
Defines functions DaMiR.Clustplot DaMiR.MDSplot DaMiR.Allplot DaMiR.corrplot

Documented in DaMiR.Allplot DaMiR.Clustplot DaMiR.corrplot DaMiR.MDSplot

#' @title Correlation Plot
#' @description This function easily draws the correlation plot of
#' surrogate variables (sv)
#' and variables.
#' @param sv The matrix of sv identified by \code{\link{DaMiR.SV}}
#' function
#' @param df A data frame with class and known variables; at least
#' one column with
#' 'class' label must be included
#' @param type Type of correlation metric to be applied; default is
#' "pearson"
#' @param sig.level The significance level of the correlation; default
#'  is 0.0001
#' @details Factorial variables are allowed. They will be tranformed as
#'  numeric before
#' applying the \code{\link{rcorr}} function of \code{Hmisc}.The
#' \code{\link{corrplot}}
#' function, which draws the plot, marks with a cross all the correlations
#'  that do not reach
#' the significance threshold defined in the \code{sig.level} argument.This
#'  plot allows the user to
#' identify those sv that present significant correlations with either
#' technical and
#' biological known variables.
#' Notably, none of the sv should present signifcant correlation with
#' "class" variable.
#' @return
#' A correlation plot between sv and known variables.
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(df)
#' data(sv)
#' # Draw correlation plot:
#' DaMiR.corrplot(sv=sv, df=df, type = "pearson", sig.level=0.01)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{DaMiR.SV}}
#' @export
DaMiR.corrplot <- function(sv,

  # check missing arguments
  if (missing(sv))
    stop("'sv' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(df))
    stop("'df' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(type)){
    type <- type[1]

  # check the type of argument
    stop("'sv' must be a matrix")
  if(!(is(df, "DataFrame") | is.data.frame(df)))
    stop("'df' must be a data.frame")
    stop("'sig.level' must be numeric")

  # check the presence of NA or Inf
  if (any(is.na(sv)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'sv' argument")
  if (any(is.na(df)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'df' matrix")
  if (any(is.infinite(sv)))
    stop("Inf values are not allowed in the 'sv' matrix")

  # specific checks
  if(!("class" %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("'class' info is lacking!
         Include the variable 'class'
         in the 'df' data frame and label it 'class'!")
  if(dim(sv)[1] != dim(df)[1])
    stop("nrow(df) must be equal to nrow(sv)")
  if (sig.level >1 | sig.level < 0)
    stop("'sig.level' must be between 0 and 1")
  if (length(type) > 1)
    stop("length(type) must be equal to 1")
  if (!(all(type %in% c("pearson", "spearman"))))
    stop("'type' must be 'pearson' or 'spearman'")

  sva_corr <- as.data.frame(cbind(sv,df))
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(sva_corr))){
    if (is.numeric(sva_corr[,i])==FALSE){
      sva_corr[,i] <- as.numeric(sva_corr[,i])

  if(type == "pearson"){
    corrplot::corrplot(rcorr(as.matrix(sva_corr), type='pearson')$r,
                       type = "upper",
                       is.corr = TRUE,
                       addCoef.col = "black",
                       p.mat = rcorr(as.matrix(sva_corr),
                       sig.level = sig.level)
  }else if(type == "spearman"){
    corrplot::corrplot(rcorr(as.matrix(sva_corr), type='spearman')$r,
                       type = "upper",
                       is.corr = TRUE,
                       addCoef.col = "black",
                       p.mat = rcorr(as.matrix(sva_corr),
                       sig.level = sig.level)
  } else{
    stop("Please set 'spearman or 'pearson' as correlation type.")

#' @title Quality assessment and visualization of expression data
#' @description This is a helper function to easily draw (1) clustering
#'  dendrogram and heatmap of a sample-per-sample correlation matrix, (2)
#' multidimensional scaling plots (MDS), (3) relative log expression
#'  (RLE) boxplots of expression data, (4) a sample-by-sample expression
#'  value distribution, and (5) a class average expression value
#'  distribution
#' @param data A SummarizedExperiment object or a matrix or a data.frame
#'  where rows and cols should be, respectively, observations and features
#' @param df A data frame with class and known variables (or a subset
#' of them); at least one column with
#' 'class' label must be included
#' @param type A character string specifing the metric to be applied to
#'  correlation
#' analysis. Either "spearman" or "pearson" is allowed; default is
#' "spearman"
#' @details
#' Please be sure that NAs are not present in \code{df}'s columns.
#' Plots will not be drawn in the presence of NAs.
#' @return
#' A dendrogram and heatmap, MDS plot(s), a RLE boxplot, a
#' sample-by-sample expression value distribution, and a class
#' average expression value distribution
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(data_norm)
#' data(df)
#' # Draw clustering dendrogram and heatmap, MDS, RLE boxplot:
#' DaMiR.Allplot(data=data_norm, df=df[,5,drop=FALSE])
#' @export
DaMiR.Allplot <- function(data,

