
Defines functions pifdr pifdr.old .pifdrB .pifdrA

Documented in pifdr

.pifdrA = function(obs, ps, applier=lapply) {
     function(x) (sum(abs(ps)>abs(x))/nperm)/sum(abs(obs)>abs(x))))

.pifdrB = function(obs, ps, applier=lapply, use.C=FALSE) {
# plug-in FDR -- observed score vector and permuted score vector are inputs
        rem = length(ps) %% length(obs)
        if (!(rem==0)) warning("permutation vector length not evenly divisible by observed vector length")
#        if (use.C) ( return(.Call("pifdrC", obs, ps, as.integer(nperm))))
        unlist(applier(obs, function(x)

pifdr.old = function(obs, perms, npts=1999, applier=sapply) {
# compute plug-in FDR or an approximation to a grid
#   if # observed scores < npts use direct computation
#   otherwise compute for range of points in support of obs
  obs = abs(obs)
  perms = abs(perms)
  rem = length(perms) %% length(obs)
  if (!(rem==0)) stop("perms length not integer multiple of obs length")
  nperm = length(perms)/length(obs)
  do.approx = TRUE
  if (length(obs)<=npts) do.approx = FALSE
  if (!do.approx) checkpoints = obs
    else checkpoints = seq(min(obs), max(obs), len=npts)
  calls = applier(checkpoints, function(x) sum(obs >= x))
  false = applier(checkpoints, function(x) sum(perms >= x)/nperm)
  gridFDR = false/calls
  if (!do.approx) return(gridFDR)
  approx(checkpoints, gridFDR, obs, rule=2L)$y
pifdr = function(obs,perms,legacy=FALSE,trimToUnit=TRUE,...) {
# y binned into intervals using hist
# for computing plug-in FDR
 if (legacy) return( pifdr(obs, perms, ...) )
 stopifnot((length(perms)%%length(obs)) == 0)
 y = perms
 x = obs
 fac = length(y)/length(x)
 h = hist(y, breaks=c(-Inf,x,Inf), plot=FALSE)
 oy = fac*length(x)-(cumsum(h$counts))  # cum. count up ordered binning of y from top
 rx = rank(x)
 brx = h$breaks[-c(1,length(x)+2)]
 ncalls = length(x):1
 fdr = oy[-length(oy)]/(fac*ncalls)
 # following can be used to verify current approach to handling bins
 #cbind(x=x, brx=brx, obrx=brx[rx], oy=oy[-length(oy)][rx], fdr=fdr[rx], ncalls=ncalls[rx])
 ans = fdr[rx]
 if (trimToUnit) ans = pmin(1, ans)

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