(sdrf, path = path, row.names = NULL, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, fill = TRUE, varMetadata.char = "$", quote="\""))
	labelCol = getSDRFcolumn("label",varLabels(ph))
        return(TRUE) # assume 1-color if no label reported - we warn the user in readPhenoData

readPhenoData = function(sdrf,path){
	message("ArrayExpress: Reading pheno data from SDRF")
	ph = try(read.AnnotatedDataFrame(sdrf, path = path, row.names = NULL, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, fill = TRUE, varMetadata.char = "$", quote="\""))

        arrayDataCol = getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDataFile",varLabels(ph))
        labelCol = getSDRFcolumn("label",varLabels(ph))

                warning("ArrayExpress: Cannot find 'Array Data File' column in SDRF. Object might not be created correctly.")
                warning("ArrayExpress: Cannot find 'Label' column in SDRF. Object might not be created correctly.")

	ph = ph[gsub(" ", "", ph$Array.Data.File) != ""]
	sampleNames(ph) = ph$Array.Data.File
	ph@varMetadata['Array.Data.File','labelDescription'] = "Index"
	ph@varMetadata['Array.Data.File','channel'] = as.factor("_ALL_")
	#Remove empty rows from pheno data
	emptylines = which(sapply(seq_len(nrow(pData(ph))), function(i) all(pData(ph)[i,] == "",na.rm = TRUE)))
	if(length(emptylines) != 0)
		pData(ph) = pData(ph)[-emptylines,]
	phenoData = pData(ph)

	if(length(arrayDataCol)!=0 && length(labelCol)!=0){
		#filter out duplicated rows where multiple derived data files are available per one array data file
	#treat SDRF for two channel experiments
	if(length(labelCol)==1 && length(unique(tolower(ph[[labelCol]])))==2){
		arrayFilesNum = length(unique(ph[[arrayDataCol]]))
		si = pData(ph)[1:(arrayFilesNum*2),]
		lab = split(si,si[,"Label"])
		if(nrow(lab[[1]]) != nrow(lab[[2]])){
			stop("Number of CY3/CY5 is not equal")
		#Reorder rows in each group (Cy3,Cy5) to the same order
		lab[[1]] = lab[[1]][order(lab[[1]][,arrayDataCol]),]
		lab[[2]] = lab[[2]][order(lab[[2]][,arrayDataCol]),]
		same = which(lapply(1:ncol(lab[[1]]), function(i) all(lab[[1]][i] == lab[[2]][i])) == TRUE)
		all = lab[[1]][same]
		gspe = lab[[1]][-same]
		colnames(gspe) = paste(colnames(gspe),names(lab)[1],sep = ".")
		rspe = lab[[2]][-same]
		colnames(rspe) = paste(colnames(rspe),names(lab)[2],sep = ".")
		metaData = data.frame(labelDescription = c(rep("_ALL_",ncol(all)),rep("G",ncol(gspe)),rep("R",ncol(rspe))))
		ph = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = cbind(all,gspe,rspe), varMetadata = metaData)
		arrayDataCol = getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDataFile",varLabels(ph))	
		rownames(pData(ph)) = gsub(".[a-z][a-z][a-z]$","",ph[[arrayDataCol]],ignore.case=T)
#		if(!all(basename(files) %in% pData(ph)[,getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDataFile",varLabels(ph))]))
#			warning("Some data files in the zip archive are missing from the SDRF. The object may not be built.")

readAEdata = function(path,files,dataCols,green.only){
	message("ArrayExpress: Reading data files")
	source = getDataFormat(path,files)

