
Defines functions glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet glimmaMA.DGEExact glimmaMA.MArrayLM glimmaMA

Documented in glimmaMA glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet glimmaMA.DGEExact glimmaMA.MArrayLM

#' Glimma MA Plot

#' Generic function for drawing a two-panel interactive MA plot, a special case of the
#' glimmaXY plot.

#' The function invokes the following methods which depend on the class of the first argument:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{glimmaMA.MArrayLM}} for limma analysis
#'   \item \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGEExact}} for edgeR analysis, produced from \code{\link{exactTest}}
#'   \item \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGELRT}} for edgeR analysis, produced from \code{\link{glmLRT}}
#'   \item \code{\link{glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet}} for DESeq2 analysis }
#' @param x the DE object to plot.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the plots produced. See specific methods for detailed arguments.
#' @eval MA_details()
#' @examples
#' methods(glimmaMA) # show methods for glimmaMA
#' @export
glimmaMA <- function(x, ...)

#' Glimma MA Plot
#' Draws a two-panel interactive MA plot from an MArrayLM object. This is a special case of the
#' \code{glimmaXY} plot.
#' @param x \code{MArrayLM} object from which summary statistics are extracted from to create
#' summary (left) plot.
#' @param dge \code{DGEList} object with \code{nrow(x)} rows from which expression values are
#' extracted from to create expression (right) plot. Gene counts are taken from \code{dge$counts}
#' and sample groups from \code{dge$samples$group}.
#' @param counts numeric matrix with \code{nrow(x)} rows containing gene expression values.
#' This can be used to replace raw gene counts from \code{dge$counts} with transformed counts
#' e.g. logCPM or logRPKM values.
#' @param groups vector of length \code{ncol(dge)} representing categorisation of samples in
#' expression plot.
#' @param coef integer indicating the column in \code{x} from the summary plot is created.
#' @param status vector of length \code{nrow(x)} indicating the status of each gene.
#' By default genes in the summary plot are coloured based on its differential expression status
#' using an adjusted p-value cutoff of 5\% by calling the \code{limma::decideTests} function, where
#' the value of -1 marks down-regulated genes, 0 marks genes with no expression difference, and
#' 1 marks up-regulated genes.
#' @param anno dataframe with \code{nrow(x)} rows containing gene annotations.
#' @param display.columns character vector containing names of columns from \code{anno} from
#' which to display in mouseover tooltips and table.
#' @param status.cols vector of length 3 containing valid CSS strings for colours associated
#' with \code{status}  in the order of -1, 0 and 1.
#' @param sample.cols character vector of length \code{ncol(counts)} containing valid CSS strings
#' for colours associated with each sample to be displayed on the expression plot. If left
#' unspecified, samples will be coloured according to \code{groups}.
#' @param p.adj.method character string specifying p-value adjustment method.
#' @param transform.counts the type of transform used on the counts log-cpm by default.
#' \code{edgeR::cpm(counts, log=TRUE)}; defaults to FALSE.
#' @param main character string for the main title of summary plot.
#' @param xlab character string for the x-axis label of summary plot.
#' @param ylab character string for the y-axis label of summary plot.
#' @param html character string for naming HTML file for exportation of widget. The extension
#' should be included in the file name e.g. "file.html".
#' @param width numeric value indicating width of widget in pixels.
#' @param height numeric value indicating width of height in pixels.
#' @param ... addition unused arguments.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glimmaMA}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGEExact}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGELRT}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet}}
#' @eval MA_details()
#' @examples
#' dge <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/dge.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' design <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/design.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' contr.matrix <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/contr.matrix.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' v <- limma::voom(dge, design)
#' vfit <- limma::lmFit(v, design)
#' vfit <- limma::contrasts.fit(vfit, contrasts = contr.matrix)
#' efit <- limma::eBayes(vfit)
#' glimmaMA(efit, dge = dge)
#' @importFrom limma decideTests
#' @export
glimmaMA.MArrayLM <- function(
  dge = NULL,
  display.columns = NULL,
  status.cols=c("dodgerblue", "silver", "firebrick"),
  p.adj.method = "BH",
  transform.counts = c("logcpm", "cpm", "rpkm", "none"),
  width = 920,
  height = 920,
  transform.counts <- match.arg(transform.counts)
  # check if the number of rows of x and the dge object are equal
  if (nrow(x) != nrow(dge)) stop("Summary object must have equal rows/genes to expression object.")

  # create initial table with logCPM and logFC features
  table <- data.frame(signif(unname(x$Amean), digits=4),
                      signif(unname(x$coefficients[, coef]), digits=4))
  names(table) <- c(xlab, ylab)
  AdjPValue <- signif(stats::p.adjust(x$p.value[, coef], method=p.adj.method), digits=4)
  table <- cbind(table, PValue=signif(x$p.value[, coef], digits=4), AdjPValue=AdjPValue)
  table <- cbind(gene=rownames(x), table)
  if (is.matrix(status)) status <- status[, coef]
  xData <- buildXYData(table, status, main, display.columns, anno, counts, xlab, ylab, status.cols, sample.cols, groups, transform.counts)
  return(glimmaXYWidget(xData, width, height, html))

