
Defines functions .transpose_items .showItem CollectionFromJList ItemFromJList .selectFromItemList

##setClassUnion("listORNULL", c("list", "NULL"))

## Item - virtual class 
## Interface and main data container storing the HTTP response
## See: https://developer.basespace.illumina.com/docs/content/documentation/rest-api/api-reference#Common_Response_Elements
## All furter classes will inherit from this class

##EL_Item <- c("Id", "Name", "Href", "DateCreated",
##                   "UserOwnedBy", "Status", "HrefBaseSpaceUI")

         representation = representation(
           ## Id of the resource - unique identifier
           Id = "character",
           ## Name of the selected resource
           Name = "character",
           ## Location of the resource in the API
           Href = "character",
           ## When this resource was created
           DateCreated = "character", # we could use POSIX ...
           ## Information about the User who owns this resource
           UserOwnedBy = "list", # this looks like an internal structure 
           ## The status of the resource, if it is inside of an appsession it is the status of the appsession
           Status = "ANY",
           ## The location of this project in BaseSpace
           HrefBaseSpaceUI = "character"))

##setClassUnion("ItemORNULL", c("Item", "NULL"))

## Collection - virtual class 
## Collection is a list of Item objects with additional metadata

         representation = representation(
           ## Main container or the response, basically a 'list',
           ## but can be an object sharing the 'list' interface.
           Items = "list",
           ## The total number of items in the collection
           TotalCount = "integer",
           ## The starting point of the collection to read, there is no maximum value for Offset. Default: 0
           Offset = "integer",
           ## The maximum number of items to return. Range 0-1024
           Limit = "integer", 
           ## The way to sort the resulting collection, either ascending or descending. Default: 'Asc', Can be 'Asc' or 'Desc'
           SortDir = "character",
           ## The field to use to sort the resulting collection.
           SortBy = "character"),
         prototype = prototype(Items = list(), TotalCount = integer(),
           Offset = 0L, Limit = integer()))

setClassUnion("ItemORCollection", c("Item", "Collection"))

## Response - virtual class 
## Response is a general interface which will be used to model
## the response from each resource.

setClassUnion("AppAuthORNULL", c("AppAuth", "NULL"))

         representation = representation(
           ## Main container or the response
           data = "ItemORCollection",
           ## The AppAuth instance used to generate the Item
           auth = "AppAuthORNULL"))

## Accessors
## For in internal use -- DO NOT EXPORT!
.selectFromItemList <- function(x, MET) {
  s <- lapply(x, function(r) MET(r))
  ## some elements might be lists!
  if(max(unlist(lapply(s, length), use.names = FALSE)) > 1L)
  return(unlist(s, use.names = FALSE))

####  Item   ####
setMethod("Id", "Item", function(x) x@Id)
setMethod("Name", "Item", function(x) x@Name)
setMethod("Href", "Item", function(x) x@Href)
setMethod("DateCreated", "Item", function(x) x@DateCreated)
setMethod("UserOwnedBy", "Item", function(x) x@UserOwnedBy)
setMethod("Status", "Item", function(x) x@Status)
setMethod("HrefBaseSpaceUI", "Item", function(x) x@HrefBaseSpaceUI)

####  Collection   ####
setMethod("Items", "Collection", function(x) x@Items)
setMethod("TotalCount", "Collection", function(x) x@TotalCount)
setMethod("Offset", "Collection", function(x) x@Offset)
setMethod("Limit", "Collection", function(x) x@Limit)
setMethod("SortDir", "Collection", function(x) x@SortDir)
setMethod("SortBy", "Collection", function(x) x@SortBy)

setMethod("Id", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, Id))
setMethod("Name", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, Name))
setMethod("Href", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, Href))
setMethod("DateCreated", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, DateCreated))
setMethod("UserOwnedBy", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, UserOwnedBy))
setMethod("Status", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, Status))
setMethod("HrefBaseSpaceUI", "Collection", function(x) .selectFromItemList(x@Items, HrefBaseSpaceUI))

