
Defines functions getPeaks getPeaks.old

Documented in getPeaks

getPeaks.old <-
function(gr, window.size = 20L, step = 20L, bg.window.size = 5000L,
    min.reads = 10L, min.SNratio = 2, maxP = 0.05,
    n.cores.max = 6, stats = c("poisson", "nbinom"),
    p.adjust.methods = 
    c( "none", "BH", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BY", "fdr"))
    message("Validating input ...");
    if (missing(gr)) {
        stop("Missing required argument gr!")
    if (!is(gr, "GRanges")) {
        stop("No valid gr passed in. It needs to be GRanges object")
    stats <- match.arg(stats)
    p.adjust.methods <- match.arg(p.adjust.methods)
    plus.gr = subset(gr, strand(gr) == "+")
    minus.gr = subset(gr, strand(gr) == "-")
    if (length(plus.gr) >= 2)
        message("prepare for plus strand ...");
        plus.runsum <- .getStrandedCoverage(plus.gr, window.size = window.size,
            bg.window.size = bg.window.size, min.reads = min.reads,
            strand = "+")
        if (length(minus.gr) >= 2)
            message("prepare for minus strand ...");
            minus.runsum <- .getStrandedCoverage(minus.gr, 
                window.size = window.size,
                bg.window.size = bg.window.size, min.reads = min.reads,
                strand = "-")
            both.runsum <- c(plus.runsum, minus.runsum)
            both.runsum <- plus.runsum
    else if (length(minus.gr) >= 2)
        message("prepare for minus strand ...");
        both.runsum <- .getStrandedCoverage(minus.gr, window.size = window.size,
            bg.window.size = bg.window.size, 
            min.reads = min.reads, strand = "-")
        stop("too few reads for peak calling! \n")
    message("call peaks ...");
    if (!exists("both.runsum"))
        stop("no peaks found! \n")
    if (stats == "poisson")
        both.runsum$p.value <- ppois(as.numeric(both.runsum$count),
            lambda = as.numeric(both.runsum$bg), lower.tail = FALSE,
            log.p = FALSE)
    else if (stats == "nbinom")
        both.runsum$p.value <- pnbinom(as.numeric(both.runsum$count),
            mu = as.numeric(both.runsum$bg),
            size = window.size, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
    both.runsum$SNratio <- 
    n.cores <- detectCores()
    n.cores <- min(n.cores.max, n.cores, 
    if (n.cores > 1)
        cl <- makeCluster(n.cores)
        clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("both.runsum", ".locMaxPos"),
            envir = environment()) 
        clusterExport(cl, varlist =  c("window.size", "step", "min.reads"),
            envir = environment())
        local.max.gr <- do.call(c, parLapply(cl, seqnames(seqinfo(both.runsum)),
            function(chr) {
            message("processing chromosome", chr, "\n")
            this.gr <- subset(both.runsum, seqnames(both.runsum) == chr & 
                strand(both.runsum) == "+")
            minus.gr <- subset(both.runsum, seqnames(both.runsum) == chr & 
                strand(both.runsum) == "-")
            #max.pos <- which(diff(sign(diff(as.numeric(
            if (length(this.gr) >= 1) {
                max.pos <- .locMaxPos(this.gr, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                plus.grs <- this.gr[start(this.gr) %in% max.pos]
                max.pos2 <- .locMaxPos(plus.grs, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                plus.grs2 <- plus.grs[start(plus.grs) %in% max.pos2]
                if (length(minus.gr) >= 1) {
                    max.pos <- .locMaxPos(minus.gr, window.size = window.size,
                        step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                    minus.grs <- minus.gr[start(minus.gr) %in% max.pos]
                    max.pos2 <- .locMaxPos(minus.grs, window.size = window.size,
                        step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                    minus.grs2 <- minus.grs[start(minus.grs) %in% max.pos2]
                    max.gr <- c(plus.grs2, minus.grs2)
                else {
                    max.gr <- plus.grs2
            else if (length(minus.gr) >= 1) {
                max.pos <- .locMaxPos(minus.gr, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                minus.grs <- minus.gr[start(minus.gr) %in% max.pos]
                max.pos2 <- .locMaxPos(minus.grs, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                max.gr <- minus.grs[start(minus.grs) %in% max.pos2]
            else {
                max.gr = GRanges()
        local.max.gr <- do.call(c, unname(by(both.runsum, seqnames(both.runsum),
            function(chr.gr) {
            if (length(chr.gr) > 1L) {
                message("processing chromosome: ", seqnames(chr.gr)[1L])
            plus.gr <- subset(chr.gr, strand == "+")
            minus.gr <- subset(chr.gr, strand == "-")
            if (length(plus.gr) >= 1) {
                max.pos <- .locMaxPos(plus.gr, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                plus.grs <- plus.gr[start(plus.gr) %in% max.pos]
                max.pos2 <- .locMaxPos(plus.grs, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                plus.grs2 <- plus.grs[start(plus.grs) %in% max.pos2]
                if (length(minus.gr) >= 1) {
                    max.pos <- .locMaxPos(minus.gr, window.size = window.size,
                        step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                    minus.grs2 <- minus.gr[start(minus.gr) %in% max.pos]
                    #minus.grs <- minus.gr[start(minus.gr) %in% max.pos]
                    #max.pos2 <- .locMaxPos(minus.grs, window.size = window.size,
                    #    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                    #minus.grs2 <- minus.grs[start(minus.grs) %in% max.pos2]
                    max.gr <- c(plus.grs2, minus.grs2)
                else {
                    max.gr <- plus.grs2
            else if (length(minus.gr) >= 1) {
                max.pos <- .locMaxPos(minus.gr, window.size = window.size,
                    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                minus.grs <- minus.gr[start(minus.gr) %in% max.pos]
                #max.pos2 <- .locMaxPos(minus.grs, window.size = window.size,
                #    step = step, min.reads = min.reads)
                #max.gr <- minus.grs[start(minus.grs) %in% max.pos2]
                max.gr <- minus.grs[start(minus.grs) %in% max.pos]
            else {
                max.gr = GRanges()
        }, simplify=FALSE)))
    both.runsum.bk <- both.runsum
    both.runsum <- local.max.gr
    if (length(both.runsum) > 0)
        if (p.adjust.methods != "none")
            both.runsum$adjusted.p.value <- p.adjust(both.runsum$p.value,
                method = p.adjust.methods)
            peaks <- subset(both.runsum, both.runsum$adjusted.p.value <= maxP & 
                both.runsum$SNratio >= min.SNratio)
            peaks <- subset(both.runsum, both.runsum$p.value <= maxP & 
                both.runsum$SNratio >= min.SNratio)
    else {
       peaks <- both.runsum
    list(peaks = peaks, both.runsum.bk = both.runsum.bk, 
        summarized.count = both.runsum)