#process extra arguments passed to read.maimages
#		if (!is.null(dataCols)) {
#		if (length(rawcol) > 1 && !is(rawcol, "list")) 
#			stop("The argument 'rawcol' must be a list if multiple column name are given.")
#		if (length(rawcol) == 1 && !is(rawcol, "character")) 
#			stop("The argument 'rawcol' must be a character if one column name is given.")
#		if (is(rawcol, "list") && !("R" %in% names(rawcol) && "G" %in% names(rawcol))) 
#			stop("The names of the columns must contain R and G.")
#	}
	if(source == "affy"){
		rawdata = try(oligo::read.celfiles(filenames = file.path(path,unique(files))))
		if(inherits(rawdata, 'try-error')){
			stop("Unable to read cel files in",path)
	}else if(source=="ae1"){
		#Old AE1 formatted data files
		if (is.null(dataCols)){
			dataCols= try(getDataColsForAE1(path,files))
			if(inherits(dataCols,'try-error')) return()
		rawdata = try(read.maimages(files=files,path=path,source="generic",columns=dataCols,annotation=headers$ae1))
		if(!inherits(rawdata, 'try-error')) rawdata$source="ae1"

	}else if(source %in% c("agilent","arrayvision","bluefuse","genepix","bluefuse","imagene","quantarray")){
		#data format can be directly read by limma
		rawdata = try(read.maimages(files=files,path=path,source=source,columns=dataCols,green.only=green.only))
	}else if(!is.null(dataCols) && source=="unknown"){
		#read generic source given columns specified by user
		rawdata = try(read.maimages(files=files,path=path,source="generic",columns=dataCols,green.only=green.only))
		# TODO: add more formats (illumina)
		stop("Unable to recognize data file format")
	if(inherits(rawdata, 'try-error')){
		stop("Unable to read data files in",path)
	#reorder rows of RGList to reflect the same order in ADF as Block Row/Block Column/Row/Column
		stop("Unable to read probe annotation from RGList")
		stop("Unable to read source from RGList")
			agilent = rawdata<-rawdata[with(rawdata$genes,order(Row,Col)),],
			genepix = rawdata<-rawdata[with(rawdata$genes,order(Block,Row,Column)),],
			ae1 = rawdata<-rawdata[with(rawdata$genes,order(metaRow,metaColumn,row,column)),],
	#if generic user has to specify feature columns in data

	message("ArrayExpress: Reading feature metadata from ADF")
	lines2skip = skipADFheader(adf,path,!is.null(procADFref))
	features = try(read.table(file.path(path, adf), row.names = NULL, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, fill = TRUE, sep="\t", na.strings=c('?','NA'), skip = lines2skip, header=TRUE, quote=""))
	if('Block.Column' %in% colnames(features) & 'Reporter.Name' %in% colnames(features)){
		ommittedRows = which(is.na(features[,'Block.Column']) | is.na(features[,'Reporter.Name']))
			message("ArrayExpress: Ommitting NA rows from ADF")
			features = features[-ommittedRows,]

		if(procADFref %in% colnames(features))
			rownames(features) = features[,procADFref]
			repCol = getSDRFcolumn("reporter",colnames(features))
			if(length(repCol) != 0)
				repCol= repCol[1]
				repCol = getSDRFcolumn("composite",colnames(features))
			if(length(repCol) != 0)
				repCol = repCol[1]
				repCol = NULL
				rownames(features) = features[[repCol]]

	#Sort ADF features by columns Block row/Block column/Row/Column (only applicable for raw data exps, processed data is ordered by reporter/composite name)
	if("Block.Row" %in% colnames(features))
		features = features[with(features,order(Block.Row,Block.Column,Row,Column)),]
	#Row names of featureData must match row names of the matrix / matricies in assayData
#	ri1 = grep("reporter.identifier|reporter.name", colnames(adff), ignore.case=TRUE)
#	ri2 = grep("reporter.identifier|reporter.name", colnames(fn), ignore.case=TRUE)	
#	if(all(adff2[,ri1] == fn[,ri2])) 
#		featureData(eset) = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",adff2) 
#	else stop("Do not manage to map the reporter identifier between the annotation and the data files.\n")