## We see Item as a collection of size 1
## this will make it fit easier in the Response element
setMethod("Items", "Item", function(x) x)
setMethod("TotalCount", "Item", function(x) as.integer(NA))
setMethod("Offset", "Item", function(x) NA)
setMethod("Limit", "Item", function(x) as.integer(NA))
setMethod("SortDir", "Item", function(x) NA)
setMethod("SortBy", "Item", function(x) NA)
setMethod("DisplayedCount", "Item", function(x) 1L)

####  Response   ####
## Accesor for the auth slot (should we implement all the S4 methods from AppAuth) ???
setMethod("auth", "Response", function(x) x@auth)

## Constructor

####  Item   ####
## !!! Do not export !!! - for in internal use only
## This is quite general, and should apply for all classes inheriting from 'Item'
ItemFromJList <- function(class = "Item", l) {
  object <- new(class)
  for(el in intersect(names(l), slotNames(object)))
    slot(object, el, check = TRUE) <- .forceIntegers(l[[el]])

####  Collection   ####
## !!! Do not export !!! - for in internal use only
## This is quite general, and should apply for all classes inheriting from 'Collection'
## @l:  if pressent, it must be a list containing all the slots in the class
## @items:  if pressent is the list of Item objects.
##          Only the 'DisplayedCount' is updated in this case
CollectionFromJList <- function(class = "Collection", l, items) {
  object <- new(class)
  if(!missing(l)) {
    if(length(l$Items) != as.integer(l$DisplayedCount))
      stop("'Items' must have the same length as given by the 'DisplayedCount'")
    for(el in intersect(names(l), slotNames(object)))
      slot(object, el, check = TRUE) <- .forceIntegers(l[[el]])
  } else {
    if(!missing(items)) {
      object@Items <- l$Items
      object@DisplayedCount <- length(l$Items)

## Methods

####      Item       ####

.showItem <- function(object) cat(toJSON(as.list(object), pretty = TRUE), "\n") 
setMethod("show", "Item", .showItem)

setMethod("as.list", "Item",
          function(x, allKeys = FALSE) {
            l <- named_list(slotNames(x))
            for(el in names(l)) 
              l[[el]] <- slot(x, el)
            ## keep only the ones that are not NULL or have length larger than 0
              l <- l[unlist(lapply(l, length), use.names = FALSE) > 0L]


setAs("Item", "list", function(from) as.list(from))

## just to be safe
setMethod("length", "Item", function(x) 1L)

## '$' will act as an accesor method. We don't want at this point to define
## generics for all slots in the objects wxtending Item 
## 'list' like operator that will be pushed through the interface
## for Item is just a slot() wrapper 
setMethod("element", "Item",
          function(x, name) {
            tryCatch(slot(x, name = name), error = function(e) NULL)
setMethod("$", "Item", function(x, name) element(x, name = name))

####   Collection    ####

## The usual suspects, R object representation
## length(), as.list(), setAs ...
setMethod("length", "Collection", function(x) length(Items(x)))
setMethod("DisplayedCount", "Collection", function(x) length(x))

setMethod("as.list", "Collection",
          function(x, ...) {
            l <- named_list(c(slotNames(x), "DisplayedCount"))
            l$DisplayedCount <- DisplayedCount(x)
            for(el in slotNames(x)) 
              l[[el]] <- slot(x, el)
            ## Items elements are also converted to a list
            l$Items <- lapply(l$Items, as.list, ...)
            ## keep only the ones that are not NULL or have length larger than 0

setAs("Collection", "list", function(from) as.list(from))

setMethod("show", "Collection",
          function(object) {
            if(length(object) == 0L) {
              cat("Empty response collection.\n\n")
            it <- Items(object)
            cat("Collection with", length(object), class(it[[1L]]),
                "objects (out of a total of", TotalCount(object), "objects).\n")
            lapply(it, .showItem)

## For collection, '$'/element will work only on Items. '$' it is an Item accessor!
setMethod("element", "Collection",
          function(x, name) {
            s <- lapply(x@Items, function(el) tryCatch(slot(el, name = name), error = function(e) NULL))
            if(max(unlist(lapply(s, length), use.names = FALSE)) > 1L)
            return(unlist(s, use.names = FALSE))
setMethod("$", "Collection", function(x, name) element(x, name = name))

## '[[' extracting an Item - integer(numeric) indexing only 
setMethod("[[", signature("Collection", "numeric"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
            if (!missing(j))
              stop("invalid subsetting")
            ## Items(x) is a list so indexing will be consistent
            Items(x)[[i, ...]]

