ExClust_main_function <- function(newlog2FC=NULL, Indices1=NULL, Indices2=NULL, NumReps1=NULL, NumReps2=NULL){
################################ SETUP PARAMETERS & FUNCTIONS ################################
## clustering method = euclidean
DISTANCE <- "euclidean"
## linkage == complete
LINKAGE <- "complete"
### Function for running null hypothesis non-parametric iterations
generate_Nullhypo_Dists <- function(NumIterations=NULL,gene_FC=NULL,Gene_R1=NULL,Gene_R2=NULL, NumRows=NULL){
## rows = genes, columns = exons
Sim_log2FC <- matrix(NA,nrow=NumIterations,ncol=NumRows)
Sim_log2var <- matrix(NA,nrow=NumIterations,ncol=NumRows)
for (l in seq(NumRows)){
# generate rnorm vector of random null hypothesis sampling
SimulatedMatrix1 <- abs(rnorm(n = NumIterations*(length(log2Indices1)), sd=sqrt(log2Clusters$var1[rows[l]]),
SimulatedMatrix2 <- abs(rnorm(n = NumIterations*(length(log2Indices2)), sd=sqrt(log2Clusters$var2[rows[l]]),
# transform these vectors into matrices
SimulatedMatrix1 <- matrix(SimulatedMatrix1, nrow = NumIterations)
SimulatedMatrix2 <- matrix(SimulatedMatrix2, nrow = NumIterations)
# compute log2FC means and variances from above matrices
Sim_log2FC[,l] <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(SimulatedMatrix2)) - rowMeans2(as.matrix(SimulatedMatrix1))
Sim_log2var[,l] <- rowVars(as.matrix(SimulatedMatrix2)) + rowVars(as.matrix(SimulatedMatrix1))
Nonparam_Clust_Dists <-vapply(seq(NumIterations),Permuted_ES_nullhypo,Sim_log2FC=Sim_log2FC,
NumClusters=NumClusters, NumRows=NumRows,FUN.VALUE = c(Res=0))
### function to compute estimated PValues
estimateNullhypo <- function(NumIterations=NULL, Gene.FC=NULL, Gene_R1=NULL, Gene_R2=NULL,
NumRows=NULL, Nullhypo_Dists=NULL){
### Run 100 more iterations
Nullhypo_Dists_temp <- generate_Nullhypo_Dists(NumIterations, Gene.FC, Gene.R1, Gene.R2, NRows)
# combine these results with previous
Nullhypo_Dists <- c(Nullhypo_Dists, Nullhypo_Dists_temp)
# return nullhypo dists
### function to estimate p-values
estimatePVals <- function(Nullhypo_Dists=NULL, Observed_clust_dist=NULL){
# error function
f <- ecdf(Nullhypo_Dists)
# estimate p-value from error function
PVal <- 1 - f(Observed_clust_dist)
# return p-value
### ExCluster progression message
message("Pre-processing data ...","",sep="\n")
### now set up the log2Clusters data frame which will be used to run the analysis
log2Clusters <- newlog2FC[,seq(4)]
### rename log2Clusters columns & rows
colnames(log2Clusters) <- c("gene","type","log2FC","var")
rownames(log2Clusters) <- rownames(log2Clusters)
### now that we have added the reads to log2Clusters, we can fill in more columns
# gene_id values without exon bins
log2Clusters$gene <- gsub("\\:.*","",rownames(newlog2FC))
# log2FC values
log2Clusters$log2FC <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(log2(newlog2FC[,Indices2]+1))) -
# log2 variances calculations per condition
log2Vars1 <- rowVars(as.matrix(log2(newlog2FC[,Indices1]+1)))
log2Vars2 <- rowVars(as.matrix(log2(newlog2FC[,Indices2]+1)))
# the log2FC variance for log2Clusters is the sum of the previous 2 variances
log2Clusters$var <- log2Vars1 + log2Vars2
# mean reads across conditions (normal space, not log2 space)
log2Clusters$meanreads <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(newlog2FC))
# additional metadata columns to be used later
log2Clusters$clustnum <- NA
log2Clusters$MaxClust <- 1
log2Clusters$pval <- 1
log2Clusters$padj <- 1
### now set add in read counts from newlog2FC
# number of columns in log2Clusters
NCols <- ncol(log2Clusters)
# add in count data
log2Clusters[,seq(NCols,(NCols+ncol(newlog2FC)-1))] <- newlog2FC
colnames(log2Clusters)[seq(NCols,(NCols+ncol(newlog2FC)-1))] <-
# Index which columns correspond to conditions 1 and 2 in the 'log2Clusters' data frame
log2Indices1 <- grep("cond1_",colnames(log2Clusters))
log2Indices2 <- grep("cond2_",colnames(log2Clusters))
# now we can remove the 'newlog2FC' data frame
### now we remove exons with a log2 read variance of > 9 in either condition (very high variances)
log2Clusters <- log2Clusters[which(log2Vars1 <= 9 & log2Vars2 <= 9),]
# clean up
### Remove exons with 0 variance
log2Clusters <- log2Clusters[which(log2Clusters$var > 0),]
