makeCommonSNPs = function( listOfSms ) {
rsidlist = intersectSnps( listOfSms )
trimSnps( listOfSms, rsidlist )
rsnum = function(x) lapply(x$fflist, rownames)
#multffCT = function(listOfSms, gfmlaList, geneinds=1:10, harmonizeSNPs=FALSE,
# targdir=".", runname="foo", overwriteFF=TRUE, fillNA=TRUE, ncores=2, mc.set.seed=TRUE, vmode="single", shortfac=100, ...) {
# .Deprecated("eqtlTests", , msg="please use eqtlTests function for GGtools analyses")
# theCall =
# if (!file.exists(targdir)) stop("targdir must exist prior to invocation of multffCT")
## require(ff, quietly=TRUE)
# if (!("package:ff" %in% search())) stop("please manually load ff package")
# .checkArgsMF( listOfSms, gfmlaList, geneinds, targdir, runname )
# listOfSms = reduceGenes( listOfSms, geneinds )
# if (harmonizeSNPs) listOfSms = makeCommonSNPs( listOfSms )
# else if(!isTRUE(checkCommonSNPs( listOfSms ))) stop("harmonizeSNPs = FALSE but SNPs not common across listOfSms, run makeCommonSNPs")
# sumScores2ff( listOfSms, gfmlaList, targdir, runname, theCall, overwriteFF=overwriteFF,
# fillNA=fillNA, write=TRUE, ncores=ncores, vmode=vmode, mc.set.seed=mc.set.seed, shortfac=shortfac, ... )
#.checkArgsMF = function( listOfSms, gfmlaList, geneinds, targdir, runname ) {
# if (!inherits(listOfSms, "list")) stop("listOfSms must inherit from list")
# if (length(listOfSms) != length(gfmlaList)) stop("gfmlaList must have same length as listOfSms")
# allc = sapply(listOfSms, function(x) inherits(x, "smlSet"))
# if (!isTRUE(all(allc))) stop("each element of listOfSms must inherit from GGtools smlSet")
# allcsets = sapply(listOfSms, function(x) names(smList(x)))
# if(!is.atomic(allcsets)) stop("probably not all elements of listOfSms have same chromosome set")
# allfn = unique(unlist(fnlist <- lapply(listOfSms, featureNames)))
# if (length(fnlist)>1) {
# for (i in 2:length(fnlist))
# if (!isTRUE(all.equal(fnlist[[i]], fnlist[[1]]))) stop("all smlSets must have same feature set")
# }
# allfi = sapply(lapply(listOfSms, featureNames), length)
# if (inherits(geneinds, "character") & !(all(geneinds %in% allfn)))
# stop("some geneinds not in featureNames of listOfSms elements")
# else if (inherits(geneinds, "numeric") & !(max(geneinds)<=max(allfi)))
# stop("some geneinds not in 1:length(featureNames(sms)) for some sms in listOfSms")
# }
reduceGenes = function( listOfSms, geneinds )
lapply( listOfSms, function(x) x[ geneinds, ] )
intersectSnps = function( listOfSms ) {
nsms = length(listOfSms)
nchr = length(smList(listOfSms[[1]]))
chnames = names(smList(listOfSms[[1]]))
rsidlist = lapply(smList(listOfSms[[1]]), colnames)
if (length(listOfSms) == 1) return(rsidlist)
for (j in 2:nsms)
for (k in 1:length(rsidlist))
rsidlist[[k]] = intersect(rsidlist[[k]], colnames(smList(listOfSms[[j]])[[k]]))
trimSnps = function( listOfSms, rsidlist ) {
ans = list()
cat("making smlSets with common SNPs: \n")
for (j in 1:length(listOfSms)) {
cat("smlSet", j, "\nchrom ")
tmp = listOfSms[[j]]
for (k in 1:length(rsidlist)) {
tmp@smlEnv$smList[[k]] = listOfSms[[j]]@smlEnv$smList[[k]][, rsidlist[[k]]]
ans[[j]] = tmp
names(ans) = names(listOfSms)
checkCommonSNPs = function( listOfSms ) {
if (length(listOfSms) == 1) return(TRUE)
rsidlist = lapply( smList(listOfSms[[1]]), colnames )
for (j in 2:length(listOfSms) ) {
tmp = lapply(smList(listOfSms[[j]]), colnames )