## Assign experiment Data
## By Juok Cho
readExperimentData = function(idf, path){
	idffile = scan(file.path(path,idf),character(),sep = "\n",encoding="UTF-8")
	idf.data = list()
	for(g in idffile) { 
		e = unlist(strsplit(g,"\t"))
		key = e[1] 
			values = e[2:length(e)]
			values = NA
		idf.data[[key]] = values
	## making key matches #
	## (Person Last Name, Person First Name, Person Mid Initials), Person Email, Person Phone, Person Address, Person Affiliation, 
	Person_Name = c(idf.data$"Person First Name", idf.data$"Person Last Name",idf.data$"Person Mid Initials") 
	Personal_contact = c(idf.data$"Person Email", idf.data$"Person Phone", idf.data$"Person Address")
	## making experimentData object #		
	SubmitterIndex = which(idf.data$"Person Roles"=="submitter")
	experimentData = new("MIAME", 
			name = as.character(paste(idf.data$"Person Last Name"[SubmitterIndex],", ",idf.data$"Person First Name"[SubmitterIndex], sep = "")), #performer
			lab = as.character(idf.data$"Person Affiliation"[SubmitterIndex]) , #Person Affiliation 
			contact = as.character(idf.data$"Person Email"[SubmitterIndex]), # Person Email(Person Phone, Person Address)
			title = as.character(idf.data$"Investigation Title") , #description #Investigation Title
			##abstract= "",	#not provided in the idf.data
			##url	= "",
			other = list(
					accession = gsub(".sdrf.txt","",idf.data$"SDRF File"), #Experiment Name
					identifier = gsub(".sdrf.txt","",idf.data$"SDRF File"), #Experiment Name
					##Experimental Factor Type
					experimentalFactor = c(idf.data$"Experimental Factor Type"), 
					##Experimental Design
					type = c(idf.data$"Experimental Design")
					#measurementType = experimentData(eset)@other$measurementType #from processed data.zip depending on user answer about QT type
	#experimentData(eset) = experimentData

		columns = list('Block Column','Block Row','Column','Row')
		columns = list('Composite Element Name')
	con = file(file.path(path, adf), "r")	
	Found = FALSE
	i = 0
	repeat {
		i = i+1
		txt <- readLines(con,n=1)
			stop("Failed to recognize ADF file format")
		Found = TRUE
		for(a in columns) 
			Found = Found && length(grep(a,txt))
		Found2 = length(grep("^Reporter[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Name",txt,ignore.case=TRUE))
		if(Found || Found2)

	phenoData = pData(ph)
	arrayDataCol = getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDataFile",varLabels(ph))
	arrayDesignRefCol = getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDesignREF",varLabels(ph))
		stop("Cannot find 'Array.Data.File' column in SDRF. Experiment uses multiple array designs. Cannot distinguish arrays with similar array design.")
		stop("Cannot find 'Array.Design.REF' column in SDRF. Experiment uses multiple array designs. Cannot distinguish arrays with similar array design.")
	if(length(phenoData[phenoData[arrayDesignRefCol]==ad,arrayDataCol]) == 0)
		stop("Cannot find array data file names in the sdrf file. Experiment uses multiple array designs. Cannot distinguish arrays with similar array design.") 
	#Subselect data files for current ArrayDesign REF
	selectFiles = phenoData[phenoData[arrayDesignRefCol]==ad,arrayDataCol]
	if(!all(selectFiles %in% dataFiles)){
		stop("Some or all data files for ",ad," array are missing.")
	#subselect phenoData Frame for files 
	ph = ph[phenoData[arrayDesignRefCol]==ad]
	phenoData = pData(ph)

	if(length(grep(".cel",files, ignore.case = TRUE)) == length(files)){
		#Retrieve Column names from first data file
		allcnames = scan(file.path(path,files[1]),what = "",nlines = 200, sep = "\t",quiet=TRUE)
		allcnamesL = try(tolower(gsub("^\\s","",allcnames)),silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(allcnamesL, 'try-error')){
			allcnames = scan(file.path(path,files[1]),what = "",nlines = 200, sep = "\t",quiet=TRUE,encoding="latin1")
			allcnamesL = try(tolower(gsub("^\\s","",allcnames)))
			if(inherits(allcnamesL, 'try-error')){
				allcnamesL = allcnames
		#Find source of data
		for(source in names(headers)){
			allthere<-tolower(headers[[source]]) %in% allcnamesL

