
Defines functions get_pd ce_get_transformations get_panel_per_file ce_get_samples ce_get_panels ce_get_compensations print.cytobank_experiment cytobank_to_gatingset.cytobank_experiment cytobank_to_gatingset cytobank2GatingSet open_cytobank_experiment cytobankExperiment

Documented in ce_get_compensations ce_get_panels ce_get_samples ce_get_transformations cytobank2GatingSet cytobankExperiment cytobank_to_gatingset cytobank_to_gatingset.cytobank_experiment open_cytobank_experiment print.cytobank_experiment

#' Methods for interacting with cytobank_experiment objects
#' These methods mirror similar accessor methods for the \code{GatingSet}
#' class.
#' @name cytobank_experiment-methods
#' @aliases print.cytobank_experiment

#' @templateVar old cytobankExperiment
#' @templateVar new open_cytobank_experiment
#' @template template-depr_pkg

#' @export
cytobankExperiment <- function(...){
#' Construct a \code{cytobank_experiment} object from ACS file
#' @name open_cytobank_experiment
#' @aliases cytobankExperiment
#' @param acs ACS file exported from Cytobank
#' @param exdir he directory to extract files to
#' @return cytobank_experiment object
#' @importFrom yaml read_yaml
#' @export
open_cytobank_experiment <- function(acs, exdir = tempfile()){
  message("Unpacking ACS file...")
  unzip(acs, exdir = exdir)
  path <- file.path(exdir, "experiments")
  yamlpath<- list.files(path, pattern = "\\.yaml", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  experiment_yaml <- read_yaml(yamlpath)
  expdir <- file.path(path, experiment_yaml$id)
  #rename fcs from id to the actual fcs name
  fcsdir <- file.path(expdir, "fcs_files")
  for(fcs in experiment_yaml$fcsFiles)
    originalId <- fcs$originalId
    from <- file.path(fcsdir, originalId)
      stop(originalId, " missing from ", fcsdir)
    file.rename(from, file.path(fcsdir, fcs$filename))
  #unzip attachment
  attachdir <- file.path(expdir, "attachments")
  att <- list.files(attachdir, full.names = TRUE)
  for(z in att)
    unzip(z, exdir = attachdir)
  gml <- list.files(expdir, pattern = "\\.xml", full.names = TRUE)
  if(length(gml) > 1)
    stop("More than one gatingML files found within ACS")
  if(length(gml) == 0)
    stop("No gatingML files found within ACS")
  structure(list(experiment = experiment_yaml
                        , gatingML = gml
                        , fcsdir = fcsdir
                        , attachments = list.files(attachdir, pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
                   , class = "cytobank_experiment")

#' @templateVar old cytobank2GatingSet
#' @templateVar new cytobank_to_gatingset
#' @template template-depr_pkg

#' @export
cytobank2GatingSet <- function(...)

#' @export
cytobank_to_gatingset <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("cytobank_to_gatingset")

#' @name cytobank_to_gatingset
#' @param panel_id select panel to parse
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @method cytobank_to_gatingset cytobank_experiment
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace markernames<-
#' @export
cytobank_to_gatingset.cytobank_experiment <- function(x, panel_id = 1, ...){
  #filter by panel
  ce <- x
  panel <- ce_get_panels(ce)
  pname <- panel[panel_id,][["panel"]]
  samples <- ce_get_samples(ce) %>% filter(panel == pname)
  samples <- samples[["sample"]]
  trans <- ce_get_transformations(ce)
  gs <- cytobank_to_gatingset(ce$gatingML, file.path(ce$fcsdir, samples), trans, ...)
  pData(gs) <- pData(ce)[samples, , drop = FALSE]
  #update markers 
  markers.ce <- markernames(ce)[samples]
  cols.ce <- colnames(ce)
  for(sn in names(markers.ce))
    #prepare chnl vs marker map for update
    marker.ce <- markers.ce[[sn]]
    names(marker.ce) <- cols.ce
    #filter out NA markers
    gh <- gs[[sn]]
    cols.nonNA <- subset(pData(parameters(gh_pop_get_data(gh, use.exprs = FALSE))), !is.na(desc), "name", drop = TRUE)
    markernames(gh) <- marker.ce[cols.nonNA]

#' @export
#' @param ... unused
#' @method print cytobank_experiment
print.cytobank_experiment <- function(x, ...){
  exp <- x[["experiment"]]
  cat("cytobank Experiment: ", exp[["name"]],"\n");
  cat("gatingML File: ",x[["gatingML"]], "\n");
  # cat("compensations: ", length(exp$compensations), "\n")
  # cat("fcsFiles: ", length(exp$fcsFiles), "\n");
  # cat("panels: ", length(exp$panels), "\n");
  panels <- ce_get_panels(x)
  # cat("scales: ", length(exp$scales), "\n");

