
Defines functions .check_con .get_path .get_env_url .get_env_netrc check_netrc write_netrc interactive_netrc

Documented in check_netrc interactive_netrc write_netrc

#' Interactively write a netrc file
#' Write a netrc file that is valid for accessing ImmuneSpace
#' @return A netrc file that is verified to connect to ImmuneSpace
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' interactive_netrc()
#' }
#' @export
interactive_netrc <- function() {
  # generate netrc path
  filepath <- .get_path()
  overwrite <- ""

  # check if netrc exists
  if (file.exists(filepath)) {
    message("A netrc file already exists!")
    message("***Printing existing netrc to console***")
    cat(readChar(filepath, nchars = 10000))
    overwrite <- readline(prompt = "Overwrite current netrc? [Y / n] ")

  # write netrc
  if (toupper(overwrite) == "Y" | overwrite == "") {
    login <- readline("What is your ImmuneSpace login email?  ")
    password <- readline("What is your ImmuneSpace password?  ")
    chk <- .check_con(login, password)

    if (chk == TRUE) {
      message("writing netrc to ", filepath)
      cat("machine www.immunespace.org\nlogin ", login, "\npassword ", password, "\n", file = filepath)
  } else {
    # don't overwrite - validate available netrc
    chk <- .check_con()


#' Write a netrc file
#' Write a netrc file that is valid for accessing ImmuneSpace
#' @param login A \code{character}. The email address used for loging in on
#'  ImmuneSpace.
#' @param password A \code{character}. The password associated with the login.
#' @param machine A \code{character}. The server to connect.
#' @param file A \code{character}. The credentials will be written into that
#'  file. If left NULL, the netrc will be written into a temporary file.
#' @return A character vector containing the file paths for netrc
#' @examples
#' write_netrc("immunespaceuser@gmail.com", "mypassword")
#' @export
write_netrc <- function(login,
                        machine = "www.immunespace.org",
                        file = NULL) {
  string <- paste0(
    "machine ", machine, "\n",
    "login ", login, "\n",
    "password ", password, "\n"
  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- tempfile()
  } else if (file.exists(file)) {
    stop("The file you are trying to write to already exists. Remove manually if you wish to overwrite.")
  write(string, file)

#' Check netrc file
#' Check that there is a netrc file with a valid entry for ImmuneSpace.
#' @return The name of the netrc file
#' @details
#' In order to connect to ImmuneSpace, you will need a `.netrc` file in your
#' contains a `machine` name (hostname of ImmuneSpace), and `login` and
#' `password`. See [here](https://www.labkey.org/wiki/home/Documentation/page.view?name=netrc)
#' for more information. By default \code{RCurl} will look for the file in your
#' home directoty.
#' If no netrc is available or it is not formatted properly, \code{write_netrc}
#' can be used to write one. Otherwise, when specifying login and password in
#' \code{CreateConnection}, a temporary file will be created for that connection.
#' @seealso CreateConnection write_netrc
#' @examples
#' try(check_netrc())
#' @export
check_netrc <- function() {
  if (exists("labkey.netrc.file", .GlobalEnv)) {
    netrc_file <- labkey.netrc.file
  } else {
    netrc_file <- "~/.netrc"
  if (!file.exists(netrc_file)) {
    stop("There is no netrc file. Use `write_netrc`")
  } else {
    print(paste("netrc file found at", netrc_file))
  lines <- readLines(netrc_file)
  lines <- gsub("http.*//", "", lines)
  if (length(grep("machine\\swww.immunespace.org", lines)) == 0) {
    stop("No entry found for www.immunespace.org in the netrc file.")
  print("The netrc looks valid.")

# Get (and create) temporary netrc file from environment variables
.get_env_netrc <- function() {
  ISR_login <- Sys.getenv("ISR_login")
  ISR_pwd <- Sys.getenv("ISR_pwd")
  ISR_machine <- ifelse(Sys.getenv("ISR_machine") == "",
  if (ISR_login != "" & ISR_pwd != "") {
    write_netrc(login = ISR_login, password = ISR_pwd, machine = ISR_machine)

# Get labkey.url.base from environment variable
# Ensure secure connection for server
# Allow ISCon.R `.get_url_base` method to handle local
# for use with UITesting controlled by .Renviron file
.get_env_url <- function() {
  machine <- Sys.getenv("ISR_machine")
  # if blank, then use production
  if (machine == "") {

  if (grepl("immunespace", machine)) {
    return(paste0("https://", machine))

  # If not blank or containing 'immunespace' assume local
  # and do not add 'https' since no ssl/tsl certs

# get the path to where a netrc file should be
.get_path <- function() {
  home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
  netrc <- ifelse(.Platform[[1]] == "unix", ".netrc", "_netrc")
  filepath <- paste0(home, "/", netrc)

# check that user can connect to IS with netrc file
.check_con <- function(login = NULL, passwd = NULL) {
  # try to connect to IS -- if no connection return NA
  if (!is.null(login)) {
    message("Validating netrc ...")
    con <- tryCatch(CreateConnection(study = "SDY269", login = login, password = passwd),
      error = function(e) {
  } else {
    message("Validating netrc ...")
    con <- tryCatch(CreateConnection(study = "SDY269"),
      error = function(e) {
  if (is.null(con)) {
    message("Cannot connect to ImmuneSpace with current netrc information -- check login and password for errors")
  } else {
    message("Ability to connect to ImmuneSpace with netrc confirmed")

Try the ImmuneSpaceR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ImmuneSpaceR documentation built on Dec. 21, 2020, 2:01 a.m.