
Defines functions .clusterSites

.clusterSites <- function(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites, max.dist, mc.cores, ...){

    object <- filterBySharedRegions(object, perc.samples=perc.samples, ...)
  } else {
    object <- filterBySharedRegions(object, groups=groups, perc.samples=perc.samples, ...)
  strand(object) <- "*"
  object <- sort(object)
  rowRanges.new <- new("GRanges")
  totalReads.new <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncol(object))
  colnames(totalReads.new) <- colnames(object)
  methReads.new <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncol(object))
  colnames(methReads.new) <- colnames(object)
  # split rrbs object by chromosomes:
  rrbs.split <- split(object, f = as.factor(seqnames(object)), drop = TRUE)
  clus.func <- function(x, max.dist, min.sites) {

    pos <- start(x)

    pos.dist <- pos[-1] - pos[-length(pos)] # distance between CpG to the subsequent CpG
    pos.close <- pos.dist <= max.dist

    clus.break <- which(!pos.close)

    if(length(clus.break) > 0){
      cluster <- data.frame(start = numeric(length=length(clus.break)),
                          end = numeric(length=length(clus.break)),
                          size = numeric(length=length(clus.break)))
      for(i in seq(along=clus.break)){ 
        break.prev <- clus.break[i-1]
        break.i <- clus.break[i]
        if(i == 1) {
          cluster$start[1] <- pos[1]
          cluster$end[1] <- pos[break.i]
          cluster$size[1] <- break.i
        } else {
          cluster$start[i] <- pos[break.prev + 1]
          cluster$end[i] <- pos[break.i]
          cluster$size[i] <- break.i - break.prev
      if(break.i != length(pos)-1){
        start <- pos[break.i + 1]
        end <- pos[length(pos)]
        size <- length(pos) - break.i
        cluster <- rbind(cluster, data.frame(start, end, size))
    if(length(clus.break) == 0 & all(pos.close)){
      cluster <- data.frame(start = pos[1],
                            end = rev(pos)[1],
                            size = length(pos))

    cluster.keep <- cluster$size >= min.sites
    cluster <- cluster[cluster.keep,]

    if(nrow(cluster) > 0){
      cluster.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = unique(seqnames(x)),
                            ranges = IRanges(start=cluster$start, end=cluster$end))
      mcols(cluster.gr)$cluster.id <- paste(seqnames(cluster.gr), "_", seq(along=cluster$start), sep="")
      mtch <- findOverlaps(query = cluster.gr, subject = rowRanges(x))
      mtch.m <-  as.matrix(mtch)
      rowRanges.clust <- rowRanges(x)[mtch.m[,2],]
      mcols(rowRanges.clust)$cluster.id <- mcols(cluster.gr)$cluster.id[mtch.m[,1]]
      totalReads.clust <- totalReads(x)[mtch.m[,2],]
      methReads.clust <- methReads(x)[mtch.m[,2],]
      return( BSraw(colData = colData(x),
                    rowRanges = rowRanges.clust,
                    totalReads = totalReads.clust,
                    methReads = methReads.clust)
  rrbs.clust <- mclapply(rrbs.split, clus.func, max.dist= max.dist, min.sites = min.sites,
                         mc.cores = mc.cores, mc.preschedule = FALSE) # for each chromosome
  ind.null <- sapply(rrbs.clust, is.null)
  rrbs.clust <- rrbs.clust[!ind.null]

  if(length(rrbs.clust) == 0){
    stop("No CpG clusters found with the given values of min.sites and max.dist.\n")  

  names(rrbs.clust) <- NULL

  rowRanges.clust <- do.call(c, lapply(rrbs.clust, function(x) rowRanges(x) ))

  totalReads.clust <- do.call(rbind, lapply(rrbs.clust, function(x) totalReads(x) ))

  methReads.clust <- do.call(rbind, lapply(rrbs.clust, function(x) methReads(x) ))

  rownames(totalReads.clust) <- names(rowRanges.clust)
  rownames(methReads.clust) <- names(rowRanges.clust)

  object.clust <- BSraw(colData=colData(object),

          signature=c(object = "BSraw", perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "numeric", max.dist = "numeric", mc.cores = "numeric"),

          signature=c(object = "BSraw", groups = "missing", perc.samples = "missing", min.sites = "missing", max.dist = "missing", mc.cores = "missing"),
          function(object, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, perc.samples = 1, min.sites = 20, max.dist = 100, mc.cores = 1, ...)

          signature=c(object = "BSraw", perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "missing", max.dist = "missing", mc.cores = "missing"),
          function(object, groups, perc.samples, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites = 20, max.dist = 100, mc.cores = 1, ...)

          signature=c(object = "BSraw",  perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "numeric", max.dist = "missing", mc.cores = "missing"),
          function(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites, max.dist = 100, mc.cores = 1, ...)

          signature=c(object = "BSraw",  perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "numeric", max.dist = "numeric", mc.cores = "missing"),
          function(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites, max.dist, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites, max.dist, mc.cores = 1, ...)

          signature=c(object = "BSraw", groups = "missing", perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "numeric", max.dist = "numeric", mc.cores = "numeric"),
          function(object, perc.samples, min.sites, max.dist, mc.cores, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, perc.samples = perc.samples, min.sites = min.sites, max.dist = max.dist, mc.cores = mc.cores, ...)

          signature=c(object = "BSraw", groups = "missing", perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "numeric", max.dist = "numeric", mc.cores = "missing"),
          function(object, perc.samples, min.sites, max.dist, mc.cores, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, perc.samples = perc.samples, min.sites = min.sites, max.dist = max.dist, mc.cores = 1, ...)

          signature=c(object = "BSraw", perc.samples = "numeric", min.sites = "missing", max.dist = "numeric", mc.cores = "missing"),
          function(object, groups, perc.samples, max.dist, ...){
            .clusterSites(object, groups, perc.samples, min.sites = 20, max.dist = max.dist, mc.cores = 1, ...)

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BiSeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:05 p.m.