if (length(tmp) != length(rsidlist)) stop("num chroms not common to all elements of listOfSms")
for (k in 1:length(rsidlist))
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(tmp[[k]], rsidlist[[k]]))) {
cat("sms ", j, " chr ", k, "\n")
stop("rsid lists not common across smlsets")
#sumScores2ff = function( listOfSms, gfmlaList, targdir, runname, theCall=call("1"),
# overwriteFF=FALSE, fillNA=TRUE, write=TRUE, ncores, vmode, mc.set.seed, shortfac, ... ) {
# fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep="")
# expd = lapply(listOfSms, experimentData)
# nsms = length(listOfSms)
# nchr = length(smList(listOfSms[[1]]))
# nsnps = sapply(smList(listOfSms[[1]]), ncol)
# chrnames = names(smList(listOfSms[[1]]))
# ngenes = length(featn <- featureNames(listOfSms[[1]]))
# generangetag = paste(featn[1], "_", featn[length(featn)],sep="")
# gnames = featureNames(listOfSms[[1]])
# rslist = lapply(smList(listOfSms[[1]]), colnames)
# filenames = lapply( chrnames, function(x) paste(fnhead, "snpsOnChr",
# x, "_", generangetag, "_df", nsms, ".ff", sep=""))
# if (write) Fflist = lapply(1:nchr, function(x) ff(initdata=0.0,
# dim=c(nsnps[x], ngenes),
# dimnames = list(rslist[[x]], gnames),
# vmode=vmode,
# filename=filenames[[x]],
# overwrite=overwriteFF))
# else Fflist = lapply(1:nchr, function(x) ff(initdata=0.0,
# dim=c(nsnps[x], ngenes),
# dimnames = list(rslist[[x]], gnames),
# vmode=vmode))
## filename=paste(fnhead, "snpsOnChr", x, "_", generangetag, ".ff", sep=""),
## overwrite=overwriteFF)
## )
# indmat = data.matrix(expand.grid( 1:nchr, 1:nsms ))[,c(2,1),drop=FALSE]
# indlist = list()
# for (i in 1:nrow(indmat))
# indlist[[i]] = indmat[i,]
# if ("multicore" %in% search()) { #(is.loaded("mc_fork", PACKAGE="multicore")) {
# mclapply( indlist, function(indvec) {
# i = indvec[1]
# j = indvec[2]
# cat("sms", i, "chr", j, "\n")
# for (k in 1:ngenes) {
# ex <<- exprs(listOfSms[[i]])[k,]
# gfmlaList[[i]][[2]] ="ex")
# tmpc = snp.rhs.tests( gfmlaList[[i]],[[i]])[[j]],
# data=pData(listOfSms[[i]]), family="gaussian", ...)@chisq
# if (fillNA) {
# isna = which(
# if (length(isna)>0)
# tmpc[isna] = rchisq(length(isna), 1)
# }
# if (vmode != "short") shortfac = 1.0
# Fflist[[j]][,k,add=TRUE] = tmpc*shortfac
# } # end k
# }, mc.cores=ncores, mc.set.seed=mc.set.seed) # end j/mclapply
# }
# else {
# lapply( indlist, function(indvec) {
# i = indvec[1]
# j = indvec[2]
# cat("sms", i, "chr", j, "\n")
# for (k in 1:ngenes) {
# ex <<- exprs(listOfSms[[i]])[k,]
# gfmlaList[[i]][[2]] ="ex")
# tmpc = snp.rhs.tests( gfmlaList[[i]],[[i]])[[j]],
# data=pData(listOfSms[[i]]), family="gaussian", ...)@chisq
# if (fillNA) {
# isna = which(
# if (length(isna)>0)
# tmpc[isna] = rchisq(length(isna), 1)
# }
# if (vmode != "short") shortfac = 1.0
# Fflist[[j]][,k,add=TRUE] = tmpc*shortfac
# } # end k
# }) # end j/mclapply
# } # end windows adaptation
# names(Fflist) = chrnames
# ans = list(fflist=Fflist, call=theCall, runname=runname, targdir=targdir,
# generangetag=generangetag,
# filenames=filenames, df=nsms,
# vmode=vmode, shortfac=shortfac, sessionInfo=sessionInfo(), wd=getwd(), expdataList=expd)
# assign(runname, new("multffManager", ans))
# save(list=runname, file=paste(runname, ".rda", sep=""))
# invisible(get(runname))
#diagffCC = function (sms, gfmla, targdir = ".", runname = "foo", overwriteFF = TRUE,