#' Obtain the spillover matrices for the samples in a Cytobank experiment
#' @name ce_get_compensations
#' @param x A cytobank_experiment object
#' @return A named list of spillover matrices
#' @export
ce_get_compensations <- function(x){
  comps <- x[["experiment"]][["compensations"]]
  comp_names <- sapply(comps,`[[`, "name")
  res <- lapply(comps, function(comp.i){
    mat.i<- do.call(rbind, comp.i$matrix)
    colnames(mat.i)   <- comp.i$channelShortNames
    rownames(mat.i) <- comp.i$channelShortNames
  names(res) <- comp_names

#' Obtain counts of the number of samples associated with each marker panel
#' in a Cytobank experiment
#' @name ce_get_panels
#' @param x \code{cytobank_experiment} object
#' @return A \code{tibble} of panels with sample counts
#' @importFrom dplyr rename count %>%
#' @export
ce_get_panels <- function(x){
  ce_get_samples(x) %>% count(panel) %>% rename(samples = n)

#' Obtain a mapping between the samples and marker panels in a Cytobank
#' experiment
#' @name ce_get_samples
#' @param x A \code{cytobank_experiment} object
#' @return A \code{tibble} with rows containing sample names and their associated
#' panel names
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @export
ce_get_samples <- function(x){
  x <- get_panel_per_file(x)
  x <- unlist(sapply(x, function(i)i[["panel"]]))
  tibble(panel = x, sample = names(x))
#' @rdname cytobank_experiment-methods
#' @param object A \code{cytobank_experiment} object
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace markernames
#' @export
            panels <- get_panel_per_file(object)
            res <- lapply(panels, `[[`, "markers")
            res <- Filter(Negate(is.null), res)
            if(length(unique(res)) > 1)
              warning("markers are not consistent across samples!")

#' @rdname cytobank_experiment-methods
#' @param do.NULL,prefix not used
#' @param x cytobank_experiment
#' @export
          definition=function(x, do.NULL="missing", prefix="missing"){
            panels <- get_panel_per_file(x)
            res <- lapply(panels, `[[`, "channels")
            res <- Filter(Negate(is.null), res)
            if(length(unique(res)) > 1)
              stop("colnames are not consistent across samples!")

get_panel_per_file <- function(ce){
  res <- lapply(ce$experiment$fcsFiles, function(sample){
                pairs <- sample[["panel"]][["channels"]]
                list( panel = sample[["panel"]][["name"]]
                    , channels = unlist(lapply(pairs, `[[`, "shortName"))
                     , markers = unlist(lapply(pairs, `[[`, "longName"))
  names(res) <- sampleNames(ce)

#' Obtain the transformations associated with each channel in a Cytobank experiment
#' @name ce_get_transformations
#' @param x A \code{cytobank_experiment} object
#' @return A \code{transformerList} object containing \code{transformation} objects for each
#' transformed channel
#' @export
ce_get_transformations <- function(x){
  chnls <- colnames(x)
  low.chnls <- tolower(chnls)
  scales <- x$experiment$scales
  res <- list()
  for(scale in scales)
      pname <- scale$channelShortName
      ind <- match(pname, low.chnls)
        stop(pname, " not found in colnames of the panel!")
      pname <- chnls[ind]
      stype <- scale$scaleType
      cofactor <- scale$cofactor
      if(stype == "Log")
        res[[pname]] <- logtGml2_trans()
      else if(stype == "Arcsinh")
        T <- sinh(1) * cofactor
        res[[pname]] <- asinhtGml2_trans(T = T, M = 0.43429448190325176, A = 0)#seems that M and A values are constant in cytobank
      }else if(stype != "Linear")
        stop("Unknown scale type: ", stype)
  transformerList(names(res), res)

#' @rdname cytobank_experiment-methods
#' @export

#' @rdname cytobank_experiment-methods
#' @export

#' @importFrom plyr name_rows
get_pd <- function(ce){
  res <- ldply(ce$experiment$fcsFiles, function(sample){
                                  c(name = sample[["filename"]]
                                      , unlist(sample[["tags"]])
                                      , .rownames = sample[["filename"]]#sample[["sampleName"]]
                                  , check.names = FALSE)
  res <- name_rows(res)

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CytoML documentation built on March 12, 2021, 2 a.m.