	#Unable to detect source
	allcnames = scan(file.path(path,files[1]),what = "",nlines = 1, sep = "\n",quiet=TRUE)
	#stop("Unable to recognize data file format. First line:\n",allcnames)

getDataColsForAE1 = function(path,files){
	url2 = "http://sourceforge.net/p/tab2mage/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/Tab2MAGE/lib/ArrayExpress/Datafile/QT_list.txt?format=raw" 
	qt = try(read.table(url2, sep = "\t", quote = "",
					check.names = FALSE, fill = TRUE,
					comment.char = "#",               
					stringsAsFactors =  FALSE,
					encoding = "UTF-8")) ##read the QT file from the web
	if(inherits(qt, "try-error"))
		qt = try(read.table(
						file.path(system.file("doc", package = "ArrayExpress"),"QT_list.txt"),
						sep = "\t", quote = "",
						check.names = FALSE, fill = TRUE,
						comment.char = "#",               
						stringsAsFactors =  FALSE,
						encoding = "UTF-8")) ##read the QT file from the package
	scanners = grep(">>>",qt[,1],value = TRUE) ## list all the scanner names
	sl = grep(">>>",qt[,1]) ## list all the line numbers wherea scanner type starts
	scanners = gsub(">","",scanners)
	## Parsing the first line of the expression file
	allcnames = scan(file.path(path,files[1]),what = "",nlines = 1, sep = "\t",quiet=TRUE)
	## Looking for the right column to use
	scanname = allcnames[grep(":",allcnames)]
	if(length(grep("Database|Reporter",scanname)) != 0)
		scanname = scanname[-grep("Database|Reporter",scanname)] 
	##Feature is a problem because of Feature Extraction
	feature = grep("^Feature^",scanname)
	fe = grep("Feature Extraction",scanname)
	if(length(feature) != 0)
		scanname = scanname[-feature[!feature %in% fe]]
	##Ready to read data
	if(length(scanname) == 0) 
		stop(sprintf("No scanner name is given. It is not possible to handle such a case. Try to set the argument 'dataCols' by choosing among the following columns names: \n") ,
				sprintf("\"%s\" \n",allcnames))
	##Image Analysis Program
	software = unique(sapply(seq_len(length(scanname)), function(i) strsplit(scanname,":")[[i]][1]))     
	st = NULL

    for(x in software){
      if(length(grep(x, scanners)) != 0){
        st = x

	#if(length(grep(st, scanners)) == 0)
    	stop(sprintf("Scanner name is, ",software,". This scanner type is not valid. \nTry to set the argument 'dataCols' by choosing among the following columns names: \n", st),sprintf("\"%s\" \n",scanname))
	if(length(st) != 1)
		stop(sprintf("%s scanner names are given ( ",length(st)), sprintf("\"%s\" ",st), sprintf("). It is not possible to handle such a case. Try to set the argument 'dataCols' by choosing among the following columns names: \n") ,sprintf("\"%s\" \n",scanname))
	if(length(grep(st, scanners)) > 1)
		stop(sprintf("Scanner name can be '%s'. \nTry to set the argument 'dataCols' by choosing among the following columns names: \n", scanners[grep(st, scanners)]),sprintf("\"%s\" \n",scanname))
	gs = qt[((sl[grep(st,scanners)]+1):(sl[grep(st,scanners)+1]-1)),] ## extract the QTs of the specific scanner type
	foreground = gs[(gs[,4] == "MeasuredSignal" & (is.na(gs[,5]) | gs[,5] == 0)),c(1,7)] ## the colnames to use in the read.column
	background = gs[(gs[,4] == "MeasuredSignal" & (gs[,5] == 1)),c(1,7)] ## the colnames to use in the read.column
	foreground[,1] = paste(st,":",foreground[,1],sep = "")
	colnamesf = foreground[which(foreground[,1] %in% allcnames),]
	df = dim(colnamesf)        
	if(dim(background)[1] != 0){
		background[,1] = paste(st,":",background[,1],sep = "")
		colnamesb = background[which(background[,1] %in% allcnames),]
		db = dim(colnamesb)
		db = 0
	if(length(files) != 1){
		if(!all(sapply(2:length(files), function(i) readLines(file.path(path,files[1]),1) == readLines(file.path(path,files[i]),1))))
			warning(sprintf("The files do not all have the same headings whereas the array design is the same. It may cause the object not being created."))
	#Two channel data
	if(df[1] == 2){
		rawcol = if(db[1] == 2) 
					list(R = colnamesf[colnamesf[,2] == "Cy5",1], 
						 G = colnamesf[colnamesf[,2] == "Cy3",1],
						 Rb = colnamesb[colnamesb[,2] == "Cy5",1],
						 Gb = colnamesb[colnamesb[,2] == "Cy3",1])
					list(R = colnamesf[colnamesf[,2] == "Cy5",1],
						 G = colnamesf[colnamesf[,2] == "Cy3",1])
		if(length(rawcol) == 0 || (0 %in% sapply(seq_len(length(rawcol)), function(i) length(rawcol[[i]]))))
			stop(sprintf("The known column names for this scanner are not in the heading of the files.\nTry to set the argument 'rawcol' by choosing among the following columns names: \n"),
					sprintf("\"%s\" \n",scanname))
	## one channel data
	if(df[1] == 1){
		rawcol = if(db != 0)
					list(G = colnamesf[,1],
						 Gb = colnamesb[,1])
					 list(G = colnamesf[,1])
	if(df[1] == 0)
		stop(sprintf("None of the columns names of the expression files is matching a valid known quantitation type.\nTry to set the argument 'rawcol' by choosing among the following columns names: \n"), sprintf("\"%s\" \n",scanname))
	if(df[1] > 2)
		stop(sprintf("There are too many columns that could be read in the files.\n Try to set the argument 'rawcol' by choosing among the following columns names: \n"),sprintf("\"%s\" \n",scanname))

