
Defines functions heatColors apply2 color2transparentVector color2transparent make.evenly.spaced.seq.minor make.evenly.spaced.seq get.sig.genes add.gene.name.annotation getBPParam getMyApply getPlottingDeviceFunc overmerge.list f.na strStartsWith getPlottingDeviceFileExtension fit.character.vector.helper fit.character.vector shrink.character.vector shrink.character.vector.VERT strheightSRT90 convertHeightToWidth convertWidthToHeight fit.vert fit.title reportTimeAndDiff getTimeAndDiff timediff timestamp get.character.dim device.limits plotting.limits make.progress.report.fcn reportMem advlines simpleReportMem truncateAggregateGene loadAndCleanJSCS simpleDeparse

#Minor utility functions. 
# Many of these are copied-over from my other package, QoRTs.
# Some of them were copied from here TO QoRTs.
#These utility functions are not exported, but do a bunch of minor handy stuff,
#  like autofit text into a space, or return the device limits in user units,
#  or activate a new plotting device from an array of options.
#Feel free to copy this over to your own code, if you so desire.
#This file is "United States Government Work" 
#under the terms of the United States Copyright Act.  
#It was written as part of the authors' official duties for the 
#United States Government and thus those portions cannot be 
#copyrighted.  Those portions of this software are freely 
#available to the public for use without a copyright notice.  
#Restrictions cannot be placed on its present or future use.
#Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the 
#accuracy and reliability of the software and data, the National 
#Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and the U.S. Government 
#does not and cannot warrant the performance or results that may 
#be obtained by using this software or data.  NHGRI and the U.S. 
#Government disclaims all warranties as to performance, 
#merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

  expr = "expr",
  normCounts = "normCts",
  rExpr = "rExpr",
  rawCounts = "rawCts"

IMAGE.NAMES <- unlist(lapply(IMAGE.NAME.MAP,function(n){ paste0(n,c("",IMAGE.NAME.TX)) }));

simpleDeparse <- function(d){

loadAndCleanJSCS <- function(infile){
  jscs@DESeqDataSet <- new("DESeqDataSet");
  jscs@fittedMu <- matrix();
  jscs@countVectors <- matrix();

truncateAggregateGene <- function(g){
  truncAG <- function(x){
    if(! grepl("+",x,fixed=TRUE)){
    } else {
      cells = strsplit(x,"+",fixed=TRUE)[[1]];
      if(length(cells) > 2){
      } else {
  if(length(g) == 1){
  } else {

simpleReportMem <- function(){
     if(requireNamespace("pryr", quietly=TRUE)){
       message("Mem used:")

advlines <- function(x, y, col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = 1, secondary = FALSE, secondary.col = col, secondary.alpha = 100, secondary.lty = 1, secondary.lwd = lwd / 4, ...){
    lines(x, y,col= color2transparentVector(secondary.col, secondary.alpha), lty = secondary.lty, lwd = secondary.lwd, ...)
  lines(x, y,col=col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,...)


reportMem <- function(jscs){
    if(requireNamespace("pryr", quietly=TRUE)){
      message("     Total mem_used(): ",pryr::mem_used())
      message("     Memory Usage:")
      message("        jscs: ", format(object.size(jscs), units="auto"))
      message("        fData(jscs): ",format(object.size(fData(jscs)),"auto"))
      message("        pData(jscs): ",format(object.size(pData(jscs)),"auto"))
      message("        jscs@fittedMu: ",format(object.size(jscs@fittedMu),"auto"))
      message("        counts(jscs): ", format(object.size(counts(jscs)), units="auto"))
      message("        jscs@geneCountData: ", format(object.size(jscs@geneCountData), units="auto"))
      message("        jscs@countVectors: ", format(object.size(jscs@countVectors), units="auto"));      
      message("        jscs@flatGffData: ", format(object.size(jscs@flatGffData), units="auto"))
      message("        jscs@DESeqDataSet : ", format(object.size(jscs@DESeqDataSet), units="auto"))

