Defines functions formatEpimutationRegions commonRegions cpgregions_to_results addRegionID generate.table statistiken auswertung priorr likr koeff MethCallGetCorrectedRegion epimutationRegionStats epimutation_calls generate_results positions_to_regions makeParams printEpimutStats getEpimutationRate getMethylatingEpimutationSites2 getDemethylatingEpimutationSites2 cpg2regions filterLowMethylation filterHighMethylation addChrPosMeth filterMaxCoverage filterMinCoverage positionsReadCSV

Documented in epimutation_calls generate_results makeParams positions_to_regions

# BEAT: BS-Seq Epimutation Analysis Toolkit
# Version 1.0.3
# Written 2013-2014 by Kemal Akman <akman@mpipz.mpg.de>
# This software is licensed according to version 3.0 of
# The license text is available under LICENSE or via
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt

### utility function section
positionsReadCSV <- function(csvFilename) {

#positionsWriteCSV <- function(positions, csvFilename) {
#	write.csv(positions, file=csvFilename, row.names=FALSE)

filterMinCoverage <- function(cpg, atLeast=3) {
	cpg[which((as.integer(cpg$unmeth) + as.integer(cpg$meth)) >= atLeast),]

filterMaxCoverage <- function(cpg, atMost=200) {
	cpg[which((as.integer(cpg$unmeth) + as.integer(cpg$meth)) <= atMost),]

### add "chr.pos" field and methylation %
addChrPosMeth <- function(cpg) {
	cpg$pos <- as.integer(cpg$pos)

	cpg <- cbind(cpg, site=paste(cpg$chr, cpg$pos, sep="."),
		methLevel = 
		(as.double(cpg$meth) /

### filter to fully methylated (default definition > 99%)
### and fully unmethylated (default definition < 1%) sites
filterHighMethylation <- function(cpg, hiMeth=0.90) {
	cpg[which(cpg$methLevel >= hiMeth),]

filterLowMethylation <- function(cpg, loMeth=0.10) {
	cpg[which(cpg$methLevel <= loMeth),]

cpg2regions <- function(cpg, windowSize, minCountsPerRegion) {
	cpg <- filterMaxCoverage(cpg, 100) ;# remove PCR artifact peaks
	chrs <- unique(cpg$chr)

	regionCountsAll <- data.frame()

	for(chr in chrs) {
		oneChrCpg <- cpg[cpg$chr == chr,]
		oneChrCpg$pos <- as.integer(oneChrCpg$pos)
		oneChrCpg <- oneChrCpg[order(oneChrCpg$pos),]

		### index regions
		cbin <- oneChrCpg$pos %/% windowSize
		meth <- as.integer(oneChrCpg[,"meth"])
		unmeth <- as.integer(oneChrCpg[,"unmeth"])
		regionsMeth <- tapply(meth,INDEX = as.factor(cbin),sum)
		regionsUnmeth <- tapply(unmeth,INDEX = as.factor(cbin),sum)

		regioncounts <- data.frame(chr=rep(chr, length(regionsMeth)),
			stop=(as.integer(names(regionsMeth))*windowSize) + 
			windowSize, meth=regionsMeth, unmeth=regionsUnmeth)

		### cutoff: include regions #CGs >= n
		regioncounts <- regioncounts[
			+ as.integer(regioncounts$unmeth) >= minCountsPerRegion)
		regionCountsAll <- rbind(regionCountsAll, regioncounts)


### epimutation calling section
### Algorithm for finding epimutations
# 1. Compare lane1, lane2, livy1, 99% conversion rate
# 2. Find overlapping CpG sites: intersect
# 3. Compare lane1 vs livy1 and lane2 vs livy:
# 4. List of common CpG sites > 90% methylated := fullyMethylated
# 5. List of common CpG sites < 10% methylated := fullyUnmethylated
# 6. setdiff(fullyMethylated, fullyUnmethylated in livy1) := methylatingEventSites
#    setdiff(a,b) present in a but not b
# 7. setdiff(fullyUnmethylated, fullyMethylated in livy1) := demethylatingEventSites

getDemethylatingEpimutationSites2 <- function(SingleCell, Control) {

	commonPositions <- intersect(SingleCell$site, Control$site)
	commonInSingle <- SingleCell[
			which(SingleCell$site %in% commonPositions),
	commonInControl <- Control[
			which(Control$site %in% commonPositions),
			# same sites as above, but counts for refrence

