fgseaRes: A sample output from fgsea

Description Details References


A sample output object as created from a call to the fgsea() function, in the fgsea package, as a practical framework for performing GSEA


This object has been created on the data from the macrophage package by analyzing downstream the differentially expressed genes when comparing IFNg treated samples vs naive samples, accounting for the different cell lines included.

Details on how this object has been created are included in the create_gt_data.R script, included in the scripts folder of the GeneTonic package.


Alasoo, et al. "Shared genetic effects on chromatin and gene expression indicate a role for enhancer priming in immune response", Nature Genetics, January 2018 doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0046-7.

GeneTonic documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:27 p.m.