make.progress.report.fcn <- function(maxVal, numReports, reportStringPrefix){
  reportIndices <- pretty(c(1,maxVal), numReports)
      if(any(i == reportIndices)){
        message(paste0(reportStringPrefix,i," of ",maxVal,"","(",date(),")"))

plotting.limits <- function(){
   usr <- par("usr")
   x.log <- par("xlog")
   y.log <- par("ylog")
   x.out <- c(usr[1],usr[2])
   if(x.log) x.out <- 10 ^ x.out
   y.out <- c(usr[3],usr[4])
   if(y.log) y.out <- 10 ^ y.out
   out <- c(x.out, y.out)

device.limits <- function(){
    usr <- par("usr")
    plt <- par("plt")
    x.log <- par("xlog")
    y.log <- par("ylog")

    x.plotfrac <- plt[2] - plt[1]
    x.range <- usr[2] - usr[1]
    x.adjust <- x.range / x.plotfrac
    x.out <- c(usr[1] - (plt[1] * x.adjust), usr[2] + ((1 - plt[2]) * x.adjust))
    if(x.log) x.out <- 10 ^ x.out

    y.plotfrac <- plt[4] - plt[3]
    y.range <- usr[4] - usr[3]
    y.adjust <- y.range / y.plotfrac
    y.out <- c(usr[3] - (plt[3] * y.adjust), usr[4] + ((1 - plt[4]) * y.adjust))
    if(y.log) y.out <- 10 ^ y.out

    out <- c(x.out,y.out)

#Helper function to remember what par("cxy") does:
get.character.dim <- function(){


timestamp <- function(){

timediff <- function(ts){
   return(as.numeric(Sys.time() - ts, units = "secs"))

getTimeAndDiff <- function(ts = NULL){
    return(paste0("[time: ",Sys.time(),"]"))
  } else {
    nts <- Sys.time()
    elapsed <- as.numeric(nts - ts, units = "secs")
    if(elapsed < 1){
      elapsed <- as.character(round(elapsed,digits=2))
    } else {
      elapsed <- floor(elapsed)
    return(paste0("[time: ",nts,"],[elapsed: ",elapsed," secs]"))

reportTimeAndDiff <- function(ts = NULL){


fit.title <- function(title.text){
  plt <- par("plt")
  usr <- par("usr")
  x.dist <- abs(usr[2] - usr[1])
  x.dist.frac <- min(plt[1], 1-plt[2])
  x.frac <- (1 - x.dist.frac - x.dist.frac)
  extra.frac <- 1 + (1 - x.frac)
  out.dist <- x.dist * extra.frac;  
  default.width <- strwidth(title.text, cex = par("cex.main"))
  if(default.width > out.dist){
    return( fit.character.vector.helper(title.text, curr.cex = par("cex.main"), min.width = out.dist * 0.8, max.width = out.dist * 0.975, max.width.per.char = Inf) )
  } else {

fit.vert <- function(title.text, default.cex = par("cex.ylab")){
  plt <- par("plt")
  usr <- par("usr")
  x.dist <- abs(usr[4] - usr[3])
  x.frac <- abs(plt[4] - plt[3])
  extra.frac <- 1 + (1 - x.frac)
  out.dist <- x.dist * extra.frac;  
  default.width <- strwidth(title.text, cex = default.cex)
  if(default.width > out.dist){
    return( fit.character.vector.helper(title.text, curr.cex = default.cex, min.width = out.dist * 0.8, max.width = out.dist, max.width.per.char = Inf) )
  } else {

convertWidthToHeight <- function(x){
  width.per.inch <-  strwidth("X",units="user") / strwidth("X",units="inches")
  height.per.inch <- strheight("X",units="user") / strheight("X",units="inches")
  return(x / width.per.inch * height.per.inch)
convertHeightToWidth <- function(x){
  width.per.inch <-  strwidth("X",units="user") / strwidth("X",units="inches")
  height.per.inch <- strheight("X",units="user") / strheight("X",units="inches")
  return(x / height.per.inch * width.per.inch)