	# Silvia: "we look for the ones that are fully methylated in the CTR (>90%)"
	Control_FullMeth <- commonInControl[
			which(commonInControl$methstate == STATE_METH),
			# fully methylated sites in reference, common to lane1

	# "then we go back to the single cell and we ask whether those are fully methylated in the single cell"
	commonInSingle <- commonInSingle[
			which(commonInSingle$site %in% Control_FullMeth$site)

	# "If not, we ask whether methylation is <10% in the single cell. If so, we call this epimutation."
	SingleCell_SitesFullyMethInControl_FullyUnmethylatedInSingleCell <-
		commonInSingle[which(commonInSingle$methstate == STATE_UNMETH),]

	DemethylatingEpimutations <-


# analog algorithm to demethylation search, see above
getMethylatingEpimutationSites2 <- function(SingleCell, Control) {

	commonPositions <- intersect(SingleCell$site, Control$site)
	commonInSingle <- SingleCell[which(SingleCell$site %in% commonPositions),]
	# same sites as above, but counts for refrence
	commonInControl <- Control[which(Control$site %in% commonPositions),]

	Control_FullUnmeth <-
		commonInControl[which(commonInControl$methstate == STATE_UNMETH),]
	commonInSingle <-
		commonInSingle[which(commonInSingle$site %in% Control_FullUnmeth$site),]
	SingleCell_SitesFullyUnmethInControl_FullyMethylatedInSingleCell <-
		commonInSingle[which(commonInSingle$methstate == STATE_METH),]

	MethylatingEpimutations <-

### function works for both methylation and demethylation rate
getEpimutationRate <- function(SingleCell, Control, eventSites,
		calcMethylatingEvents) {
	commonPositions <- intersect(SingleCell$site, Control$site)
	commonInControl <- Control[which(Control$site %in% commonPositions),]

	if(calcMethylatingEvents == TRUE) {
		epimutRate <- dim(eventSites)[1] / length(commonPositions)
	} else {
		epimutRate <- dim(eventSites)[1] / length(commonPositions)

	return (round(epimutRate,5))

printEpimutStats <- function(name, SingleCell, ControlCells,
		methEvents, demethEvents, minReads,
		verboseChromosomeStats=FALSE) {

	commonPositions <- intersect(SingleCell$site, ControlCells$site)
        commonInControl <- ControlCells[
		which(ControlCells$site %in% commonPositions),
	commonInSingle <- SingleCell[
		which(SingleCell$site %in% commonPositions),
	Control_FullMeth <- commonInControl[
		which(commonInControl$methstate == STATE_METH),
	Control_FullUnmeth <- commonInControl[
		which(commonInControl$methstate == STATE_UNMETH),
	methRate <- getEpimutationRate(SingleCell, ControlCells,
		eventSites=methEvents, calcMethylatingEvents=TRUE)
	demethRate <- getEpimutationRate(SingleCell, ControlCells,
		eventSites=demethEvents, calcMethylatingEvents=FALSE)
	totalRate <- sum(c(methRate,demethRate))

	cat(paste("\n\nStatistics for sample: ", name, " (min. coverage: ", minReads,
		" reads/site)\n============================================================\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Total shared CG sites(=regions!) between ", name,
		" and reference/CTRL: ", length(commonPositions), "\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Median CG sites of these total shared regions (REFERENCE): ",
		median(commonInControl$meth + commonInControl$unmeth), "\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Median CG sites of these total shared regions (SINGLE CELL): ",
		median(commonInSingle$meth + commonInSingle$unmeth), "\n",sep=""))
	cat(paste("Control has ", dim(Control_FullMeth)[1], " fully methylated and ",
		dim(Control_FullUnmeth)[1], " fully unmethylated sites\n"),sep="")
	cat(paste("Methylating Epimutation Rate: ", methRate, "\nDemethylating Epimutation Rate: ",
		demethRate, "\nTotal Epimutation Rate: ", totalRate, "\n",sep=""))