### First remove exon bins with fewer than 4 max reads across all conditions/replicates, for a given exon
log2Clusters <- log2Clusters[which(rowMaxs(as.matrix(log2Clusters[,c(log2Indices1,log2Indices2)])) >= 4),]
#### Remove genes with fewer than 4 reads on average in either condition
log2IDs <- parseGeneIDs(log2Clusters$gene)
Counter <- 1
Start <- 1
RemovalIndices <- vector("list", 1)
### run loop to flag genes with fewer than 4 reads in all exons of condition 1 or 2
for (i in seq(nrow(log2Clusters))){
nextValue <- min((i+1),nrow(log2Clusters))
if ((log2IDs[i] != log2IDs[nextValue]) || i == nrow(log2Clusters)){
# stop at the current gene
Stop <- i
# compute the maximum reads in each condition
Cond1_GeneExp <- max(rowMaxs(as.matrix(log2Clusters[seq(Start,Stop),log2Indices1])))
Cond2_GeneExp <- max(rowMaxs(as.matrix(log2Clusters[seq(Start,Stop),log2Indices2])))
# take the minimum of these 2
Min_GeneExp <- min(Cond1_GeneExp,Cond2_GeneExp)
# if the minimum is less than 8 reads, remove this gene
if (Min_GeneExp < 4){
RemovalIndices[[Counter]] <- seq(Start,Stop)
Counter <- Counter + 1
Start <- i+1
### now grab indices for all genes flagged for removal (RemovalIndices) above\
if (length(unlist(RemovalIndices)) > 0){
RemovalIndices <- unlist(RemovalIndices)
### remove these genes from log2Clusters
log2Clusters <- log2Clusters[-c(RemovalIndices),]
### Index log2Clusters row starst & stops for each gene -- greatly speeds up algorithm
# Set up initial variables for indexing
log2IDs <- parseGeneIDs(log2Clusters$gene)
Start <- 1
RowStart <- NULL
RowEnd <- NULL
Counter <- 1
### Run indexing loop
for (i in seq(nrow(log2Clusters))){
nextValue <- min((i+1),nrow(log2Clusters))
if ((log2IDs[i] != log2IDs[nextValue]) || i == nrow(log2Clusters)){
# stop = ith row
Stop <- i
# now assign start/stop
RowStart[Counter] <- Start
RowEnd[Counter] <- Stop
# now add 1 to counter & set "Start" to i
Start <- (i+1)
Counter <- Counter + 1
############################# PREPARE & RUN CLUSTERING ALGORITHM ##################################
### grab unique genes
Genes <- unique(log2Clusters$gene)
#### Count number of exons per gene
log2Clusters$NumExons <- NA
#### ultimately generate permutation tested pvals
log2Clusters$pval <- NA
## do we run calcluations on this gene??
## to be used if nrows > 1 or if NbClust successfully runs
RunClust <- FALSE
## random variables
ClustCount <- 1
NumClusters <- 1
## collect p-values per gene
GenePVals <- array()
ComputedPVals <- array()
## collect gene names for these arrays
NamesGenePVals <- array()
### add columns with mean and variances for each condition in log2 space
log2Clusters$mean1 <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices1]+1)))
log2Clusters$mean2 <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices2]+1)))
log2Clusters$var1 <- rowVars(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices1]+1)))
log2Clusters$var2 <- rowVars(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices2]+1)))
### now make any row with log2 mean < 0.33 & log2 variance < 0.33 == c(1,0,0)
# the purpose of this is to eliminate zero read counts & zero variances that may persist
# do this for condition 1 first
# grab the total number of cells in the matrix
num.Cells1 <- length(unlist(log2Clusters[which(log2Clusters$mean1 <= 0.33 & log2Clusters$var1 <= 0.33), log2Indices1]))
# now make these cells either c(1,0,1) or c(1,0,0)
if (num.Cells1 > NumReps1){
log2Clusters[which(log2Clusters$mean1 <= 0.33 & log2Clusters$var1 <= 0.33), log2Indices1] <-
# now do the same for condition 2
num.Cells2 <- length(unlist(log2Clusters[which(log2Clusters$mean2 <= 0.33 & log2Clusters$var2 <= 0.33), log2Indices2]))
if (num.Cells2 > NumReps2){
log2Clusters[which(log2Clusters$mean2 <= 0.33 & log2Clusters$var2 <= 0.33), log2Indices2] <-
### now we re-compute log2 means and variances for each condition
log2Clusters$mean1 <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices1]+1)))
log2Clusters$mean2 <- rowMeans2(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices2]+1)))
log2Clusters$var1 <- rowVars(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices1]+1)))
log2Clusters$var2 <- rowVars(as.matrix(log2(log2Clusters[,log2Indices2]+1)))
### now make sure all genes with < 2 mean log2 read have minimum variance of 0.33
if (length(log2Clusters$var1[which(log2Clusters$mean1 < 2)]) > 0){