#Alternative version of strheight. Reports the height of a string when plotted with srt = 90. In other words the string width rotated by 90 degrees (in user coordinates).
strheightSRT90 <- function(s, cex = NULL, ...){
   return( strwidth(s, cex = cex, ...) *  strwidth("X",units="inches", cex = cex, ...) / strwidth("X",units="user", cex = cex, ...) * strheight("X",units="user", cex = cex, ...) / strheight("X",units="inches", cex = cex, ...) )

shrink.character.vector.VERT <- function(strs, curr.cex, max.height){
  curr.height <- max(strheightSRT90(strs, cex = curr.cex))
  while(curr.height > max.height){
    curr.cex <- curr.cex * 0.9
    curr.height <- max(strheightSRT90(strs, cex = curr.cex))

shrink.character.vector <- function(strs, curr.cex, max.width){
  curr.width <- max(strwidth(strs, cex = curr.cex))
  while(curr.width > max.width){
    curr.cex <- curr.cex * 0.9
    curr.width <- max(strwidth(strs, cex = curr.cex))

fit.character.vector <- function(strs, min.width = 0.6, max.width = 0.95, max.width.per.char = 0.15){
   curr.cex <- 1
   return(fit.character.vector.helper(strs, curr.cex = curr.cex, min.width = min.width, max.width = max.width, max.width.per.char = max.width.per.char))

fit.character.vector.helper <- function(strs, curr.cex, min.width, max.width, max.width.per.char){
   strs <- strs[nchar(strs) > 0]
   curr.width <- max(strwidth(strs, cex = curr.cex))
   strs.nchar <- max(nchar(strs))
   curr.width.per.char <- curr.width / strs.nchar
   desired.width <- ((max.width - min.width) / 2) + min.width
   new.cex <- curr.cex * (desired.width / curr.width)
   new.width <- max(strwidth(strs, cex = new.cex))
   new.width.per.char <- new.width / strs.nchar
   if(new.width.per.char > max.width.per.char){
      desired.width.per.char <- max.width.per.char
      new.cex.perchar <- curr.cex * (desired.width.per.char / curr.width.per.char)
   } else {


SUPPORTED_PLOTTING_DEVICE_LIST = c("png","x11","current","CairoPNG","svg","tiff","cairo_ps")

getPlottingDeviceFileExtension <- function(d = c("png","x11","current","CairoPNG","svg","tiff","cairo_ps") ){
  use.plotting.device <- match.arg(d)
  if(d == "png" || d == "CairoPNG"){
  } else if(d == "x11" || d == "current"){
  } else if(d == "svg"){
  } else if(d == "tiff"){
  } else if(d == "cairo_ps"){
  } else {

strStartsWith <- function(s, prefix){
  substr(s,1,nchar(prefix)) == prefix
f.na <- function(x){
  ifelse(is.na(x), FALSE,x)

overmerge.list <- function(list.old,list.new){
  list.out <- list.old
  if(length(list.new) > 0){
    for(i in 1:length(list.new)){
      list.out[[names(list.new)[i]]] <- list.new[[i]]