	### For Table 2 stats (methods paper):
	commonInSingle <- SingleCell[which(SingleCell$site %in% commonPositions),]
	cisMeth <- commonInSingle[which(commonInSingle$methstate == STATE_METH),]
	cisUnmeth <- commonInSingle[which(commonInSingle$methstate == STATE_UNMETH),]
	cat(paste("Fully meth in single: ", length(unique(cisMeth$site)),
		", Fully unmeth in single: ", length(unique(cisUnmeth$site)), "\n",sep=""))

	if(verboseChromosomeStats) {
		cat(paste("Sites fully methylated in control are on chromosomes: ",
			paste(unique(Control_FullMeth$chr), collapse=","), "\n",sep=""))
		cat(paste("Sites fully unmethylated in control are on chromosomes: ",
			paste(unique(Control_FullUnmeth$chr), collapse=","), "\n",sep=""))
		cat(paste("Meth. epimutations are on chromosomes: ",
			paste(unique(methEvents$chr),collapse=","), "\n",sep=""))
		cat(paste("Demeth. epimutations are on chromosomes: ",
			paste(unique(demethEvents$chr),collapse=","), "\n",sep=""))
	c(methRate, demethRate)


makeParams <- function(localpath = getwd(), sampNames, convrates, is.reference,
		pminus=0.2, regionSize=10000, minCounts=5, verbose=TRUE,
		computeRegions=TRUE, computeMatrices=TRUE,
		writeEpicallMatrix=TRUE) {
	if(length(pminus) == 1) {
		pminus <- rep(pminus, length(sampNames))

	pplus <- 1 - convrates ;# !!!

	stopifnot(length(sampNames) == length(pminus))
	stopifnot(length(pminus) == length(pplus))
	stopifnot(length(pplus) == length(is.reference))

	localpath <- file.path(localpath)

	params <- list(localpath, sampNames, pplus, is.reference, pminus,
		regionSize, minCounts, verbose, computeRegions,
		computeMatrices, writeEpicallMatrix)
	names(params) <- c("localpath", "sampNames", "pplus",
		"is.reference", "pminus", "regionSize", "minCounts",
		"verbose", "computeRegions", "computeMatrices",
	names(params$pplus) <- sampNames
	names(params$pminus) <- sampNames
	names(params$is.reference) <- sampNames



positions_to_regions <- function(params, outputPath = getwd()) {
	regionsList <- list()
	localpath <- params[["localpath"]]
	sampNames <- params[["sampNames"]]
	regionSize <- params[["regionSize"]]
	minCounts <- params[["minCounts"]]
	verbose <- params[["verbose"]]

	lanesCpg <- file.path(localpath,
		paste(sampNames, ".positions.csv",sep=""))

	lanesRegions <- file.path(outputPath,
		paste(sampNames, ".regions.", regionSize, ".",
		minCounts, ".RData",sep=""))

	if(params[["computeRegions"]]) {
		for(i in 1:length(lanesCpg)) {
			if(verbose) cat(paste("Sample: ", basename(lanesCpg[i]), " regionSize: ", regionSize, " minCounts: ", minCounts, "\n",sep=""))
			positions <- positionsReadCSV(lanesCpg[i])
			cpgregions <- cpg2regions(positions, windowSize=regionSize, minCountsPerRegion=minCounts)
			if(verbose) cat(paste("Processed ", basename(lanesCpg[i]), ", yielding ", nrow(cpgregions), " regions of ", regionSize, " nt\n",sep=""))
			regionsList[[lanesCpg[i]]] <- cpgregions
			save(cpgregions, file=lanesRegions[i])
	} else {
		for(i in 1:length(lanesCpg)) {
			regionsList[[lanesCpg[i]]] <- cpgregions
	# requeted by bioconductor: return nothing

generate_results <- function(params, outputPath = getwd()) {
	localpath <- params[["localpath"]]
	sampNames <- params[["sampNames"]]
	isReferenceVector <- params[["is.reference"]]
	pplus <- params[["pplus"]]
	pminus <- params[["pminus"]]
	computeMatrices <- params[["computeMatrices"]]
	verbose <- params[["verbose"]]
	regionSize <- params[["regionSize"]]
	minCounts <- params[["minCounts"]]

	ret <- list()

	for(sampName in sampNames) {
		cpgregion <- MethCallGetCorrectedRegion(sampName, isReferenceVector, pplus[sampName], pminus[sampName], outputPath, precompute=computeMatrices, regionSize, minCounts, verbose)
		# resulting region will also be saved to: file.path(localpath,paste(a,".results.", regionSize, ".", minCounts, ".RData",sep=""))
		ret[[sampName]] <- cpgregion
	# requeted by bioconductor: return nothing

epimutation_calls <- function(params, outputPath = getwd()) {
	localpath <- outputPath ;# results generated by the previous function are here
	sampNames <- params[["sampNames"]]
	isReferenceVector <- params[["is.reference"]]

	pminus <- params[["pminus"]]
	pplus <- params[["pplus"]]
	computeMatrices <- params[["computeMatrices"]]
	verbose <- params[["verbose"]]

	regionSize <- params[["regionSize"]]
	minCounts <- params[["minCounts"]]
	writeEpicallMatrix <- params[["writeEpicallMatrix"]]

	referenceName <- sampNames[isReferenceVector]
	stopifnot(length(sampNames[isReferenceVector]) <= 1) ;# analysis only works with a single reference

