reduceGenes = function( listOfSms, geneinds )
lapply( listOfSms, function(x) x[ geneinds, ] )
#eqtlTests = function(smlSet, rhs=~1-1,
# runname="foo", targdir="foo",
# geneApply=lapply,
# shortfac = 100, checkValid=TRUE,
# useUncertain=TRUE,
# glmfamily="gaussian") {
meqtlTests = function(listOfSmls, rhslist,
runname="mfoo", targdir="mfoo", geneApply=lapply,
shortfac = 100, checkValid=TRUE, useUncertain=TRUE,
glmfamily="gaussian") {
theCall =
sess = sessionInfo()
geneindex <- 1
if (missing(glmfamily)) glmfamily="gaussian"
allfeat = lapply(listOfSmls, featureNames)
smlSet1 = listOfSmls[[1]]
fint = allfeat[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(allfeat)) fint = intersect(fint, allfeat[[i]])
if (length(fint)==0) stop("null intersection of featureNames for smlSet list elements")
listOfSmls = reduceGenes( listOfSmls, probeId(fint) )
listOfSmls = makeCommonSNPs( listOfSmls )
smlSet1 = listOfSmls[[1]]
fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep="")
geneNames = featureNames(smlSet1)
chrName = names(smList(smlSet1))
cnames = lapply(listOfSmls, function(x) names(smList(x)))
clens = sapply(cnames,length)
if (any(clens != 1)) stop("all smlSets must have smList of length 1")
ngenes = length(geneNames)
nchr = 1
if (!file.exists(targdir)) dir.create(targdir)
# there will be one ff file per chromosome which will accumulate
# all information across smlSets
targff = paste( fnhead, "chr", chrName, ".ff", sep="" )
allSnpnames = colnames(smList(listOfSmls[[1]])[[1]])
# do validity check
jnk = sapply(listOfSmls, validObject)
if (!all(jnk)) stop("some problem in validity testing after filtering smlSets")
fffile =
ff( initdata = 0, dim=c( length(allSnpnames), ngenes),
dimnames = list(allSnpnames, geneNames), vmode="short",
filename=targff )
# chopped from eqtlTests -- but won't work as such. hack -- just
# develop summaries on first smlSet in list. they don't seem to be
# used anyway, except in topFeats for minMAF or minGTF settings...
summfflist = list()
# if (saveSummaries) {
# get MAF and minGTF for all SNP
sumfn = paste(fnhead, chrName, "_summ.ff", sep="")
if ("multicore" %in% search()) {
summfflist = geneApply( 1:length(chrName), function(i) ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet1)[[i]], sumfn[i],
} else {
for (i in 1:length(sumfn))
summfflist[[chrName[i]]] = ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet1)[[i]], sumfn[i])
# ok, now just save references in object
# }
store = fffile
for (theSS in 1:length(listOfSmls)) {
smlSet = listOfSmls[[theSS]]
snpdata = smList(smlSet)[[1]]
gfun = function(gene) {
geneindex <- geneindex + 1
ex = exprs(smlSet)[gene,]
fmla = formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhslist[[theSS]]),collapse=""), collapse=" "))
numans = snp.rhs.tests(fmla,,
data=pData(smlSet), family=glmfamily, uncertain=useUncertain)@chisq
miss =
if (any(miss)) numans[which(miss)] = 0 #rchisq(length(which(miss)), 1)
store[, gene, add=TRUE] = as.integer(shortfac*numans)
geneApply( geneNames, gfun )
} # end iterate over smlSet list
exdate = date()
new("eqtlTestsManager", fffile=store, call=theCall, sess=sess,
exdate=exdate, shortfac=shortfac, geneanno=annotation(smlSet1),
df=length(listOfSmls), summaryList=summfflist)
} = function (smpackvec = c("GGdata", "hmyriB36"), rhslist = list(~1, ~1), folderstem = "mcisScratch",
radius = 50000, smchr = "20", gchr = "20", schr = "ch20", shortfac=100,
geneApply = lapply, geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db", snpannopk = snplocsDefault(),
SMFilterList = list(
function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05), var.cutoff = 0.97),
function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05), var.cutoff = 0.97)),
exFilterList = list(function(x)x,
function(x)x), doPerm=FALSE, excludeRadius=NULL, SSgen=GGBase::getSS
unlink(folderstem, recursive=TRUE)
cat("get data...")
smsList = lapply(1:length(smpackvec), function(x) SSgen(
smpackvec[x], smchr, exFilter=exFilterList[[x]]))
cat("run smFilter...") # run earlier than in eqtlTests
for (i in 1:length(smsList))
smsList[[i]] = SMFilterList[[i]](smsList[[i]])
# get common featurenames
cat("get common feature names...")
allpn = lapply(smsList, featureNames)
commpn = allpn[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(allpn)) commpn = intersect(commpn, allpn[[i]])
smsList = lapply(smsList, function(x) x[probeId(commpn),]) # common probes established
cat("build map...")