getPlottingDeviceFunc <- function(use.plotting.device = c("png","x11","current","CairoPNG","svg","tiff","cairo_ps"), 
                                  base.plot.units = "px", 
                                  verbose = TRUE, debug.mode = FALSE,
                                  plotting.device.params = list()){
   use.plotting.device <- match.arg(use.plotting.device)
   if(use.plotting.device == "x11"){
       plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 12), plotting.device.params)
       if(base.plot.units == "px"){ unitmod <- 150; 
       } else if(base.plot.units == "in"){ unitmod <- 1; 
       } else { stop("the x11 device only supports inches.") }
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width / unitmod
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: x11(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: x11") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
         #do nothing
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "current"){
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         #do nothing
       closefunc <- function(){
         #do nothing
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "CairoPNG"){
     plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 18, res = 150), plotting.device.params)
     cairo.package.found <- requireNamespace("Cairo", quietly=TRUE)
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width
         plotting.device.params[["units"]] <- base.plot.units
         plotting.device.params[["filename"]] <- paste0(filename,".png")
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: Cairo::CairoPNG(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: Cairo::CairoPNG (",plotting.device.params[["filename"]],")") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
     } else {
       stop("Package Cairo not found! Install package Cairo or use a different plotting device!")
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "CairoSVG"){
     plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 18), plotting.device.params)
     cairo.package.found <- requireNamespace("Cairo", quietly=TRUE)
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         if(base.plot.units == "px"){ unitmod <- 150; } else { unitmod <- 1; }
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["file"]] <- paste0(filename,".svg")
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: Cairo::CairoSVG(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: Cairo::CairoSVG (",plotting.device.params[["filename"]],")") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
     } else {
       stop("Package Cairo not found! Install package Cairo or use a different plotting device!")
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "png"){
     plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 18, res = 150), plotting.device.params)
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width
         plotting.device.params[["units"]] <- base.plot.units
         plotting.device.params[["filename"]] <- paste0(filename,".png")
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device,"(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device," (",plotting.device.params[["filename"]],")") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
     } else {
       stop("png functionality disabled on this installation of R. Reinstall/recompile R with png support, or use a different plotting device!")
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "tiff"){
     plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 18, res = 150, compression = "lzw"), plotting.device.params)
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width
         plotting.device.params[["units"]] <- base.plot.units
         plotting.device.params[["filename"]] <- paste0(filename,".tiff")
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device,"(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device," (",plotting.device.params[["filename"]],")") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
     } else {
       stop("tiff functionality disabled on this installation of R. Reinstall/recompile R with tiff support, or use a different plotting device!")
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "svg"){
     plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 18), plotting.device.params)
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         if(base.plot.units == "px"){ unitmod <- 150; } else { unitmod <- 1; }
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["filename"]] <- paste0(filename,".svg")
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device,"(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device," (",plotting.device.params[["filename"]],")") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
     } else {
       stop("cairo svg functionality disabled on this installation of R. Reinstall/recompile R with svg support, or use a different plotting device!")
   } else if(use.plotting.device == "cairo_ps"){
     plotting.device.params <- overmerge.list(list(pointsize = 18), plotting.device.params)
       plotdevfunc <- function(filename, heightMult, widthMult){
         if(base.plot.units == "px"){ unitmod <- 150; } else { unitmod <- 1; }
         plotting.device.params[["height"]] <- heightMult * base.plot.height / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["width"]] <- widthMult * base.plot.width / unitmod
         plotting.device.params[["filename"]] <- paste0(filename,".ps")
         if(verbose){ if(debug.mode){ message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device,"(",paste0(paste0(names(plotting.device.params),"=",plotting.device.params), collapse=", "),")") } else { message("Starting device: ",use.plotting.device," (",plotting.device.params[["filename"]],")") } }
       closefunc <- function(){
     } else {
       stop("cairo cairo_ps functionality disabled on this installation of R. Reinstall/recompile R with cairo_ps support, or use a different plotting device!")
   } else {
     stop("Unrecognized plotting device name: ",use.plotting.device,"\n   Supported devices are: [",paste0(SUPPORTED_PLOTTING_DEVICE_LIST, collapse = ","),"]")