	### filename for ref_results
	referenceFile <- file.path(localpath, paste(referenceName, ".results.", regionSize, ".", minCounts, ".RData",sep=""))

	methRatesList <- list()
	demethRatesList <- list()
	methSites <- list()
	demethSites <- list()

	singleCellSamples <- sampNames[!isReferenceVector]

	for(sampName in singleCellSamples) {
		### filename for single_results
		corrFile <- file.path(localpath,
			paste(sampName, ".results.", regionSize,
			".", minCounts, ".RData",sep=""))

		ret <- epimutationRegionStats(singleCellFile=corrFile,
				referenceFile, singleName=sampName,
				minReads=minCounts, human=F,

		### Rates and ANNOTATION-SPEIFIC rates
		methRatesList[[sampName]] <- ret[[3]]
		demethRatesList[[sampName]] <- ret[[4]]
		methSites[[sampName]] <- ret[[1]][,1:6]
		demethSites[[sampName]] <- ret[[2]][,1:6]

		if(writeEpicallMatrix) {
			fileMeth <- file.path(outputPath,
				paste(sampName, ".methEpicalls.",
				regionSize, ".", minCounts,"p+=",
			meth <- methSites[[sampName]][,c("chr",
			names(meth) <- c("chr","start","stop","meth",
			meth <- addRegionID(meth)
			#meth <- merge(meth,vitMerge,by="id")
			if(verbose) cat(paste("Written epi-methylation calls to matrix: \n", basename(fileMeth), "\n", sep=""))

			fileDemeth <- file.path(outputPath, paste(sampName, ".demethEpicalls.",regionSize, ".", minCounts,"p+=",pplus[sampName],"p-=",pminus[sampName],".RData",sep=""))
			demeth <- demethSites[[sampName]][,c("chr","pos","endpos","meth","unmeth","methstate"),]
			names(demeth) <- c("chr","start","stop","meth","unmeth","epimutation_call_test")
			demeth <- addRegionID(demeth)
			#demeth <- merge(demeth,vitMerge,by="id")
			if(verbose) cat(paste("Written epi-demethylation calls to matrix:\n", basename(fileDemeth), "\n", sep=""))

	ret <- list(methSites, demethSites)
	names(ret) <- c("methSites","demethSites")


epimutationRegionStats <- function(singleCellFile, referenceFile, singleName, minReads, human=F, corr=NULL, corrRef=NULL, windowRange) {
	cpgregions <- list()
	single <- cpgregions
	names(single) <- c("chr","pos","endpos","meth","unmeth","methstate")
	single <- addChrPosMeth(single)

	ref <- cpgregions
	names(ref) <- c("chr", "pos","endpos","meth","unmeth","methstate")
	ref <- addChrPosMeth(ref)

	### Remove NA posterior values from methylation level estimation
	### These occur only in very high peaks (PCR artifacts) of abs(meth - unmeth) > 1000
	### On average, this removes about 0.000008 biased positions
	single <- single[which(!is.na(single$methLevel)),]
	ref <- ref[which(!is.na(ref$methLevel)),]

	if(minReads > 1) {
		single <- filterMinCoverage(single, minReads)
		ref <- filterMinCoverage(ref, minReads)

	methEventSites <- getMethylatingEpimutationSites2(single, ref)
	demethEventSites <- getDemethylatingEpimutationSites2(single, ref)
	overlaplen <- length(intersect(single$site, ref$site))

	commonSites <- ref[which(ref$site %in% intersect(single$site, ref$site)),]

	methDemethRates <- printEpimutStats(singleName, single, ref,
		methEventSites, demethEventSites, minReads)
	totalMethRate <- methDemethRates[1]
	totalDemethRate <- methDemethRates[2]



### Methylation calling/estimation section

### bsconv = convrates[sampleName]
### pminus = 0.1 by default
### precompute = TRUE means static matrix precomputation
MethCallGetCorrectedRegion <- function(sampleName, isReferenceVector, pplus, pminus, localpath, precompute=T, regionSize, minCounts, verbose=T, nmaxStatic=50) {
	a <- sampleName

	if(verbose) cat(paste("Sample: ",a,"\n",sep=""))

		multiOrSingle <- "strict_call"
		multiOrSingleMat <- "strict_call_matrix"
	} else {
		multiOrSingle <- "permissive_call"
		multiOrSingleMat <- "permissive_call_matrix"

