Man pages for COMPASS
Combinatorial Polyfunctionality Analysis of Single Cells

CellCountsCompute Number of Cells Positive for Certain Cytokine...
checkCOMPASSConvergenceCheck the convergence of multiple COMPASS models fit with...
CombinationsGenerate Combinations
COMPASSContainerGenerate the Data Object used by COMPASS
COMPASSContainer-dataSimulated COMPASSContainer
COMPASSContainerFromGatingSetCreate a COMPASS Container from a GatingSet
COMPASSDescriptionGet and Set the Description for the Shiny Application
COMPASSfitToCountsTableExtract a table of counts from a COMPASSResult object
COMPASSMCMCDiagnosisDiagnostic of a set of COMPASS Models.
COMPASS-packageCOMPASS (Combinatorial Polyfunctionality Analysis of...
COMPASSResult-accessorsCOMPASSResult Accessors
COMPASSResult-dataSimulated COMPASS fit
FunctionalityScoreCompute the Functionality Score for each subject fit in a...
getCountsGet a data.table of counts of polyfunctional subsets
GetThresholdedIntensitiesExtract Thresholded Intensities from a GatingSet
melt_Make a 'Wide' data set 'Long'
merge.COMPASSContainerMerge Two COMPASSContainers
pheatmapA function to draw clustered heatmaps.
plot2Plot a pair of COMPASSResults
plot.COMPASSResultPlot a COMPASSResult
plotCOMPASSResultStackPlot multiple COMPASSResults
PolyfunctionalityScoreCompute the Polyfunctionality Score for each subject fit in a...
PosteriorRetrieve Posterior Measures from a COMPASS fit
print.COMPASSContainerPrint a COMPASSContainer Object
print.COMPASSResultPrint a COMPASSResult Object
ResponseCompute a response probability from COMPASS mcmc samples.
scoresFetch the table of scores and metadata from a COMPASSResult...
select_compass_popsFlag COMPASS boolean populations
shinyCOMPASSStart a Shiny Application for Visualizing COMPASS Results
shinyCOMPASSDepsList Shiny Dependencies
SimpleCOMPASSFit the discrete COMPASS Model
subset.COMPASSContainerSubset a COMPASSContainer
summary.COMPASSContainerSummarize a COMPASSContainer Object
summary.COMPASSResultSummarize a COMPASSResult Object
TotalCellCountsCompute Total Cell Counts
translate_marker_namesTranslate marker names to format use by COMPASS
transpose_listTranspose a List
UniqueCombinationsGenerate Unique Combinations
COMPASS documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:05 p.m.