getPeaks <-
    function(gr, window.size = 20L, step = 20L, bg.window.size = 5000L,
             min.reads = 10L, min.SNratio = 2, maxP = 0.05,
             stats = c("poisson", "nbinom"),
             p.adjust.methods = 
                 c( "none", "BH", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni",
                   "BY", "fdr"))
    if (missing(gr)) {
        stop("Missing required argument gr!")
    if (!is(gr, "GRanges")) {
        stop("No valid gr passed in. It needs to be GRanges object")
    stats <- match.arg(stats)
    p.adjust.methods <- match.arg(p.adjust.methods)
    plus.gr = subset(gr, strand(gr) == "+")
    minus.gr = subset(gr, strand(gr) == "-")
    if (length(plus.gr) < 2 && length(minus.gr) < 2) {
        stop("too few reads for peak calling!")
    plus.runsum <- minus.runsum <- GRanges(score = integer())
    if (length(plus.gr) >= 2) {
        message("computing coverage for plus strand ...")
        plus.runsum <- .getStrandedCoverage2(plus.gr, window.size = window.size,
                                             bg.window.size = bg.window.size,
                                             min.reads = min.reads,
                                             strand = "+")
    if (length(minus.gr) >= 2) {
        message("computing coverage for minus strand ...")
        minus.runsum <- .getStrandedCoverage2(minus.gr, 
                                              window.size = window.size,
                                              bg.window.size = bg.window.size,
                                              min.reads = min.reads,
                                              strand = "-")
    both.runsum <- c(plus.runsum, minus.runsum)
    if (length(both.runsum) > 0)
        message("call peaks ...")
        both.runsum$p.value <- if (stats == "poisson") {
            ppois(score(both.runsum), lambda = both.runsum$bg,
              lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
        } else if (stats == "nbinom") {
            pnbinom(score(both.runsum), mu = both.runsum$bg,
                size = window.size, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
        both.runsum$SNratio <- score(both.runsum)/both.runsum$bg

        locMaxForChrStrand <- function(strand.gr) {
            if(length(strand.gr) > 0) 
                max.pos <- .locMaxPos2(strand.gr, 
                    window.size = window.size, step = step)
                .findProminentPeaks(strand.gr[start(strand.gr) %in% max.pos],
                            window.size - 1L)
        locMaxForChr <- function(chr.gr) {
           if (length(chr.gr) == 0L) {
           message("finding local max for chromosome: ", seqnames(chr.gr)[1L])
           plus.gr <- subset(chr.gr, strand == "+")
           minus.gr <- subset(chr.gr, strand == "-")

         loc.max.chr <- lapply(split(both.runsum, seqnames(both.runsum)),
         loc.max.gr <- do.call(c, unname(loc.max.chr))

             == "score"]  <-  "count"
         both.runsum.bk <- both.runsum
         both.runsum <- loc.max.gr
          == "score"]  <-  "count"

         both.runsum$adjusted.p.value <- p.adjust(both.runsum$p.value,
                                             method = p.adjust.methods)
         if (length(both.runsum) > 0)
             peaks <- subset(both.runsum,
                    adjusted.p.value <= maxP & SNratio >= min.SNratio)
             peaks <- GRanges() 
         list(peaks = peaks, both.runsum.bk = both.runsum.bk, 
             summarized.count = both.runsum)
         list(peaks = both.runsum, both.runsum.bk = both.runsum,
             summarized.count = both.runsum)

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GUIDEseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:27 p.m.