	### Begin hardcoded parameters by Achim
	# r contains the points at which the posterior distribution will be calculated
	steps <- 100
	r <- seq(1/steps,1-1/steps,length=steps)
	# parameters of the beta mixture prior
	evi <- 0.5 # evidence weight ("peakedness") for both beta distributions
	ameth <- 9*evi; bmeth <- 1*evi # shape of the methylated beta distribution
	aunmeth <- 1*evi; bunmeth <- 9*evi # shape of the unmethylated beta distribution
	lambda <- 0.7 # mixing parameter, relative weight of the methylated beta distr.
	# parameter for the confidence level at which the methylation calls shall be made
	confidence_level <- 0.75 ;# sep 2012 changed from 0.9
	### End hardcoded parameters

	if(precompute) {
		### depends only on p+ and p- (i.e. BS-conversion rate), not region size!
		if(verbose) cat("Generating conversion matrix...\n")
		convmat <- generate.table(nmaxStatic,pminus,pplus,r,lambda,ameth,bmeth,aunmeth,bunmeth,confidence_level)
		save(convmat, file=file.path(localpath,paste(a,".convMat.",pminus,".",pplus,".RData",sep=""))) ;# convMat is generic for all region sizes

	load(file.path(localpath, paste(a, ".regions.", regionSize, ".", minCounts, ".RData",sep="")))
	load(file.path(localpath, paste(a, ".convMat.",pminus,".",pplus,".RData",sep="")))

	### dynamic calculation rates for new parameters (0.3/0.7/confidence 0.75)
	if(isReferenceVector[a]) {
		x <- (convmat[["strict_call_matrix"]][,nmaxStatic]) ;# FOR REFERENCE
	} else {
		x <- (convmat[["permissive_call_matrix"]][,nmaxStatic]) ;# FOR SINGLE-CELL

	unmethCutoff <- round(max(which(x == -1))/length(x),4)
	methCutoff <- round(min(which(x == 1))/length(x),4)

	methUnmeth <- cpgregions[,4:5]
	methUnmeth[,1] <- as.integer(methUnmeth[,1])
	methUnmeth[,2] <- as.integer(methUnmeth[,2])

	results <- apply(methUnmeth, 1, function(x) {
		k <- x[1]
		n <- k+x[2]

		if((k <= nmaxStatic) && (n <= nmaxStatic)) {
			### Achim: zeile k+1 steht fuer Wert k (zeile 1 fuer k=0)
			stat <- convmat[[multiOrSingleMat]][k+1,n]
		} else {
			methLevel <- k/n
			if(methLevel <= unmethCutoff) {
				#cat(paste("DEBUG 1 k: ",k," n: ",n,"\n",sep=""))
				#fullMat[[multiOrSingleMat]][k+1,n] <- (-1)
				#cat(paste("DEBUG: ",fullMat[[multiOrSingleMat]][k+1,n],"\n",sep=""))
				stat <- -1
			} else if(methLevel >= methCutoff) {
				#fullMat[[multiOrSingleMat]][k+1,n] <- 1
				stat <- 1
			} else {
				#fullMat[[multiOrSingleMat]][k+1,n] <- 0
				stat <- 0
		stopifnot(FALSE) ;# should return before
	### fix numeric(0) for empty regions
	results <- lapply(results, function(x) { if(length(x) == 0) 0 else x })

	resultsMethEst <- apply(methUnmeth, 1, function(x) {
		k <- x[1]
		n <- k+x[2]
		if((k <= nmaxStatic) && (n <= nmaxStatic)) {
			### Achim: zeile k+1 steht fuer Wert k (zeile 1 fuer k=0)
			methestimate <- convmat[["methest_matrix"]][k+1,n]
		} else {
			### ??? Achim vorher: methylation estimate = round(k/nmaxStatic)+1 ???
			methestimate <- ((k/n) - pplus) / (1 - pminus - pplus)
			#fullMat[["methest_matrix"]][k+1,n] <- methestimate
	### fix numeric(0) for empty regions
	resultsMethEst <- lapply(resultsMethEst, function(x) { if(length(x) == 0) 0 else x })

	if(verbose) cat("Adding methylation states and 9 matrices...\n")
	stopifnot(length(results) == nrow(cpgregions))
	stopifnot(length(unlist(results)) == nrow(cpgregions))