  # check arguments
  if (missing(data))
    stop("'data' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(df))
    stop("'df' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(type)){
    type <- type[1]

  # check the type of argument
    is(data, "SummarizedExperiment") | is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data))
    stop("'data' must be a 'matrix', a 'data.frame'
         or a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
  if(!(is(df, "DataFrame") | is.data.frame(df)))
    stop("'df' must be a data.frame")

  if (is(data, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
  } else {

  # check the presence of NA or Inf
  if (any(is.na(count_data)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")
  # if (any(is.na(df)))
  #   stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'df' matrix")
  if (any(is.infinite(count_data)))
    stop("Inf values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")

  # Specific checks
  if(!("class" %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("'class' info is lacking!
         Include the variable 'class'
         in the 'df' data frame and label it 'class'!")
  if (all((count_data %%1) == 0))
    stop("This function works with normalized count data")
  if(dim(count_data)[2] != dim(df)[1])
    stop("ncol(assay(data)) must be equal to nrow(df)")
  if (length(type) > 1)
    stop("length(type) must be equal to 1")
  if (!(all(type %in% c("pearson", "spearman"))))
    stop("'type' must be 'pearson' or 'spearman'")

  colors <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, "RdYlGn")) )(255)
  ## Heatmap
  if(type == "spearman"){
    mydist<-as.dist(1-cor(count_data, method="spearman"))}
  else if(type == "pearson"){
    mydist<-as.dist(1-cor(count_data, method="pearson"))
  } else{
    stop("Please set 'spearman or 'pearson' as correlation type.")

  sampleDistMatrix <- as.matrix(mydist)
  seque <- seq(min(sampleDistMatrix),
if (ncol(df)< 30){
           breaks = seque,
           annotation_col = df)
  warning("Too many 'df' variables provided for plotting heatmab by
  pheatmap. Please, split 'df' in more subsets")
  #options(warn = -1)
  ## MDS plot
  mdsData <- data.frame(cmdscale(sampleDistMatrix))

  for(i in seq_len(ncol(df))) {
    mds <- cbind(mdsData, df)
    cov_list <- mds[,i+2,drop=FALSE]
    # cov_list$Vars <- droplevels(cov_list$Vars)
    NA_idx <- which(is.na(cov_list$Vars))

    if(length(NA_idx) != 0){
      cov_list <- cov_list[-NA_idx,,drop=FALSE]
      mds <- mds[-NA_idx,]
      #cov_list$Vars <- droplevels(cov_list$Vars)
          "samples not drawn (because 'NA') for variable:",

   # print(ggplot(mds, aes(X1, X2, shape=mds$class, color=cov_list$Vars)) +
    print(ggplot(mds, aes(X1, X2, shape=class, color=cov_list$Vars)) +
                    geom_point(size=3) +
            geom_text(aes(label=rownames(mds)),hjust=0.5,vjust=-1) +
            ggtitle(paste("Variable: ",colnames(mds[,i+2,drop=FALSE]))))
  ## RLE
  colors <- brewer.pal(8, "Set2")

          main="Relative Log Expression",

  ## Sample by sample distribution
  acc_dotplot <- melt(as.data.frame(count_data),
                      measure.vars = colnames(count_data))
  print(ggplot(acc_dotplot, aes(value,
                          fill = variable,
                          colours= variable)) +
    geom_density(alpha=0.3) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ggtitle("Sample by Sample expression value distribution")
  ## Class average expression distribution
  dataset_2 <- t(count_data)
  livelli <- levels(df$class)

  for (i in seq_len(length(livelli))){
    dataset_tmp <- dataset_2[which(df$class %in% livelli[i] ),]
    colmeans_tmp <- colMeans(dataset_tmp)
    if (i == 1){
      dataset_3 <- as.data.frame(colmeans_tmp)
      dataset_3 <- cbind(dataset_3,colmeans_tmp)

  colnames(dataset_3) <-livelli
  acc_dotplot_2 <- melt(dataset_3,
                        measure.vars = colnames(dataset_3))
  print(ggplot(acc_dotplot_2, aes(value,
                            fill = variable,
                            colours= variable)) +
    geom_density(alpha=0.3) +
    ggtitle("Class average expression value distribution")


#' @title Plot multidimentional scaling (MDS)
#' @description A MDS plot is drawn in order to visualize class clustering.
#' @param data A SummarizedExperiment object or a matrix or a data.frame
#'  where
#' rows and cols should be, respectively, observations and features
#' @param df A data frame with class; it can be directly subset from data
#' @param type A character string specifing the metric to be applied to
#' correlation
#' analysis. Either "spearman" or "pearson" is allowed; default is
#' "spearman"
#' @details The MDS plot is drawn taking as input a dissimilarity matrix
#' produced by either
#' a sample-per-sample Pearson's or Spearman's correlation of normalized
#' expression data.
#' @return
#' A MDS plot, using only 'class' information
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(data_reduced)
#' data(df)
#' # Draw MDS:
#' DaMiR.MDSplot(data=data_reduced, df=df, type="pearson")
#' @export
DaMiR.MDSplot <- function(data,