log2Clusters$var1[which(log2Clusters$mean1 < 2)] <- 0.33
if (length(log2Clusters$var2[which(log2Clusters$mean2 < 2)]) > 0){
log2Clusters$var2[which(log2Clusters$mean2 < 2)] <- 0.33
### now we make sure all log2 variances are at least 1e-08 (very low, no variance should be this low)
log2Clusters$var1 <- log2Clusters$var1 + 0.00000001
log2Clusters$var2 <- log2Clusters$var2 + 0.00000001
### lastly we re-compute the log2FC and log2var for the gene
log2Clusters$log2FC <- log2Clusters$mean2 - log2Clusters$mean1
log2Clusters$var <- log2Clusters$var1 + log2Clusters$var2
######################################### NOW RUN EXCLUSTER ########################################
### ExCluster progression message
message("Running main ExCluster module (very long) ...","",sep="\n")
## set up progress reporting on ExCluster
ProgressPoints <- round(length(Genes)*c((seq(10))/10))
ProgressCounter <- 1
### loop through and hierarchically cluster all expressed genes with > 1 exon bin
for (i in seq(length(Genes))){
# display progress at every 10% of genes analyzed
if (i == ProgressPoints[ProgressCounter]){
message(paste("ExCluster progress: ",(ProgressCounter*10),"%",sep=""))
ProgressCounter <- min((ProgressCounter+1),10)
# rows of log2Clusters datamatrix for Genes[i]
rows <- seq(RowStart[i],RowEnd[i])
# number of rows in Genes[i]
NRows <- length(rows)
# number of exons in this gene
log2Clusters$NumExons[rows] <- NRows
if (NRows > 1){
### Now grab the log2FC means and variances for each exon to make Effect Size difference matrices
Mean1 <- as.numeric(log2Clusters$log2FC[rows])
Var1 <- as.numeric(log2Clusters$var[rows])
### run Effect Size computation
ES_mat <- Generate_ES_dists(Mean1,Var1)
Mean_ES <- mean(abs(unlist(ES_mat)))
if (Mean_ES == 0){
NRows <- 1
if (NRows > 3){
HC <- hclust(dist(ES_mat,method = DISTANCE),method = LINKAGE)
HC_cutree <- Cutree_SD.Index(DISTANCE, NRows, HC, ES_mat)
log2Clusters$clustnum[rows] <- HC_cutree
log2Clusters$clustnum[rows] <- seq(length(rows))
log2Clusters$clustnum[rows] <- 1
##Calc the number of clusters in the gene being tested
NumClusters <- max(log2Clusters$clustnum[rows])
log2Clusters$MaxClust[rows] <- max(log2Clusters$clustnum[rows])
if (NumClusters > 1 && NRows > 1){
##Generate hclust object
ES_Dists <- as.matrix(dist(ES_mat,method = DISTANCE))
HC <- hclust(as.dist(ES_Dists),method=LINKAGE)
##cut tree
HC_cutree <- cutree(HC,k=NumClusters)
## find row indices per cluster
HC_indices <- lapply(seq(NumClusters),FUN=Determine_HC_Distance, HC_cutree=HC_cutree)
## find the average euclidean distance between two most different clusters in real observed data
Observed_clust_dist <- Compare_HC_Distances(NumClusters, ES_Dists, HC_indices)
# clean up
################### RUN PERMUATIONS PER GENE ####################
## grab overall log2FC of gene for simulation
gene_log2FC <- log2(colMeans2(as.matrix(log2Clusters[rows,log2Indices2]))+1) -
Gene.FC <- 2^gene_log2FC
## gene ratio 1
Gene.R1 <- 1/(1+Gene.FC)
## gene ratio 2
Gene.R2 <- Gene.FC/(1+Gene.FC)
## variable to store distances
Nullhypo_Dists <- NULL
## number of iterations per run, based on p-value
iteration.Vector <- c(20,30,50,100,300,500)
## pvalue cutoffs
PVal.Cutoffs <- c(0.5, 0.2, 0.05, 0.01, 0.002, 0)
## PVal loop variable
PVal.Loop <- 1
### now do a while loop to compute PVals
while (PVal.Loop >= 1){
# set the number of iterations
NumIterations <- iteration.Vector[PVal.Loop]
# run n null hypothesis hierarchical distance estimates
Nullhypo_Dists <- estimateNullhypo(NumIterations, Gene.FC, Gene.R1,
# now estimate the p-values from these null hypothesis distances
PVal <- estimatePVals(Nullhypo_Dists,Observed_clust_dist)
### now determine if we continue
if (PVal <= PVal.Cutoffs[PVal.Loop]){
# do we stop if p-value == 0 ?
if (PVal == 0 && PVal.Loop >= 6){
# p-value based on gamma function
PVal <- gm_mean(pgamma(Observed_clust_dist, Nullhypo_Dists, lower.tail = FALSE)
* gamma(Nullhypo_Dists))
PVal <- min(PVal, 0.0005)
# add one to PVal.Loop
PVal.Loop <- PVal.Loop + 1
# lastly if PVal >= PVal.Cutoffs
PVal.Loop <- 0
# clean up
# assign pvals & Gene Names for stats
log2Clusters$pval[rows] <- PVal
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