	### for only non-null output
	#non_null = which((cpgregions$meth + cpgregions$unmeth) > 0)
	#cpgregions <- cpgregions[non_null,]
	#cpgregions1 <- cbind(cpgregions,methstate=unlist(results[non_null]))

	cpgregions1 <- cbind(cpgregions,methstate=unlist(results))
	cpgregions1 <- cpgregions_to_results(cpgregions1,convmat)
	cpgregions <- cpgregions1

	#stopifnot(length(resultsMethEst) == nrow(cpgregions))
	#stopifnot(length(unlist(resultsMethEst)) == nrow(cpgregions))
	#cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions,methest=resultsMethEst)
	#cpgregions <- cpgregions_to_results(cpgregions, convmat)

	save(cpgregions,file=file.path(localpath,paste(a,".results.", regionSize, ".", minCounts, ".RData",sep="")))
	## first additional column: meth = 1, unmeth = -1 // further columns: 9 matrices

## calculation of one term in the sum p(k|n,r,p+,p-) = sum_j sum_m { koeff(j,m,k,n,r,p+,p-) }

koeff <- function(j,m,k,n,r,pminus,pplus){
	if ((m > j) | (k-m > n-j) | (k-m < 0)) stop("Illegal (j,m,k,n) indices.") 
	res <- dbinom(x=m,size=j,prob=1-pminus) * 
		dbinom(x=k-m,size=n-j,prob=pplus) * 

## calculation of the likelihood p(r|k,n,p-,p+) for r a given grid of methylation rates

likr <- function(r,k,n,pminus,pplus){
	j <- as.vector(outer(0:n,0:n,function(x,y){x}))
	m <- as.vector(outer(0:n,0:n,function(x,y){y}))
	sel <- which(!((m > j) | (k-m > n-j) | (k-m<0)))
	j <- j[sel]
	m <- m[sel]
	res <- apply(cbind(j,m),1,function(x){koeff(x[1],x[2],k,n,r,pminus,pplus)})
	res <- rowSums(res)

## calculation of the prior p(r|...)= 
##  = lambda*Beta(r;ameth,bmeth) + (1-lambda)*Beta(r;aunmeth,bunmeth)
## for r a given grid of methylation rates

priorr <- function(r,lambda,ameth,bmeth,aunmeth,bunmeth){
	res <- lambda * dbeta(r,ameth,bmeth) + (1-lambda) * dbeta(r,aunmeth,bunmeth)

## calculates the posterior distribution of the methylation rates
## the vector r contains the x-grid points at which the 
## posterior distribution p(r|k,n,p+,p-) is to be evaluated
## additional parameters are: pminus (the rate of false non-methylation calls),
## pplus (the rate of false methylation calls), and the parameters speciying the
## prior, which is a 2-Beta mixture: lambda*Beta(ameth,bmeth) + (1-lambda)*Beta(aunmeth,bunmeth)
## ameth, bmeth, aunmeth, bunmeth
## the functiion outputs the density values of the posterior at the given grid points r
## (later, these density values are commonly denoted by pr)

#postr <- function(r,k,n,pminus,pplus,lambda,ameth,bmeth,aunmeth,bunmeth){
#	res <- likr(r,k,n,pminus,pplus) * priorr(r,lambda,ameth,bmeth,aunmeth,bunmeth)
#	es <- res/sum(res)
#	eturn(res)

## auswertung expects a vector r containing the x-grid values at which the density
## of the posterior p(r|k,n,p+,p-) is evaluated, and pr contains the corresponding 
## values of p(r|k,n,p+,p-). confidence_level contains the probability for the 
## methylation levels being above/below the methl/nonmeth level thresholds,
## sum(pr[r>methlevel]) resp. sum(pr[r<nonmethlevel]))
auswertung <- function(r,pr,confidence_level=0.9,methlevel=0.7,nonmethlevel=0.3){
	# methestimate is the expectation value of the posterior distribution pr
	methestimate <- sum(r*pr) 

	# right and left are the left and right boundaries of the <confidendce_level>
	# credible intervals around the expectation value (methestimate)
	cumdist <- cumsum(pr)
	rightprob <- min(methestimate+confidence_level/2,1) + (-min(methestimate-confidence_level/2,0))
	leftprob  <- max(methestimate-confidence_level/2,0) - (max(methestimate+confidence_level/2,1) - 1)
	right <- r[which.min(abs(cumdist-rightprob))]
	left  <- r[which.min(abs(cumdist-leftprob))]