  # check arguments
  if (missing(data))
    stop("'data' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(df))
    stop("'df' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(type)){
    type <- type[1]

  # check the type of argument
    is(data, "SummarizedExperiment") | is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data))
    stop("'data' must be a 'matrix', a 'data.frame'
         or a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
  if(!(is(df, "DataFrame") | is.data.frame(df)))
    stop("'df' must be a data.frame")

  if (is(data, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
  } else {

  # check the presence of NA or Inf
  if (any(is.na(t_count_data)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")
  if (any(is.na(df)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'df' matrix")
  if (any(is.infinite(t_count_data)))
    stop("Inf values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")

  # Specific checks
  if(!("class" %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("'class' info is lacking!
         Include the variable 'class'
         in the 'df' data frame and label it 'class'!")
  if (all((t_count_data %%1) == 0))
    stop("This function works with normalized count data")
  if(dim(t_count_data)[2] != dim(df)[1])
    stop("ncol(assay(data)) must be equal to nrow(df)")
  if (length(type) > 1)
    stop("length(type) must be equal to 1")
  if (!(all(type %in% c("pearson", "spearman"))))
    stop("'type' must be 'pearson' or 'spearman'")

  sample_list <- colnames(t_count_data)
  colors <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, "RdYlGn")) )(255)

  if(type == "spearman"){
    mydist<-as.dist(1-cor(t_count_data, method="spearman"))}
  else if(type == "pearson"){
    mydist<-as.dist(1-cor(t_count_data, method="pearson"))
  } else{
    stop("Please set 'spearman or 'pearson' as correlation type.")

  sampleDistMatrix <- as.matrix(mydist)

  # MDS plot
  mdsData <- data.frame(cmdscale(sampleDistMatrix))
  mds <- cbind(mdsData, df)
#  ggplot(mds, aes(X1, X2, shape=df$class, color=df$class)) +
   ggplot(mds, aes(X1, X2, shape=class, color=class)) +
    geom_point(size=3) +
    geom_text(aes(label=rownames(mds)), hjust=0.5, vjust=-1)


#' @title Expression data clustering and heatmap
#' @description The function helps to draw a clustering dendrogram and
#'  a heatmap of expression data.
#' @param data A SummarizedExperiment object or a matrix or a data.frame
#'  where
#' rows and cols should be, respectively, observations and features
#' @param df A data frame with class and (optionally) known variables;
#' at least one column with
#' 'class' label must be included
#' @param type_row The metric to be used to cluster rows. Either
#' "euclidean" or "correlation"
#'  is allowed; default is "euclidean"
#' @param type_col The metric to be used to cluster cols. Either
#' "euclidean" or "correlation"
#'  is allowed; default is "euclidean"
#' @return
#' A clustering dendrogram and heatmap.
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(data_norm)
#' data(df)
#' # use the first 100 genes:
#' data_norm_red<-data_norm[1:100,]
#' # Draw heatmap: samples (cols) per genes (rows)
#' # and use variable annotation:
#' DaMiR.Clustplot(data=data_norm_red,
#' df=df, type_row="correlation", type_col="correlation")
#' @export
DaMiR.Clustplot <- function(data,

  # check missing arguments
  if (missing(data))
    stop("'data' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(df))
    stop("'df' argument must be provided")
  if (missing(type_row)){
    type_row <- type_row[1]
  if (missing(type_col)){
    type_col <- type_col[1]

  # check the type of argument
    is(data, "SummarizedExperiment") | is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data))
    stop("'data' must be a 'matrix', a 'data.frame'
         or a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
  if(!(is(df, "DataFrame") | is.data.frame(df)))
    stop("'df' must be a data.frame")

  if (is(data, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
  } else {

  # check the presence of NA or Inf
  if (any(is.na(count_data)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")
  if (any(is.na(df)))
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'df' matrix")
  if (any(is.infinite(count_data)))
    stop("Inf values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")

  # Specific checks
  if(!("class" %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("'class' info is lacking!
         Include the variable 'class'
         in the 'df' data frame and label it 'class'!")
  if (all((count_data %%1) == 0))
    stop("This function works with normalized count data")
  if(dim(count_data)[2] != dim(df)[1])
    stop("ncol(assay(data)) must be equal to nrow(df)")

  if(type_row == "euclidean"){d_r <- "euclidean"}
  else if(type_row == "correlation"){d_r <- "correlation"}
  else {stop("Please set 'euclidean' or 'correlation' as distance type.")}

  if(type_col == "euclidean"){d_c <- "euclidean"}
  else if(type_col == "correlation"){d_c <- "correlation"}
  else {stop("Please set 'euclidean' or 'correlation' as distance type.")}

  # Dendrogram
  colors <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, "RdYlGn")) )(255)
           clustering_distance_rows = d_r,
           clustering_distance_cols = d_c,
           scale = "row",
           annotation_col = df)

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