# annotation-based list of SNP within radius of coding region
# of gene
cismapObj = getCisMap(radius = radius, gchr = gchr, schr = schr,
geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk = snpannopk, excludeRadius=excludeRadius)
cismap = namelist(cismapObj)
# map done
# now ensure commonality of mapped probes
allfn = featureNames(smsList[[1]])
okp = intersect(allfn, names(cismap))
if (length(okp) < 1)
stop("no probes common between featureNames and cisMap")
cat("filter probes in map...")
cismap = cismap[okp]
#fsms = sms[probeId(okp),]
smsList = lapply(smsList, function(x) x[probeId(okp),])
# map now agrees with probes in expression component
if (doPerm) {
smsList = lapply(smsList, permEx)
mgr = meqtlTests(smsList, rhslist, targdir = folderstem,
runname = "cis", geneApply = geneApply, shortfac=shortfac)
mff = fffile(mgr)
oksn = rownames(mff)
cismap = lapply(cismap, function(y)intersect(y,oksn))
lc = sapply(cismap, length)
nullc = which(lc == 0)
if (length(nullc)>0) cismap = cismap[-nullc]
# genes to use are now names of cismap
ptested = names(cismap)
lc = sapply(cismap, length)
if (length(ptested) == 0) stop("filtering cismap leads to no mapped probes")
bestcis = geneApply(1:length(ptested), function(pr) {
curpr = ptested[pr]
topind = which.max(mgr[ cismap[[curpr]], curpr])
bestrs = cismap[[curpr]][topind]
ans = as.ram(mgr[bestrs, curpr])
names(ans) = bestrs
bestsnp = sapply(bestcis, names)
names(bestcis) = ptested
ans = data.frame(chr=gchr, probe = ptested, snpid = bestsnp,
score = as.numeric(bestcis), nsnp = lc,
scoredf = ans[order(ans$score, decreasing=TRUE),]
fullans = GRanges(seqnames=gchr, ranges=cismapObj@generanges[scoredf$probe])
fullans$score = scoredf$score # we are assuming that the RangedDat construction does not alter row order!
fullans$snpid = scoredf$snpid
fullans$snploc = start(cismapObj@snplocs[scoredf$snpid])
fullans$radiusUsed = rep(radius, nrow(fullans))
fullans$nsnp = scoredf$nsnp
unlink(folderstem, recursive=TRUE)
} = function (smpackvec = c("GGdata", "hmyriB36"), rhslist = list(~1,~1),
folderstem = "meta.cisScratch", shortfac=100,
radius = 50000,
chrnames = as.character(1:22),
smchrpref = "", gchrpref = "", schrpref = "ch",
geneApply = lapply,
geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
snpannopk = snplocsDefault(),
SMFilterList = list(
function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05), var.cutoff = 0.97),
function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05), var.cutoff = 0.97) ),
exFilterList=list(function(x)x, function(x)x), doPerm=FALSE, excludeRadius=NULL
) {
ans = lapply( chrnames, function(ch) {
smchr = paste(smchrpref, ch, sep="")
gchr = paste(gchrpref, ch, sep="")
schr = paste(schrpref, ch, sep="") = smpackvec, rhslist = rhslist,
folderstem = folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
smchr = smchr, gchr = gchr, schr = schr,
geneApply = geneApply, geneannopk = geneannopk,
snpannopk = snpannopk, SMFilterList=SMFilterList,
exFilterList=exFilterList, doPerm=doPerm, excludeRadius=excludeRadius )
ans = as(, ans), "GRanges") # GRanges just need c for combination; then mix spaces
ans[order(elementMetadata(ans)$score, decreasing=TRUE),]
} = function(smpackvec = c("GGdata", "hmyriB36"),
rhslist=list(~1,~1), folderstem="cisScratch", radius=50000, shortfac=100,
chrnames = as.character(1:22),
smchrpref = "", gchrpref = "", schrpref = "ch",
geneApply = lapply,
geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
snpannopk = snplocsDefault(),
SMFilterList = list(
function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05), var.cutoff = 0.97),
function(x) nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower = 0.05), var.cutoff = 0.97) ),
exFilterList=list(function(x)x, function(x)x), nperm=2, excludeRadius=NULL) {
theCall =
obs = smpackvec = smpackvec,
rhslist=rhslist, folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
chrnames = chrnames, smchrpref=smchrpref,
gchrpref=gchrpref, schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply,
geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk=snpannopk,
SMFilterList = SMFilterList, exFilterList=exFilterList, excludeRadius=excludeRadius)
permans = list()
alls = numeric()
fdrs = numeric()
if (nperm > 0) {
for (j in 1:nperm) {
permans[[j]] = smpackvec = smpackvec,
rhslist=rhslist, folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
chrnames = chrnames, smchrpref=smchrpref,
gchrpref=gchrpref, schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply,
geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk=snpannopk, exFilterList=exFilterList,
SMFilterList = SMFilterList, doPerm=TRUE, excludeRadius=excludeRadius) # apply permEx over each filter
alls = unlist(lapply(permans, function(x)elementMetadata(x)$score))
fdrs = sapply(elementMetadata(obs)$score, function(x) (sum(alls>=x)/nperm)/sum(elementMetadata(obs)$score>=x))
elementMetadata(obs)$fdr = fdrs
obs = obs[order(elementMetadata(obs)$fdr),]
} # if nperm == 0, most of following will be empty, but just want scoregr
new("mcwBestCis", scoregr=obs, allperm=alls, theCall=theCall,
chromUsed=chrnames, nperm=nperm)
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