	# p_strict_meth and p_strict_unmeth are the probabilities supporting the highly meth/unmeth calls
	p_strict_unmeth <- sum(pr[r<nonmethlevel]) ### sep 2012 changed from 0.2 / 0.8
	p_strict_meth <- sum(pr[r>methlevel])
	# the strict call is made if pmeth resp. punmeth are above the <confidence_level>
	# with values strict_call =1 for highly meth, =0 for no strict call, =-1 for sparsely meth
	if (p_strict_meth > confidence_level) {
		strict_call <- 1
	} else if (p_strict_unmeth > confidence_level) {
		strict_call <- -1
	} else {
		strict_call <- 0

	# p_perm_meth and p_perm_unmeth are the probabilities supporting the increased meth/unmeth calls
	p_perm_unmeth <- sum(pr[r<0.5])
	p_perm_meth <- sum(pr[r>0.5])
	# the permissive call is made if epimeth resp. epiunmeth are above the <confidence_level>
	# with values permissive_call =1 for increased meth, =0 for no call, =-1 for decreased meth
	if (p_perm_meth>confidence_level) {
		permissive_call <- 1
	} else if (p_perm_unmeth>confidence_level) {
		permissive_call <- -1
	} else {
		permissive_call <- 0


## statistiken generates all interesting statistics for a given region with k methylation calls
## among n calls. 
## the input parameters (pminus,pplus,lambda,ameth,bmeth,aunmeth,bunmeth) specify the likelihood and the prior
## the additional parameters (confidence_level,methlevel,nonmethlevel define the methylation calls
## and r is a grid of values between 0 and 1 at which the posterior will be evaluated (should contain >=100 points)
statistiken <- function(k,n,pminus,pplus,r,
				lambda=0.5, ameth=0.7*0.5, bmeth=(1-0.7)*0.5,
				aunmeth=0.3*0.5, bunmeth=(1-0.3)*0.5,
				confidence_level=0.9, methlevel=0.7,
				nonmethlevel=0.3) {
	reslikr <- likr(r,k,n,pminus,pplus)
	respriorr <- priorr(r,lambda,ameth,bmeth,aunmeth,bunmeth)
	posterior <- reslikr * respriorr
	pr <- posterior/sum(posterior)
	res <- auswertung(r,pr,confidence_level)

## generate.table
generate.table <- function(nmax,pminus,pplus,r,
	methest_matrix 		<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	lower_bound_matrix 	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	upper_bound_matrix 	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	p_strict_meth_matrix	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	p_strict_unmeth_matrix	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	p_perm_unmeth_matrix	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	p_perm_meth_matrix	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	strict_call_matrix 	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)
	permissive_call_matrix 	<- matrix(NA,ncol=nmax,nrow=nmax+1)

	for (n in 1:nmax){
		for (k in 0:n){
			res <- statistiken(k,n,pminus,pplus,r,
			methest_matrix[k+1,n] 		<- res$methestimate
			lower_bound_matrix[k+1,n] 	<- res$left
			upper_bound_matrix[k+1,n] 	<- res$right
			p_strict_meth_matrix[k+1,n]	<- res$p_strict_meth
			p_strict_unmeth_matrix[k+1,n]	<- res$p_strict_unmeth
			p_perm_meth_matrix[k+1,n]	<- res$p_perm_meth
			p_perm_unmeth_matrix[k+1,n]	<- res$p_perm_unmeth
			strict_call_matrix[k+1,n] 	<- res$strict_call
			permissive_call_matrix[k+1,n] <- res$permissive_call

			lower_bound_matrix=lower_bound_matrix, upper_bound_matrix=upper_bound_matrix,
			p_strict_meth_matrix=p_strict_meth_matrix, p_strict_unmeth_matrix=p_strict_unmeth_matrix,
			p_perm_meth_matrix=p_perm_meth_matrix, p_perm_unmeth_matrix=p_perm_unmeth_matrix,