# ncores = 2, vmode = "short", shortfac = 100, mc.set.seed=TRUE, fillNA=TRUE, ...)
# .Deprecated("eqtlTests",,msg="use eqtlTests for GGtools analyses")
# if (!("package:ff" %in% search())) stop("please manually load ff package")
# if (!file.exists(targdir)) stop("targdir must exist prior to invocation of diagffCC")
# theCall =
# if (!is(sms, "smlSet"))
# stop("need smlSet as first arg")
# fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep = "")
# expd = experimentData(sms)
# nchr = length(smList(sms))
# nsnps = sapply(smList(sms), ncol)
# chrnames = names(smList(sms))
# require(annotation(sms), character.only = TRUE)
# annlib = gsub(".db", "", annotation(sms))
# rmap = revmap(get(paste(annlib, "CHR", sep = "")))
# diaglist = list()
# generangetags = list()
# for (i in chrnames) {
# gs = intersect(featureNames(sms), get(as.character(i), rmap))
# diaglist[[i]] = sms[chrnum(i), ]
# diaglist[[i]] = sms[probeId(gs), ]
# generangetags[[i]] = paste(gs[1], "_", gs[length(gs)],
# sep = "")
# }
# genenamelist = lapply(diaglist, function(x) featureNames(x))
# ngenelist = lapply(genenamelist, length)
# rslist = lapply(smList(sms), colnames)
# filenames = lapply(chrnames, function(x) paste(fnhead, "snpsOnChr",
# x, "_", generangetags[[x]], "_df", 1, ".ff", sep = ""))
# Fflist = lapply(1:nchr, function(x) ff(initdata = 0, dim = c(nsnps[x],
# ngenelist[[x]]), dimnames = list(rslist[[x]], genenamelist[[x]]),
# vmode = vmode, filename = filenames[[x]], overwrite = overwriteFF))
# if ("multicore" %in% search()) { #(is.loaded("mc_fork", PACKAGE="multicore")) {
# mclapply(1:nchr, function(curchr) {
# cat("chr", curchr, "\n")
# cursms = diaglist[[curchr]]
# ngenes = length(featureNames(cursms))
# for (k in 1:ngenelist[[curchr]]) {
# ex <<- exprs(cursms)[k, ]
# gfmla[[2]] ="ex")
# tmpc = snp.rhs.tests(gfmla, = smList(cursms)[[curchr]],
# data = pData(cursms), family = "gaussian", ...)@chisq
# if (fillNA) {
# isna = which(
# if (length(isna) > 0)
# tmpc[isna] = rchisq(length(isna), 1)
# }
# if (vmode != "short")
# shortfac = 1
# Fflist[[curchr]][, k, add = TRUE] = tmpc * shortfac
# }
# }, mc.cores = ncores, mc.set.seed = mc.set.seed)
# }
# else {
# lapply(1:nchr, function(curchr) {
# cat("chr", curchr, "\n")
# cursms = diaglist[[curchr]]
# ngenes = length(featureNames(cursms))
# for (k in 1:ngenelist[[curchr]]) {
# ex <<- exprs(cursms)[k, ]
# gfmla[[2]] ="ex")
# tmpc = snp.rhs.tests(gfmla, = smList(cursms)[[curchr]],
# data = pData(cursms), family = "gaussian", ...)@chisq
# if (fillNA) {
# isna = which(
# if (length(isna) > 0)
# tmpc[isna] = rchisq(length(isna), 1)
# }
# if (vmode != "short")
# shortfac = 1
# Fflist[[curchr]][, k, add = TRUE] = tmpc * shortfac
# }
# })
# } # end windows adaptation
# names(Fflist) = chrnames
# ans = list(fflist = Fflist, call = theCall, runname = runname,
# targdir = targdir, generangetags = generangetags, filenames = filenames,
# df = 1, vmode = vmode, shortfac = shortfac, sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
# wd = getwd(), expdataList = expd)
# assign(runname, new("multffManager", ans))
# save(list = runname, file = paste(runname, ".rda", sep = ""))
# invisible(get(runname))
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