.transpose_items <- function(items) {
  ## for each key try to unlist it.
  lapply(transpose_list(items), function(el) {
    if(max(list_len(el)) > 1L)
    unlist(el, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

## Returns a collection
## - the DisplayedCount is adjustted accordignly - is length(x)
## - same goes for SortDir and SortBy - we must unset them!
setMethod("[", "Collection", 
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop)  {
            .evalIdx <- function(e) {
              ## get the list of Items
              items <- as.list(x, allKeys = TRUE)$Items # this will always be a list!
              items <- .transpose_items(items)
              eval(cexpr$i, envir = items)
            ## allow for more complex indexing
            cexpr <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
            if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0L)
              stop("invalid subsetting")
            ## if 'i' can be evaluated in the parent frame than we're done
            idx <- tryCatch(i, error = .evalIdx)

            ## new Collection instance
            newC <- new(class(x))
            ## Items(x) being a list, the indexing should be consistent
            slot(newC, "Items", check = TRUE) <- Items(x)[idx, drop = drop]

            ## For now we set only the TotalCount - though it might not be correct  
            slot(newC, "TotalCount", check = TRUE) <- TotalCount(x)

####    Response    ####

## expose methods fo the data slot 
setMethod("Id", "Response", function(x) Id(x@data))
setMethod("Name", "Response", function(x) Name(x@data))
setMethod("Href", "Response", function(x) Href(x@data))
setMethod("DateCreated", "Response", function(x) DateCreated(x@data))
setMethod("UserOwnedBy", "Response", function(x) UserOwnedBy(x@data))
setMethod("Status", "Response", function(x) Status(x@data))
setMethod("HrefBaseSpaceUI", "Response", function(x) HrefBaseSpaceUI(x@data))

setMethod("Items", "Response", function(x) Items(x@data))
setMethod("DisplayedCount", "Response", function(x) DisplayedCount(x@data))
setMethod("TotalCount", "Response", function(x) TotalCount(x@data))
setMethod("Offset", "Response", function(x) Offset(x@data))
setMethod("Limit", "Response", function(x) Limit(x@data))
setMethod("SortDir", "Response", function(x) SortDir(x@data))
setMethod("SortBy", "Response", function(x) SortBy(x@data))

setMethod("length", "Response", function(x) length(x@data))
setMethod("as.list", "Response", function(x, ...) as.list(x@data, ...))

setMethod("element", "Response", function(x, name) element(x@data, name = name))
setMethod("$", "Response", function(x, name) element(x@data, name = name))

## Extracting an Item - returns an Item
setMethod("[[", "Response", function(x, i, j, ...) x@data[[i, ...]])

## Subseting - a bit hecky, but we'll revist this at a later point
setMethod("[", "Response",
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            .evalIdx <- function(e) {
              ## get the list of Items
              items <- as.list(x, allKeys = TRUE)$Items # this will always be a list!
              items <- .transpose_items(items)
              eval(cexpr$i, envir = items)
            ## allow for more complex indexing
            cexpr <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

            if(is(x@data, "Item"))
              stop("Item response cannot be subsetted")
            if(!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0L)
              stop("invalid subsetting")
            ## if 'i' can be evaluated in the parent frame than we're done
            idx <- tryCatch(i, error = .evalIdx)

            ## new Collection instance
            newC <- new(class(x@data))
            ## Items(x) being a list, the indexing should be consistent
            slot(newC, "Items", check = TRUE) <- Items(x)[idx, drop = drop]

            ## For now we set only the TotalCount - though it might not be correct  
            slot(newC, "TotalCount", check = TRUE) <- TotalCount(x)

            slot(x, "data", check = TRUE) <- newC

## Simple print method.
setMethod("show", "Response",
          function(object) {
            cat(class(object), "object:\n")

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BaseSpaceR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:12 p.m.