## assign phenoData to Nchannelset
preparePhenoDataFor2channel = function(ph,files){
		arrayFilesNum = length(unique(ph[[arrayDataCol]]))
		si = pData(ph)[1:(arrayFilesNum*2),]
		lab = split(si,si[,"Label"])
		if(nrow(lab[[1]]) != nrow(lab[[2]])){
			stop("Number of CY3/CY5 is not equal")
		#Reorder rows in each group (Cy3,Cy5) to the same order
		lab[[1]] = lab[[1]][order(lab[[1]][,arrayDataCol]),]
		lab[[2]] = lab[[2]][order(lab[[2]][,arrayDataCol]),]
		same = which(lapply(1:ncol(lab[[1]]), function(i) all(lab[[1]][i] == lab[[2]][i])) == TRUE)
		all = lab[[1]][same]
		gspe = lab[[1]][-same]
		colnames(gspe) = paste(colnames(gspe),names(lab)[1],sep = ".")
		rspe = lab[[2]][-same]
		colnames(rspe) = paste(colnames(rspe),names(lab)[2],sep = ".")
		metaData = data.frame(labelDescription = c(rep("_ALL_",ncol(all)),rep("G",ncol(gspe)),rep("R",ncol(rspe))))
		ph = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = cbind(all,gspe,rspe), varMetadata = metaData)
		arrayDataCol = getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDataFile",varLabels(ph))	
		rownames(pData(ph)) = gsub(".[a-z][a-z][a-z]$","",ph[[arrayDataCol]],ignore.case=T)

getSDRFcolumn = function(col,headers){
			ArrayDataFile = "^Array[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Data[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*File",
			ArrayDesignREF = "^Array[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Design[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*REF",
			ArrayDataMatrixFile = "^Array[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Data[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Matrix[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*File",
			label = "^Label$",
			factorValues = "^Factor[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Value",
			DerivedArrayMatrix = "^Derived[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Array[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Data[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Matrix[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*File",
			DerivedArrayFile = "^Derived[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Array[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Data[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*File",
			reporter = "^Reporter[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*[Name | Identifier]",
			composite = "^Composite[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*Element[[:punct:]|[:blank:]]*[Name | Identifier]")
	colIndex = grep(pattern,headers,ignore.case = TRUE)

## remove all downloaded files
cleanupAE = function(mageFiles){
	path = mageFiles$path
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$rawFiles)))
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$processedFiles)))
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$sdrf)))
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$idf)))
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$adf)))
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$rawArchive)))
	try(file.remove(file.path(path, mageFiles$processedArchive)))

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ArrayExpress documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:26 p.m.