## very useful function (why does this not exist in R?)
## function by Achim, version from 3/11/2013
matrixreadout <- Vectorize(function(x,y,mat){
    if (y==0) return(NA)
    if (y <= ncol(mat)) return(mat[x,y])
    },vectorize.args <- c("x","y"))

addRegionID <- function(cpgregions) {
	id <- paste(cpgregions$chr, cpgregions$start, cpgregions$stop, sep=".")
	cbind(cpgregions, id=id, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## expands the cpgregions matrix by the entries extracted from convmat
cpgregions_to_results <- function(cpgregions,convmat) {
	kplusone <- cpgregions[,"meth"] +1
	n <- cpgregions[,"unmeth"] + cpgregions[,"meth"]

	methest <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$methest_matrix)
	lower_bound <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$lower_bound_matrix)
	upper_bound <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$upper_bound_matrix)
	p_strict_meth <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$p_strict_meth_matrix)
	p_strict_unmeth <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$p_strict_unmeth_matrix)
	p_perm_meth <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$p_perm_meth_matrix)
	p_perm_unmeth <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$p_perm_unmeth_matrix)
	strict_call <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$strict_call_matrix)
	permissive_call <- matrixreadout(kplusone,n,convmat$permissive_call_matrix)

	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions,methest,lower_bound,upper_bound,


### Plot routines 31/1/2014

### eliminate <= 0.01% of empty chromosome-end regions
commonRegions <- function(ref_results, single_results) {
	single_results <- addRegionID(single_results)
	ref_results <- addRegionID(ref_results)

	commonRegions <- intersect(single_results$id, ref_results$id)
	single_results <- single_results[which(single_results$id %in% commonRegions),]
	ref_results <- ref_results[which(ref_results$id %in% commonRegions),]

	stopifnot(single_results$id == ref_results$id)

	list(ref_results, single_results)

### formatEpimutationRegions -- this function takes in 2 "results" objects,
### i.e. cpg region data.frames with methylation estimates and -calls,
### and adds epimutation status to make the objects ready for use in plots.
formatEpimutationRegions <- function(cpgregions,
		cpgregions_reference, useBestChr=T, limitToRegions=0) {
	commonReg <- commonRegions(cpgregions_reference, cpgregions)
	cpgregions_reference <- commonReg[[1]]
	cpgregions <- commonReg[[2]]

	if(useBestChr) {
		bestChr <- names(sort(table(commonReg[[1]]$chr),decreasing=T))[1]
		refBestChr <- cpgregions_reference[which(cpgregions_reference$chr == bestChr),]
		sampBestChr <- cpgregions[which(cpgregions$chr == bestChr),]
		cat(paste("Using chromosome: ", bestChr, "\n", sep=""))
		cpgregions <- sampBestChr
		cpgregions_reference <- refBestChr

	epiMeth = rep(F, nrow(cpgregions_reference))
	epiMeth[intersect(which(cpgregions_reference$methstate == -1), which(cpgregions$methstate == 1))] = T
	epiDemeth = rep(F, nrow(cpgregions_reference))
	epiDemeth[intersect(which(cpgregions_reference$methstate == 1), which(cpgregions$methstate == -1))] = T

	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, epicalls = rep(0,nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions$epicalls[epiMeth] = 1
	cpgregions$epicalls[epiDemeth] = 2

	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, dots = rep(".",nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, methLabel = rep("meth",nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, unmethLabel = rep("unmeth",nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, methEstLabel = rep("methEst",nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, epimutLabel = rep("epimutCalls",nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, strand = rep("+",nrow(cpgregions)))
	cpgregions <- cbind(cpgregions, epicalls = rep(0,nrow(cpgregions)))

	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, epicalls = rep(0,nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference$epicalls[epiMeth] = 1
	cpgregions_reference$epicalls[epiDemeth] = 2

	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, dots = rep(".",nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, methLabel = rep("meth",nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, unmethLabel = rep("unmeth",nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, methEstLabel = rep("methEst",nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, epimutLabel = rep("epimutCalls",nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, strand = rep("+",nrow(cpgregions_reference)))
	cpgregions_reference <- cbind(cpgregions_reference, epicalls = rep(0,nrow(cpgregions_reference)))

	single <- cpgregions
	reference <- cpgregions_reference

	if(limitToRegions > 0) {
		# Achim 11/19: Limit to only few regions of sample chromosome
		single = head(single,limitToRegions)
		reference = head(reference,limitToRegions)

	# by default, meth=red=1 and demeth=blue=2
	epimut = single$epicalls
	epimut[which(epimut != 0)] = 1

	epiMeth = single$epicalls
	epiMeth[which(epiMeth != 1)] = 0 

	epiDemeth = single$epicalls
	epiDemeth[which(epiDemeth != 2)] = 0 

	list(single, reference, epiMeth, epiDemeth)

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