getMyApply <- function(nCores = 1, verbose = TRUE, allowWindowsMulticore = TRUE, testCapability = TRUE){
   if(! is.numeric(nCores)){
     if(is(nCores, "BiocParallelParam")){
       myApply <- function(X, FUN){ BiocParallel::bplapply( X, FUN, BPPARAM = nCores ) }
     } else {
       stop("Fatal Error: nCores must be either an integer or a BiocParallelParam object")
   } else if(nCores > 1){
     #multicore.package.found <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(require("parallel")))
     #The older version was "enhanced" by BiocParallel. It is now mandatory as of JunctionSeq v0.3.72.
     #BiocParallel.package.found <- TRUE; #suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(require("BiocParallel")))
     if( Sys.info()[['sysname']] == 'Windows' ){
       if(verbose) message(">>> NOTE: Microsoft windows detected. As of BiocParallel v1.2.0 and R 3.1.1, simple multicore forking is not supported on windows. ")
       if(verbose) message("          JunctionSeq will fall-back to single-core operation if necessary.")
       if(verbose) message("    [[Using package \"BiocParallel\" for parallelization. (Using ",nCores," cores)]]")
       if( Sys.info()[['sysname']] == 'Windows' ){
         if(verbose) message(">>> WARNING: attempting to use BiocParallel for multicore functionality. However: On windows machines some versions of BiocParallel appear to run very slowly and do not appear to actually use multiple cores.")
       myApply <- function(X, FUN){ BiocParallel::bplapply( X, FUN, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = nCores) ) }
   } else {
     if(verbose) message("> Using single-core execution.")
     myApply <- lapply
     myApply <- tryCatch({
         test.run <- myApply(1:10, FUN = function(x){2 * x})
       }, error = function(e){
         message(">>> WARNING: Attempted to run some form of multicore lapply, but it threw an error (likely due to an OS conflict).")
         message("    Error follows: ",e)
         message(">>> Falling back to single-core operations!")
         warning("Multicore lapply unavailable. Falling back to single-core operations.")

getBPParam <- function(nCores = 1){
   if(! is.numeric(nCores)){
     if(is(nCores, "BiocParallelParam")){
     } else {
       stop("Fatal Error: nCores must be either an integer or a BiocParallelParam object")
   } else {

######### Front-end Utility Functions:

add.gene.name.annotation <- function(geneIDs,geneNames,merged.results.data){
  out.gene.names <- sapply(merged.results.data$geneID,FUN=function(x){
    gene.index <- which(x == geneIDs)
    if(length(gene.index) == 0){
    } else if(length(gene.index) == 1){
    } else {
  merged.results.data$geneName <- out.gene.names

get.sig.genes <- function(merged.results.data, FDR.threshold=0.01){
  sig.features <- which(merged.results.data$padjust < 0.001)
  sig.genes    <- unique(as.character(merged.results.data$geneID[sig.features]))

make.evenly.spaced.seq <- function(start,end, approx.ct){
   len <- end - start
   tickLen <- signif(len / approx.ct,digits=1)
   return(seq(floor(start / tickLen)*tickLen,ceiling(end / tickLen)*tickLen,by=tickLen))
make.evenly.spaced.seq.minor <- function(start,end, approx.ct, num.ticks.per.main.tick = 10){
   len <- end - start
   tickLen <- signif(len / approx.ct,digits=1)
   return(seq(floor(start / tickLen)*tickLen,ceiling(end / tickLen)*tickLen,by= tickLen / num.ticks.per.main.tick))


color2transparent <- function(c,t){
   r <- col2rgb(c,alpha=TRUE)
   return(rgb(r[1],r[2],r[3],t,maxColorValue = 255))
color2transparentVector <- function(c,t){
   sapply(c, FUN = color2transparent, t = t)
apply2 <- function( X, MARGIN, FUN, ... ) {
   if( length(MARGIN) > 0 ) 
      apply( X, MARGIN, FUN, ... ) 
      FUN( X, ... ) }


#creates heat-colors.
heatColors <- function(x,lim=c(min(x,na.rm=TRUE),max(x,na.rm=TRUE)),colorCt = 1000, color.NA = "gray",spectrum = heat.colors){
   color.spectrum <- rev(spectrum(colorCt + 1));
   normVal <- (x - lim[1]) / (lim[2] - lim[1]);
   normVal <- pmax(0,normVal);
   normVal <- pmin(normVal,1);
   color.idx <- pmin( floor( normVal * colorCt ) + 1,colorCt);

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JunctionSeq documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:57 p.m.