#' Glimma MA Plot
#' Draws a two-panel interactive MA plot from an DGEExact object. This is a special case of the
#' \code{glimmaXY} plot.
#' @inheritParams glimmaMA.MArrayLM
#' @param x DGEExact object from which summary statistics are extracted from to create summary (left) plot.
#' @param status vector of length nrow(x) indicating the status of each gene. By default genes in the summary plot are
#' coloured based on its differential expression status using an adjusted p-value cutoff of 0.05
#' by calling the \code{edgeR::decideTestsDGE()} function, where the value of -1 marks down-regulated genes, 0 marks genes with no
#' expression difference, and 1 marks up-regulated genes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glimmaMA}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.MArrayLM}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGELRT}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet}}
#' @eval MA_details()
#' @examples
#' dge <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/dge.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' design <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/design.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' contr.matrix <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/contr.matrix.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' dge <- edgeR::estimateDisp(dge, design)
#' gfit <- edgeR::glmFit(dge, design)
#' glrt <- edgeR::glmLRT(gfit, design, contrast = contr.matrix)
#' glimmaMA(glrt, dge = dge)
#' @importFrom edgeR decideTestsDGE
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
glimmaMA.DGEExact <- function(
  display.columns = NULL,
  status.cols=c("dodgerblue", "silver", "firebrick"),
  p.adj.method = "BH",
  transform.counts = c("logcpm", "cpm", "rpkm", "none"),
  width = 920,
  height = 920,
  transform.counts <- match.arg(transform.counts)
  # check if the number of rows of x and the dge object are equal
  if (nrow(x) != nrow(dge)) stop("Summary object must have equal rows/genes to expression object.")

  table <- data.frame(signif(x$table$logCPM, digits=4),
                      signif(x$table$logFC, digits=4))

  names(table) <- c(xlab, ylab)
  AdjPValue <- signif(stats::p.adjust(x$table$PValue, method=p.adj.method), digits=4)
  table <- cbind(table, PValue=signif(x$table$PValue, digits=4), AdjPValue=AdjPValue)
  table <- cbind(gene=rownames(x), table)
  xData <- buildXYData(table, status, main, display.columns, anno, counts, xlab, ylab, status.cols, sample.cols, groups, transform.counts)
  return(glimmaXYWidget(xData, width, height, html))

#' Glimma MA Plot
#' Draws a two-panel interactive MA plot from an DGELRT object. This is a special case of the
#' \code{glimmaXY} plot.
#' @inheritParams glimmaMA.DGEExact
#' @param x DGELRT object from which summary statistics are extracted from to create summary (left) plot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glimmaMA}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.MArrayLM}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGEExact}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet}}
#' @eval MA_details()
#' @importFrom edgeR decideTestsDGE
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
glimmaMA.DGELRT <- glimmaMA.DGEExact

#' Glimma MA Plot
#' Draws a two-panel interactive MA plot from an DESeqDataSet object. This is a special case of the
#' \code{glimmaXY} plot.
#' @inheritParams glimmaMA.MArrayLM
#' @param x DESeqDataSet object from which summary statistics are extracted from to create summary (left) plot.
#' @param status vector of length nrow(x) indicating the status of each gene.
#' @param counts numeric matrix with nrow(x) rows containing gene expression values.
#' @param groups vector/factor representing the experimental group for each sample; see \code{\link{extractGroups}} for default value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glimmaMA}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.MArrayLM}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGEExact}}, \code{\link{glimmaMA.DGELRT}}
#' @eval MA_details()
#' @examples
#' dge <- readRDS(
#'   system.file("RNAseq123/dge.rds", package = "Glimma"))
#' dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
#'   countData = dge$counts,
#'   colData = dge$samples,
#'   rowData = dge$genes,
#'   design = ~group
#' )
#' dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, quiet=TRUE)
#' glimmaMA(dds)
#' @importFrom DESeq2 results counts
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @export
glimmaMA.DESeqDataSet  <- function(
  display.columns = NULL,
  status.cols=c("dodgerblue", "silver", "firebrick"),
  transform.counts = c("logcpm", "cpm", "rpkm", "none"),
  main="MA Plot",
  width = 920,
  height = 920,
  transform.counts <- match.arg(transform.counts)
  res.df <- as.data.frame(DESeq2::results(x))

  # filter out genes that have missing data
  complete_genes <- complete.cases(res.df)
  res.df <- res.df[complete_genes, ]
  x <- x[complete_genes, ]

  total_genes <- length(complete_genes)
  filtered_genes <- sum(!complete_genes)
  message(filtered_genes, " of ", total_genes, " genes were filtered out in DESeq2 tests")

  # extract status if it is not given
  if (is.null(status))
    status <- ifelse(
      res.df$padj < 0.05,
      ifelse(res.df$log2FoldChange < 0, -1, 1),
    if (length(status)!=length(complete_genes)) stop("Status vector
      must have the same number of genes as the main arguments.")
    status <- status[complete_genes]

  # create initial table with logCPM and logFC features
  table <- data.frame(signif(log(res.df$baseMean + 0.5), digits=4),
                      signif(res.df$log2FoldChange, digits=4))
  colnames(table) <- c(xlab, ylab)
  table <- cbind(table, PValue=signif(res.df$pvalue, digits=4), AdjPValue=signif(res.df$padj, digits=4))
  table <- cbind(gene=rownames(x), table)
  xData <- buildXYData(table, status, main, display.columns, anno, counts, xlab, ylab, status.cols, sample.cols, groups, transform.counts)
  return(glimmaXYWidget(xData, width, height, html))

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Glimma documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:13 p.m.